Andrew Tate comes for Greta Thunberg, the child of the globalist elite, and then is arrested the next day.
You’ve got to wonder.
@Bastethotep #151684
Spicer, does this mean that you intend to promote NWO-disinformation conspiracy theories at every occasion, or that you are against actual criminals facing justice because, apparently, in a paranoid mind, all crimes are justified if the law is a cabal? Anarchy advocacy or human trafficking minimization?
Is it a conspiracy theory if I suspect paid oil shill? At least here there's an actual elite known to have been pushing disinformation.
Surely they can't be serious?!
Well, they just have: and considering how Tesla's going all tits up for Twitter's owner, now with this albatross round its neck, better make your last Tweets good ones, Shirley...!, I mean Lavern(e).
When you’re hiding from the law, it’s probably not a good idea to get into pointless Internet drama. Tate fucked around and found out.
@shy #151692
Funny thing is that there’s a European anti-human trafficking organization called GRETA, so it’s possible that someone told Tate “Greta” was after him and he thought it was the climate activist.
Oh look, it’s someone who believes in Tate’s globalist matrix. I knew his supporters were actually that stupid.
Hey, Lavern, how does it feel to support a rapist who kidnaps and imprisons women and is threatened by a 19 year old saying he has a small dick?
And the whole “comes for” thing… he bragged about his cars to make people like you think he’s cool and then it backfired. Y’all have an… extremely far-fetched definition of “come for”. Pretty much like all your other definitions.
Your hero was a human trafficker who wated time doing Twitter drama instrad of fleeing to jurisdictions without extradition treaties with Romania (where is Aiden Pearce when we need him?).
The pizza wasn’t needed to find him, however the 34 cars he proudly displayed will come handy when the government will seize and auction these.
Tate might have to learn the basics of money laundering and how to escape law, both involving laying low and avoiding hubris.
@Skyknight #151747
I was just reading something else that also suggests the event was unrelated:
"Despite the online speculation that Romanian authorities were able to locate Tate after he posted a video in response to Thunberg containing a pizza box from a local spot that gave away his location, authorities denied that the video played any role. The investigation into Tate and his brother began in April after the U.S. Embassy called Romanian authorities with information that a U.S. citizen was being held involuntarily at a house in Ilfov."
But still pwned:
``But that didn’t stop Thunberg from having some fun at the expense of “the most toxic man on the internet.”
“This is what happens when you don’t recycle your pizza boxes,” she observed.''
“Andrew Tate comes for Greta Thunberg,”
Comes for? Andy taunted a teenager and lost the subsequent exchange. MEANWHILE the police have spent many, many, many days building a case against him and his brother. Which had to end with a warrant at some point, why not that day?
“the child of the globalist elite,”
Who, yes, are FAMOUS for building large cases against their enemies in a few hours’ time. Witness statements, victim testimony, interiews, tracking data, passport records… Sure.
If ‘the global elite’ wanted him ‘dealt with’ he’d have committed suicide like Epstein.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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