Linda Harvey #homophobia #fundie #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy

It’s curious that, as parents around the country unite against the wicked “trans” agenda directed toward our kids, quite a few are willing to accommodate homosexual identities.

“I have no problem with someone who’s gay,” I heard one mom say “It’s the gender mutilation that we need to fight.”

Agreed, that needs to stop, but doesn’t she understand that the fight to normalize “LG” and “B” is where the push for “T” began? They are intimately connected and that’s why they stand in unity: “LGBTQ.”
For both the mental and spiritual health of our children, I would like to offer 4 reasons that we need to keep objecting to the normalization of homosexuality, even as we work to halt the “trans” train:

1. We look confused and muddled when we fail to stand against all the sexual anarchy labels. They are connected and one flows out of the other.
We will get nowhere unless we accept a few basic realities: the “LGBTQ” movement is pushing for child emancipation and full empowerment on medical/counseling issues as well as age of sexual consent. That’s because the powers leading that movement have no problem with children being sexual. Many of them were and that’s how they got to their present identities.
3. Homosexuality is a sin and faithful Christians must stand on this truth. And we must continue to do so because these identities are a dire threat to our children. And it’s not hate to do this-- exactly the opposite. The “LGBTQ” agenda is, at its core, anti-Christian.
4. No one is born homosexual (or in the wrong sex body) and school policies and programs that imply this are based on a huge deception.

Rather than attempt to cover the stunning lack of science, let’s just think about one point. Knowing the profit-motive of Big Pharma, don’t we all know that if any “gay gene” (or similar) research had turned out to be reliable, this industry would be developing testing?

Such testing is not being developed because their science has fallen flat. This emperor has no clothes.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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