Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #fundie henrymakow.com
Mankind has the intelligence to create a wonderful world. We are being sabotaged. Satan's disciples are responsible for the murder of scores of Presidents and other leaders, for depression, genocide and war including the bogus "Cold War" and it's successor the "War on Terror." All wars are against humanity organized by this satanic cult.
Their headquarters is Chatham House in London and their branch office is at Pratt House in NYC. The web of control extends through the Rockefeller Rothschild banking and oil cartels, corporations, foundations, think tanks, intelligence networks and governments. The logos of scores of huge corporations, including mass media, contain Masonic references.
We call ourselves "progressive", but that is another example of doublespeak. The "progress" is being made by the Illuminati.
While man was made in God's image, human life was Sacred. When we agreed God was dead, we became expendable. That's why the author of "Silent Wars" can refer to us as "beasts of burden" and use the "Darwinian struggle" to justify enslavement and genocide.
Satan is not content to destroy us physically. He has a wager with God. Are we made in God's image or not? In order to win, he needs to prove we are nothing but dumb animals.
Lack of resistance signifies our acquiescence. We have been "progressively" demoralized and lulled. We must shake off our stupor and show that we are not jelly fish but men who will fight for our Divine birthright.
This is a battle humanity can never evade. The longer it is postponed the harder it will be to win.