A woman getting angry because her husband """raped""" her is like a dog getting mad that its owner pet him.
I see this is turning into an incel meme, so let’s analyze that comparison horseshit right now:
1) False Equivalent: A relationship with a pet, even if deep, is not comparable to a relationship to another human, especially not when talking about sexual intercourse, you sick fuck. On the other hand...
2) Dehumanisation: ...is probably what you were going for there. You don’t raise the dog to the woman’s level, you lower the woman’s to the dog. Which tells us volumes about how you think of both. A lower creature to kick around when it doesn’t do what you want and you pet it when it... idk sucks your dick and makes you a sandwich?
When I pet my dog, it’s not always about validation of her actions, it’s because I love her.
You don’t want a woman.
You want a status symbol.
You could go to a prostitute to have sex. Nah. You need your prostitute to be your wife sex slave. Basically, what you want is a Mercedes that you can stick your dick in.