
White Ginger Pride #homophobia #racist stormfront.org

He looks a right f..k..g Nancy boy! Mind you,once of a day to be a copper you had to be tall,well built,have perfect vision and be heterosexual. Now non of those are required. All they ask is that you believe in the degeneration of society by supporting 'multiculturalism' homosexuality and promiscuity.

Lord Jim #racist stormfront.org

Forced diversity brought three crime-prone negro knuckle-draggers into the realm of a century owned business. Negroes, embolden by liberal's forgiving of their actions, feel free to steal.

A century of ups, downs, depression, war, and it is gone all because arrogant, evil, hippie mentality...diversity is strength.

Once again we see Whites build and Negroes ruin.

Germanican #racist stormfront.org

The jews want to destroy Christianity since they called Christ. Our churches and fake jew worshin=pping Christians show that they have poisioned the churches. They brought Islam that should destroy Christianity. They brough communism that killed 60 million people.A lot of orthodox Christians. Now they brought globalism where we are all united in a materialistic world. Holocaustianity is their religion.

Let jews run the show and pay billion$$$ in interest to them. Don't hate the jewish parasite but feel sorry for him for something that never happened. Every jew is a Holocaust-survivor because there was no holocaust. Jews did not get gassed or were made extinct. They are everywhere run the show and make billion$$$ on the backs of hard working people whose paychecks get smaller every year while everything gets more expensive.

The Holocaust memorials are just there to celebrate the biggest lie of humanity and make sure the jews stay in power extorting all that tax and interest money ! The victims should feel sorry for the jewish parasite that gets all the money for nothing,Being foreign aide or free weapons to israhell.Billion$$$ to FED banksters or billion$$$ for worthless paper to WAll-Street speculators who make off with our real money. But remember it is all good because of the Holocaust (that never happened)....Crazy !!!

Coldstar #racist stormfront.org

Talking about fake. That is what Jews are all about, being fake. They are deceivers all the way. However, I wonder if they themselves believe many of their own lies. Growing up as a Jewish child and being conditioned to believe that the world historically singles out Jews for persecution and hate "for no reason whatsoever", that has to have a very negative conditioning effect on them.

Jews grow up "knowing" that they are all "perpetually persecuted" and others get blamed for it, especially our White race and Christians. The most gullible goyim thought that by reshaping their own religion and by blending Judaism in with their own, they would appease Jews and "heal their hurt". As a result we have Judeo-Christianity. I would have to research if there also is such a thing as Judeo-Islam.

spamSauce #racist stormfront.org

I am against this nonsense. I am white and moved to Cambodia away from the negro and Muslim infestation. Haven't seen a single spade in 5 years. No foul Muslim. Nothing but wall to wall Asians who are polite and quiet.

So now Australians paid off the corrupt officials here with $0 going for the boat loads of violent Muzzies and cannibals from Papua New Guinea to be dumped to roam the streets. Wonderful! Just f-n wonderful. Why don't they just ship em back to Indonesia, or better yet torpedo their boats and give the sharks a taste for Halal meat.

Australians also promised to build a beef processing plant, which the news link never mentioned since the money has already been 'appropriated'. Stop sending the crap of the world to Cambodia, a lot of us expats are here to get away from the same violent non-Whites that liberal scum unleashed on our countries. Australians love Muslims and apes so much, they should keep em; or admit at least they don't want them and blow them out the water, but don't send them to Cambodia.

Ratatat #racist stormfront.org

It's a shame we even have to ask this question...it is such disgusting behavior for children to be repeatedly assaulting an elder and one who is their teacher no less.

Statistics don't lie and statistically speaking there is no hope for these negroid children. No matter how much money you throw at the education system the results will always be the same: the negroes will always perform at lower levels than whites. Even in experiments where negro children were adopted by white parents when they were infants and received all the same "privileges" that a white child would receive for literally their entire life, even then the negro children always turned out to be an inferior product than the white children. It's a matter of genetics.

The victims here are the white children who are having their education disrupted and the white teachers who spent years in college getting advanced degrees only to walk into a career where they have to try to do their jobs in a hostile environment.

The perpetrators are the jews.

14words_of_truth #racist stormfront.org

By "opposite race" I take that to mean "human" but what they mean is "enemy".

The jewish leadership wants every race to think of us white humans as their enemy.

The jews obviously see us as their prime enemy, which is why they are pushing White Genocide, but not black or brown genocide, not until after we are gone, then jews will push black genocide, because blacks are useless and the browns will be all for that since they hate blacks, then the jews will reduce the brown population down to the number of slaves that they actually require for their purposes to serve them.

WhiteRights #racist stormfront.org

There is now proof of racial differences in form of genetic evidence.

The two and three allele version of the MAO-A gene, which is associated with violence, shows up much more often among Blacks than Whites. Crime statistics have Blacks committing about half the murders in the U.S. even though they are only 14 percent of the population.

It's been known for generations that Blacks have a smaller average brain size than Whites, but this truth has been brutally suppressed by the Jewish media, politically correct public schools and gutless politicians.

Various Commenters #racist #psycho stormfront.org

(Odin Awakens)

Black parents crying to be able to remove their kids from school due to bullying from Mexicans

Race is a issue at Paramount High School

Blacks have been treated like babies by white people for so long they are now in for a reality check considering Hispanics will soon be the majority in America.

(White gold)

Blacks are hated the world over, and Mexico hates them too. White countries treat blacks better than anyone else has in history.


They look so unnatural in a modern civilized world with all those whiteman master race buildings and infrastructure.

Just the way they gather and stand looks like a chimp out could happen at any moment.

All the males look like bangers.

None of them can talk properly.

Cops are maybe a phenotype one step above?

From a scientific or Nazi point of view, the entire area is probably doomed because of the half apeling, unnatural, ex slave population pretending to be English.

A Tribe called axe you a quest...


Oh, just wait until Hispanics take over the justice system. Judges, juries, the whole nine yards. Black lives aren't worth shyt to them, they'll send ghetto rats to prison without even looking at their cases, and reinstate the death penalty in every single state - if negroes caught by Hispanic police even make it that far. Mexicans have ZERO qualms about lynching people.

Oh, the Schadenfreude, the Schandenfreude! This video made my day.

(Ethan Edwards)

I could only stand about the first 30 seconds of the bixnooding sheboons in the video. I find it hilarious though, that blacks are complaining about being “bullied”. Negroes have been group piling on White children for decades, and now that it is happening to them, suddenly, it’s “not right”??

Give me a break. The negro has absolute zero, self awareness.

(three in one)

Good! I hope that the Mexicraps pile it on against the blacks. The groids have been making trouble for Whites since they (unfortunately) arrived in America, and it's about time that they got some of the trouble and the misery they've caused turned back on them.

WhiteMansBurden82 #racist stormfront.org

I don't agree with the Christian Identity people on a lot of things - but their idea that negroes literally have the spirit of Satan within them has made a lot of sense to me in recent years. In a way, it's the converse of the Christian idea of God's presence being within Christians( in the form of the Holy Spirit).

whiteuser1 #fundie stormfront.org

Re: Kenya blames gays for gay animals

actually I didn't read the article but it is very plausible.

gay people invite demonic influence if not outright possession.

gayness goes against nature

lions in the wild would have no reason to be gay except by perhaps demonic influence

the gays may have invited over some demons which may have then caused the lions to behave against nature.


also, now that i briefly looked over the article,

the kenyan officials may actually be accurate

behavioral activities are often mimicked by animals

lions in a zoo see humans so much that it is certainly plausible that they are influenced behaviorally

the presense of gays may have introduced, psychologically, unnatural behavioral traits, especially if the gays actually performed gay activities in view of the lions

White Devil Mom #conspiracy stormfront.org

1. In 1939, there were nearly 15,700,000 Jews in the world.* After the Second World War that number had risen to over 18,000,000 Jews.**

What this means is that of the 15,000,000 original Jews on the planet, 6,000,000 were gassed, leaving only some 9,000,000-plus. Then, the world Jewish population rebounded and doubled to over 18,000,000 in less than nine years — an astronomical feat, which astounded biologists and baby doctors everywhere!

2. From the Beginning, there was the SIX MILLION, of which 4,000,000 were gassed at Auschwitz. Then, in 1990 it was discovered that only 1.5 million were gassed at Auschwitz, a difference of 2.5 million less.

But somehow the magical SIX MILLION remained, even though no instant replacement was ever found. YHWH moves in mysterious ways!

3. At the same time, the director of the Auschwitz State Museum Dr. Franciszek Piper, announced that the so-called gas chamber there had been fabricated by the Soviets AFTER the war!

4. But there's more. The International Red Cross reported that less than 300,000 internees of all nationalities in the German camps died of all causes, including old age. And of these, barely more than half were Jews. Most of these died in several typhoid epidemics caused by wartime conditions, which claimed many lives — including those of doctors, nurses and camp administrative personnel!

5. But even these deaths were too much for the German authorities. On December 8, 1942, Heinrich Himmler, chief commandant of all detention facilities, issued an order stating categorically: "The death rate in the camps must be reduced at all costs."

6. In all of German-occupied Europe there were 2.4 million Jews. After the war, 3.8 million Jews claimed ‘survivor’ benefits from the German government. Tragically, the remaining 6 million were lost.

7. It was a miracle. According to The New York Times of Sunday, January 4, 1987, celebrated survivor Elie Wiesel recalled "the day the Soviets arrived at Auschwitz." Then, in a speech to the National Press Club in Washington D.C., reported by the Jewish Telegraph Agency on April 11, 1983, he had a different recollection. He noted that he was "one of the survivors liberated at Dachau by the U.S. Army" on April 15, 1945 — and thus became the only prisoner of war to hold the distinction of being liberated from two different camps in World War II!

8. Not to be outdone by The Weasel, famous ‘Nazi-hunter’ Simon Wiesenthal died serenely at age 96, knowing that, according to BBC News, he had survived 12 — count 'em! — Nazi ‘death camps.’

9. In 1948 a story appeared about a hapless Jewish girl who was done in by the Nazis. It was written with a ballpoint pen, something that did not appear on the market until after the war. It was called — The Diary of Anne Frank!

10. So where did this SIX MILLION business start? For that we must go back to one Ilya Ehrenburg,* chief Soviet propagandist during the Second World War and later on to die in Israel, who coined the mythic number on Dec. 22, 1944—BEFORE tens of thousands of Jewish internees, given the choice of staying to be "liberated" by the Communists or going with their German captors, did not hesitate to choose the latter option!

* The American Jewish Committee cites a figure of 15,688,259. ** The Jewish-owned New York Times for Feb. 22, 1948, uses a figure of 18,700,000.

*** When the Red Cross interviewed thousands of freed camp inmates at the end of the war, asking whether they had witnessed alleged ‘gassing,’ the response was universally negative. According to IRC document #9925, June, 1946: "The detainees themselves have not spoken of them."

***** In his book Legend of Our Time, New York, 1982, The Weasel explained:"Things are not that simple, Rebbe. Some events do take place but are not true; others are — although they never occurred."

****** The monstrous lies of this Jewish psychopath succeeded in creating a climate of rabid, anti-German hate which led to the death of millions. Here is a typical example of the genocidal daily fare served up to Soviet troops, taken from an Oct. 1944 leaflet to the Red Army: "Kill! Nothing in Germany is guiltless, neither the living nor the yet unborn. Follow the words of Comrade Stalin and crush the fascist beast in its lair. Break the racial pride of the German woman. Take her as your legitimate booty. Kill, you brave soldiers of the glorious Soviet army!"

Stormfront #racist stormfront.org

(This is Stormfront's self-description.)

We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are White Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-White minorities. We promote ours. We are the voice of the new, embattled White minority!

millner #racist stormfront.org

Living in the city by the bay at present is like never before in my memory. The mall riot at Westfield Shopping Center recently just confirmed the out of control state of minority groups most especially blacks in the city.

Add to that the mind boggling actions of public agencies such as BART, all invariably run by a cadre of cuck white males, white hating white females, bull dyes and razor ladies (the tight haircut dykes usually with spiky hair dyed pink etc. when they feel really bold), smarmy latinos, black gay men, a transgender if they can get them in there, effete straight while guys who will do just about anything to stay at BART and keep their big salary, money grabbing asians, fake filipinos and a few grumpy group think russian. That will give you a fair cross section on what goes into a public agency in San Francisco.

Many of the decision makers at BART are usually Black anyhow. The few white execs at the very top are as cuck as you ever get. How else could they get to the top of that rotten heap without going along with the whole diversity is golden nonsense. Pirates in neckties as they say what needs to be said and worry about the last part of of the bonus and how is the Charles Schwab account looking for them.

Now, what is the most damaging element in the whole mix above?. Of them all, it is the Black women. Here in the Bay Area they feel particularly emboldened with a level of direct involvement to further their own race at any chance they can get. Some nasty ladies from what I have experienced. I had an experience wherein a fairly beefy white guy was being verbally harassed by a big black guy. All happening in a bank I worked as a tech consultant some years back. The white guy eventually complained of harassment and it was very personal insulting stuff. No excuse for it whatsoever. The blacks were of the belief their guy was just stressed lately and blamed the job and the system in general for his behavior. No honor or integrity in Black women and are truly the source of so much strife not just in this city but worldwide.

I would be almost certain the pressure was placed on the powers that be in BART by black employees to withhold these videos. To sit through meetings watching the offending videos of young blacks who look like their own children or relatives and to see it day after day must be embarrassing to Black women. The gay blacks and the black women work together to be a fairly considerable force in many office environments in the Bay Area.

Mossad did 911 #conspiracy stormfront.org

In order for White Nationalism to succeed 911 must be solved and Zionism must fail. White Nationism and Jewish nationism will not coexist as it becomes apparent that Jews will not actually immigrate to the Jewish state.

Thus it becomes imperative to defeat Zionism in order to combat the vices which so many stormfronters complain about such as immigration, multiculturalism, gun control, obamacare, jungle sex, gold confiscation, NSA spying, you get the idea. 911 is the key. Make no mistake. 911 is a far more critical issue than MLK day or the Kosher tax.

Questions for the 911 haters:

Did you know there were explosives inside the world trade center on 911?
Did you know that the Jewish owner of the WTC took out a multibillion dollar insurance policy on the mostly vacant asbestos ridden building 2 months before 911?
Did you know that the NYPD caught dozens of Israeli army veterans trying to plant explosives at King St., Holland Tunnell, and George Washington Bridge?
Did you know that Zim Shipping, an Israeli company, moved out of the WTC, 1 week before 911?
Did you know that Mossad mailed the anthrax?
Did you know that Israel pioneered remote control airplane technolgy such as the predecessor of the Predator assassin drone?
Did you know Israel bombed the King David Hotel in 1948 while dressed as Arabs?
Did you know that the Mossad attacks occurred just as the US military was simulating hijackings during Wargames Week?
Did you know Pentagon Accounting office was hit by a missile and a bomb not a plain?
Did you know that dozens of Pentagon accountants were murdered on. 911?
Did you know that chief Pentagon accountant Rabbi Dov Zakheim has links to Mossad?
Did you know that Pentagon admitted 2 trillion was unaccounted for 1 day before 911?
Did you know that the FBI has admitted that Barbara Olsons phone call blaming Arabs for 911 was technologically impossible?
Did you know that suicide is one of the top 5 sins in Islam and usually means a long vacation to Hell?
Did you know that Mohammed Atta was partying in strip clubs only days before 911?
Did you know that the remote control planes crashed into the offices of Paul Bremer future Gov of Iraq?
Did you know that Bremer appeared on TV on the morning of 911 blaming Arabs?
Did you know that he did not mention that he works in WTC?
Did you know that he expressed no mention or concern for his coworkers and employees during said interview?

Mossad did 911. No ifs or buts. This is the key to beating Zionism for now

How to get revenge on the Jews for 911:
1. Cut off Us taxpayer aid to the Jewish state
2. educate euroericans about 911
3. Promote Arab immigration to the Jewish state
4. Promote jungle sex between dark complexted dudes and ashkenazic Jewish women, especially the blonde ones. Think Siciliano, Karros or Zidane and Debra Messing . Catch my drift ?
5. Pipe lesbian porn into the airwaves of the jewish state.

Hope this post was helpful. Please allow discussion of this topic in the forums of the opposition so both stormfronters and anti stormfronters can comment. Difficult, unpopular, and controversial subjects should be allowed in the forums of the opposition.


A concerned citizen

Daniel12 #racist stormfront.org

[Response to the question "Is it possible to reconcile catholic moral doctrine with Nazi Germany's actions against Jews?"]

Yes it it, because Hitler was against international jew, the new form of the wandering Jew, who refused to help Christ in the Calvary and was condemned to travel all around the world because of his sin. Anyway, the Church always taught that Jews were the Mystical Body of the Antichrist, and jews always fought the church because ofthis. Hitler knew about this.

GermBrit #racist stormfront.org

My Dad is a widdow, but there is no way he would go out with a non white. But hypothetically if he did, there would be hell to pay. I don't advocate violence, but on the otherhand this is one scenario that permits (ofcourse I would converse with him first :) ).

I would do anything to disrupt the union of an intermediate family member with a non white. Sometimes you gotta take matters into your own hands. ;-)

tmarch291 #racist stormfront.org

I am fifteen, and when I was thirteen I became racially aware. I turned WN [white nationalist] when I first attended a $18,000 a year private school in Long Island, NY for 7th grade. I expected it to be very white, however I was wrong. The new Jewish headmaster used Affirmative Action policies to let in black kids and chinese kids for free. I felt cheated because my grades were ten times better than theirs; however my family had to struggle to pay tuition while the Affirmative Action kids went on European vacations. (Maybe the airlines let in minorities for free too) I turned into a full WN when one of the black kids pulled a blade on me because he thought I was too white. The school was forced to expel that kid, under pressure from my lawyer. I am a WN now because I am sick and tired of being discriminated against because of the color of my skin.

Livebytheshovel #racist stormfront.org

(NOTE: In reaction to the same suicide pf an autistic girl incels went crazy over here)

RE: Stunningly gorgeous white blonde teenager kills herself fearing being stuck inside during virus lockdown

This is why multiculturalism is a disease that needs to be abolished!
This is very sad. RIP

Its hard to hold it together as a gentile right now, with genetics like hers, I doubt it was the flu that had her going crazy. I sure wouldn't feel safe looking like that when the government says its okay to rape, loot, pillage and burn and says Islam is good. Yeah that would make me a more than a little scared too. What happened to being told "were going to protect you" "i love this nation and its people" or something reaffirming like that, now its always "gimmie gimmie, give them, give more, war on this war on that, fighting who what where, not its never good enough more more more...." I think our most vulnerable could really just use a hug, not money or fear, or governance. Too bad compassion its a gentile thing and the Jew doesn't understand.

May the lord guide this lost soul to a place better, of wonder and peace.

three in one #racist stormfront.org

I also hate jews, and any White person who is an enemy of the jews is automatically my friend. I can't stand muslims, but since they are the only ones fighting against the jews at the moment, I'll put up with them. I can't say the muslims are my friends, but I do applaud their anti-jewish activities.

Roman Diplomat #racist stormfront.org

Bill Cosby is a Black nationalist and I bet if you spoke with him behind closed doors he would admit to being also a Black seperatist.

Bill Cosby knows that the Negro is under the bootheel of the Jews. And he has the money and is too old to care about offending the Jewish media moguls.

Malcolm X also spoke out against Jews.

He also is against race mixing and affirmitive action and all that other political correct nonsense.

His fight is our fight.

Al Queda's fight is our fight.

Wherever there is conflict around the world it is those who want freedom from the Jews.

All races, free from Jewish control can live in peace with respect and distance.

A Negro by himself can be controlled. A Negro programmed and brainwashed by Jewish controlled B.E.T. and Jew run rap music companies is a threat.

We condemn Negroes for their behavior as we should but don't lose sight of their mind control officers, the Jews.

Tenniel #racist #sexist #psycho stormfront.org

Denise Barber, you have written a very good post, a thoughtful, perceptive post. But I think, really, it is wrong.

There was nothing wrong with Eve's DNA. Eve's DNA was WONDERFUL in every way. Her physical beauty is reflective of her inner beauty.

She wasn't a man. That's all. (Of course, our men are no longer men either. We almost have no men left in our race. Perhaps the jews killed nearly all of them off in their perpetual White Wars over the last 6,000 years. Or perhaps -- more likely -- the potential genetic manhood of White men is still there -- but is only suppressed -- and can, therefore, be revived.)

No. Ultimately, despite all the feminist propaganda, it's still a man's world -- albeit White societies have been turned, by male jews, into matriarchies in order to deny POWER to their adversary, White men. Essentially, male jews have tricked White men into giving their POWER to male jews.

White women -- the embodiment of the most advanced genetics on earth -- are the genetic prize that goes to the victor in White men's wars. This is a law of nature. Natural law is unavoidable. We are in a war -- a racial war -- and we are losing. And so we are losing our women, our DNA -- in various ways -- to the enemy, to humanoid creatures of various types who do not belong in, who are incompatible with, White Civilization.

Our women were designed genetically (ultimately by White men) to be as they are. Part of that design is that they want to be and to do what appears to be popular -- with other women. It is now up to White MEN to regain POWER over our world (our societies) -- BY WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY -- and then to redesign our world in such a way that what is popular with all of our women is in alignment with what preserves and benefits our race. There simply should be no negroes -- and other non-whites -- in White societies. That's all. And then the soft loving compassion of White women would not be a problem -- but a perpetual source of comfort to White children -- and to White men. It is up to White men to remove non-whites from our societies. If White MEN fail to do this, the White race will cease to exist in this universe.

James Harting #racist stormfront.org

Playing Three-Dimensional Chess: Why White Nationalists Should Consider Voting for Bernie Sanders
Some here may be ancient enough to remember the original Star Trek television series back in the 1960s. During their downtime, the crew members were occasionally shown playing a version of three-dimensional chess. It is like traditional chess, only exponentially more complex.

That is what the Jews are doing: they are playing three-dimensional chess. They have strategies within strategies within strategies. They pursue multiple options simultaneously: if one gets blocked, they just shift to another one. They organize in depth, and have layer after layer of defensive positions. Above all they think ahead, not just one or two moves, but a dozen or 20.

Compare their strategic sophistication with that of the pitiful White Nationalist movement: while the Jews are playing three-dimensional chess, WNs are struggling to play a basic game of checkers.

The Jews control all of the presidential candidates: no matter who gets the nomination, or who is elected, it does not matter--they win, because all of the candidates are in one way or another under their thumb or in their corner. The whole System is rigged: the only choice you have is to vote for a pro-Jewish candidate. Heads they win, tails you lose!

But many naïve, well-meaning White Nationalists cannot see this. They believe in the fundamental integrity of an electoral system that is completely corrupt--completely Jewed.

With their checkers-like primitive strategizing, they think that the Jews have allowed for an option in which they, the Jews, might possibly lose. The Jew slides Hillary Clinton across the board; they want to slide Donald Trump forward to block her. But the Jews are not playing checkers, they are playing three dimensional chess. The Trump maneuver is a trick bag, a trap to lure angry, racially-conscious White voters into a political dead end.

It has worked before: Barry Goldwater in 1964; George Wallace in 1968 and 1972; Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984, then H. Ross Perot, Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul and now on to Donald Trump. The goyim are stupid: they fall for the Trump maneuver every time. No wonder the Jews hold us in such contempt!

In a different thread, Stormfront member Il fascismo per i fascisti makes a modest proposal: he suggests that instead of voting for Trump, that White Nationalists vote for Bernie Sanders. He reasons that electing a White Anglo-Saxon candidate like Trump maintains the façade that White Americans are still in control. With an avowed Jewish Marxist like Sanders in the White House, the anti-White, Jewish nature of the Old Order would be openly revealed: it would be on display for all to see.

Now, personally, I, myself, am not going to vote for Bernie Sanders: I have never voted in a presidential election, and the first ballot that I cast will not be for Communist Jew. Beyond that, there is ZERO chance that Bernie the Red will be elected, anyway.

But I like the out-of-the-box thinking of Il fascismo per i fascisti. He is playing chess not checkers. His strategic approach is not quite as refined and sophisticated as that of the Jews: it is two-dimensional, rather than three dimensional.

But at least he is thinking more than one or two moves ahead.

We need more of that--and a whole lot less of the Pavlovian conditioning that controls the reactions of the pro-Trump crowd.

Odessa14 #psycho #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

Re: US Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, making abortion officially outlawed nationwide

I’m not exactly in favor of this . I want more and more muds to kill their demons . I want these commies to not have kids and kill their kids to. This will lead to more commies and more muds . If we push abortion hard enough , we can help our enemies eradicate themselves . Let’s do this , pro death .

Nahr #racist stormfront.org

Have caused somewhat of a crisis methinks,went to a good friends wedding yesterday,this guy i have known for many years and sadly a year ago almost to the day his partner passed away in a car accident leaving him with 2 children aged 7 and nine,great kids both but then he took up with a supposed native of our country who it seems used his understanable grief to worm his way into there lives,many discussions in the last year on the subject didnt deter him and yesterday at the wedding i stood my ground and said what many others there were thinking,when during the formality the minister asked if "anyone had any objections etc" i stood up and presented mine which as you can imagine didnt go down to well,the natives family took particular objection to my thoughts and an all in broke out resulting in the bride running from the church. am hoping my man realizes his good fortune but it seems as yet i am the bad guy. Will see what happens i guess.

Gargoyle #racist stormfront.org

Re: Help! Race mixing is being forced on me and my school!

Hmm, this is quite a serious problem, Merlin know's better than I do, but I think you could provide evidence that mixed race children have higher rates of depression than a offspring with one definitive race, thus do your friends want to have a child that doesn't want to live?
Also, you should ask your "friends", is promoting your race evil? Is the black panther evil?

Yvvy000 #racist #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger stormfront.org

[re: fears about dating someone who appears white but is not]

You still have to be careful, though. I once had a friend who married a beautiful blonde haired, blued eyed woman who had the best personality in the world to go with it. She had a solid black baby, I mean as black as black can get, and with the biggest nose you'd ever want to see. After he investigated it, he found out that her great grandmother was 100% coon. They divorced, and now he has to pay child support for a effing jigaboo. Anyway, it's better to do thorough investigation and possibly even a blood test (if this is possible---I don't know). Sometimes, you really cannot tell.

Various Commenters #racist stormfront.org

RE: Negros upset with Candace Owens for saying blacks have "separate categories"


I can't stand these dumb grifting GOP Negroes. They only push integration. Candace Owens has a white husband. Take the flared nostril low-IQ Uncle Tom (seen below with his white wife) for instance that President Trump wisely passed over for a White House job. The uppity SOB performed like a paid monkey on Fox News insulting Racial separatist Minister Farrakhan.


On some issues I do agree With Candice . But in the end , they want a society free of racial identity. That is everything We are against . No matter how right wing these negros are, multi racial societies just don’t work. That is the simple reality and what it all comes down to.

(Dwight Schrute)
Candace Owens to me is making a lot of money being a token black conservative Republican. Whether it is real or just an act, this is her schtick and she is running with it. The Republicans use her to say that they are “inclusive” and yes, the Republicans are also multicultural.

AOC also has a white boyfriend, which is interesting. Hypocritical more like it.

(geboren Weiss)
She's not wrong. After what happened to George Floyd, I saw a lot of black people wanting to segregate from white people, which I'm fine with. When these types of black people were called out on this, they said they weren't segregating, but separating. Segregation is separation. Let them segregate from us, because I'm getting sick of them already. Also, I find it ironic that when white people want to keep their own from becoming a minority, these "anti-hate" groups will say we're using a guise to segregate. People are so focused on us that they don't even realize that the BLM is just another New Black Panther Party.

Reich Force & Phoenix1933 #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

(Reich Force)
Trump: Israel literally owned Congress until Progressives Dems rose to power

Donald Trump bemoans that Israel no longer owns the US Congress! Will any WNs here on Stormfront continue to support him?

Israel literally owned Congress 10 years ago, 15 years ago. And it was so powerful. It was so powerful. And today it's almost the opposite," Trump told the conservative Ari Hoffman Show.

"You have between AOC and Omar and these people that hate Israel, they hate it with a passion and they're controlling Congress, and Israel is not a force in Congress anymore. I mean, it's just amazing. I've never seen such a change," Trump continued.

I like what Trump represents in the minds of many, but in reality he is surely among the most radical zionist supremacists in all of America.

Yeah right, Trump is so pro-jewish and so loved by jews that the jews staged the hugest, most blatant voter fraud ever in America to steal the election from Trump and give it to their actual puppet, Joe Biden. And Trump is SO pro jewish that when he was president, 99.9% of his policies were the opposite of the policies that the jews want. For example, Jews want open borders, and Biden gave it to them, while Trump pretty much ended the illegal immigration problem when he was president. And I could list many more examples like that. Almost everything Trump did as president was against the wishes of the jews. That's why they hate him so much and are still persecuting him in congress.

I think it's likely that Trump was actually making an anti-jewish statement when he said Israel controlled congress. He was really helping to expose jews to Americans. He was naming the jew. A real jew puppet would never tell Americans that jews ever controlled anything in America. I've never heard Joe Biden publicly saying that the jews control anything.

Duitsebloed #conspiracy #crackpot #psycho #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: South Africa: Zulu uprising rocks the country - Govt declare State of Emergency

This could easily spread outside South Africa.

I imagine blacks watching footage of live-streams of the violence are feeling strong primal urge to go on a rampage. In fact, Anyone White anywhere in the world near any large number of blacks would be wise to pay extra close attention as this plays out.

There is a media Blackout in the U.S.A and U.K over this.

Fox News, CNN & BBC silent

I guess aren’t ready to trigger riots here right now.

Why are they angry about Zuma being kicked out of office, isn't Ramaphosa even more rabidly anti-white than Zuma was? Not sure what to make of white vigilantes getting involved. I guess sometimes they have no choice but to defend themselves but it doesn't sound like a good idea when vastly outnumbered by blacks.

They shouldn’t defend themselves when vastly outnumbered by blacks?

What should they do?

Wait to get hacked to death by savages?

Looked to me like the black mobs were approaching their homes and businesses and they had no other option than to shoot.

In the videos I saw they were shooting at them in the middle of the street, not defending their own properties from what I could see. The concern is I think that could easily be spun as "racist whites randomly shooting at blacks".

That is already happening.
The few news outlets I’ve seen covering it are spinning it that way.
I’m sure that’s why that particular video is being highlighted.

It was clear if they stopped shooting the mob would swarm them.

Pretty sure if I was in their shoes and saw that mob coming for my little place in the world I’d keep right on shooting until they were gone optics be damned.

Keltischer Sturm #racist stormfront.org

It is more poisoning. America was not founded by some bunch of jungle monkeys with their pants pulled half way to their ankles. America was founded by great men of action who believed actions speak louder than words. I think we need to take Feb back and call it: Founding fathers month. We could have banners of the original American flag and the Don't tread on me flag. Teach children about great warriors of The Revolution. Historic battles that won our freedom. Not some greasy crying nigger.

Death Metal Prophet #racist stormfront.org

Ohh, no, I'm sorry, but your assertion that jews are oppressed is far from the truth. In fact, it's jews, that oppress other people by rewriting history and extorting money from White nations through the jewish creation of White guilt and the "holocaust." Jews have it so easy. They cry racist and White nations bow and ask where they can kiss the boo-boo. By the way, if you believe jews really care about black rights, then you're terribly mistaken. They use blacks in an attempt to undermine Whites. Silly, boy you.

I don't care if ethnic groups unite, which is actually questionable if you consider that most Asians hate blacks, black and hispanic gangs are always at each others' throats, and mestizos will have an impact on black Americans when they take jobs from them. Yes, every race unites against the White "devil," until they learn of ways they can screw other races to get ahead, or until they need the White "devil's" technology, science, nations, and advanced way of life.

ZeroNegro2020 #moonbat #racist stormfront.org

RE: Identity Politics is the means whereby hostile . . .

Identity Politics is the means whereby hostile (((globalizing elites)))) weaponize every single identity group against the middle identity group (aka heterosexual White men of the working- and middle-classes).

Read my very short blog entry, "Identity Politics: A Primer", to learn how it all works.

Identity politics is controlled opposition.

The remedy to defeat capitalism is unite the working class. Identity politics instead creates divisions and by targeting whites, encourage whites proles to side with the ruling class.

Unite the working class? Sounds like Communism. No thanks, Capitalism is just fine.

Yeah letting bankers run your society is just fine. If you don't mind poor people dying of plague..

Right... all a hoax to discredit your hero Trump, I know

The White working class elected Trump in 2016

They were tricked. Trump is a puppet for the 1%.

America is capitalist. Rich people own both parties. So the left is controlled opposition.

Instead of promoting the interests of workers, the liberal democrats encourage minorities to blame their grievances on white people.

This makes white people abandon the left and vote for increasingly right wing republicans.

The fake left then blames everything the republicans do on the poor whites who voted for Trump and not the 1%

I think you've wrapped toilet paper too tight on your head. Go outside and get some fresh air. But make sure your have a face mask!

Real socialists hate SJW's.

It is basically just like the difference between nationalists and conservatives.

SJW's think the system can be fixed by removing white males from positions of power. But these SJW's are capitalist shills. They only seek to insert a few token blacks and other minorities into the bourgeoisie.

Socialism only ever works when it is used by nationalists. As happened in China and Vietnam.

If White Nationalists stop dicking around with Libertarianism and embrace Socialism as the best economic system for white people then more whites will join. But as long as WN's cling to some romanticized view that the capitalist system that brought millions of Negros and Chinese and other non-whites to America to exploit the working man is a sound system then most radicals won't give a rat's ass about nationalism. The left will believe exactly what they are taught, that nationalists are evil reactionaries who will side with the rich against the poor.

Ravening Wolf #racist stormfront.org

You make a lot of nonsensical assumptions about my knowledge of British History. Not only did my mother's family live in the British Empire during the 1930's-1940's, but I heard plenty from her and my grandparents who lived through the Great Depression and WWII.

There you go spouting that Marxist nonsense again about class differences, while trying unsuccessfully to deflect from my statement of fact that even the poorest people in Britain were better off than 90-95% of the people in the world at that time. Perhaps your ancestors would have preferred to live in the Soviet Union, because it was such a paradise on earth.

If I was running the British Empire, I would have found a way to stand up for Poland (Britain honoring her treaty with Poland) without going to war with Germany. I would not have been in debt to the Jews the way Prime Minister Winston Churchill was.

Adolf Hitler and the German National Socialists opposed both Communism and Capitalism in theory. Pragmatically, they regarded Jewish Communism as a mortal enemy, with great fear and loathing, for they knew the savagery, cruelty, degeneracy, economic failure, mass murder, internal exiles of whole peoples, and genocide of the Soviet Union and wanted no part of that. At the same time Adolf Hitler and the German National Socialists worked intimately with the great industrial and capitalist enterprises of the time, such as: Thyssen, Krupp, Bayer, IBM, Ford, GM, DuPont, General Electric, Morgan, Rockefeller, National City Bank, Kuhn, Loeb, and Company (Jewish), Standard Oil, I.G. Farben, Brown Brothers Harriman, Union Banking Corporation, Swiss Banks, and Jewish bankers Paul and Max Warburg, among many others.

CelticWhiteWolf #racist stormfront.org

I make it a point not to speak to race mixers. However, I ALWAYS look them dead in the eye. I want them to know that I see them for what they are and I'm not afraid to make a point of it.

It usually seems to be an overweight to obese White female with a negro male. Also, because I'm in the American Southwest, I see a lot of White women with mestizos and mestizo women with White guys. This is all very common. I always look because I want them to see the disapproval on my face. I don't say much to them, usually nothing at all, but they almost always seem to get the point. The woman will usually look away, often with an ashamed look on her face.

It's interesting to me also that I used to do this before I became racially awake. Looking at mixed couples. I got the same result then that I do now, usually a look of shame from the woman. Perhaps she knows she is doing something terrible.

Anyway, just my thoughts on the subject.

english nobody #racist stormfront.org

"Seriously? "Our" filth? Are you aware of the fact that there are gypsies in almost all European countries? Why should we always take responsibility and feel guilty for what some Finnish gypsy does? Should the British take responsability for what some negro from your country does? Should the Germans feel guilty when a Turk commits a crime?"

Do the right thing and take back all the Roma from England, Our gypsies are Irish which are last time i checked are White.

You continental Europeans have let this Brown filth live here for 500 plus years take some responsibility.

And about our slave descendants yes we should take full responsibility for what they do and i feel very ashamed we haven't deported them all yet.

Henry Bowers #homophobia stormfront.org

(He's referring to serial killers)

Good post. I've myself long noticed that sexual abnormals are vastly overrepresented in this group and that most of them are either homosexual or bisexual.

It just further goes to show the link between homosexuality and mental illness.

Hell, homosexuality IS a mental illness. It was only declassified as one because of the bullying and power of the fag lobby, NOT because doctors genuinely believed they were normal or healthy.

Atrociter #racist stormfront.org

["Have you noticed an increase of race mixing ads aimed at kids?"]

It is certainly the 'norm' nowadays in the world of advertising. If they do show a white without the insinuation that there's an Orc hanging out of the back of it, they usually pick a red head to still represent a minority.
You never see an Indian/Pakistani girl with a white/black bloke of course. If they did that they'd have to have the 'uncles' loitering in the background sharpening the knives...

Fading Light #homophobia #racist stormfront.org

Originally Posted by someone223 View Post
Why are you guys so against homosexuality? I don't understand this.

I'm betting the obvious things you don't understand would fill several large libraries.
A homosexual isn't any less white than anyone else here.
A homosexual is a person with a dangerous mental illness. They molest children at a truly alarming rate--thirty times the rate of heterosexuals according to one of the studies. Their lifespans are shortened by decades due to their behaviors. They spread deadly diseases. They side with the enemies of our race on virtually every issue. Shall I continue?

You would know these things if you read any sources of scientific information besides those used by your fellow libtards echoing each other to co-substantiate their own BELIEFS.
They did not choose to be that way
Please prove this. Every attempt to find a gene or genes responsible for this supposedly innate condition has failed and the principle of evolution tells us that such a condition would be extremely unlikely to survive through the eons. Don't you believe in evolution?
you guys hate them.
I'd like to see proof for that assertion, too. I wouldn't want them near my children and I wouldn't welcome them into a White nation. Is that "hate" or just pragmatism?
The world is becoming much more accepting of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals.
Just one of many ways in which the world is becoming more and more SICK.

Phoenix #crackpot #psycho #racist stormfront.org

RE: Watch: Israel's Iron Dome destroys Palestinian rocket barrage

Keep arming both sides until they kill every last man, woman and child, joo and muzzie both.

Never had any interest in the semitic squabble, never will.

Those who defend muzzies have no sense of history. There was a time when they were a far greater threat to us than the jews are today, long before there was an Israel or a USA for that matter.

Some of us will never forget. We know the atrocities islam has committed in the name of their "prophet" (Piss Be Upon Him).

these were Turks and Moors not Palestinians! Are you autistic or just a Hollywood-nazi? Should a swedish paganist hate polish christians because his ancestors were slaughtered by christians?

The people living in Palestine today are NOT THE ORIGINAL INHABITANTS OF THE AREA. They are the mongrelized descendants of turk and arab INVADERS with traces of the ancestral peoples of the Levant.

They have no more claim to the land than the jews. A squatter squabble of no interest to WHITES.

Quit worrying about people who have no concern for us, aside from what they can steal from this country.

Conflagration #racist stormfront.org

You're a race traitor if you don't lift weights

This is my opinion of white men who don't lift weights. I'll give you a pass if you have a job where you do HEAVY labor like construction or roofing, but otherwise you're just presenting yourself as a cuck to society at large. There's no excuse anymore to not be a muscle beast. Weight lifting equipment is plentiful and can be had for next to nothing on Craigslist. If you have a computer and an internet connection you have a personal trainer in the form of a million youtube videos devoted to strength training. If someone had to give a physical description of you and they left out the words "muscular" or "athletic" then you're basically a poser. If you want to be part of the master race then start looking the part.

dazzlingdazza #racist stormfront.org

From what i gather the KKK is/was a Christian group that wanted seperation/segregation.

Somebody should do a comparison of the good things the KKK have done compared to the bad things they have done....

The KKK for instance get the blame for lynching a lot of blacks when they had hardly anything to do with it...

Apart from a few incidences im aware of the KKK has been quite peaceful compared to other racist foriegn groups like the jewish defense league,black panthers, nation of islam, la raza....

Perhaps somebody could do a study comparing the wrongs and rights of the KKK to those others i mentioned...just to show the people ,like Hitler, the KKK arent the devil incarnates the media, establishment make them out to be...

SerenWen #conspiracy #racist stormfront.org

So someone sent us a book about a girl called Isadora Moon, it looks cute and innocent but when you actually read the story its obviously designed to promote multiracial values. The girl is "half fairy half vampire" because her mum is a fairy who had babies with her dad, a vampire, teaching your child that race mixing is fine. The fairies and the vampires act differently but their both nice, just so your child learns all cultures are equally valid. What about the evil vampire habit of sucking blood out of their victims? No according to the story vampires just drink red juice, come to think of it lying to defend vampires is really quite like lying to defend Muslims. The worst thing is, this interbred mongrel girl ends up going to a normal school because "they don't mind if you're different". Anyway, I'm throwing this book in the recycling and I suggest you do too if someone buys it as a "present" for your kids.

Heidlerr #racist stormfront.org

Re: When Asian Women Are Harassed for Marrying Non-Asian Men

One interesting thing she said in the article is that she was never attracted to Asian men because, growing up, the only Asians she knew were her relatives. That makes sense in a way but shows what can happen in multiracial societies and why we shouldn't have them.

That's an excuse for self hate. Asian women literally Worship White men like we are Gods. This Asian girl straight up stalked me in High School it was scary, I actually asked her why she wouldn't date her own kind and she made this motion with her fingers and said small cock.

East Asian women are the most self hating women in the World and the men are the most Beta men in the World. 99% of East Asian men don't know how to communicate in a normal way because their T levels are so low they always think about how to be "non confrontational , non offensive they can't even communicate."

Only new one Asian guy who wasn't a Nerd short, weak looking. He was a tall Chinese guy over 6' and lifted weights. He did fairly well with girls and he ended up in Finance.

Most Asian men can't get dates and live alone if they haven't brought wife from the home country or aren't part of a tight knight Ethnic community. I know of several Asian guys that are past 30 and still Single. I check their facebook to see if they are no longer single. Asians must be the group with highest sexless men in America hands down easily.

Her mudshark race traitor race mixing of s husband should be shunned by any sane white person

Mitch is a CUck married to an Ugly Asian woman. Didn't even have children with her. Just a Status seeking 3rd World Whore. There everywhere where I live.

All Ethnic women even Black, want to be with a White guy where I'm from. We are like Gods here. As long as you're over White, 5'10 and not deformed Ethnic women will literally throw themselves at your feet all day.

So I understand why White men sometimes marry Asian. I've seen many White men here married to East Asians or Curries. Not so much Latinas or Blacks because they generally don't go to College and do low status jobs even if they do. East Asians Worship Money and Status so they go well with some White guys.

Where I live the Best looking girls are Jewish because their Father's are Jewish Laywers, Doctors, Politicians, CEOs ect and they get the best looking White women.

I don't find East Asian women very attractive most have flat faces, slits for eyes, and no body. My friend says it's tighter and better and that looks don't matter that much as long as they aren't fat.

Some Jewish, Latinas and Persian girls can be very attractive. I'd prefer a White looking Persian or Latina to a Regular White American girl. Most White AMerican girls are fat and aren't attractive unless they are from the country. But those country folk just have a different culture than me.

Where I live the best looking girls are Jewish. Because their Fathers are Doctors, Laywers, CEOs, Politicians and get the best looking White women who want to marry up for Status.

whiteuser1 #crackpot #fundie #psycho #racist stormfront.org

StormChild88, this thread is not useless, because it provides evidence for the reasons why race-mixing is an abomination against nature, especially if blacks are not even human.

Lupa02, there is no such thing as evolution. If blacks are a different species, then they were created as a different species at the very beginning. Or, if they are a human-animal hybrid, then they are an abomination of nature.

I'm sorry to disgust you, but the people who think that blacks are just another human may never have seen Australian aborigines

I was surprised because it actually looks like a Native American. But also a gorilla or some sort of monkey.

If you saw those in the wild, would you conclude, "there are some humans, let me go ask if they want to hang out"? No, you would wonder what those scary animals were doing in the forest and hope you don't get mauled.

I saw some videos some time ago about Australian Aborigines and how they get honey. What they do is they push over a dead tree, grab a stick, shove the stick in, ignore the bees flying around, and then lick off the honey off the stick, eating some of the bees with the honey.

Then I looked at what monkeys do when they get honey. It was shocking that they do the same thing. Knock over the tree, and then shove in a stick and lick the honey and bees off the stick.

How do humans get honey? The humans who actually farm the honey build elaborate bee hives, cultivate the bees, wear elaborate protective suits, and farm the honey properly. They do not go in the wild and knock over trees and lick off the sticks. Moreover, most humans simply buy honey, because we have a culture and civilization.