It’s very obvious that if Intergalactic had featured a normal white male protagonist, as was the standard for video games up until the day Donald Trump won the 2016 election, the response would be overwhelmingly positive. In fact, if it had simply been an attractive woman, the response might not have been as good but they would not be facing this avalanche of hatred they are facing now.
These companies all know this, and they hire Jewish perverts like Druckmann to push this stuff anyway.
While Disney has made a move to pull back on “woke” in order to make money, as evidenced by their decision to contract the Chinese to make their shooter game, some of these companies appear heavily committed to it and will go bankrupt before giving the public what it wants.
It is a little bit scary when you think of supposedly profit-driven corporations being willing to sacrifice hundreds of millions of dollars in order to push a social engineering agenda. Although the popular explanation is that this has something to do with BlackRock owning such large percentages of the stock in these companies, that explanation has not ever fully made sense to me, given that unless they owned a majority of the stock, the rest of the shareholders would be pushing back against this agenda.
Corporations sacrificing profits in order to emotionally and psychologically abuse the public is certainly much worse than any of the “out-of-control capitalism” dystopias portrayed in science fiction. In fact, we are presently in a kind of dystopia that was never predicted by science fiction authors.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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