GodBTrue@yahoo.com #wingnut #conspiracy jesussaidwhat.com

Global red communism is here :
The semblance of normalcy over the last three years was designed to buy your rulers more time to finish you off and make all the world red communist. They know that while the masses have hope of a future through continuous propaganda and opposition control, they will not leave their comfort zones to rise up against them. There is still too much to risk in their minds. The reality is that they will have already passed the point of no return and have lost everything without knowing it.

Opposition control such as Q-anon is not a new idea by the communists leading the American public around by the nose. Trump, Flynn, etc. all promote this communist psyop knowing full well that it is not real. It is a delay tactic used before in 20th century Russia. All this type of psyop did for the Russian and Chinese patriots of the 20th century was to help permanently secure red communism. I know communism is too far along in the west now to reverse it but the common folks deserve to know how they were beaten so easily by a handful of the wicked rich. I know folks like to tell themselves that they are awake but unfortunately they woke up many decades too late. This war against the 99% has been raging for a century. Don't expect to open one eye during the final battle and actually win. Every deck is stacked against you now, including your own "leadership".


Please consider some things clearly now. If Trump is still the CIC your military wouldn't be sending it's equipment to Ukraine to be sold off or parked in open fields and destroyed by Russia in the most economical way. Soon the U.S. and all the west will be hopelessly outmatched by Russia and China. In essence the west is destroying their own defensive capabilities on purpose and by the WEF's design. Consider for a moment that BRICS is the NWO and once the west is helpless they will beg to join. Spoiler alert, the west will be allowed entrance into their NWO but the U.S. will not exist anymore. It is being dissolved right in front of you while you study Q babble and sit on your thumbs awaiting the white hats rescue. Just like 20th century Russia and China mentioned above. Has it never dawned on you that most of the west's leadership are sprinting toward communist style dictatorships? [...]



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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