RuneOwl #transphobia #interphobia

RE: What is the ideal endgame for you concerning gender ideology?

1. Sex segregated spaces for women and girls (bathrooms, locker rooms, prisons, etc.) will be universally protected, with mandatory jail time and lifetime sex offender registration for men who are caught infiltrating. Repeat offenders will be either institutionalized or imprisoned for life


3. Total and complete ban on male inclusion in organized women’s athletic competitions on every level, from high school sports to the Olympics. Violating this rule is punished as a form of cheating that warrants a lifetime ban from all future competition, even in the men’s division. Zero exceptions. This applies not just to TIMs, but intersex men with a Y chromosome (you’re not a woman just because your balls are on the inside, Caster Semenya). Women’s sports will no longer be seen as a category that failed men can be lumped in with

4. Stringent free speech laws that protect people, especially GC women, from being deplatformed or discriminated against. We have the right to press hate crime charges against trans activists who attempt to use intimidation, threats, or slander to silence feminist critics. Under no circumstances is “misgendering” or “deadnaming” a punishable offense, and it is illegal to compel anyone to use special pronouns

5. Total ban on both medical transition and any manner of “gender-affirming therapy” for minors. Children will not be allowed to socially transition, either—schools will have to protect GNC minors, and genuinely distressed kids will receive counseling that is structured to help them accept themselves as they are. Any parents that try to coerce or enable a child under the age of 18 to medically transition, whether it’s buying black market hormones online or taking them overseas to get surgeries, can expect to face felony child abuse charges

6. Regarding adult transitions, the medical community will move away from the “affirmation” model and return to stricter gatekeeping than ever before. It will not be considered an option at all for anyone with a criminal background or certain severe psychological disorders. Years of mandatory therapy should be required before even hormones are made available. Gender dysphoria will be understood as the severe mental illness that it is and not a normal thing like sexual orientation



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