Who decided that OUR Melandigenous Origiant Grandcestors were to be called 'denisovans'? How did ii miss that meeting? Who approved that name? ii want THAT person's name.
It is an informal English name - the name has not been formally named yet.
ii will NOT use a neocolonial appellation to reference the ancestry of MY glorious Grandcestors.
I presume you are one of those “Moorish” African American sovereign citizens, i.e. primarly of West/Central African descent with some European admixture? Then you would probably have been probably BELOW average Denisovan ancestry.
The term 'denisovan' is perfect for directing ones imagination from any 'TALL, DARK, and HANDSOME' peoples who were moor advanced than we are today.
Dark, yes - light skin having evolved with the Neolithic as megafauna became extinct and people started living agriculturally, reducing the meat portion of food and thus the vitamin D intake, so improving one’s own synthesis of it by reduced melanin as far as UV exposure intensity permitted became advantageous -, but not so much tall and handsome - like the Neanderthals, they seem to have been a stocky, cold-adapted sort.
Also, the evil white devil scientists are so dedicated to White-washing the Denisovans that… they highly publicise the genetics-based reconstructions showing that the Denisovans were dark-skinned with brown hairs and brown eyes (including in the thumbnail of the video you made that comment on!)?
'van' is sooo Dutch European.
No, “-an” is just a standard English adjective ending, derived from the name of the cave, the Denisova cave. It is completely unrelated to the Dutch conjunction van, “of”, which commonly occurs in toponymic surnames (that is, names derived from the family’s place of origin).
By the way, what if I told you that there is a lake. city and province in Eastern Turkey called Van?
I guess one could prefer that the Altay name of the cave, Ayu Tash (Bear Rock), over the Russian, had been used, but this is clearly not what this is about.