
Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


comedians are given the job of doing that, in all forms where scandals are included, to make fun of the scandal and lesson the publics outcry its about NUTRALIZING THE SUBJECT MATTER TAKING THE FIRE AND SCANDAL OUT OF A AN EVENT




Comedians are entertainers...the same as the news stations.

Celebrities extraordinaire. Why else would they get paid the salaries they are getting?







Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

R*DD*T - I FOUND A SMOKING GUN - Monica Petersen found dead in Haiti - family is kept in the dark - SHE WAS INVESTIGATING CLINTON - PIZZAGATE!!!

You need to search the title!


Monica Petersen was in Haiti working for the Human Trafficking Center and also previously worked for the Colorado Human Trafficking Council’s Data & Research Task Force.

She died a few days ago under suspicious circumstances. Her friends on Facebook are looking for answers. Several close friends have made mentions on various FB posts that friends and family have no clear understanding of what happened to Monica except that she died on Sunday.

Earlier this year a FB friend of Monica re-shared a post by Monica where Monica linked to a blog post critical of Hillary Clinton's dealings in Haiti!! SHE WAS ONTO SOMETHING, very likely between now and then she found out about #PIZZAGATE! The linked post was:

UPDATE 6: At her memorial service, her boss CONFIRMED MONICA'S 2-YEAR-LONG investigation and findings of human trafficking in Haiti!

Another thread there

NEW INFO: Monica Petersen died mysteriously in Haiti this week. Her Human Trafficking research boss Claude d'Estree CONFIRMED HER INVESTIGATION ON LIVE STREAM

You may want to make a copy of this

[link to www.facebook.com (secure)]

FHL(C) #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why do they spend so much money to bury fake dinosaur bones to enforce the satanic theory of evolution?

The satanists are well funded by christian tax payers to promote their agenda. All this excavation to bury false bones and pretend to dig them up and carbon date them to a false timeline. For shame!

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

I'm a millennial and I agree with OP. Most of my peers are dumbfucks, seriously brainwashed SJW losers. There is a reason for this: the ugly, fat, pierced, sexually molested, sexually confused, beta cuck males, bulldyke nasty dyke bitches, most blacks, some latinos and few Asians are all losers. They have serious issues. Mentally they are fucked beyond repair. Physically they are usually obese male or females or really skinny fagola beta cucks. They need to be culled. At my school it is getting really freaky here with the SJW shit. I think I'm going to start a new thread about this because everyone needs to know.

Shamrock007 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I just went on a Rant. Because You stupid millennial fucks need to be beat like a rented donkey. Owned by the Media!

Since the dawn of civilization every single country (whether king or queen, Dictator, president, etc.) has always used the media to control the masses. I mean go way back to Roman times or even earlier. Back then it was Town Criers, it was actors in plays, it was the actual play writers. None of them were allowed to speak their own mind. To perform, to write, to be a part of the the era's "Hollywood" they had to get it approved by a politician.

At least in the US, 40+ years ago it was TV shows like leave it to beaver, it was Andy Griffith show, etc... They used the media way back then to try and sway the masses to be pro Country. Put the country before the individual. That was the message. Put the Country before yourself.

So, anyone who understands history, also understands media/actors/plays have always been used to trick the "common folk". How in the world do educated people fall for that today????

Let's just look at this for one second.

In the US, this is what trains you like a dog to be Liberal, to hate your country, and put Political correctness and Social justice in front of your country.

ESPN (even sports channels)
pretty much every single network on TV and every single Hollywood studio. I left many out.

Every single print media (newspaper and magazine). Is all Liberal. I can't think of a single MSM print media that is conservative outside of alternative media that has been labeled fake news. Can you?????

Every single Hollywood actor is liberal, unless they are 50+ years old and have already made their money and don't care about being blackballed (think Eastwood, Gibson, Woods, etc)

Every single Music star. I can't think of a single music star that was pro conservative other than Kayne West who went on a pro Trump rant on stage at a concert and the next day he got committed into a psychiatric hospital against his will.

I mean holy Shit. What's it take to wake people up? Read a fucking history book. Since the dawn of civilization every single country has used the media of the time to control the masses. How do people in this day and age (which being educated) listen to the media????

I'll be the first to admit. Fox news is the only non-liberal news organization in the USA. Even fox is controlled opposition. Fox has on almost every program Liberal co-hosts or guest's (think Geraldo or token old black liberal who I don't even know his name) to make sure the message gets across.

All you have to do is wake up!!! Understand the media is about controlling you because they think your weak minded. Be better than that. Read a history book. Back 400 years ago most were uneducated, couldn't read. What is your excuse to be turned against your own country????

First.... Here is the leader of the DNC in his 60 minutes interview from 1998.... Listen to the part where they talk about he's treated like royalty in Ukraine, where he supported politicians, donated money to organizations. Then he caused a civil war in Ukraine and made billions off it. However, as He said in his own words, he doesn't' care about the social consequences of his actions, it's just business. Take particular note of when he laughs about it. Understand he's using you!!! He's doing the same thing in the US.

Now lets look what Liberals fight for!!

The right for men who decided it's normal for them to think they are women and have the right to piss in the ladies bathroom.

ILLEGAL immigrants, those that don't come into the US legally, but sneak in against the law, that they should get welfare, free health-care, be able to work, and have 10 kids each who automatically become US citizens as a reward for breaking the law.

People coming in from countries that are known terrorist harboring countries like Syria, Iraq, Libya, etc. Because Terrorists wear uniforms and before they come here they declare they are terrorists. LOL NO!! They mix in with everyday people in normal neighborhoods, and pretend like they are " poor war torn civilians". Same thing happened in Iraq and Afghanistan when the solders ditched their uniforms and mixed in with civilians to bomb US soldiers during the wars.

No problem if you want them in the US, but we are going to need you to volunteer for them to either live in your house or your neighborhood. You make that deal I'll support them coming here too.

Truth Forever #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Is 0bama $ATAN?

MANY have said so in the last 10yrs.

What are your thoughts?

"It" is fighting again$t President Donald Trump, with all "it's" might.

Prayers can fight back.

Do it TODAY.







Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Trump was in an interview in June 2011 and as he was talking about his thoughts on the Anthony Weiner Scandal, he mentioned #Pizzagate. Now if you recall, PizzaGate didn’t become a thing until October 2016, during the 2016 Presidential Election! On Truth Frequency Radio, there has been plenty of discussion and studying of the possibility that our current President may have been time traveling. On Beyond the Veil with Chris and Sheree Geo, they had discussed that it is not too far fetched an idea since his uncle was the FBI agent that collected Nicola Telsa’s documents and laboratory work. While Kev Baker and William White Crow makes the connection that exists between Trump & the genius Nikola Tesla before being joined by Project Pegasus. I went more in depth on the Etymology of the word PizzaGate, and there is no reason for the future President to say the word. Here is the video evidence of what I propose. Trump said it. What other quantum quirks are there that shows he is a time traveler? Is this why our President strives to be in front of the cameras at all time. See for yourself, you decide.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


On January 28th 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds after launch. On board the Challenger was the first ever "space tourist", school teacher Christa McAuliffea who had won the contest to find the perfect teacher to put into space.

After the accident, plans for any other civilians in space were shelved.

Why did they blow it up? For the same reason they blew up two commercial spaceships in one week: To discourage space tourism so the space-hoax could continue. Not only was the moon mission fake, EVERYTHING is fake. From our space program to other countries. IT IS ALL FAKE.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Chemtrails are all about getting ALUMINUM in your BRAIN.. Global Warming Hoax.. Proprietary MIND CONTROL technology

Combating global warming is a giant hoax for a much deeper evil brought to you by your own tax dollars.

After years of exposure to aluminum nano-particles, your brain is slowly coated with metal that can be stimulated remotely. Particles much, much smaller than a typical white blood cell are now all throughout your body.

Once the majority of the regions in your brain are covered, can you become susceptible to low-frequency waves emitted by electricity stimulating those particles.

While the result turns out to be something less than complete mind control, the best part turns out to be the target gets put on a freight train unbeknownst to them, all the decisions are made by the target, but the chemical strings of their brain are being altered, in real-time.

Many of the ritualistic sacrifices are done by those who don't know they've been, for the lack of a better word, controlled.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The establishment clique is still in shock over Trump winning

They're furious, desperate and completely baffled. They haven't gotten over it. They can't understand how the power slipped out of their hands. They're boiling over with feelings of anger and desire for vengeance. They see Trump as a pretender who stole the power that was rightfully theirs forever. They had the votes locked and political positions secured for eternity, or that's what they thought. They believed they had the perfect, two-party machine with repeating dem and rep strokes grinding out power and wealth for them forever.

Then came Trump who broke the two-party machine and wrested the control out of their hands. Now they're in shock. All their dirty secrets like the Bohemian grove, kiddie sex slave rings, and trillions of stolen dollars are known to Trump and they don't know how he's going to use that information. I'm sure they've used all means at their disposal to convince Trump not to do anything. Bribes, threats and backstabbing media attacks. Nothing's working. The Trump Train is still going strong.

However, Trump needs people to watch his six. To uncover and battle fake news, stop all attempts to bury important information like pizzagate, and stay strong. The clique is coming after us, too. They are posting here all the time about how "Trump's lost it", "Trump's desperate", "Trump's looking weak" and so on. Don't believe any of it! It's an illusion, not reality. USA has NEVER had as strong and righteous president as we have now!

Me111 #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Is this the place we are going to be *RAPTURED* to? Kepler-186f

Revelation 21:1
A New Heaven and a New Earth
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.—

On July 23, 2015, NASA's Kepler mission confirmed the first near-Earth-size planet in the “habitable zone” around a sun very similar to our star.

1.5 Things to Know About Alien Planet Kepler-186f, 'Earth's Cousin'

Kepler-186f is a history-making find

Kepler-186f is the first Earth-size alien planet found in the habitable zone of its star. That means the planet, which is only slightly larger than Earth, is in the part of its star system where liquid water could exist on the planet's surface. [See artist illustrations of alien planet Kepler-186f]

Astronomers have found other planets in the habitable zones of their stars, but this is the first time a planet this close in size to Earth has ever been found in the habitable zone of its star.

"This is an historic discovery of the first truly Earth-size planet found in the habitable zone around its star

Kepler-186f resides in the constellation Cygnus


The seventh constellation is the Fishes (Pisces). The fish is a symbol of the Christian Church.
Two Fishes seem to represent two different groups of followers of Christ. (JEWISH AND GENTILE)
The role of Christ symbolized by the Fishes would be that of being the Great High Priest (Heb. 4:14).

In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am.—

JOHN 14:2

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The New Troll Narrative is FLOODING GLP. A few thing to watch for...

And the attempt to discredit Trump continues!

Folks, if you have a perceptive eye, you will see that they are trying to spin every single thing.

Did Trump say it? Or did "the administration?"

And the trolls here are flooding this site, making sure the entire first page is nothing but hit-and-run jabs at the Trump agenda.

The writers of these articles are all in on it. The same thing happened yesterday or the day before about Internet privacy laws. They are spinning everything people.

You need to be aware of how it works. They are trying to divide his base, and they are working harder than I have ever seen.

Major things are happening right now, and if you give in to this propaganda at this critical moment in time, then Trump will be successfully removed.

Are you really going to let a bunch of "writers" sway your support for the one guy who is fighting for you?

The moderators, if they are not "in" on it, need to be aware of what is happening. Everyone should already be aware. Their tactics of derailing threads and creating division have been widely spread here last year. Now, these trolls are working in FULL SYNC with the articles that you see coming out. They are converging.

They are trying to twist the tables on Trump supporters here.

They are now accusing Trump supporters as being "paid Trump bots."

They are echoing this narrative back and forth, because THEY are the ones being paid to do it. GLP has known about the paid shills, and they are *trying* to twist the narrative back onto us.

Be mindful of what is happening to GLP.

Trump supporters are still FULLY behind him.








No Dhimmi #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Global Warming Fascist Movement & Academic Welfare

Winston Churchill said that “History is written by the victors.” That is so true even among Establishment Academics. Anyone who thinks that Global Warming is really caused by man is naive to say the least. They have taken the equivalent of 5 trading days and pronounced that the stock market is in a perpetual bull cycle. Taking the introduction of automobiles since 1920 and claiming this has altered the entire weather system of millions of years with no investigation into cyclical weather cycles over millions of years (Ice Ages), is just bogus analysis with a political agenda.

Global Warming is all about money and raising taxes for politicians to pay for their pensions and support all the illegitimate children. Among academics, this is a religion, but they are also just corrupt socialists. Money pours into academia to create bogus studies to support the theory of Global Warming for taxing power as well as other agendas. So, Establishment Academics line up like those in the inner city on welfare check day to get their welfare checks to put out studies on all sorts of things with a predetermined conclusion. There is no “think tank” in Washington that really thinks. They all have a biased agenda if it is weather, archaeology, religion, history, all the way to economics and politics.

The Establishment Academics are becoming just fascist Marxists hell-bent on manipulating society for personal gain and power. Establishment Academics are notoriously against free speech for they always threaten and black-list anyone who disagrees with them. The famous Swedish climatologist Lennart Bengtsson joined a group that is skeptical about Global Warming. He was intimidated until he was forced to resign.

Global Warming is another hidden agenda. The politicians are eager to climb on board not to save the world, but to raise taxes. The academics are driven by the money so they can sit in their rooms collect welfare checks for totally worthless nonsense.

[link to armstrongeconomics.com]

The Global Warming crowd is the MOST unethical and corrupt group of pretend scientists ever to exist. When I was called upon for research back to form the G5 and then wrote the White House warning that manipulating the dollar down would create volatility and a crash within two years (1987), I was told I would never again be asked by government for anything. I was told outright to do studies then provide the conclusion up front and I would earn millions of dollars a year for bogus research reports. I said – no thanks! This is the way government studies are funded and conducted. They ALWAYS tout the desired end result to support some predetermined objective. Government studies are simply an exercise in political corruption no matter what the field.
- - Martin Armstrong

[link to www.armstrongeconomics.com]

Since the first Earth Day in 1970, writes Ronald Bailey in the May 2000 issue of Reason magazine, these wild apocalyptic predictions have been made:

"We have about five more years at the outside to do something," ecologist Kenneth Watt declared to a Swarthmore College audience on April 19, 1970.

Harvard biologist George Wald estimated that "civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind."

"We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation," Washington University biologist Barry Commoner wrote in the Earth Day issue of the scholarly journal Environment.

On the day after the first Earth Day, the usually staid New York Times editorialized, "Man must stop pollution and conserve his resources, not merely to enhance existence but to save the race from intolerable deterioration and possible extinction."

"Most of the people who are going to die in the greatest cataclysm in the history of man have already been born," wrote Paul Ehrlich in a 1969 essay titled "Eco-Catastrophe!" "By...[1975] some experts feel that food shortages will have escalated the present level of world hunger and starvation into famines of unbelievable proportions. Other experts, more optimistic, think the ultimate food-population collision will not occur until the decade of the 1980s."

[link to reason.com (secure)]

More recently, the master of all global warming alarmists is former Vice President and current multimillionaire Al Gore, who won a Nobel Peace Prize for a fraudulent climate change film after predicting in 2009 that by 2014, the North Pole would be completely ice-free thanks to the burning of fossil fuels.

There are more examples, of course, but you get the idea. What is worse is that governments, including our own, are making public policy based on these bogus assertions – rules that hurt employers, workers and entire industries.

The Global Insiders know Global Cooling is our future:

"The 58th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sitges, Spain 3 - 6 June 2010. The Conference will deal mainly with Financial Reform, Security, Cyber Technology, Energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, World Food Problem, Global Cooling, Social Networking, Medical Science, EU-US relations."

Full agenda here:

[link to www.bilderbergmeetings.org]

So, why do they sell Global Warming to the sheep?

Global Warming a Front - Hidden Goal Uses the environmental movement to reduce population.

Insight from Martin Armstrong

I attended the dinner in Washington that was a political bash. I went with my friend Dick Fox who was Chairman of Temple University at that time. The person in charge of seating put the two of us at the table with the environmental group heads. They assumed we were with a university and spoke freely. The conversation was frank and it was all about how to use the environmental movement to reduce population. They fought for wetlands to stop construction. We listened to this revelation and Dick egged them on pretending to be on their side. They even want harsh prison terms for minorities to stop them from have children. Dick finally asked them – Whose grandchild are you trying to prevent from being born? Your’s or mine? The farce was then up.

There is a difference from wanting a clean environment and using this as a tool for a hidden agenda. It is no different from taxing the rich that ends up as always the middle class while they borrow from the poor and do not even pay them interest with their annual tax refund.

[link to armstrongeconomics.com]

A climate scientist and glacier expert from Washington State who correctly predicted back in 2000 that the Earth was entering a cooling phase – says to expect colder temperatures for at least the next two decades.

In contrast, Gore and the IPCC’s computer models predicted “a big increase” in global warming by as much as one degree per decade. But the climate models used by the IPCC have proved to be wrong, with many places in Europe and North America now experiencing record-breaking cold.

[link to www.cnsnews.com]

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Aliens Are Fucking With Us In Ways You Cannot Manage

It is not crazy to say that one believes in parallel universes and it is not crazy to say that there are Aliens or Multi-Dimensional beings. They like to converge timelines. Within those timelines are an infinite numbers of possibilities. It really fucks up history when they play around. They fucked around so we became Humans. They fucked around to create Ancient Aliens. Those constructions at Puma Punku for instance. Those things disappeared in one timeline and they appeared in this one. That's why they are a mystery. We can't fathom the technology because the tools they used were left in the other timeline. There's the Kennedy assassination. Why do you think there are so many reasons? Because they're all true and not true. A convergence of timelines. But what I really think they like to do is make shit appear and disappear. My theory explains everything!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

[I think my son may have autism, is there a cure for vaccine related autism?]

Either MMS or, better yet, a combination of 100% pine turpentine treatment, followed by borax treatment and high doses of probiotics.

Have to kill off the parasites first, then pull out the heavy metals (in this order to avoid heavy Herx reaction), and then repopulate the gut with healthy flora and fauna.

MMS can be very hard to tolerate. The pine turpentine on sugar cubes, like grandma used to give mom and dad to de-worm them, has zero side effects and is much more palatable. Plus, you don't have to take it nearly as many times per day.

The pine resin treatment should run for 6 weeks or so, with 4 days on and three days off each week. Four days should be consecutive. Start off with just a drop or two on a sugar cube and slowly work up to the recommended dosage for age/weight. Start counting the days of treatment once you reach the optimum dose.

The Borax treatment, 1/16th of a teaspoon of Mule Team, plus 1/2 teaspoon baking soda mixed in one liter of water for children, given in divided doses throughout the day. Again, 4 days on and 3 days off, for 6-8 weeks.

Afterward, load him up on probiotics, preferably from natural sources, being careful to avoid those containing strep varieties. (You don't even want to know about PANDA's, which looks like overnight OCD on acid. It is cured with protracted use of antibiotics, which screws up the gut even more.)

Do the footwork. Look up these treatments. Best of luck.

BleachedPink1111 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

How to take pictures of cloaked Plasma UFOs!!!

Friday morning I was driving to work about 8:45am, beautiful day outside. Nice and warm after having a really chilly few days before. The sun was shining, the streets and highway were moving like everyone had their caffeine that morning.

I'm on the far south side of Chicago suburbs driving east down I-80 and also noticing an unusual amount of chemtrail activity in the sky. As I'm nearing my exit to get off the highway, I notice a main chemtrail in the middle of the sky that had a huge "black beam" eminating from it.

From everything I have read years ago, no one could ever determine what causes these black beams.

Black beams are weird, and I decided to take a few pictures as I'm done exiting the highway and sitting at the red light.

I took a pic of the black beam and made a point to get the spot where the chemtrail ended and the black beam continues. The beam goes all the way across the sky well off onto the horizon. Photo is facing west.

IMAGE ( [link to img.photobucket.com] )

Then I took a second picture of the other end of the chemtrail, behind me facing east.
Also trying to get the sun, just in case I happened to capture Planet X.
(I had never tried before, so I figured I would see if I got anything.)

I did get something, I got a Plasma UFO.

IMAGE ( [link to img.photobucket.com] )

Later that day, I got personal verification (synchronicity) that this was indeed a plasma UFO.
(I am always seeking knowledge, reading, listening to podcasts, etc. I get these personal verifications on a daily basis!)
That afternoon I listened to the Darkness Radio podcast, and the guest talked about other realms of reality where aliens reside. About one hour into the show he really starts to flesh out and explain aliens (Locas) and plasma UFOs! Explains because aliens are extra dimensional, they are not from our time and space, they are not physical, not like humans. They change their vibratory rate to match our vibratory rate and appear to us. UFOs are not made of metal, they are plasmas. Made out of a plastmic-type material; light. And are able to change form. They are empty, nobody inside, remotely controlled somehow. They accompany alien visitors, but not contain.
You can listen free here: [link to podcastone.com]

This is not the first time I have captured UFOs on photo while taking pictures of Chemtrails. It's been nearly a decade (around the time I was newly discovering all these conspiracy rabbit holes), I would go out driving, tossing orgone blasters out the window, and document chemtrails by taking pics of the sky. I always seemed to capture UFOs on a few pics that I didn't see in person as I was looking up at the sky. I have never seen one in person, but whenever I went back and viewed the pictures later, I always had captured at least one or two UFOs on film.

I think if more people start taking pictures of the sky, (specifically chemtrails and black beams), they WILL get photos of UFOs.

I'm going to see if I am able to dig up any of the old photos from years ago. And I am going to start taking more photos of the sky again. And if I get any new photos, I will post them here.

It would be cool if anyone else wants to try to capture UFO photos too. Just take a few pictures of the sky here and there.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Infants born alive? No such thing. As soon as you get your first vaccine when born, you're not a human after that, the laws of human rights don't apply. That's the way the medical industry of USA's military thinks about you. That's when you have a consumer in you, that will need medical treatment later, like for downs syndrome or cancer, because the vaccine will mutate your native DNA for more work on it later. That's how the Navy medical research people have been trained to think. That's how warfare people train. That's why they killed libya, saudia arabia, and syria out, they wanted more consumers.

I wish they had as many Planned Parenthoods as McDonalds out there.

Investors against planned parenthood only want your children to go to a GI Bill, where they'll raise your child to 18, then around age 24 they'll die in a war, and then the investors will gain money from your offspring's death. They don't want people over age 50, that's why synthetic vitamins are added to everything, and over 50% of the food in grocery stores is toxic in USA, for people like Bernie Sanders to say they have secrets.

BoondockT #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

***Gut Feeling***About the This Healthcare Bill among other things.*We might see a surprise. SURPRISE PULLED RINO Defeat

In my last *Gut Feeling* thread it had a heavy concentration on Obama spying etc. This one does as we but also is going to dive in some other topics that are coming to a head. This is very dangerous times we are living in.

These things over the last month seem to be panning out at an accelerated pace.

This healthcare bill has taken absolute precedence in the leftist media. Absolute. If

if you check CNN out right now you will see this story whiteout the front page of the news. Any time that you see a story take complete control over a news agency you need to start raising mental red flags. And whenever a huge story does not appear on a media outlet you also need to raise red flags. It's all about balance.

Over the course of the week we have had two large stories that appeared and then disappeared from CNN. And this month we had one MASSIVE story that didn't even make it to CNN. And another story which never made it to the media either.

The London Terror Attack

The Obama Spying Smoking Gun
Wikileaks Vault #7

Judge Blocking the Revised Travel ban (Obama Connection in Hawaii)

But we have seen one story that has dominated CNN headlines


Each story that has not Dominated the media has in some way shown that Trump has been right.

London Attacks- Radicalization in Islam is very real. If you continue to let folks come in your country that do not like your country two things are bound to happen. They themselves will carry out an attack, or they will radicalize the country's own people to carry out attacks.

Trump has been talking about this since he ran for office. The leftist media has fought him tooth and nail. But Trump once again had another “I told you so moment” the leftist media can not have that happen.

2. The Obama Smoking Gun

I have yet to see that term be used one time in the leftist media. Why? That makes their coverage as well as their presidential idol look bad. We have been saying that indeed Trump would not make those claims while sitting in the Oval office without viewing evidence. The media on the left over the last month has been working tirelessly to discredit Trump. using terms like: No Proof, Baseless, Imaginary, No Evidence. These are key words. These words are very powerful and plant seeds in the minds of people. All those words in the media really mean “Discredit”. If they can embed those words in their clocks minds, the mission is already achieved. It's a form of mind control folks. Now there seems to be information coming out that may indeed backfire on the Leftist Media, so what do they do? DON’T TALK ABOUT IT, THE SEEDS ARE ALREADY PLANTED. But talking about healthcare keeps it in the picture. Keep reading on. The smoking gun is going to be discussed in a closed session. This worries me.

3. Wikileaks Vault #7

This baffled me actually. There was absolutely no coverage on CNN or MSNBC about vault #7. It literally made me sick. But the reason as to why made sense. tried to make Trump look like a loony by saying he was being spied on, and leaks came out that showed Indeed it is very plausible that he was and is being spied on. So what did they do? DONT TALK ABOUT IT. And it worked. Majority of America still does not know about Vault #7 one of the most damning leaks in history.

4. Travel Ban 2.0 being blocked by Hawaii Judge day of Obama visiting Hawaii.

Guys I don't even have to dig into this to make it look shady. That reaks of corruption. Yet, the leftist media showed it for a few, then **poof** disappeared once stories started coming out that Obama visited Hawaii that same day.

Mind control.

But CNN has covered this healthcare bill like the plague. Why? Because they have a win win narrative. But they are not seeing the Trump Card. Just keep reading on.

Trump told the American people that he would repeal and replace Obamacare. I will be the first to say that this healthcare bill spearheaded by Ryan is not the best that we could do. But it is better than Obamacare.

But CNN knows that, if it does not pass they can make it look like a huge Victory for the Democrats, and if it passes they can make it look like a huge defeat for the American people.

A WIN-WIN situation. If it does pass, Expect Huge protests that will dominate the leftist media. If it does not pass. Expect that story to dominate the leftist media.

Effectively Blacking out “The smoking Gun” on any leftist outlet, keeping their herds asleep and drinking the Kool-Aid. They still can't see the Trump card though. .

I'm telling you this is Matrix level shit going on right now. If you can't see it, it's because you are still plugged in.

Expect directly after the healthcare vote the smoking gun evidence will begin to come out clearly. This will not be covered by the left.

But—.Theres an upside to all of this.


There still is a Trump card that is hidden in plain sight.

I said in my previous thread that there is a reason why Trump made these allegations during the time of healthcare negotiations.

What bill is being attempted to be repealed? OBAMAcare. That one word that describes the Affordable Care Act keeps the Former President in the media whether HE LIKES it OR NOT. There is no escaping, when your name is linked to the term. YOUR GOING TO STAY IN THE MEDIA spotlight whether you like it or not. That is your Trump card.

Trump, by focusing on healthcare forces Obama to stay in the media. He can't escape coverage. He can't slither off Into the night. He is trapped in media coverage. This makes it impossible when the smoking gun is released to stay out of the minds of people. Either way, whether it is healthcare or spying, the two are inevitably going to mix, because of the Name.

Once the media catches on to this, expect the Affordable Care Act to be used more often than Obamacare, just watch.

Guys. . .Trump is playing the media and establishment and the media has no fucking clue that he is.

If this healthcare Bill Passes this could be Flag they needed to start Riots. The left with feed the flames with false narratives
If the healthcare Bill does not pass Expect the media to be on a feeding frenzy (But that keeps Obama in the Picture)
Expect the Smoking Gun to be released directly afterwards involving James Comey. Only the Republican Intel Chairman knows about these new findings. This is very dangerous. The media is trying to spin it to look bad on the Republicans. Don't Fucking believe it for one minute
Expect a lot of falling on swords in the next two weeks.

I personally think we might see a surprise in this Healthcare Vote.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Trump is working for Obama

That's why Obama is missing. Obama is giving orders to Trump secretly, because the end is near Obama went to the bunker and is giving orders to Trump, that's why Obama chose Trump + pence, get it? They will execute the trumpets before May 15, 2017.

NUCLEAR ATTACK WARNING!!! #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


There are nukes prepositioned in the cities also, buried deep in underground tunnels or other buildings like vacant warehouses, etc. The Deep State ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY DOES NOT WANT A TRUMP PRESIDENCY, and they will engineer (already engineered) massive nuclear false flag attacks/detonations in the cities to create the national security emergencies to forcibly take the country back from the Nationalists, then begin their NWO evil plans from there, FEMA Camp internment of millions of Americans the Deep State wants eliminated with their takeover (Main Core/Red List).

nuff said #racist godlikeproductions.com

Just had an epiphany. Holy Shit

Now it is all starting to fall into place. I know it has taken me a while, but I finally understand the overall.

It has to do with the white genocide of America and the shit with the Russians. The other-than-white and liberal crowd are trying to pit the US against Russia for the reason of starting a conflict.

Most of the fighting forces for America and Russia are predominately young, WHITE, Christians.

THE Other-Than-White and liberal crowds, are trying to achieve the genocide of the white race by starting this kind of bullshit.

Wow, what a revelation to finally see what the final outcome of all this PC liberal shit that we are witnessing for the last couple of years is all about.

Since obama did not get it done the liberals and the OTW crowd is pissed that the white people have been resilient to their efforts.

Dam it must really piss them off because they are not white.

I will apologize the the non-liberal crowd if you are offended by this, but I have a better understanding of why all libs and OTW's are raging against the new establishment..

Tricksr4kids #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

OK SMART PEOPLE ! , Chemtrails , GMO and Smart Dust , bugs , mold , fungus

OK , now I am no real brain. But I watched a few videos on YouTube and went to the Dark Side now I would like to put out into order what I think is happening with Chemtrails , GMO , Smart Dust , bugs , mold , fungus then I would like some imput from some smart GLP people with some help , ok any smart people game ?

Here goes

1) GMO food has bug DNA , plant and bugs dna are merged into a stronger plant

2 ) Chemtrails , Aka Smart Dust are nano type aluminum, tin , silver that we eat breath and drink

3 ) Nano connects to the living breathing bug/plant dna were ingesting.

4 ) bugs are on a low frequency

5) Humans are being used ~~~~
1 ) to make a living breathing wifi grid using your skin as sensors , eyes as cameras and ears to listen and even record

2) brain control of people.

Ok now please lets discuss this like adults because, I want to get down and dirty on killing this Smart Dust , come on smart people help a poor Virgo Maiden out and tell me what you think

Aigh #sexist godlikeproductions.com

Wife has new co-worker and he is a 6,2 CHAD.......I have no chance ......life sucks

I went to her office today to say hi and I was ,et at the door by a 6'2 tan, muscular chiseled faced CHAD.....hell I wished I was gay for a second....this guy was insanely hot.......I caight my wife giggling att his guys jokes,,,,,,I went back to the car, looked in the mirror at my sad rat face and thinning hair and cried........my wife spend HOURS a a day working ALONE with this guy in a private office............The boss is only in the offic in the morning...........maybe I should just give up.......

Fuk, spend all my time avoiding CHAD and now he s working with my fucking wife....

Plumtree #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

We are in a parallel universe

It's time to say it like it is. It's not bad memory, it shouldn't even be called Mandela Effect. Not the right description and makes the whole phenomenon looks less credible (Maybe it was proactively coined the Mandela Effect from the beginning to make those who experience it look stupid, suspicious, funny and pathetic! Psychology! It's not the big picture of what really is going on!

It's now or never to face it! Time to stop tip toeing around what has been really going on from behind the scenes the last few years.

We are in a parallel universe, on a parallel Earth. We moved or more precisely, we were abducted into this dimension!

Our consciousness was shifted to this reality, maybe even merged, maybe not all of us, but certainly many of us and it is those who know and vividly remember global well-known facts differently, besides other discoveries of personal changes including the feeling that something was taken from us!

Our Earth was on Sagittarius arm on the outskirts of the Milky Way. This is Orion spur, near galactic center. There are several things that are off here, and Earth didn't move, our bodies didn't move, but I believe our consciousness did. This is not the same place. The clouds are different! The sky looks different, not as blue! Notice how strongly the sun shines like a blinding flash right into our eyes! The sun was more yellow than white! The sun is hotter here. The sun is in wrong color. The sun is brighter here. The sun is even in wrong size & shapes. In the old world I can clearly observe the shape of the sun being in perfect circle/round, but not here!

The North Pole vanished. In my memory it was a massive land mass covered in ice. Documentaries in my memory as well told of Fridtjof Nansen, the Norwegian explorer reaching North Pole which was called Arctica. According to current history Arctica (was a different ancient continent!!) The North Pole does not exist on Google Earth!

Australia was way to the south with Ocean all around it, apart from New Zealand to the north east of it. It was the "down under" continent. New Zealand has moved from above Australia to below! South America moved 500-1000 miles East, used to be much more inline with North America. Tiananmen Square Man was run over by a tank. I saw the footage and so many did. Now he stopped the tank instead. North and South Korea moved from the bottom of China to above it, or 33 degrees. The human stomach is now under your left rib cage. The human skeleton now has 4 floating ribs in the back. Our hearts were more to the left, two thirds of it to the left. Our left lung was smaller than the right to compensate for the room the heart took up! Our intestines are now a chaotic mish-mash rather than the well-ordered ones we had. The kidneys were lower and not up in the rib cage! We had an an open rib cage. All the ribs were free-floating. None were fused to each other or the sternum. Now the liver also expanded and grew a second lobe!

The Great Pyramid Cheops was in the middle behind the Sphinx and was missing a capstone. It has a twin, Khafre (in the middle now) next to it standing the same height (Cheops stands 139 meters and Khafre 136 meters). The smallest one, Menkaure was more further away left than it stands today.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy #dunning-kruger godlikeproductions.com

Moon Hoax - Rockets CANNOT work in space

one of the biggest hoaxes of all time!

rocket propulsion cannot work in space.

you get tricked by being told about newtons third law and how the propellant pushes against the body so therefore (equal opposite) has to push the rocket.

but newtons third law ironically proves this to be false if viewed from the other way round, the propellant cannot push against a vacuum (zero force) so in turn (equal and opposite) applies zero force to the rocket/vehicle itself.

can anyone find me a video of a rocket, firecracker or something similar creating force in a vacuum?

Mehitable #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why Did Obama make a "surprise" visit to Hawaii with minimal security on Monday??? Talking to JUDGE????

Obama made a surprise trip to Hawaii on Monday. People were really surprised to see him and he went with minimal Security which is very unusual. Did he go to meet this judge (and avoid surveillance) about blocking this EO about the 6 countries????

Maybe there's another reason too but going to Hawaii from DC is not a casual visit.


I want to put this idea out there as no one is taking about this possible link.

Steve #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Sick of the wussie republicans who fail to stand up to the loser left wing guests on CNN.

Yes inauguration was the biggest ever.

Yes Trump has been spied on by the government - DUH - only all his appointments private phone calls have been made public.

And they should just tell the libs if they cant get that through their thick skulls then they can go fuck themselves because we don't give a flying shit about their loser-ass opinion.

Glp university #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

- 100% PROOF JAMES HOLMES WAS TARGETED INDIVIDUAL - ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT - V2K VOICE WEAPON And David Bowie purposely caught and placed V2k signal in Black Star and then musically mimicked the Full James Holmes v2k police interview signals

V2k signals heard in background of James Holmes first police interview
Full version right at end of video
That David Bowie musically mimicked in blackstar


Actual v2k is in blackstar plus a whole musical mimicking was orchestrated into the rythm section of the song

100% PROOF JAMES HOLMES WAS TARGETED INDIVIDUAL - ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT - V2K VOICE WEAPON And David Bowie purposely caught and placed V2k signal in Black Star and then musically mimicked the Full James Holmes v2k police interview signals

the actual v2k can be heard as the popeye dancers are zapped and bowie tries to protect them by doing hooby doobie towards the castle with his arms outrestched looking towards the towers

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

What if aliens tested world govts and leaders to make humanity less evil in order to join the space society? Might explain the libertarian agenda

So in order to join the society of intelligent species in the Milky Way, or the Universe, we need to prove that humans won't be a menace to other species.
So this international UN tells the select few people they chose to interact with on Earth, prove that you're not just a bunch of apes and we might let you play with the big boys.

We've already set a VERY bad example, which was the US destroying Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Destroying empty towns in the Nevada desert should have been good enough. It didn't need to be tested out on populated cities. That probably put us on every black list that Space UN must have. Now we need to prove to them that we won't destroy ourselves or anyone else.

So maybe, our human leaders are pushing the libertarian ultra tolerance paradigm just to breed out the violence in us humans? Sure, it's a systemic dumbing down of the mass population. But at least they're not killing each other. Sure, all kinds of social norms are being overturned, but it could finally allow us to join the SPACE SOCIETY.

Just a thought I had about a possible solution to the Fermi paradox and why so many governments are acting in a certain way.

Hawk-02 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The USA has the Highest Vaccination Rate In theWorld, also the Worst Health

That “worst health” label includes a ranking of 34th in the world with infant mortality. In other words, the USA has the 34th worst infant survival with its highest rate of vaccinations. Some are directly from multiple vaccinations administered.

But the USA leads the world in infant vaccinations, those administered during the first year after their births – 26 vaccinations during that time.

The only vaccination I recall receiving during early childhood, circa 1948, was the smallpox vaccine, the one that left a circle of shallow pockmarks on the upper arm, a non-ink tattoo that proved you had received that vaccine. Months later there was the booster shot which gave me a vacation of several days away from my first grade teacher while sitting out the chicken pox.

During Naval training the mass vaccination high pressure hand held gun that replaced syringes and needles was tried on us with the polio shot. I wound up with a vacation in the base infirmary with an extended period of the flu. Between those two, there may have been a tetanus shot or two.

Brigit #racist godlikeproductions.com

A day without the Caucasian male.....
After the failed A day without a migrant worker/illegal alien and a day without women...

You Caucasian men should offer a day without Caucasian men... you are the lifeblood in the following i

Construction/ trades
Law enforcement

You get the picture. You need for the snowflakes to understand their dependency on you...

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Women cause men to sin.

Jesus said a man who looks lustfully at a woman is guilty of sin. But if you think about it, its not always just the mans fault. 80% of the time, men are turned on by good looking women in skimpy revealing clothes and their long flowing hair. Nothing to be ashamed of, its just how man was designed. But the problem is when women deliberately dress in a way to show off their figures and bodies. This directly causes otherwise religious men to fall into temptation. It wouldnt have happened if women were covered properly.

Biblical women like Sarah, Rebecca, Zipporah, Mary etc. most definitely were completely covered and wore scarves over their heads. Why on earth should Christian women dress in jeans and low cut blouses exposing their figures to random strangers? So could a return to biblical standards of modesty reduce instances of temptation and sin? I strongly feel it would.

Psalm119 #fundie godlikeproductions.com

He doesn't send anyone to hell.

We all have sinned against our Holy and Righteous Creator. There are no other 'religions' that offer a way of redemption for us. Buddha doesn't offer a way to right a sin. And he doesn't take your sins for you. Same with Islam. Allah doesn't forgive sin or take your sin for you. Same with any other man made religion.

God made ONE WAY for your sins to be forgiven and that is by receiving the gift of life through Jesus Christ alone and picking up your cross and following Him.

People go to hell because they have sinned against a Holy and righteous Creator and if you go to hell, then you literally have to climb over Jesus Christ and step on His face to throw yourself in there.

'God is not who you think He is, God is Who He says He is."

"I tell you, My friends, do not dread and be afraid of those who kill the body and after that have nothing more that they can do. But I will warn you whom you should fear: fear Him Who, after killing you, has power to hurl into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!"- Jesus Christ
(Luke 12:4-5)

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one can come to God the Father except through Me."-Jesus Christ

"When I pastured a certain church, a man didn't like the sermons I preached on Hell. He said, 'Preach about the loving and lowly Jesus'... I said, 'That's where I got my information about Hell.' "- Vince Havner

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

It has been proven that all terrestrial planets produce oil at certain depths as a natural byproduct of the elements of the soil.

For example, Mars has an oil layer almost as big as earth.

There is no such thing as 'fossil fuel'. It is the lie of the century.

There also is no such thing as 'peak oil'. You have absolutely no comprehension how much oil this earth actually holds.

They talk about peak oil to keep prices high. If the world knew there is an almost unlimited amount of oil, prices would plummet to 0 tomorrow.

beebee #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Cosmic False Flag

This is the type of technology that I fear will spell the demise of the religious community; specifically those who await the rapture. If the hologram technology that allows us to "see" Michael Jackson, or Elvis & Celine Dion performing together on stage when some have been dead for many years, is "declassified" what sort of technology is still "Classified?" Well, in the hologram technology what is classified is 1000 times more advanced than what we've been allowed to see. If you don't want to watch the entire video, check out around the 20 minute, 37 minute and at the 1 hour 20 minute mark.



If anyone is wondering why the President has to follow orders, it might be because there are 21 levels ABOVE the President.

The "alien" threat from outer space is a LIE and a HOAX.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Ask yourself, why is Obama going after Trump?
Answer is simple.
Obama was an illegitimate and illegal President. If Obama and the Democratics don't attack Trump and continue to do so, Trump will investigate and expose Obama.

Because Obama was illegitimate as President, all of his Supreme Court Justices go bye bye. Everything his signed is void. And it off to prison for Pelosi, Obama, Valerie, Holder, etc.

Trump must have the investigation the Democrats are pushing for to go back 8 years. If the Russian's did try to interfer in US elections, how far back did it go? Surely, Trump's election wasn't the first. Trump has to force the Democrats to request that the investigation go back over the Obama Presidency.

The Dems will shit.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

WARNING: PIZZAGATE Researchers Are Being Setup. I Cannot Explain It, But I Feel It. Be Careful.

In one day I have gone from researching ancient Satanic cults to being frightened by a computer incident, and two strange phone calls.

After calming down from these things I felt the need to back off from my research, involve myself in other things, and I had the heavy feeling Pizzagate was a trap. What kind of trap?

After listening to John Podesta's interview, it all came together. I want to make this perfectly clear: I am not saying that certain things are not true, but the major issue involving Comet Pizza housing a sex ring is false. It was a well laid trap, and it happened exactly the way it was planned.

The purpose is two-fold.
!. Destroy alternative media.
2. Blame Trump, saying he is conspiring with alternative media.

Below is the John Podesta interview:

Start at 19:28 and listen to the remaining video. Think about what he is saying.

What if I am right, and it is a trap to take down Alternative Media....Podesta is going to include Trump in that.

Ivanka Trump has encouraged her Father to drain the swamp of pedophilia in Washington. Does she mean pizzagate?

What Trump did in launching a full scale investigation into human trafficking is needed, as human trafficking is an epidemic, especially in Washington.

But if Pizzagate is a trap, and Alefantis is nothing more than a Satanic gay sexual pervert constantly lusting after men? What if he is freaky and involved with the CIA? But his pizza parlor is nothing but that. A pizza parlor with perverted art and suggestive décor set up as a trap for Alternative Media and possibly President Trump?

Did you know that Alefantis secretly went to Cuba with Obama? Why? What business did Alefantis have in Cuba with Obama, and why was it kept quiet?

Where is Alefantis now? There is another issue that I am suspect of, but I do not feel I can talk about it now.

We must remember the CIA is trained in elaborate plots in which they use the American people. Was Alternative Media getting too big for its britches?

But most of all, if I am right...it may put Trump in a sticky situation.

Please do not take my words out of content, or please do not put words in my mouth. I am trying to tell you what I am suspect of. You decide for yourself.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Hmm does the Mandela Effect cause Capgras Delusion

Ever heard if the Capgras Delusion? It use to be rare but not so rare anymore!

After viewing , and and trying to debunk all the Mandela effect topics, thinking bad memory, I finally a believer because I clearly remember 4 , not 6, in the JFK car. I analyzed the bid for angle of bullet from the front: I KNOW!

Anyway,the Capgras Delusion comes to mind. Could these folks been mandela'd? Capgras folk think their loved ones are replaced! Hmmm. Something else to think about!

What ya think? Possibly they aren't sick at all, as diagnosed?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

How the British Empire is using karma to conquer India

India, will eventually be reconquered by the British Empire, as the British Empire, is using India's own belief system against them.

The British Empire, brutalized India for several centuries, after India's independence, and emergence on the world scene, that bad past, "bad karma", was a risk to the British.

So what did they do? Encourage India, to prey upon America. India, as we speak, is pillaging, discriminating against and oppressing untold number of American's. Systematically stealing technology, job's and resources meant for American's, and American posterity.

In terms of India's theology, they are trying to nullify bad British karma, by encouraging India, to have an even worse karma, by preying on America, a nation genuinely trying to help advance India.

India's own religious/theological system, due to India's bad karma, it justifies the British, brutalizing India into submission.

It is bad to harm a stranger, but to harm one trying to help you? That is tens of thousands of leagues worse.

In the Judeo-Christian system, Britain is justifying before the Heavenly Courts, the reconquest of India. As a nation that in a manner, goes to war against those who are trying to help them, does not deserve to be independent or free.

The horrors India has committed in America, destruction of communities, destruction of families, dispossession and mocking, of a people that actively tried to aid them, it is bad for India all around, and won't end well for them.

No matter how you look at it, the mocking of people trying to help you, is a huge amount of bad karma, and looks really bad before the Heavenly Court's, that determine all human affairs.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

These 15 Arguments Will Destroy Chemtrails Deniers

1. Often we see ordinary planes who are not spraying, flying in the same air space and altitude as those who are spraying leaving long trails. Given that “contrails” are dependent predominantly on the temperature and humidity of the surrounding atmosphere at that particular atmospheric pressure (which is measurable), and given that changes don’t occur very quickly in nearby airspace this should offer no less than a head scratch for anyone with an understanding of the issue and willing to apply science, reason and common sense.

2. Planes spraying are almost always unmarked, not ordinary commercial planes with passengers. To this day, no one has filmed an ordinary commercial (labeled) passenger jet spraying. It doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened or is not happening, but it is something to consider.

3. Planes that are spraying almost always fly with transponders off. One can verify flight data information by logging on to a site like flightaware.com and look for the plane when it flies over. Rarely if ever, will you see the plane show up on the website flight listing, because it is not sending out signals. This speaks again to their commitment to secrecy and denial.

4. Spraying planes seem to fly in senseless patterns. They often fly in directions not commonly known for commercial flight including making U-turns and sharp turns.

5. Easily verifiable money-making weather modification and atmosphere-manipulating patents are available for anyone to review. These are not conspiracies or secret rumors, these are real patents. These patents are in use or they wouldn’t exist.

6. Spraying planes don’t follow any order of nature with respect to temperature and humidity (important to the “contrails” claims). Unlike a natural (“contrails”) event, the chemtrails we see being sprayed in our skies sometimes every day follow no set temperatures or humidity. In Southern California, for example, we see spraying regardless of whether the temperature on the ground is 50, 70, or 90 degrees Fahrenheit. We also see the spraying at very low and very high humidity. This disjointed pattern with nature’s temperature and humidity is a stark contrast to what government geoengineers claim is the nature of contrails. All supposed government “contrails” studies show that “contrails” will only form under certain specific temperatures and humidity in accordance to the rules of nature. In other words, according to the rules of nature there are set temperatures and humidities that guarantee no contrails. These temperatures and humidities unfortunately never translate over to reality when one applies the Environmental Lapse Rate (ELR) formula to the known current temperature on the ground to calculate the temperature at plane altitude level.

7. Jets that spray our skies can often be seen to stop their spraying suddenly then restart seconds later. Something characteristic of a deliberate shutting off or perhaps a pause to change chemical canister from which the chemicals are being drawn. With contrails on the other hand we would expect a smooth steady continuation of the condensation trail being created by (supposedly) the ice crystals that (supposedly) form spontaneously from the combustion of ordinary jet fuel. This is not at all what we see when we look up.

8. Throughout the year anyone can easily predict when the chemtrails will stop. In regions with very steady climate as in Southern California, this prediction is based strictly on observation of their spraying schedule not on the temperature or humidity. Hot or cold, we will see spraying throughout the year, and we’ll see the spraying (predictably) stop at specific times of the year.

9. We can observe weather patterns that are often inconsistent with the established weather forecast. The difference? The spraying of the sky. Often the forecast calls for sunshine and blue skies and we’ll observe the planes ruin the sky leaving cloudy overcast skies instead. A sharp difference from the predicted weather.

10. There are known weather modification private companies who admit they manipulate the sky for the purposes of weather modification. This information is public, real and easily verifiable.

11. Attempt at cloud seeding, weather modification, engineered drought, rain making and other manipulation and geoengineering of our skies is admitted by government agents, educators, geoengineers and other entities all claiming it’s for the purposes of “global warming” and planet cooling. This admission is nonetheless the proof these programs are ongoing.

12. Patents for specifically aluminum-resistant seeds are secured by the USDA and promoted by Monsanto. A bizarre coincidence if this is not related to spraying programs which also employ the spraying of aluminum in the sky that eventually falls back to the ground.

13. Photographs of our skies prior to 2000 show little to no lines in the sky. Everyone with a photo collection has this proof in their hands.

14. Where is the documentation of protesters protesting sky lines back in the 1990s? How about the 1980s, ’70s, ’60s, ’50s etc? Where is the history of genuine writers (not government scientists), authors of books and activists writing about the problem of lines in the sky? Where are the photos of activists packing the streets protesting sky lines in the 1970s? Did no one care about the environment back then?? These images and activist literature don’t exists because movements only occur to address things that are actually happening in that generation. Chemtrails and sky lines are actually happening now thus we NOW have a movement to address this serious issue.

15. Trolls and disinformation agents claim ordinary planes have always made persistent contrails when they combust fuel and these trails inevitably change our weather and global climate as a result and block our sunlight. These wild claims suggest that dating back to the Wright brothers’ invention of the first plane; the invention turned out to be a weapon of mass destruction. As bizarre as this sounds, this shifting of the blame for the destruction of our skies from today’s U.S. government, U.S Air Force, the DOD and all its private contractors and accomplice allies to the Wright brothers is inescapably at the root of their argument. Also at the root of this argument is that blue skies were never the norm even in sunny southern California or Hawaii due to natural contrails formation. This bizarre argument of course is a psyop on those who are unaware of the issue; and the younger generations who are now being conditioned to believe this statement is true and that massive weird feathery and smudgy looking clouds injected in the stratosphere and troposphere with chemical trails flown into them is normal.

Salt #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Liberal Progressive Leftism IS Fascism, Fascism which has infiltrated our "modern educayshun" (vids)

So, i was watching Tucker eviscerate this obnoxious FASCIST posing as a commie leftist progressive ...

smh... the utter lunacy and hypocrisy is beyond measure. it's as if these people are being controlled by a demonic force that has completely taken over their faculties.

then i saw this satirical video, which pretty much sums up the Orwellian times for which we live. This is what our kids are going through. This is why i homeschool my daughter (my son is an adult now, and regret subjecting him to public school). This is why i attend a non-liberal seminary university.

Can we overcome this beast system, hive mind, liberty destroying ideology?

I'm not so sure... because biblical prophecy tells us otherwise.

Let's see what our new administration can do with this culture of brainwashed, cult minded sheep..

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Timeline shift? I remember reading about Elon Musk when I was in higj school in the early 80's

Was he named after a character in a book? I was into sci fi as a teen and I remember reading about a Rocket scientist who had become quite powerful. That's all I remember except for the name. When I first heard it again a few years ago, I thought to myself that it was unusual for someone to name their child after that guy in the book. But I can't find any references to Elon in any old 1970's sci fi books.

Vanilla Guerilla #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

BREAKING: Media Ordered By Opposition Party To Go On Offensive To Foment Civil War

The Calm Before The Storm

The Mainstream Media is digging in and doubling down with the intention of overthrowing a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT. There is a "MANUAL" (PLAYBOOK) and gameplan including a SHADOW GOVERNMENT to oversee and dictate when and where this offensive will congregrate and execute it's INSURRECTION.

All major networks are complicit including FOX and most major newspapers. The proof is the vernacular utilized by both the networks and newspapers in regurgitating the PROPAGANDA narrative regarding associates tied to President Trump's Campaign Team who resigned because of "TIES TO RUSSIA" like Paul Manafort and General Flynn even though President Trump acknowledged General Flynn resigned because of his conversation with the Vice-President and not his conversations with Russia.

Two men will be used as the NEXUS to tie President Trump to Russia in this PROPAGANDA OFFENSIVE and have been cited in multiple articles geared towards the OPPOSITION PARTY'S CONSTITUENCY to incite and provoke these DOMESTIC TERRORIST GROUPS into action. These two men are Dmitry Firtash and Felix Sater.

Editor's Note: Search These Names For Links To Articles That Will Impact This Administration That Are Banned Here On Planet GLP

In Conclusion

All this ties to the Obama Administration and the DNC concerning their dealings with the State Department and Hillary Clinton's Uranium One bribe after the Russian Reset. The OPPOSITION PARTY is making their play to galvanize their INSURRECTIONIST AGENDA.

The Establishment is currently hemming up loose ends like they did with Seth Rich including the POLITICAL ASSASSINATION of General Flynn so they can invoke the Ukraine Playbook to foment Civil War by using the media to propagandize the Yanukovych NARRATIVE that President Trump is a Russian Proxy Puppet President and Russia "HACKED" the election.

The goal is to tear this country apart to say President Trump's ties to Flynn and Manafort are the impetus behind these manufactured protests orchestrated by $oro$. The DNC and the Establishment RNC are going for broke to win the 2018 election

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Russia getting hit by MOSSAD-CIA

Russia taking the hit because it is destroying ISIS- Israel's puppet America using ISIS to overthrow regime Syria.
Russia supports Assad vs ISIS. So US $$ & troops being tossed into the toilet for The Plan.

How many more assassinations of Russians will it take till they react?
PROVOKE is major Filth strategy.

[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]

No one else noted Trojan Horse Trumps 180 degree turn once he got in?
First attacked RUSSIA, then Iran.
The ZioFilth have him by the balls. Starting w/ that dumb twat daughter's husband Kushner.
Israel won US elections. Everyone else lost.

Guess who controls security at the Sochi airport and was in charge of security for Sochi Olympics? Yup. Mossad & Co, like 911

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