Various Incels #racist #sexist #wingnut

It's actually sickening how frequently the lie that incel forums are all white/racist is repeated

It pisses me off so much because it's LITERALLY just made up. As we know from multiple surveys, or even just a 5 minute browse of the forum, incel forums are made up of people from all corners of the world. ALL ethnicities are represented here. In fact, it's actually remarkable how diverse blackpill forums/communities are. Shitholes like reddit are like 95% middle class suburban white people who talk about the importance of diversity but in real life get scared when they walk past a black person JFL.

Well of course everything bad in society is chalked up to whites. Whites are to the leftist and progressive the epitome of everything they hate.

the fact that this forum is less than 50% white but society considers it part of white supremacy and that sphere is a compliment for us (whites).

yet another way we BTFO ethnics in basedness. If you Islamcopers were based this forum would be known as a radical Islamic board but guess what, it’s not. It’s a white supremacist one.

Almost everything about us is straight up made up OR pure projection.

We don't shower? Studies show foids don't shower and lonely people shower more
We only go after extremely good looking foids? Studies show women do this and men aren't picky at all
We only go after white women? Studies show women are strongly racially biased but men aren't

White men = Bad Brown men = Good Brown Female migrants = Bad Brown Male migrants = Good Hijab = Bad Promiscuous = Good Basically it's white women hating white men



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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