Various TERFs #crackpot #pratt #transphobia #conspiracy
( IrishTheFrenchie )
I'll say it again for those in the back....
The end goal of Transgenderism and "Queer Theory" is now, and always has been, the legalization of pedophilia and acceptance as a legitimate sexual orientation.
I've been saying this for years, and it's only become more obvious as time goes on.
• Teach deviant sexual acts to children as young as 5 and call it "sex ed"
• Remove child safeguarding
• Have schools groom children into believing it's ok to keep secrets from parents
• Give children medical autonomy
• Hey! Kids can make their own medical decisions, they should also be allowed to make their own sexual decisions.
( ElectricBlue )
And use Karen/TERF rhetoric to ramp up hatred of adult women, who will be the biggest opposition to them. Make it look like all adult women are hysterical prudes so anything they say can be derided.
( Tq231442 )
They're already doing it. Shit makes me sick.
( mil-bil )
I would also say that removing legal personhood from women is a key goal.
The language of "cervix-havers" and "birthing persons" conveys it. Any modification of the body (e.g. hysterectomy, even for significant medical reasons) or change in time (not actively being in labor) removes a woman from such a label. These labels don't capture what the word "woman" captures.
So what legal standing would a woman have upon the removal of the word "woman" from the law?
Recasting prostitution as sanitized "sex work" and the push for commercial surrogacy rest on depriving women of legal recognition and human rights.
( remove_the_veil )
Surrogacy is also all wrapped up in this. If you can legally buy and sell children, then nothing is stopping pedos from doing so...
( Ruby )
And then putting the child on puberty blockers to ensure a permanent childlike state...
( bumpyjerboa )
It'll be designer baby girls soon. Made to suit the pedo's tastes. When she's "too old" they'll force her into surrogacy too.