“The least of these” is referring to persecuted Christians, not the poor. So, I’m voting for the set of policies that will best protect the truly least of these: Jack Phillips, Joan Bell, David Daleiden & other believers who have had their lives ruined by progressive activists. No chance I could vote for the party that routinely targets Christians for harassment, discrimination & lawfare.
1:44 PM · Oct 12, 2024 · 477.6K Views
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‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’
And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
It’s not discriminating against Christains when we don’t let you discriminate against gays, lesbians, single mothers, transgenders, or bomb abortion clinics.
I don’t know how many times we have to tell you this, but NOT allowing hateful bigots to discriminate against POCs, LGBTQIA+ folk, single mothers, the poor, Jewish people, the disabled, etc. is NOT the same as “persecuting Christians”.
Besides, it’s not our fault that you jerks erroniously believe that “Christianity” is synonymous with “hateful, entitled asshole”… I mean, I’m an atheist and I also believe in Jesus’ teachings of “shelter the homeless”, “feed the hungry”, “love thy neighbor”, “do not judge lest ye be judged” and all that; so why can’t you?
“The least of these” is referring to persecuted Christians, not the poor.
I’m assuming (after a quick Google search) she’s referring to Matthew 25:40…
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
OK, there’s apparently some debate about whether “the least of these” is referring to persecuted followers of Jesus (who I don’t think would have called themselves “Christians” yet!) or just the poor or disavantaged in general.
I dunno, I certainly don’t claim to be a Bible scholar of any sort. But I’ve had a few times where I was staying at various homeless shelters for a while, and one was ran by a non-denominational Christian church. Even though I’ve been a staunch atheist since I was a teenager, some 30 years ago, those people were most excellent. They believed in helping the disavantadged, whether they were Christians or not. I guess I’m just really saying, more Christians should be like that, or just more humans in general.
@TheKingOfRhye #209221
They believed in helping the disavantadged, whether they were Christians or not. I guess I’m just really saying, more Christians should be like that, or just more humans in general.
Yeah, as I said I’m also a staunch atheist but I do think a lot of Jesus’ teachings have a LOT of merit no matter where or when you live or what beliefs you subscribe to. That just makes it sadder that a disproportionatly large amount of staunch “Christians” do the exact opposite of that. Didn’t Jesus even once say “God would rather have a virtuous nonbeliever than a judgmental christian”, or is that the Mandela effect?
…Look, I fully get if one cannot literally afford to spend time and/or money on charities. But WHY is it too much to ask to NOT be an asshole to your fellow humans no matter what? A mere kind word and a friendly face can go a LONG way to making someone else’s day.
@TheKingOfRhye #209221
The problem with interpreting it to mean “persecuted Christians” is that the ones doing the persecuting at the time much like the ones being judged for turning a blind eye to their need would be members of the same faith. One that *predates* Christianity, in point of fact. Justifying their antipathy with the excuse that it is a righteous result for such people to be in their position because it “obviously” indicates their poor character and lack of faith. A running theme in Jesus’ parables, I might stress. As was Jesus saying “This is exactly what I’m telling you the problem is you motherless goats, quit kissing my ass and recognize I’m calling you out.” (Paraphrased, of course.)
Of course, they’d rather make it a matter of “the true faith” and not a lack of reading comprehension.
Religious Right logic:
“Christianity is the religion a Proper American™ - which I am the very model of - practices. Therefore, Christianity glorifies America and everything that is Proper American™, like Capitalism. Therefore, if Christianity seems to condemn something as Proper American™ as unfettered Capitalism, that cannot possibly be what it means, so I must cut the foot until I can force it into the shoe!”
Meanwhile, Quakers and Unitarian Universalists. Not so much as one quote by them here in FSTDT. Question: Why?
You are less than them, A Lie.
“The last of the see” is referring to the persecuted, not poor, Christians. So, I’m voting for the soft ice police that will best protest the truly last of the see: David Phillips, Jack Bell, Joan Daleiden and other ruiners who have had their targets believed by active progressivists. No chance I would vote for the party that routinely lives for mass ran discrimination and the Alfa Rec Christians.
““The least of these” is referring to persecuted Christians,”
Christ was referring to his ‘brothers and sisters.’ I know that today, a lot of assholes refer to someone as ‘our brother in Christ,’ to refer to other Christains, but i really don’t think that’s how Jay-Jay meant it.
But the bottom line is, this is the GO/No-Go question on getting into heaven. Not whether or not you were nice to the people YOU want to be, but the people CHRIST wants to to be nice to, generous with, careful of.
WOuldn’t it make more sense to be generous and gentle with EVERY poor or homeless person, rather than only some of them? The question is who Jesus expects you to help.
If you skip an entire demographic, one or more of them might be the target.
Ahhh, yes, Jack Phillips who wouldn’t bake a cake for LGBT people, and then was exonerated by the Supreme Court because his religious liberty trumps everyone else’s civil rights… yeah, I definitely consider that dude a victim and I’m sure Jesus would too 🙄
And Joan Bell… who decided to partake in a blockade of an abortion clinic entrance so people couldn’t go in a get necessary healthcare. Because obviously she must know better than everyone else what their personal choices should be, right? Especially since they knew they were taking advantage of the fact that the people they were targeting might be at the worst point in their lives and not capable of getting through their bullshit blockade… yeah, once again, I’m sure Jesus would consider her the victim here and not the people whose lives she might have taken part in ruining or even potentially risking 🙄
And David Daleidan… who somehow was able to get secret recordings of doctors and staff at various Planned Parenthoods and then tried to make it seem like the recordings showed things they didn’t show… once again, I’m sure Jesus would definitely see him as a victim over any pregnant person living in poverty who wasn’t able to get necessary healthcare because of this dude.
Allie, all of these people did things that weren’t legal, had their due process and either went up to the highest court in the land or were decided guilty by juries of their peers. You know, something Jesus didn’t ever have access to. Out of all of these people I think he’d likely feel the most sorry for you since you fell for these others’ obvious bullshit.
Allie Beth Stuck-In-The-Past: “You hate Christians!”
Everyone Else: “No, all we've done is make racism, homophobia, sexism, transphobia, ableism and sexism socially unacceptable.”
ABS: “Exactly, Christianity! All of that is Christianity! Jesus famously said, ‘send me your lily-white, heterosexual, cisgender assholes, for theirs is the Glory and the Kingdom of the Lord!! Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, I didn't see it, it didn't happen, the little fucker deserved it, and kick him again!’”
persecuted Christians
I bet that some house churches in Red China, surviving Christians in North Korea, Christians in India trying to not get beat up by BJP activists, non-Orthodox Christians in Russia and others might tell you what’s perseution.
No chance I could vote for the party that routinely targets Christians for harassment, discrimination & lawfare
Identified as projection, persecution complex. False justifications, without evidence. In a context where it means the support for harassment and other criminal activity, injustice.
@Timjer #209223
But WHY is it too much to ask to NOT be an asshole to your fellow humans no matter what? A mere kind word and a friendly face can go a LONG way to making someone else’s day.
In the wise words of Bill S Preston, esquire, and Theodore “Ted” Logan….be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!
Did you ever look up who the Samaritans actually are?
I bring it up because it gives some pretty useful context to a lot of chunks of the gospels. That scene of Jesus helping the Samaritan woman at the well? That was supposed to be bucking the trend and reaching across a bitter denominational divide. Ditto the parable of the good Samaritan, who was a better person than all the men who didn’t help, dogma be damned.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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