Various Commenters #elitist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut
RE: Nearly One Year After George Floyd’s Murder, Black and White Americans Have Very Different Views on Race
61% of Black Americans reported often or sometimes experiencing discrimination, while 84% of white respondents said they had rarely or never experienced it.
The difference is blacks wallow in victimhood and White people are getting sick, tired and fed up with it.
I wish you were right. But many Whites feel guilty.
Let us be blunt. Both Blacks, Whites, different factions, all their views on race is wrong. Totally crazy wrong like Biden and the SJW, or somewhat wrong on Fox. And we are the only ones that are right, let us say that openly. We respect science and statistics. Only us. All others are busy solving imaginary problems, falsifying crime statistics, misinforming the public, etc
more than half of respondents predicted that race relations would be better for future generations than they are now
That must be the white-nationalist cohort confidently expecting the establishment of separate ethnostates.
(Matthew D. Cragg)
On what basis would they believe race relations will improve in the future?
Blacks need more "gibs me dat" and lots of high paying jobs to sit in front of a computer all day long, not doing actual work, but looking at porn.
I was referring to whites. On what basis could they believe race relations will improve. I'm guessing perpetual naiveté, white savior complex, pathological altruism, etc.
How about ignorance and self-loathing.
Hence my interest in eugenics. If we could incentivize breeding patterns that will run these traits out of the pool we would seemingly build better societies.