Snake Baker #racist #psycho

[From “Greek Coast Guard Accused of Being Mean to Invaders, Allegedly Killing Dozens of Them”]

These people are invading the country

Under Just War Theory, the military has a right to kill them

(I understand it’s more complicated than that, but actually, it’s not really)

The Guardian

A former Greek coastguard officer has described as “clearly illegal” the actions of colleagues who abandoned nine migrants at sea in one of 15 alleged pushbacks from Greek islands or territorial waters that reportedly killed dozens of people[…]
Two were thrown directly into the water, the man said, including an Ivorian man who said: “Save me, I don’t want to die … and then eventually only his hand was above water, and his body was below. Slowly his hand slipped under”

Yeah, well, buddy, nobody wants to die. Nonetheless, everyone does at some point

I would shed some tears for you, but I stopped buying tissue paper when I learned it was filled with PFAS

Frankly, I don’t know if the Greeks did this stuff or not. I don’t care if they did, and I support it, but I don’t know if I believe it

My thinking is it’s more likely to be made up than not, but also, Greeks are funny people, and the idea that some group in the coast guard was like “let’s start just fucking killing these apes” is not beyond belief

However, no real proof is offered here. These are all just allegations, and they are more or less impossible to investigate, so there is really nothing here to even discuss. The allegations just amount to baseless rumors



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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