Babica Yaga #sexist #psycho

[Venting] I hate my whore sister's guts

I fucking hate that spoiled entitled little whore bitch. She was given everything in life on a silver plate, despite NEVER ever listening to my parents. I went to college, did not drink frequently and never smoked a cigarette in my life. In contrast, she's a heavy drinker, smoker, only finished high school, already gotten dicked down by multiple boyfriends, AND SHE STILL gets preferential treatment from my parents. I can't believe this shit... Life is unfair.

is she attractive?

yes she's way above average looking, prob like an 8/10 but not supermodel tier though. also the bitch is tanned all year round cause she frequently goes to tanning beds...swear to god hope she gets skin cancer/lung cancer

I truly feel sorry for everyone who has sisters on this forum. That is the most ERfuel thing to have to deal with. Have you cut her out of your life?

Used to be periods i didnt talk to her for months because i was so mad at my parents for condoning the shit she did. Kinda dgaf anymore, just comes with age I guess

My situation isn’t like that tbh. But I have a friend who was a top student at school and a top student now at university , He’s a quiet guy , He only asked for video games and his parents were always reluctant about buying them , Never praised him too much while praising their whore daughter who dropped out of uni , They bought her a car and gave her paid vacations

Such an injustice...

I think it's time for you to slap the shit out of her and your parents, who the fuck enables this kind of shit behavior.

Funny... old friend of mine (he's muslim) actually told me to do the same lmao



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