Sally Wald
“By 2035 at our current rate 1 in 2 children will have autism. Are You ok with that? It will be the demise of the United States. We won’t be able to mount an army. You will either have autism or being caring for someone critically ill.”
Larry Cook
“If we dissolve the vaccine industry we dissolve 99% of new autism cases.
Which do you choose?
We won’t be able to mount an army. You will either have autism or being caring for someone critically ill.
As someone who’s “on the spectrum” myself, I have to ask…why the hell can’t (or shouldn’t) autistic people be in the military? From a brief Googling of that I did just now, it seems that a diagnosis of ASD doesn’t automatically disqualify someone from the joining the US armed forces, but they judge it on a case-by-case basis. Not to mention that I’m absolutely sure there are/were a good number of autistic people in the military who were just never diagnosed as such. Also, a big part of serving in the military, of course, is being on a routine and in a well-structured environment, right? If you think we can’t get along with that, you don’t know the first thing about autistic people, lol
@Chloe #194517
Yes. It’s a lot of work getting men and materiel in place to do the big boom boom stuff. I forget the actual numbers but for the army it’s something like for every one in combat there’s 20 or 30 in support. The length of the spear that makes the pointy part work.
But it’s an anti-vaxxer, so to them, an autism diagnosis is literally worse than death.
I think there, for any two people on the spectrum who can function reasonably in society, there are five experts that will treat them like post-apocalypse zombies, and 60 people who swallow it like ivermectin smoothies.
“By 2035 at our current rate 1 in 2 children will have autism.”
By ‘rate,’ do you know if anyone can actually prove it’s an increase in cases, not an improvement in diagnoses? Which would include better methods AND a greater willingness to get kids tested in the first place…
Which do you choose?
First I don’t believe you when you say that by 2035 1 in 2 Americans will be on the spectrum
Second fuck you for assuming being on the spectrum is a death sentence
Third if we decide to not vaccinate because of that bullshit notion of vaccine causes autism we will be weakened as a result because so much of our nation would been affect by diseases we haven’t had in this nation for generations but I doubt you’d care or just make up a conspiracy to try and blame someone else instead of the obvious reason why doing your desired action actually hurt the nation then it helped it.
We’ve had vaccines since *1799*, though vaccination wasn’t especially common until the mid-20th century. And yet, there wasn’t a jump in Autism diagnoses until 1994-1998. Hmmm, what happened in 1994? Oh, right the DSM-IV came out, and among the changes was more expansive diagnostic criteria for autism. So the only way to prevent future children from developing austism is to ban all versions of the DSM after III. 😜
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