New_Guard #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt

Women are primarily attracted to behaviors that get men to the top of dominance hierarchies. But those behaviors are also associated with being an asshole to them, or at least not treating them like they're special. So they're programmed by evolution to like those behaviors to some extent, even though they're frustrating and disrespecting behaviors, because being attracted to those behaviors gets them the top man that they need.

In bodice rippers, women sometimes read about fantasy men who somehow are supremely dominant and respected by all men, but at that same time are emotionally supportive and just the right amount of sensitive. Makes sense for them to fantasize about a combination of traits that is never found in men. But at the same time, there are plenty of books in the genre that feature hard, vaguely abusive, dismissive male love interests (e.g. 50 Shades). And chicks love that too. So even when they're in an idealized imaginary world, many of them still don't want to be treated well.



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