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Carl Jung’s Gnostic Revival, Abraxas, and the 20th Century Cult of Mithra, the gnostic underground stretching from the Sodomite Rituals of the ancient mystery cults tied to Isis and Demeter, to the Templars, Franciscan and Jesuit inner initiates to the Hellfire Club, the Illuminati, 33rd Degree Freemasons - most Secret Societies are all Sodomite through the performance of Satanic Sodomy Rituals.

From the Rosicrucian takeover of Britain with the the Aleister Crowley Thelema Sodomy Rituals to inject Demons into the Anus, ALL Secret Societies believed in a cosmology which held that Psychopathic absolute nothingness devoid of love, reason, intention or any other quality (see: Newton’s assumed infinite space) was the essential character of reality.
All Satanists are Sodomites but all Homosexuals are not Satanic!

The Thule’s Vril Society was essentially an order of clairvoyant priestesses/witches who would service sacred ritual orgies as Whores of Babalon of initiated New Aryan Templars while also channeling spirit entities from the ether and messages from ‘the secret Chiefs’.

Please note that the Demon Baphomet is transexual and all LGBTPS stems from Satanic theory and practise.
The Rites and Rituals that developed over the eons to facilitate this breaking free of moral constraints, involved rites of initiation, and elaborate mystery plays, sacred mind-altering drugs, human and animal sacrifices, the castration ritual, cutting the breasts off, hysterectomy ritual, perverse sexual exercises like the Sodomy Ritual or Sex with the Whore of Babalon and other exercises that brought those who survived the rites of passage into a new identity as an elite order of human gods.

As I said in my Book Against Satanism 3 the purpose of Satanic Ritual is to implant evil energy blockages into people to turn them into Psychopaths, to split them into more subpersonalities, to implant demons into them, to make them more and more Evil so that these Evil people can be promoted.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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