Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Ten nightmarish outcomes if we don’t turn back tyranny

1) All cryptocurrency, gold and silver will be outlawed.
2) Your ability to purchase food (and meat in particular) will be severely restricted based on your cultural and climate compliance score.
3) You will be required to conform to the narrative demands of the regime, and if the regime changes its stance on anything, you will be required to retroactively update all your previous articles, videos, social media posts and podcasts to conform to the new narrative, or face penalties and censorship.

4) You will be prohibited from growing food, savings seeds or raising backyard chickens without receiving permission (and licensing) from the government, which will require you to use genetically engineered seeds and repeated vaccination of your farm animals. (And no raw milk allowed.)
5) You will be entirely barred from purchasing firearms
6) The state will medically kidnap your children and mutilate them to achieve “gender transitions,” and if you try to interfere, you will be charged with felony crimes and child abuse.

7) You will be required to install a government-monitored network of video cameras and microphones in your home to make sure you don’t say anything that might go against “facts” being pushed by the regime. AI systems will monitor your speech and activities, then report you to government authorities if you veer from the required degree of obedience.

8) You will be prohibited from purchasing a gasoline or diesel vehicle.
Only those who parrot the ridiculous lies of the regime — i.e. “a man can become a woman” — will be allowed to use transportation.
9) You will most likely be replaced by AI systems or automation robots who will take over your current job.
10) Extra UBI benefits will be awarded to individuals who voluntarily allow “fact checkers” and “public safety enforcers” to have real-time, unlimited access to the microphones and cameras on their mobile devices.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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