
ImWantJewNeed #racist everydayantisemitism.com

A female student, who is in the process of converting to Judaism, at the Community College of Philadelphia has submitted a complaint to Drexel University after being subjected to antisemitic abuse by someone thought to be one of their students.

The student’s online dating profile stated that she ideally “would prefer a Jewish partner”.

After she rejected his advances, he expressed his displeasure that she would prefer to have a Jewish partner, saying “not my fault I’m not Jewish”.

Naturally, the exchange should have ended there, but she was shortly after contacted by another profile, which was fake.

She strongly suspects that the same person was behind this new profile, which was made under the username “ImWantJewNeed”.

The profile’s summary included “I’m a nice Jew guy looking for ladies that want to see my draddle” (s.i.c), “living my life as if I was the only Jew alive”, and listed its favourite media as “how to be a Jew 101 and ijewradio” and under the “you should message me if” section wrote “your (s.i.c) looking for a practicing Jew”, a clear reference to the earlier exchange.

She was contacted by the profile, when he made references to money and generally entirely focused on her Jewish identity.

Jacek Miedlar #racist everydayantisemitism.com

A Polish Priest who has been linked to far right groups and football hooligans has made an antisemitic rant in Poland.

Jacek Miedlar reportedly told his congregation during a Mass:

“Passive Jewish mob will try to throw you on your knees, then crawling, will try to grind faces of you, Jews want to swallow you, to digest you – for only reason – to spit you out because of your further uselessness.”

An MP, Joanna Scheuring, informed the local Prosecutor’s office of the alleged hate speech, but she was threatened on Twitter by Miedlar, who said “in the days of the past for such persons as the MP only the razor was left for use.”

No Polish Bishops were available for comments on Miedlar’s rant.

Alex Jones #conspiracy everydayantisemitism.com

American conspiracy theorist and popular Conservative radio host Alex Jones has made a long antisemitic statement in which he alleges that a “Jewish mafia” is ‘behind’ things as diverse Obamacare, TPP, to Uber – the cab hailing app.

He claims that there is a “Jewish mafia in the United States” who “run Uber” and “the health care” and that “they’re going to scam you; they’re going to hurt you”.

It is unknown why he thinks that Uber is a conspiracy.

He also accused George Soro and Madeleine Albright of being Nazi collaborators.

He then complains about being described as antisemitic for his comments about TPP, yet goes on to say “I better do some exposes on the Jewish mafia”. He describes a metaphorical Jewish presence as someone “foaming at the mouth with knives at cabinet meetings, basically threatening the president”.

Manal Tamimi #racist everydayantisemitism.com

Crowned a “Supermom” by the Arab press, Manal Tamimi, 45, a pro-terrorist Palestinian activist, has recently lost her status as a UN “human rights defender” because of antisemitic tweets that accuse Jews of drinking Palestinian blood. On September, 2015, this post appeared on Tamimi’s Twitter feed: “Vampire zionist celebrating their Kebore Day [Yom Kippur] by drinking Palestinian bloods, yes our blood is pure and delicious but it will kill u at the end” (September, 2015).

Tamimi’s tweet promotes the classic blood libel, which goes back centuries, that Jews murder non-Jews, especially children, so that Jews can use their blood to bake matzos for Passover, and re-enact the crucifixion of Christ. The tweet is part of a series of antisemitic tweets that Tamimi posted starting in 2015. The married mother of four calls for both violence against Jews, “Zio roaches”, and the destruction of Israel. The tweets are accompanied by vile drawings that pay tribute to Nazi era political cartoons.

“I do hate Israel, i do hate zionism, i wish a third Intefada [Intifada] coming soon and people rais [raise] up and kills all these zionist settlers everywhere”. (August 1, 2015)

“—I have a very good Jew friends, I hate Zionists & I’m not denying that, Zionism, KKK and ISIS R all the same to me” (August 20, 2017)

“The much needed button–delete Israel” [referring to nuclear holocaust] (October 5, 2015)

“You will never make peace with vampires because the taste of your blood will always attract them” (March 31, 2016)

However, it is significant that Tamimi, who is constantly calling for the expulsion of Jews from Israel, only lost her honored title because of an official complaint about her tweets that was filed by the NGO Monitor, Jerusalem, a watchdog that tracks the activities of human rights groups. A letter of protest was delivered to the UN Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights. In response to NGO Monitor’s complaint, Tamimi, the leader of the Popular Resistance Organization Committee, was removed from the list of “human rights defenders” that had been compiled by S. Michael Lynk, the UN special rapporteur on human rights in the disputed territories.

Earlier this year, Tamimi, who runs an online news service, the Tamimi Press, spoke at a EU financed conference that was held in Barcelona, Spain. The topic was “preventing violent extremism”.

Her participation in that conference strains the boundaries of reason. Every Friday, for the past 7 1/2 years, Tamimi, her husband, Bilal, and their followers, have marched from their village of Nabi Saleh, to the Jewish community of Halamish, where the group hurls rocks at the Israeli soldiers, who are guarding the town. On July 21, 2017, in Halamish, three members of the Salomon family were stabbed to death by Palestinian terrorists while they were having their Shabbat dinner. It is important to note that Tamimi has not publicly condemned the murders, and, in fact, sees nothing wrong with stone throwing. According to a report in the Algemeiner, “the Tamimi’s contend that the soldiers’ arrests of rock throwers constitutes persecution of the residents of Nabi Saleh”.

It is a given, however, that a thrown stone is as dangerous as a gun. In recent years at least 15 Israelis have been murdered as a result of stone throwing, and countless others have been injured. Given Tamimi’s mindset, it is deeply troubling that she was invited to appear at a conference that condemns violence. And the fact that this conference was funded by the European Union is of great concern. NGO Monitor President Gerald Steinberg told the Algemeiner, “There is no excuse for funding Jew hatred in the guise of promoting peace—or for giving antisemites such as Tamimi the status of ‘human rights defenders'”.

Steinberg is highly critical of the actions of both the UN and the EU: “the disconnect between noble objectives and immoral actions has been clear for many years”. Steinberg believes that “full transparency and oversight for the massive sums [of money] going to radical NGOs is crucial so that this behavior is halted”. However, unlike the UN, Amnesty International, has embraced Tamimi’s cause, despite her blatant antisemitism. According to the Algemeiner, “Amnesty has declared that Tamimi’s village, Nabi Saleh, is a “community-at-risk”.

Amnesty researcher, Saleh Hijazi, who has worked in the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) Ministry of Planning has publicly stated: “We need to tell the Israeli authorities: enough – you are no longer facing a tiny village on a small hill. You now have the entire Amnesty movement to reckon with”. According to the Algemeiner, in an undated essay published in the Huffington Post, Edith Garwood, Amnesty International USA’s specialist on Israel, the disputed territories and the PA, wrote that Tamimi’s group from Nabi Saleh “face frequent violent repression from the Israeli army just for practicing their human rights to peacefully expression their opposition” to Israel. Garwood believes that “even in cases where the protesters have thrown stones—these have posed little or no serious risk” to the targeted Israelis.

The fact that Garwood, a prominent Amnesty International official, can so easily disregard Tamimi’s virulent antisemitic tweets, while downplaying the connection between stone throwing and fatal traumatic brain injuries, should send up a red flag to the international community. Amnesty International fails on all levels, as a social justice organization, when its contempt for Israel is so great, that it whitewashes stone throwing as a form of legitimate peaceful protest. What Amnesty International’s position regarding Tamimi’s remark that Jews are blood-drinking vampires is unknown.

However, what is known is that, in 2016, government officials banned Tamimi from entering the UK. The British Home Office has refused to explain why Tamimi was denied a visa.

Leslie Jones #racist everydayantisemitism.com

Martin Bright, who was once an advisor to British PM Tony Blair and a former Observer journalist, has described his shock after he witnessed antisemitic abuse.

Bright says he witnessed Henrietta Foster being told by another guest to “get back in the over”, a reference to the extermination process during the Holocaust.

The other guest is reportedly Dr Leslie Jones, who made the comment in reference to Foster having appeared on a documentary called “My Nazi Legacy”, which examines the lives of children of Nazi officers.

Ms Foster believes that the incident happened because Dr Jones believed her to be Jewish, stating: “We had fallen out at a previous reception over Brexit – I told him to **** off because he had voted out. Then he came over to me last Thursday and said, “You were in that film, weren’t you””.

Dr Jones insisted the comment was “a joke” after being confronted by another guest.

Palestinian Authority TV #conspiracy everydayantisemitism.com

Last October a huge story hit the press worldwide, when Kim Kardashian and friend Simone Harouche were robbed at gunpoint in Paris, with Kim Kardashian’s diamond ring being among the things stolen.

The story attracted large amounts of attention in the world press, and it was eventually reported that the suspects were a group of men of differing backgrounds, some of whom were Jewish.

However, Palestinian Authority TV (PA TV) seized upon the opportunity of some Jews being implicated in a high profile crime to smear all Jews, having their “Israeli affairs expert” comment on the crime.

PA TV did not bother to mention that the majority of the suspects were not Jewish, with 15 non-Jews also allegedly being involved.

The “expert” provided the following comment:

“Jews who robbed singer (sic.) Kim Kardashian have been arrested. It turns out that they are Jews. That is what is written – it’s not me who says they are thieves. That is written in [the Israeli daily] Yediot Aharonot, it’s not from me. It says “Jews.” They are thieves. In other words – they steal lands here too, no? But the engagement ring worth $5 million could not be found. They did not find it. The Jews hid it and turned it into something else”

Palestinian Media Watch points out that this demonstrates that the antisemitism in PA TV is so deeply ingrained that “even a single mention of two Jews anywhere in the world in a negative context is all that is needed launch another PA Antisemitic rant”. This is a poignant point – there is no attempt to provide either genuine analysis of the crime, or to even portray the events accurately. It is simply an opportunity to milk a high profile public event to demonise Jews and to entrench antisemitism in the Palestinian population.

Argentina students #racist everydayantisemitism.com

Reports have circulated that several high school students in Argentina attended a club with Hitler mustaches and swastikas painted on them and wearing leathers. They attend a school in Lanus, a neighborhood of Buenos Aires.

The club was also host to several Jewish students from an ORT High School.

A mother of one of the Jewish boys spoke to Rádio Latina saying:

“at a certain point in the night, young people came wearing swastikas and had painted-on Hitler mustaches—my son and his friends complained and asked that they be taken out, but all the club management did was demand that the mustaches be washed off and that the swastikas be removed”

“They all ended up fighting, and everyone was kicked out of the club – not just the aggressors”

According to the Telegraph, the students who were dressed as Nazis also shouted “f*cking Jews” and “proudly” showed off their Nazi imagery when they realised there were Jewish students present.

Families of the Jewish students have condemned the club, saying that no students bearing Nazi imagery should have been allowed in in the first place.

Ariel Cohen Sabban, head of the Delegaiton of Argentine Jewish Associations, said that he would be happy to meet with the club’s manager, and commented:

“It’s neither a joke nor a grace. These symbols reflect an ideology which culminated in the assassination of six million Jews at the hands of the Nazis. If these kids are older than 16, then these kids could be sentenced to between a month to three years in prison for their actions, as this is a crime in Argentina. We have to be alert because we are beginning new hot beds of anti-Semitism—the state’s drive to combat this phenomenon, specifically through education, is very important”.

The event occurred in the resort of San Carlos de Bariloche, which is in the Andes. The town was a hiding place to several Nazis after the conclusion of World War Two, including Erich Priebke, and several conspiracy theories hold that Hitler and Eva Braun survived and secretly fled their after the war.

David Blomstrom #racist everydayantisemitism.com

David Blomstrom, a fringe candidate in the race for Governor in Washington, runs an antisemitic website which accuses Jews of operating a “Jewish mafia”.

On Blomstrom’s website, titled “Jewarchy”, he writes about a “Jewish mafia” which operates across politics, banking and the media, and who “prefer to keep it that way” by not sharing any power with non-Jews – all this in an article titled “Logic vs JewSpeak”. In another article he states that “some of the most sinister Jew rumours are indeed true”, going on to say that both World Wars were part of a plot by the “international Jewry” to create the State of Israel.

The website’s logo features a crossed-out Star of David.

He has demonstrated a willingness to blame anything and everything on Jews, stating that “Jews have played an enormous role in screwing Latin America” and asking “Did you know Christopher Columbus was probably a Jew?”

He also penned an article on a website dedicated to the defamation of Elie Wiesel, where he wrote of “Elie Wiesel’s connections to Bernie Madoff”, implying that the two were in league with one another, despite the fact that Madoff stole millions from the Elie Wiesel Foundation. He also describes Elie Wiesel as “perhaps the most popular poster boy for the Holohoax camp”. Elsewhere he states his annoyance at “Obama giving millions to wealthy alleged Holocaust survivors” (my italics).

Unknown vandals #racist everydayantisemitism.com

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has removed an anti-Semitic sign from the 101 freeway, just north of the Cahuenga exit in Los Angeles. On 25th July, ADL were notified from a series of reports from community members that vandals had placed a sign reading “END ZOG” with a Star of David in place of the ‘O’ on the freeway.

‘ZOG’, short for ‘Zionist Occupied Government, is a known anti-Semitic trope of white supremacist origin. The conspiracy theory claims that “Jewish agents” secretly control the governments of Western states. One of the term’s earliest appearances can be traced to 1976, in an article named “Welcome to ZOG-World”, attributed to an American neo-Nazi named Eric Thomson, though it is of course an incarnation of much more established antisemitic conspiracy theories.

According to the Definition of Antisemitism, “making mendacious, dehumanising, demonising, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions” is antisemitic.

The ADL were immediately in touch with local authorities, and the sign was hastily taken down. The ADL Regional Director commented, “The sign appearing on the freeway represents a hateful message, which is especially concerning given the recent increases in visibility of extremist ideologies such as the ‘Alt-Right’ and groups such as Vanguard America”.

The sign is littered with far right imagery, which is not at all surprising given the fact that the term is one used widely by neo-Nazis.

Michael Chikindas #racist everydayantisemitism.com

Michael Chikindas, a Microbiology Professor at Rutgers University, has made a myriad of shamelessly antisemitic claims in a series of Facebook posts. Chikindas peddled several antisemitic conspiracy theories, referencing “international fat Jewish pockets” and blaming Jews for everything from 9/11 to cancer.

He described “orthodox judaism” and Zionism as “the best of two forms of racism”, calling Judaism the “most racist religion in the world. Disgracefully, he claimed that the Armenian Genocide, a Genocide so awful that many scholars compare it to the Holocaust, was “orchestrated by the Turkish Jews who pretended to be the Turks”.

He also said that Israel was aiming at the “extermination” of the Palestinians, bizarrely attributing its failure to do so to Israel’s thriving LGBT+ population, saying that it is “because of the number of the Jews of ‘alternative’ sexual orientation (25% of the Tel Aviv inhabitants are gay/lesbians and Israel has more of these than the Netherlands)”. Chikindas, apparently fixated on LGBT+ Jews, had previously posted that “Israel, the country of the Jews and for the Jews, has one of the highest percentage of gays in the world”.

Chikindas also shared a series of antisemitic conspiracy theories on his profile. One used the “happy merchant”, an antisemitic caricature of a Jew which is commonly used online by antisemites, and blames Jews for everything from “Hollywood” to the “cancer industry”. Another showed a caricature of a Jew being carried by America whilst saying “I am God’s chosen people, you filthy goyim”.

Sharing an article about a “global elite”, he wrote “These jewish motherf*****s do not control me. They can go and f**k each other in their fat a***s — you see, I really do not have anything to loose (sic), hence nothing to be controlled”. Despite his Facebook profile providing a dozens of examples of blatant antisemitism, when interviewed by the Algemeiner, Chikindas predictably denied being antisemitic, claiming to have previously been married to a Jewish woman. Attempting to justify his claims of Jewish racism, he pointed to the Talmud. Antisemites frequently cite fabricated, mistranslated or otherwise misleadingly presented passages from the Talmud to attempt to portray Jews as inherently elitist to support Antisemitic conspiracy theories.

When pressed for comment, Rutgers University’s Neal Buccino stated that “Professor Michael Chikindas’ comments and posts on social media are antithetical to our university’s principles and values of respect for people of all backgrounds, including, among other groups, our large and vibrant Jewish community. Such comments do not represent the position of the University”, and whilst the University respects free speech, it aims for an “an environment free from discrimination, as articulated in our policy prohibiting discrimination”.

With respect to Chikindas’ future at the University, Buccino added “the university is reviewing this matter to determine if actions taken in the context of his role as a faculty member at Rutgers may have violated that policy”. We will be watching the progression of this investigation with keen interest. Any outcome that does not remove Chikandas from contact with students would be to allow an antisemite a respected position from which he could influence students with his virulent antisemitic views.

Joe Briggs #racist everydayantisemitism.com

Suwanee City Council candidate Joe Briggs has defended antisemitic tweets he made, which have recently come to light.

Briggs said CNN was run by “white supremacists” for firing Jeffrey Lord for tweeting “Sieg Heil”, claiming “Zionists in Israel far worse than anything described in Mein Kampf. Get over it”.

In September, he called for Trump to “get the Jews out of the White House and out of POTUS’ ear”.

Later in September, he wrote: “At least the Nazis assimilated and contributed to US society. The problem is that Jews don’t care about racism — because they are racist. They only care about racism directed towards them. Square that”.

In a statement, Briggs said “I’m absolutely not racist in the very least”, claiming that someone “unscrupulously dug up the ultimate ‘antisemitic’ dirt” on him to halt discussion about traffic zoning.

Briggs has thankfully dropped out of the race following public pressure.

NSAB-MLNS #racist everydayantisemitism.com

A small Italian neo-Nazi group called NSAB-MLNS has littered the streets of Milan with antisemitic posters, the CFCA reports. The posters appeared in Garbagnate Milanese earlier this week.

One of the posters shows an antisemitic caricature of a Jewish man in a kippah counting a large amount of cash, and is captioned “blood against gold” and beseeches the reader to “wake up”, accusing Jews of “printing cash from nothing and lending it to the state”, which they call a “crime” that “enslaves the population”.

The accusation that Jews control the monetary system is a common antisemitic conspiracy theory, which predates but was perhaps most widely promoted in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It is a particularly virulent accusation, which is often used to use Jews as a scapegoat for all kinds of social ills.

Another showed two images of Rubik’s cubes, one solved and the other solved. Next to the unsolved one is said “multinational ideal” and next to the unsolved one it said “socio-nationalist ideal”, adding that “the savage invasion that Europe is suffering is not the result of spontaneous migration—but is part of a designed plan many years ago by those who wanted to destroy every race and every culture”. A common contemporary variant of antisemitic conspiracy theories involve the idea that Jews are somehow behind mass migration, with conspiracy theories often referencing “globalists”, as well as mentioning Jews or “Zionists” explicitly.

Another poster has two quotations, one from Voltaire saying “”to learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise”, and another from Ezra Pound saying “to learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise”. Again, the idea that Jews control the media is a common antisemitic conspiracy theory.

Whilst the last two posters are far from explicitly antisemitic, the fact that one of them has a clearly antisemitic depiction of a Jew and all of them references conspiracy theories which are frequently used to defame Jews, as well as the fact that NSAB-MLNS is an explicitly neo-Nazi group, should leave no doubts as to the true intent behind them. Unfortunately, these are symptomatic of a growing far-right in Europe, which is contributing to Jews feeling less and less welcome.

Cynthia McKinney #racist everydayantisemitism.com

Cynthia McKinney, a former Democratic Party Congresswoman for Georgia who was elected five times before being defeated at a Primary in 2002, has posted an antisemitic conspiracy theory on her Facebook.

McKinney has made antisemitic statements in the past, blaming “Zionists” for “kicking [her]—out of Congress” and has ties to antisemitic groups.

In the Facebook post, McKinney urges her followers to “wake up” before peddling a conspiracy theory about international finance which singles out Jewish individuals as pulling the strings behind the control of world banking. She linked to an article on the website Global Research.

However, perhaps more worryingly, she included her own image (below) which depicts an Octopus bearing the Star of David enveloping the White House. IN the background is an image of Barack Obama speaking at AIPAC, the pro-Israel pressure group, and the tentacles have the names of various Jewish groups such as the ADL on them. This is a typical antisemitic conspiracy theory.

Such conspiracy theories have been common as a form of antisemitism for well over 100 years, but contemporary incarnations often attempt to evade the accusation of Antisemitism by making the target “Zionism”, or by referring to financial institutions or wealthy Jewish individuals as a proxy.

In this way, they refer to the traditional target, Jews worldwide, merely through association and innuendo. However, identifying several Jewish groups in the image she shared makes McKinney’s antisemitism far more obvious than that in the article she shared.

The Octopus itself is a classic antisemitic image, which was used by the Nazis and many others.

According to the Definition of Antisemitism, “using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g. claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterise Israel or Israelis” is antisemitic.

Rahul Manchanda #conspiracy everydayantisemitism.com

A Manhattan attorney has posted several pieces of antisemitic content on his Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Rahul Manchanda, who describes himself as having “worked for one of the largest law firms in Manhattan”, posted that Angela Merkel was “controlled by Hardcore Zionist Jews Rothschilds/Soros w NATO” who he accused of having engineered the migrant crisis. This is a typical example of an antisemitic conspiracy theory alleging Jewish control over world affairs. He also writes that these individuals are “turning the world into Israel”.

He has expressed support for various other conspiracy theories, accusing the Rockefeller Foundation and the Rothchilds of controlling the education system to push children towards “adult-serfdom” and preventing schools teaching about the so-called “genocide—by Israel against Palestine”. He has retweeted statements that “Mossad did London terror attack” and “Zionist Jews” run various international institutions. He also retweeted a tweet stating that “Masonic Jews—will destroy the goyim by starting WW3” and that Jewish communists “invented the 6 million figure”.

He tweeted an article purporting to expose “Brexit and Jewish Oligarchy”, and he attributed the Brexit result to an “Anglo-Zionist push” whilst retweeting a statement about “Masonic Jewish white genocide agenda”, which Manchanda described as “great cover for Luciferian terrorist attacks”.

He has made several media appearances speaking about legal issues, including appearing on Fox News.

Texe Marrs #racist everydayantisemitism.com

Texe Marrs is a Christian fundamentalist and conspiracy theorist who has rallied behind Donald Trump.

In the past he has authored books with titles such as “Holy Serpent of the Jews: The Rabbis’ Secret Plan for Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews to Global Dominion” and “Conspiracies of the Six Pointed Star”.

On a podcast with another far-right extremist, Mike Rense, Marrs declared that Donald Trump could be an “instrument of God” to destroy the Jews. He had suggested that Stalin had been planning to exterminate the Jews of the Soviet Union, but was assassinated before he could, and that Hitler is unfairly criticised. Whilst he goes on to talk about “Israel” being destroyed, his past writings in which he frequently speaks of “Jewish” conspiracies, which he references in the last paragraph quoted here, as well as the context in which he defends the murder of Jews, demonstrate that Marrs is not talking about political opposition to Israel. He goes on to say:
“Israel is going to be destroyed and it is going to happen so fast we’ll all be shocked about it. It’s going to happen and I’ve been wondering if maybe, let me just say something here, could Trump be the instrument of God in this? He doesn’t have to be a Hitler, he doesn’t have to be a Stalin, he can simply be a good guy.”

“He’s going to have to move very fast against these people”

“[Trump] may be so smart though, and intelligent that he outwits them—he’s their friend, he’s their pal, he’s their buddy and then it’s suddenly, wow. He takes the woman, the whore, so to speak, Mystery Babylon the Great and suddenly he destroys her, in one single hour she will be destroyed”

“I pray they get what’s coming to them”

“These people who have done such horrible things over the years and who, right now, are plotting such horrible deeds against gentiles and others, I hope they get what they deserve. I hope they do and I hope maybe Trump could be the instrument of it.”

In his other work, he has accused George Bush of attending a Black Mass in the Great Pyramid of Giza and claimed that the Clintons are “deep into Egyptian occultism and Masonic magic”.

Maria Zakharova #racist everydayantisemitism.com

Maria Zakharova, a spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, seems to have suggested that Jewish money won the election for Donald Trump.

Zakharova told a Russian TV channel “If you want to know what will happen in America, who do you have to talk to? You have to talk to the Jews, naturally. But of course”.

“They told me: ‘Marochka (a Russian diminutive for Maria), you understand, of course, we’ll donate to Clinton. But we’ll donate twice as much to the Republicans.’ That was it! The matter was settled, for me personally”.

In fact, a majority of American Jews opposed Donald Trump.

She then said that people should ask residents of Brighton Beach, a New York area with a large Jewish population, with a particularly large Russian-Jewish community.

Throughout the comments she allegedly put on a “cartoonish Jewish accent”.

Omar Zaid #racist everydayantisemitism.com

Dr Omar Zaid, a former emergency room doctor and currently a lecturer at Insaniah University, a private University in Malaysia, has posted large amounts of antisemitic content on his twitter, as well as his personal website.

In one tweet he accuses “Jews and Jesuits” of spreading fear about the Brexit vote.

On the enquiry into possible Saudi involvement in the 9/11 attacks he concludes “Jews dun it”. He also shared an image with an antisemitic image of a woman breastfeeding a devil, captioned “Israel:mother of terrorism”. In a case of possible fraud within Medicare, he writes that the offenders are “probable Jews”.

In another he calls Roger Ailes a “fat ugly Jew pervert”. He also claims that Jews created a large scale sex slave trade in Argentina, a similar claim to the more common canard that Jews were responsible for the slave trade in general. Zaid writes that “All roads lead to the Jews”.

He also retweeted several tweets espousing Holocaust denial, which referred to a ‘holohoax’, a common term used by Holocaust deniers.

Swedish Muslim gang #racist everydayantisemitism.com

A Swedish mother of four has allegedly been attacked by a Muslim gang for wearing a Star of David necklace.

TLV Faces, a Jewish news outlet, has reported that Anna Sjogren was attacked while walking through a neighbourhood with a high Muslim population.

Sjoren told the WZO Centre for Countering Antisemitism:

“A Muslim girl saw that I was wearing the Star of David on my neck and she started swearing at me and spat in my face. I got very upset and pushed her off”

“There were at least ten witnesses to the attack. All ten of them were wearing hijabs or scarfs in the colors of the PLO. Some surrounding witnesses claim that I ‘tripped’ and fell and that no one hurt me. It’s just unbelievable.”

“Before we got to the hospital, one of the attackers gave me threatened me saying, ‘shut up or we’ll kill you.’”

She was apparently hit with a sharp object by another girl in the crowd. When she arrived at hospital she had been beaten so badly she could not talk or see.

Sjoren was initially afraid to go to the police, saying “I cannot go to the police. The worst thing is that they will get my name and address. They’ll know where to find me and know and know I am the Jew who reported it.”

Writing on her Facebook page, Sjoren said “The Star of David is extremely meaningful and significant. I will never take it down no matter what happens. When other Facebook users show support I will stand up proudly for Israel, I will never let any one silence me. Am Yisrael Chai. We will never forget and never forgive”.

Sjoren is due to speak to the Security Organisation of the Jewish Community on Monday.

Unnamed student and teacher #racist everydayantisemitism.com

A young schoolgirl in South Carolina has written a report entitled “Holohoax” for a school project. Her teacher encouraged the young girl by not only giving her an A grade for the project but also conducting a short interview with her about the report and posting it online.

In one passage, she wrote: “The Jews show pictures of hair and clothing of women and children, claiming that they were used for soap and rugs after their owners being stripped of them and brutally killed. However, the truth lies in the fact that ‘The Germans were against typhus, which was the real reason for shaving heads, fumigating buildings, and cremating corpses.’”

She added: “Also, there is no proof of the gassed Jews except for allegations made by hired phony witnesses. According to the Red Cross, ‘Though six million Jews supposedly died in the gas chambers, not one body has ever been autopsied and found to have died of gas poisoning.’”

Norwich vandal #conspiracy everydayantisemitism.com

On, July 18th , graffiti was discovered on the pathway of a main pedestrian and high traffic footbridge leading to Norwich city centre. The graffiti reads “ISIS ARE THE PAWNS OF ZIONISM”, accompanied by two “tags”: a cartoon face, smoking, with the letter ‘J’ and the word “Gaph”. The incident has been reported to the authorities. Despite an attempt at removal the graffiti is still in situ.

This could be the work of one or more people, who are ill-informed as to the nature and meaning of Zionism and could simply be following a popular narrative. Despite popular assertions that anti-Zionism is not antisemitism, uses of the word ‘Zionism’ in this context serve to simply take the place of the word ‘Jews’ in a style of conspiracy theory that has historically been used to defame Jewish people; conspiratorial activity has been levelled at Jews for centuries and alleged responsibility for ISIS is just a common new form of this canard.

Many are unaware that to be anti-Zionist means one is against the existence of the State of Israel in any form, it is often accompanied with accusations of being a racist endeavour. According to the EUMC definition of antisemitism, attacks against ‘Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity’ are antisemitic.

Whether these authors are aware of these aspects of antisemitism is neither here nor there; it is the casual and everyday nature of these accusations which permeate our communities, at every level, which is more divisive and frightening, as such themes are remarkably common, coming up time and time again.

Mokan Kolasinac #racist everydayantisemitism.com

Mekan Kolasinac, the Chairman of the German Left Party in the City of Saarlouis, has called an MP from his own party a “sneaky Jew” on Facebook.

Kolasinac called the head of the federal party, Bernd Riexinger, a “sneaky Jew”. Describing Jews with pejoratives such as “sneaky” ties in with long-standing antisemitic canards; antisemites often accuse Jews of being duplicitous and manipulative, pulling the strings behind events. Kolasinac’s comment is not just an off-hand insult, but an expression of an insidious form of antisemitism.

Kolasinac admitted making the comment, but said that he regretted having done so, addressing his “Jewish friends” in the statement.

The Left Party is a populist left wing party that often takes an anti-Israel stance. In 2010, neo-Nazis praised members of the party, including MPs, who refused to stand for Shimon Peres. At least one MP from the Left Party, Christine Buchhloz, has supported terrorist organisations Hamas and Hezbollah as organs of “legitimate resistance”.

Wael al-Ghitawi and Sayed al-Ghitawi #racist everydayantisemitism.com

B’nai Brith Canada has expressed it's shock following reports from Montreal police that Imams who allegedly made antisemitic comments, including allegedly inciting violence against Jews, would face no criminal charges.

B’nai Brith tweeted that it is “outraged that Quebec prosecutors have chosen not”, whilst adding that claims that too much time has elapsed since the alleged incident are “blatantly false”.

The complaints were made in respect of two sermons given by Wael al-Ghitawi and Sayed al-Ghitawi at the Al-Andalous Islamic Centre in the St-Laurent borough of Montreal in 2014.

A video showed Sayed al-Ghitawi allegedly calling on Allah “to destroy the accursed Jews” and to “give victory to our brothers who engage in jihad in Palestine”, as well as calling for Jihadis to “kill them one by one” and “make their children orphans and their women widows”.

In the Mosque’s “clarification”, they stated that his comments were referring merely to killing members of the IDF which they claimed was responsible for an ongoing “massacre” in the region.

The second complaint was made in respect of the Mosque’s Imam, Wael al-Ghitawi, who allegedly claimed that the Jews had no lineage to Ancient Israel and no claim on Modern day Israel. He allegedly describes Jews as having been cursed by Allah for having supposedly killed prophets and rejected Jesus.

B’nai Brith Canada have said that they “won’t accept” the lack of action by the police and are expected to challenge the disgraceful decision on the part of the police to abdicate their responsibility to bring antisemites to justice.

Ukrainian nationalists #racist everydayantisemitism.com

Ukrainian far right Nationalists marched in Kiev on New Years Day to celebrate the birthday of Stepan Bandera, a Nazi collaborator.

As we noted in December 2015 in a report on support for Bandera coming from a Mayor in Ukraine, the Nationalist figure has been gaining popularity.

Bandera led Ukrainian troops who fought alongside the Nazis.

Marchers were filmed chanting “Jews out” in German. Whilst Bandera was admired by some for standing up to Communism and for aspiring to an independent Ukraine after the world, the use of German chants explicitly linking their support of Bandera to his association with the Nazis, and not just as a poorly chosen figurehead for Ukrainian Nationalism, the supporters are clearly throwing their lot in with the Nazis and the slaughter of Europe’s Jews during the Holocaust.

According to Oleksandr Feldman, President of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee and a Ukrainian lawmaker, the Svoboda party who appear to be responsible for the march have often engaged in antisemitic rhetoric.

He also added “I still can’t get over hearing it at the rally in honor of Stepan Bandera’s birthday. I admit, I’m choking up with tears. I love Ukraine, love the Ukrainians”.

Lupe Fiasco #racist everydayantisemitism.com

Rapped Lupe Fiasco has apparently decided to quit music after having released an antisemitic track.

The Chicago-born rapper, 34, released a track on his Soundcloud earlier this week, which included the line “Artists gettin’ robbed for their publishing / By dirty Jewish execs who think that it’s alms from the covenant”.

The idea that Jews are obsessed with money and exercise undue influence over various areas of business is an inherently antisemitic one, yet is an idea which is very common.

However, media coverage has tended to focus on the first line about “dirty Jewish execs”, whilst ignoring the accusation that such behaviour is “alms from the covenant”. The idea that Jews are led to extract money from others due to a perceived sense of religious superiority is clearly antisemitic, and is in fact a common theme found in the antisemitism of white nationalists. Here two antisemitic stereotypes co-exist; the idea of Jews as baseless cosmopolitans, influencing, dominating and exploiting the world of business; and the idea of Jews as backwards religious traditionalists, who allow everything to be directed by religious precepts, many of which are painted as supremacist in nature.

He faced a backlash from fans after releasing the freestyle track, and fired back against accusations of antisemitism in a series of tweets, saying “I’ve walked inside the ovens of Auschwitz” and “I’ve studied the Hebrew bible”. However, clearly studying the Bible and visiting Auschwitz does not exclude one from being antisemitic, particularly when one makes blatantly antisemitic comments such as these without apology.

Instead of apologising for his comments, he instead claimed he was “getting beat up for telling the truth”.

He went on to say that he would not release any more music.

Susan Dean #fundie everydayantisemitism.com

A retired 71-year-old woman has pleaded guilty to religiously or racially aggravated harassment after subjecting her Jewish neighbour to a campaign of abuse.

Susan Dean subjected her neighbour Allan Rich to antisemitic abuse which stemmed from a dispute over their adjoining beach huts. The huts come with the seafront properties, but Mrs Dean was initially upset as she felt that Mr Rich and his friends “encroached” and prevented her from enjoying her hut.

Mr Rich is the chairman of the management committee for the block of luxury flats, and was the CEO of a successful company.

Mrs Dean left Mr Rich an anonymous note in which she called him “Jew boy”, a common term of antisemitic abuse.

Three days later, she told Mr Rich in another note that he should leave the country.

She also said that she could not attend a communal barbecue as she “was not Jewish”, which appears to be her suggesting that Jews make non-Jews feel unwelcome and are only concerned with other Jews, a common antisemitic canard.

Mr Rich and his wife were apparently so upset by the antisemitic abuse that they were reduced to tears and were fearful of using their own balcony as Mrs Dean may have been using hers.

The prosecutor said “These aren’t off the cuff handwritten notes, they are typed up notes that were then placed in strategic places and they clearly caused the aggrieved a lot of distress”.

In his appeal to a magistrate asking for a restraining order, Mr Rich stated:

“[Susan Dean’s] religious hate is causing me and my family great sadness.”

“I have never had to deal with such a horrible situation in my whole life. I can no longer go out on my balcony because she will shout abuse and we can no longer walk around the side of our flat because if she is there she will shout at us, so we have to walk our dog on a different route.”

“When we received the first note my wife and I could not sleep that night. We were both led to tears.

I’m not sure why anyone would want to do it or how they could be so vile. I’m not even sure how she knew my religion.

I do not want to be abused at my own home, my wife doesn’t feel safe coming down with other family members and I do not feel safe for my wife to be their alone.

This caused us to cut our stay in Sandbanks short, but she has also been sending abusive letters to our other address.

I’m worried she may react one day and do something out of the ordinary, that she could be stood at my door with a knife, because I do not know how much she hates me and my religion or how far she may go to satisfy her hate”.

Mrs Dean was fined and was given a restraining order, prohibiting her from having any contact with Mr Dean or his family.

Zafar Iqbal Said #conspiracy everydayantisemitism.com

Birmingham Councillor Zafar Iqbal Said apologised for sharing an antisemitic video produced by Klu Klux Klan leader, David Duke on his Facebook account; reports Jonathan Walker in the online Birmingham Mail on 21 September 2016. Said is reported to have denied any acknowledgment of how the video got posted and shared on his Facebook page. Walker states that the video entitled “CNN , Goldman Sachs and the Zio Matrix”, was accompanied by the posting; ..”this video reveals how the Zionist Matrix of Power controls Media, Politics and Banking” , which may have appeared automatically with the video posting.

The term “Zio” has caused much controversy, after having been branded as antisemitic following its routine use against Jewish students. Its use here in a video espousing a classical example of a “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”-type conspiracy theory, which is blatantly antisemitic in its suggestion of Jewish or “Zionist” control over banking, demonstrates unambigiously that the term is used to defame and humiliate Jews. According to the EUMC definition of antisemitism, it is antisemitic to use conspiracy theories previously targeted towards Jews and instead simply shift the blame onto Israel, or in this case “Zionism”.

Said was reportedly appointed Justice of Peace in Solihull Magistrates Court in 2007 and awarded an MBE in 2008 for services to education and the community. He is quoted as saying there is no place for anti-semitism in Labour or society and that he will continue to work with groups in Birmingham of different faiths against racism and prejudice. The article cites a West Midlands Labour spokesman who said Labour takes all allegations of antisemitism seriously and will investigate any such evidence and take relevant action.

However, the Jewish Chronicle has reported that no action will be taken by the Labour Party against Said. A spokesmen said:

“Councillor Iqbal has apologised, we accept his explanation of what happened and we have reminded him of his responsibilities as a Labour councillor.”

Small Heirouche #fundie everydayantisemitism.com

A 39-year-old Dutch Muslim is facing trial in Cork, Ireland, for threatening to kill two French nationals as well as threatening to behead Jews.

Smael Heirouche is accused of saying to the two men that “Zionists should have their throats cut”, whilst calling them “Zionists” and making threatening gestures.

Mr Heirouche is also accused of saying that if he had a sword he would cut off the heads of Jews.

“He was quoting the Koran. They did not have the same belief. He did not take kindly to this. He made reference to recent terrorist attacks in France” said Detective Geraldine Daly. He apparently spoke approvingly of terrorist attacks against Jews in France.

Heirouche was was allegedly making the threats in the name of Islamic extremism, and brandished a Koran as he did so.

Heirouche was refused bail by the judge, due to the severity of the accusations, as well as having attempted to book flights abroad, presenting a risk that he would abscond.

Monica and Peter Evertson, and other Swedish Democrats #racist everydayantisemitism.com

The right wing Swedish Democrats Party has expelled two local politicians after they shared a photograph of a man brandishing a “Camp Auschwitz” flag.

Monica and Peter Evertson, a married couple, represent the small town of Sävsjö.

Monica shared the photograph of the man, who the couple apparently camped with, on her Facebook page.

There were a string of racist comments on the image, in which commenters joked about a “negro” stealing one’s wallet. At one point a commenter said “Everything becomes so much worse when a negro is involved”, to which Monica replied “too right”.

Party Press representative Henrik Vinge said The local party organisation has been requested to invite these people to leave the party. If this call is not heeded, the issue will be brought up in the party’s membership committee on Monday. This procedure could lead to people getting their membership cancelled”.

However, firmer action would be ideal, when the couple seem to have revelled in meeting someone who was mocking the Holocaust, jovially posting about it on Facebook.

Unknown marchers #racist everydayantisemitism.com

A march organised by the Swedish-Palestinian Centre in Helsingborg descended into blatant antisemitism, as marchers allegedly chanted a classic Islamic antisemitic tirade.

Anti-Israel marchers allegedly used the phrase “sons of apes and pigs” in connection with Jewish individuals.

The phrase is derived from an infamous antisemitic Sura, which describes Allah turning Jews into apes and pigs. Whilst the traditional interpretations of these verses were generally less unfavourable to Jews, the phrase has become a mainstay of Islamic antisemitism.

The Jewish Community of Northwest Skåne (Judiska Församlingen i Nordvästra Skåne) has launched an investigation into the event, and has submitted a complaint to the police. They have claimed that this rhetoric was directed against Jewish individuals, with their chair Josefin Thorell commenting:

“We can see that there are elements in these protests that are worrying and serious because they contain antisemitic insults and antisemitic claims in combination with a violent rhetoric, in a really unfortunate way”

However, the event organisers have claimed that the chant was simply directed against the Israeli state. Regardless of whether this is the case, according to the Definition of Antisemitism, “using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g. claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterise Israel or Israelis” is antisemitic. Furthermore, the fact that reports indicate that the chants were in fact directed against counter-protesters, who happened to be Jewish, makes a mockery of the claim that this was mere criticism of Israel; instead, the alleged comments clearly would involve the use of inherently antisemitic rhetoric against Jews for their beliefs.

A further investigation into the organisers found that they had previously posted antisemitic content on Facebook, including claiming that Jews would leave Israel “half naked, without anything”, eventually leading to their page being shut down by Facebook.

The police have since launched an investigation.

Kamil Malmon #racist everydayantisemitism.com

Kamil Malmon, a Polish man, has been sentenced to 26 weeks in prison after damaging Pinner Synagogue with antisemitic graffiti.

Malmon wrote “f*ck the Juda!!!” on the Synagogue in June, and was captured on CCTV. The CCTV was installed by a Jewish charity, the Community Security Trust, which has been fortifying Jewish community buildings in response to a surge in antisemitic hate crime.

Malmon was identified by the Synagogue’s caretaker.

Malmon appeared at Willesden Magistrate Court on August 12 and pleaded guilty through a Polish interpreter. The court watched the CCTV footage and listened to statements from the caretaker, a representative of the Synagogue, and from several police who attended when the crime was reported, as well as a recording of Malmon’s police statement.

Malmon claimed that he did not do the graffiti, but said that he thinks Jewish people separate themselves from others and only look after themselves, yet denied having a particular problem with Jews.

The Magistrate also ordered Malmon to pay costs, and stated that if the offence was not a racially or religiously motivated one, then it would only warrant a fine, but due to the motivation necessitated a jail sentence.

A representative from Pinner Synagogue reacted:
“Whilst this was the first incident of its type experienced by the Synagogue since its establishment 75 years ago, and perhaps associated with the current trend of increasing antisemitism, it was nevertheless shocking and unacceptable. This incident was painfully reminiscent of the 1930s as tragically experienced by the parents of many of the members of the Synagogue. There is no place for antisemitism in Society today. Our thanks therefore to the local police for pursuing this hate crime to a successful conclusion and to the CST for the funding of the CCTV which was absolutely central to the identification of the offender.”

The Community Security Trust also responded to the incident, saying:

“CST welcomes this conviction and sentence, and hope it shows that antisemitic incidents, including graffiti, will not be tolerated and will be dealt with by the Justice system. CST wishes to thank the Metropolitan Police and the Crown Prosecution Service for their swift action on this case“.

This incident comes amidst a flurry in antisemitic graffiti that has been recorded in London and the surrounding areas in recent months.

Kevine Walcott #conspiracy everydayantisemitism.com

Kevine Walcott, a self-described “Labour activist”, has launched an antisemitic tirade on Twitter.

Walcott sent a barrage of tweets at Channel 4 reporter Cathy Newman when Newman was interview Jackie Walker, who has been embroiled in an antisemitism row.

Among Walcotts twitter comments were “Jews ran slavery”, “It’s time you apologize to for the slave trade”, “You and Jewish community has never apologise for your well documented role in the slave trade and its the greatest holocaust”, and “More people died in slavery than the holocaust and Jews ran slavery”.

She also described her comments as “not anti-semitism, facts”. Nonetheless, the American Historical Association considers insinuations of Jewish dominance in the slave trade to be antisemitic and not corresponding to historical fact.

She also said “the jews was so proud of their role in the slave trade they named many slave trade organisations after themselves”

Antipodean Resistance #racist everydayantisemitism.com

Around 60 antisemitic and anti-immigrant posters were plastered on several schools in Melbourne, Australia.

The posters encouraged the public to join neo-Nazi groups and to “reject Jewish poison”, showing a stereotypical antisemitic image of a Jew as a puppet-master directing “multiculturalism” and “degeneracy”, a classic antisemitic conspiracy theory.

Images like this are a clear illustration of how, despite the fact that general anti-immigration and white supremacist ideas are central to the far right’s ideology, Jews are often singled out as the root cause of the “problems” they identify. Here, Jewish domination is portrayed as steering other things they object to.

The neo-Nazi group Antipodean Resistance claimed responsibility for the posters. On their website, the group describe “substance abuse” and “homosexuality” as “irresponsible distractions laid before us by Jews and globalist elites”.

Their website is explicitly neo-Nazi, calling for National Socialism in Australia, and is littered with Nazi imagery, including the Swastika, pagan images associated with neo-Nazism, and the skull image used as a logo by Nazi groups like Combat 18. They claim to be the “Hitlers you’ve been waiting for”.

The Victoria State Education Minister, James Merlino, condemned the posters, stating “these sort of vile and disgusting comments and posters are not acceptable in the community and those individuals that placed them should be ashamed of themselves”.

Feyenoord fans #racist everydayantisemitism.com

Fans of the Dutch football team Feyenoord have used their rivalry with Ajax as an opportunity to mock victims of the Holocaust.

A Dutch caption placed over an image of two Holocaust-era Jewish children wearing the Nazi yellow star reads “when 020 had one star”. The number is a reference to the postal code of Ajax.

Ajax has, like Tottenham Hotspur in London, a reputation of being a “Jewish” club. In the past, rival fans have been heard chanting antisemitic slogans and songs, including “Hamas Hamas, Jews to the gas”. The Antisemitism got so bad that many Jewish fans stopped attending games.

The image shows Avram (5) and Emanuel Rosenthal (2), who were both murdered by the Nazis a matter of weeks after the photograph was taken.

Another image shared on Twitter shows a warning label on a packet of cigarettes which has been made to read “smoking will kill you, so free packs for any Ajax Jew”.

Ronny Naftaniel, the executive vice chair of CEJI, described his “shock” at seeing the image, saying ““Feyenoord supporters, for once leave Jews alone if you must taunt Ajax”.

Bishop Tikhon #racist everydayantisemitism.com

An influential Russian Bishop has prompted investigators to consider whether “ritual killing” was behind the death of the Tsar.

Bishop Tikhon, who is rumoured to be a personal spiritual advisor to Vladimir Putin, told a conference that was attended by top Russian intelligence agents that they should investigate whether the Tsar’s death was a “ritual killing”, a claim that clearly mirrors medieval blood libel. Hardliners in the Russian Orthodox Church have long claimed that the Tsar’s death was a “Jewish” ritual murder. Father Chaplin, formerly a spokesman for the Russian Orthodox Church, once commented that “many people in today’s church believe the tsar was killed by Jews”.

Tikhon’s comments to the attendees at the conference made no explicit reference to the “ritual killing” being carried out by Jews, but Jewish groups have criticised him for reinvigorating a long-standing piece of antisemitic rhetoric, and lending credence to those who genuinely advocate the idea that Jews killed Nicholas II. Alexander Boroda, head of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Russia, said that the “accusation against Jews of involvement in ritual murders is one of the most ancient forms of antisemitic slander”. Accusations of Jews carrying out ritual murder have been used to incite violence against Jews, particularly in medieval Europe, and are known as “blood libel”.

The investigation into the deaths of Nicholas II and his family was reopened after pressure from the Church, who considers him a saint, in 2015.

Piotr Rybak #racist everydayantisemitism.com

A hotel in Cesarzowice, Poland, is being investigated by local authorities after a picture emerged of a sign reading “Entry forbidden to Jews, Commies, and all thieves and traitors of Poland”.

The hotel is reportedly owned by far right extremist Piotr Rybak, who was convicted of burning an effigy of a Jew in 2015 and is currently facing jail for having allegedly violated his parole conditions by shouting an antisemitic chant at an Independence Day rally which was organised by far right groups, many attendees of which called for a “Jew free Poland” and a “White Europe”. He is currently under partial house arrest for incitement, having finally being convicted for burning the effigy in 2015, narrowly missing out on jail time.

The Anti-Defamation League have called on Polish prosecutors to take appropriate action against him.

Ali Bouali #racist everydayantisemitism.com

Ali Bouali, a Dutch rapper of Moroccan descent has been accused of antisemitism, after a lyric in his new song played on the canard of Jews being miserly.

His new song “That is money” includes the lyric that he “sits on money like a Jew” and that he “deports” greedy women.

Dutch Jewish Newspaper Jonet featured a piece on the song, in which the writer lamented the fact that Bouali used his position to spread an antisemitic lie, as opposed to speak out against the antisemitism amongst Dutch Muslims.

However, Bouali rejected the criticism, claiming that he is just saying Jews are “good businesspeople”. Bouali added that “they want to take every word that a Moroccan ever says and turn it into something anti-Semitic”. Whilst being good with money is obviously not a bad thing, claiming that Jews are particularly good with money in itself plays upon antisemitic ideas that Jews have an unusual preoccupation with pursuing money. However, saying that Jews “sit on money” is not merely saying Jews are good businesspeople, but instead evokes images of miserly Jews holding onto their money, and is inherently antisemitic.

His music video has now been viewed over a million times on YouTube.

Benjamin Immanuel Hoff #racist everydayantisemitism.com

Benjamin Immanuel Hoff, the Chief of the State Chancellery in Thuringa has received a horrific letter that threatens both Muslims and Jews.

The letter defames both the Jewish and Muslim communities, saying that the only option is to re-open concentration camps. It continues to say “We’ve gassed 6 million Jews in Europe, so it will not be difficult for us to eliminate 3 million Muslims and the rest of the Jews”.

He singles out two Jews by name: Reinhard Schramm and Stephan Kramer, both of whom are prominent figures in the local Jewish community.

The letter concludes with “Germany wake up!”, which has frequently been chanted by Pegida extremists.

The police have told about the letter and are investigating the matter.

Ku Klux Klan #conspiracy everydayantisemitism.com

The Anti-Defamation League said that it was “troubled” by the circulation of KKK leaflets in New York.

The white supremacist Ku Klux Klan have been circulating the leaflets, which claim that “Jews control the money in America”, and telling “white America” to wake up, in update New York, Long Island and the Hamptons.

Another leaflet says “Zionist Jews own and run the Federal Reserve Bank”.

They featured a horrific call to action: “Join us to stop Zionist control over your government”

The leaflets also attacked Black Americans and the LGBTQ community, which it described as “abominations”.

REN-TV #conspiracy everydayantisemitism.com

Moscow’s REN-TV aired an antisemitic documentary last Friday at prime time hours.

The documentary was a reworking of a 2012 documentary that blamed the sinking of the Titanic on a conspiracy which one commentator said was a “reanimation” of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and one viewer described as having a “clearly expressed anti-Semitic subtext”.

The documentary suggested a “group of 300” Jews, freemasons and “illluminati” had sunk the ship to provoke an international crisis and install themselves as leaders of a world government, a central theme of antisemitism conspiracy theories.

The 2012 version of the documentary used the past tense, suggesting that the attempt was in the past and ultimately unsuccessful. However, REN-TV’s airing of the documentary was edited to use the present tense, as well as to link the conspiracy to various more recent events, including the Chernobyl disaster, 9/11, and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The Federation of Jewish Communities in Russia has already expressed concern about what the rise of such ideas in Russia could mean for the Jewish community.

Muslin Student Association and Students for Justice in Palestine #racist everydayantisemitism.com

Students from the Muslim Student Association and Students for Justice in Palestine have blocked a student motion which would allow for a week of Holocaust education on campus at Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.

According to reports received by Campaign Against Antisemitism and Everyday Antisemitism, a motion which aimed to institute a Holocaust Education Week was blocked by the groups.

Not only did the groups oppose the motion, but they also attempted to prevent others attending, essentially preventing Jewish students from having their voices heard. According to a report from a Muslim student, who condemned the MSA and SJP, members from the two groups blocked hallways and seemingly intimidated Jewish students attempting to attend the meeting, telling one that she wasn’t welcome.

In the Facebook post from the Muslim student, she decries the antisemitism in the Muslim community, saying “we’re literally a step away from Holocaust denial”. She put up a video shortly after, in which she says explicitly “they intimidated Jewish students”.

Adelaide Man #racist everydayantisemitism.com

A man in Australia is being charged with a series of terrorism-related offences after he allegedly produced a series of videos inciting violence against Jews.

The man, 50, was arrested by police in Adelaide on Thursday, and is being charged with four counts of advocating terrorism, each of which carries a potential 5 year sentence.

His lawyer has claimed that her client has mental health difficulties, and his initial hearing took place via telephone from the state infirmary.

Commonwealth Prosecutor, John Clover, said:

“In each video the defendant is depicted advocating with other persons engaged in acts of terrorism via the defendant providing explicit verbal instructions as well as physical demonstrations with weapons as to how to kill Jewish people”.

We applaud the action of the police and prosecution services, who have assured Jewish communities in Australia that there is no heightened risk as a result of the videos.

Ali Qassem #racist everydayantisemitism.com

The Middle East Media Research Institute has released footage of an Egyptian cleric, Sheikh Ali Qassem, spouting antisemitic propaganda in a lecture, which is currently on YouTube, called “Path to Allah”, and which was released in December.

In the tirade, he begins by dismissing the concept of “openness towards others” as a “loathsome term”, and seeks to “enlighten” his viewers about the “Jewish Other”.

He then says the Jews “cursed Allah”, that they “slayed innocent people” and “even slayed the prophets”. These two claims mirror long-standing antisemitic canards which were common in Christian Europe. The first resembles a blood libel, examples of which can be found frequently in the Islamic world, but the latter seems to closely correspond to the accusation that Jews “killed Jesus”, who is also considered a prophet in Islam. The claim of “deicide”, as it was to Christians, was frequently used to incite violence against Jews in Christian territories, and a parallel claim seems to be taking root with Islamic extremists.

The cleric then calls Jews “the brethren of apes and pigs”, which is a term increasingly used to smear Jews in the Muslim world, and which has a long history of being applied to Jews by Muslims.

He then uses the term a “people of falsehood, heresy and decline” who will be enemies of the Muslims “until Judgement Day”.

He accuses Jews of having a “covert hatred” towards Muslims which has “not ceased for a single moment”.

He ends the video by celebrating the recent fires in Israel.

Unnamed attacker #racist everydayantisemitism.com

A Hasidic Rabbi was stabbed this afternoon in Strabourg, by an attacker shouting “Allahu Ackbar”.

Rabbi Chalom Levy, who is described as belonging to a Hasidic sect, was stabbed in the Jewish quarter of the city, 500 metres from the Great Synagogue.

Rabbi Mendel Samama, another Rabbi in Strasbourg, said that Rabbi Levy described his survival as a “miracle”.

“He was shocked. He is weak. He was hit in the abdominal region a few centimetres from a vital organ”, said Rabbi Samama.

The Grand Rabbi of Strasbourg, Rabbi René Gutman, has said that this is the work of one lone attacker, and is not reflective of a wider problem in the city, but has requested additional security.

Strasbourg has a Jewish community numbering around 15,000.

The attacker has reportedly been involved in a similar attack previously.

France has been described as one of the most dangerous countries to be a Jew and over half of French Jews wish to leave the country for Israel.

Sturmvogel and various parents #fundie everydayantisemitism.com

The Express has revealed footage purporting to show German children attending a summer camp run by far-right groups in Sweden.

The footage shows children in the woods dressed in uniforms with Sturmvogel logo. Sturmvogel is a far-right group founded in 1987 and apparently has links to Nazism and Holocaust denial. They also have links to the banned groups Wiking-Jugend and Heimattreue Deutsche Jugend.

The camps are structured in a quasi-militaristic manner, with children expected to stand in silence and salute the flag until they are dismissed.

The group holds its camps in Sweden to avoid German counter-extremism laws.

Andrea Ropke, a German expert on the far right, notes that the children are sent to the camps by their parents: “Nationalist youth education is very important to them and the camps are an important part of the business”.

Manchester man #racist everydayantisemitism.com

A group of Jews walking in Manchester near a synagogue in Prestwich were reportedly threatened by a man wielding an axe and shouting antisemitic abuse. The incident is said to have taken place on Monday at 13:30 near a synagogue.

According to the Manchester Evening News, a man in a vehicle brandished an axe at the group whilst making antisemitic threats. A 45-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of a racially-aggravated public order offence and possession of an offensive weapon. He has been bailed until 31st October.

Sergeant Steve Wightman-Love, of Greater Manchester Police, told the Manchester Evening News: “This incident remains under investigation and officers in the case are continuing to make enquiries. However, I wish to remind everyone that we take all reports of hate crime extremely seriously.”