Africa what? Other than ridiculous racism, I can’t find a point to this crap.
In case anyone was wondering, RAHOWA, translated from insane nazi to Basic means “racial holy war”. Wanna know how I know that? Years ago, Mr. Crimson Ghost & I were christmas shopping in the mall where he ran into an old friend from high school (in a Game Stop, of all places), who wisely had chosen to have that lovely sentiment inked across his forehead. Mr. CG inquired as to what the everloving fuck he had on his face, & our unfortunate idiot was too happy to share. The other guy he was with radiated creeper vibes, & I do not get the creeps easily. He later on did time in the federal pen for gun running. But luckily he came to his senses, had that filth removed & now works in an Amazon fulfillment center.