Because, — The “White Hats” And Mr. Trump, — Cannot Afford
…the $450 million the latter needs to save its penis extension in New York. So where are all those ‘White Hats’ of yours giving him those small loans of a million dollars to save more than its image, least of all its chances of funding its own campaign?
If Mitt ‘Magic Pants’ Romney spent $800 million of his own money on his campaign, you’ll only serve to prove that your precious Trumpy is poorer than those who used to work at the branches of Staples closed to recoup that loss by Mitt if he can’t spend his own money to save that building .
The Staples branches still open. Toys ‘R’ Us now a shadow of their former monolithic self tucked away in mere corners of a few branches of WH Smiths: as opposed to the huge megastores that once were. The last Blockbuster in Oregon.
I bet the latter can still get loans, Donald Fart. [/Deutsche Bank]
96 hours to get that ca$h or Fart Tower foreclosed. Tick-tock, tick-tock…!