Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #quack #conspiracy brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, July 6, 2024 – Hurricane FLOOD warning + Vax-damaged zombie leftists to ERUPT in VIOLENCE when Trump wins

- Hurricane Beryl's impact on Texas and surrounding areas, heavy rainfall and flooding. (0:03)

- Preparedness for tropical storms: Backup power sources and emergency communication devices. (3:54)

- Generator maintenance and safety tips. (11:00)

- Viral Carnival Cruise Line fights go "ghetto". (17:28)

- Vaccine-induced brain damage and how it turns human beings into reptilian zombies. (25:39)

- Loss of cognitive function and empathy among leftists due to vaccine damage. (31:43)

- Biden's cognitive decline and potential election impact. (37:17)

- Democratic Party division and calls for Joe Biden to step down. (50:58)

- Potential violence from left-wing extremists after Trump's election win. (56:44)

- Firearms and self-defense, using the rule of law to halt violence. (1:02:49)

- Converting AR-15s to bolt-action rifles for legal use in California. (1:06:04)

- Preparing for the zombie apocalypse and protecting communities. (1:12:31)



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