Be Pussy Free
A pussy free loser is not an easy thing to be. But it is the right thing to do if you're a loser. A loser is physically flawed (unfit, too fat or skinny, balding, moderately or un-attractive, deformed) and/or fiscally flawed (moderate or low income, little wealth or property), socially flawed (shy, unconfident, uninteresting), and sexually flawed (short and/or skinny endowment, inexperienced, impotent, premature ejaculater). Entitled losers reject their inferiority to other men, angrily blame women for overlooking them, and leave any women who gives them a chance dissatisfied. Enlightened losers accept their inferiority to other men, applaud women for choosing better men, and vow to lead pussy-free lives for the benefit of others. So if you're a loser (a nice guy, a beta male/boi, a cuckold/wannabe, a reject, and/or a sissy) do the world a favor and take the pussy-free pledge today.
Wow. Those grapes are not only sour, they're far more lethal than Cyanide.
So many men must be 'losers' if billions of them are married ...!
I mean, sure, it might be a good idea to take a break from sex (or from trying to get sex) if it stresses you out so much. But I don't think those things listed make men losers. A balding man isn't automatically a loser, for example. And how would staying away from sex help your sexual inexperience?
I am at least eight of these things, but I am not an entitled loser, and I most firmly reject your “enlightenment”.
Romanto-sexual frustration is probably my greatest source of chronic stress and a major source of my obesity. I have my experience with trying to push away my sexuality and my longing for love and desire to be a father, believing no woman would ever want me. It did not work at all. Indeed, I was far more miserable back then, until it became too much and I had to make a breakthrough and embrace my inner family man.
No, my plan is to be patient, hard as it may be (especially with age 30 approaching), finally get myself out there and encounter the right peculiar woman. Because, flawed as I may be, “uninteresting” is most certainly not a descriptor that applies to me, and indeed, women who have gotten to know me and where this has come up with consistently affirm me here. In the meantime, I have my imagination to keep me going - it may not be the true fulfilment, but since I have accepted my strong home, my fantasies have become so much more satisfying.
@Bastethotep #107244
I fully understand. While Romanto-sexual frustration is maybe not my greatest source of stress (that’s more my severe anxiety for the unknown that is the future, any future), it certainly doesn’t do me any favors. And while being a parent isn’t on my list of desires, I do so greatly long for a soulmate and romantic love as well. Thing is, I have such self-loathing and confidence issues(*) that I cannot help but feel that anyone who can make me happy is someone I’m unworthy of. That, and I’m so terribly afraid of being rejected that I can’t even attempt to connect to anyone.
Still, part of what keeps me going is indeed my fantasies. Fantasies where I can feel much more confident in myself and thus am worthy of the soulmates I encounter in them.
(*)My self-loathing more comes from the fact that I deep down consider myself a dissapointment in everything. I never actually managed to excel in anything, so I cannot help but feel there is nothing special about me. Sure, I’m a smart and nice guy. But what does that mean when I’m ridiculously average when it comes to skills? So, TL;DR I’m worthless not because I’m bad, but because I’m not good enough. Seriously, if I somehow would find a Genie’s lamp or the Dragonballs, my first wish wouldn’t be to have my life partner, but rather to improve myself to be worthy of said life partner, whoever she may be.
…Anyway, I know I have no real reason to share this. And most people may not be interested in this at all. But, Bastethotep, I just wanted to let you know that there are more people like you.
“A loser is physically flawed (… moderately or un-attractive, deformed)”
So, you say a loser is moderately attractive. And that’s on parwith ‘deformed.’
This tells me it’s not your looks that make you a ‘loser.’ That’s just an excuse. You’re not attracting the top 5% of the women in your high school or college or whatever, and you see that as a failure. well, you win the race to the bottom. Congrats.
My hubbs happens to be very much a nice guy, not the trademarked incel cocoon version, just the normal, kind and empathetic dude and dunno what a reject means but in our old society we were very much rejected by the baseline both me and him, cuz not catholic and not trying to mask it and in my case much more nots than just that…
Long story short, we’re married for over a decade, it’s a fucking bliss and I love and care for him much more than for myself. Your entire argument is very, very much invalid, fuck a beaver.
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