MariaTenebre #transphobia

That isn't grooming. Growing up into a sexual and sexualized adult is a part of life. If that is grooming, then by your own standard nature is the biggest groomer of all as nature turns children into sexualized adults. Boys grow into sexualized adult men; girls grow up to be sexualized adult women. Sexualized women and men should be role models for girls and boys as that is what an idealized mature adult looks like and that is what most women and men regardless of sexual orientation are attracted too. That isn't grooming unless you think that nature, puberty and sexual maturation is grooming which from a MAP's point of view I can see why you would argue that.

Plus, that isn't even the definition of grooming. Showing sexualized adults as the natural idealized role models for children is not grooming. A person using explicit sexual material on the pornographic end and manipulating a child for sexual and rape purposes is grooming. Showing a sexualized woman or man as the natural ideal for women and men aka the Venus and the Adonis is not grooming it is nature and the idea that being a mature sexualized and idealized adult is the ideal end for girls and boys as it always has been. Honestly the route people like you take of keeping people perpetual children is why the West is falling apart. Also Drag is about satire, parody and it does so in many cases by using highly sexualized humor, modes of dress etc. They dress to be outrageously sexual for humor and arousal. Many Drag Queens even admit they like to have sex with their adult male fans at these meetings. It is transvestite sexual humor. Now it can be made to be child friendly but much of what we no as Drag is highly sexualized male transvestite material that people do find arousing and that is the point.



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