
David Stockman #conspiracy #quack lewrockwell.com

We don’t expect the Virus Patrol to be put out of business any time soon because the Donald is too confused and weak to shut them down.

Moreover, if he keeps shooting himself in the kneecaps via tweets like today’s “lets-postpone-the-election” numbskullery, he will guarantee an even worse scenario: Namely, that while Sleepy Joe is being oxygenated and propped-up behind the Resolute Desk for daily Oval Office photo ops, the left-wing health Nazis who surround him will really go to town on Lockdown Nation.

So on the facts, the Hysteria should be dying out, but, alas, the facts are of small moment in the context of a runaway public hysteria that is being turbocharged by a severely aggravated anti-Trump partisanship that has no modern precedent, or any at all.

We are constantly reminded that there are less than 100 days until the election, but probably of even more salience is that the next flu season will be arriving even sooner in October. And it won’t matter whether the obvious herd immunities building up against the SARS-Cov-2 cause the next flu season to be unusually mild or not.

That’s because the Virus Patrol will be at shrill alert for the “second wave” in the run-up to October, keeping the suffocated economy evident in today’s GDP report on its back foot for the balance of the year, at least. That means the ballyhooed V is now surely dead-as-a-door nail.

In this context, it needs be recalled that the services sector of the US economy is bearing the brunt of the Lockdown orders, but that it now counts for fully $8.7 trillion or 45% of GDP. That compares to a mere 26% back in the days of America’s industrial might in the mid-1950s.

In the big picture context, therefore, national policy – especially at the Eccles Building – caused the off-shoring and hollowing-out of the US industrial economy over the last three decades. In turn, that has left main street especially vulnerable to a state-orchestrated attack on its new services sector center of gravity such as outpatient surgery clinics, Pilates studios and tapas bars.

Again, an economic marshal law attack on the new epicenter of the US economy means that the issue is not traditional stimulus, but clearing the decks and clearing the air of the Virus Patrol orders and Covid-Hysteria, which was the real culprit behind the Q2 GDP disaster.

Bill Sardi #wingnut #quack #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

“No one has died from the coronavirus”

Calling the World Health Organization a “criminal medical organization” for creating fear and chaos without objective, verifiable proof of a pandemic, Dr. Stoian Alexov of the Bulgarian Pathology Association says “No one who has died from the coronavirus. I will repeat that: no one has died from the coronavirus.”

That eyebrow-raising statement was followed by a claim that pathologists have not been able to identify any antibodies that are specific for COVID-19, a requirement for the production of vaccines. Dr. Alexov doubts the veracity of reports that antibodies can be used to treat patients. Dr. Alexov’s comments were made at the European Society of Pathology webinar on May 18.

Dr. Alexov says COVID-19 related deaths in Italy were preceded by immunization with the H1N1 flu vaccine that suppresses the immune system, which could have increased lethality.

Dr. Alexov: “Therefore in the absence of monoclonal antibodies to the novel coronavirus, pathologists cannot verify whether the COVID-19 coronavirus is present in the body, or whether the diseases and deaths attributed to it indeed were caused by the virus rather than by something else.”

Dr. Alexov says “COVID-19 is a fatal disease only in exceptional cases, but in most cases it is a predominantly harmless viral infection.”

Dr. Alexov’s statements were published in OFF-GUARDIAN online newspaper and included supportive backing from other health authorities. The director of the Institute of Forensic Medicine at the University Medical Center in Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany also said there is a dearth of solid evidence for COVID-19’s lethality.

Jon Rappoport #quack #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

Perhaps the political leader with the most swagger and counter-consensus attitude—in the still most powerful nation in the world—is Donald Trump. Is he waking up the country? Is he stepping to the podium and laying bare the economic devastation that has been leveled at the people? Is he voicing a plan for recovery?



Most people see, in his maddening and conspicuous lack of real leadership, nothing unusual, because they are still in the middle of the trauma and the shock.

But there is “plenty of unusual.” A leader who doesn’t lead. A leader who, in a time of crisis, when leadership means so much, doesn’t step up.

THAT is unusual. That is madness.

Now, add this: the Stockholm Syndrome. People under rule by edict and force will often develop an attachment to their oppressors. Loyalty. Even a perverse love.

Why? Because they see no other option.

And because, on a subconscious level, the whole surreal world they are now living in makes no sense at all unless their rulers are doing the right thing.

Therefore, their leaders must be right. They have to be right.

The governors and mayors have to be right. Even the president, in doing nothing substantial, is right.

Of course, the loss of job and business and money is also paralyzing in the extreme. The government prescription seems to be: WAIT. Keep living on Welfare and bailout until the money runs out or until the crisis is declared over.

Jon Rappoport #quack #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

COVID Trauma-Based Mind Control

“Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self preservation?” (CIA interdepartmental memo, Project ARTICHOKE, January 1952)

The covert operation called COVID, which has been planned for years, is all about trauma-based mind control.

The trauma combines fear of a germ with the sudden psychic shock of the lockdowns, the masks, the social distancing, the economic destruction.

For many people, this trauma is paralyzing on a subconscious level.

The government and media messaging about the “pandemic” was immediate, and it was launched as a wall-to-wall campaign. News reports, ads, public service announcements, talk shows, newspaper articles, press conferences, etc. No room was permitted for counter-opinion and evidence or intelligent discussion and debate. The messaging flood plays a major role in the trauma effect.

In a state of subconscious paralysis, people obey. They follow orders. They sleep-walk. They even, on top of the layer of paralysis, actively defend the powers-that-be.

A nation asleep. A world asleep.

—This would be the time for a political leader to step forward and address the people, in order to wake them up—first, by directing them to look around and see the unconscionable economic and, therefore, human wreckage.

This leader, this president, would describe in sufficient detail the horrendous situation: job loss, business closures, bankruptcies, suicides, murders, broken families. The national engine of production, shut down. The “cure worse than the disease.” Far worse.

Then the leader would rally the nation with a plan for recovery. This would be a further wake-up call. For example, for a start, the creation of a million jobs, to repair the crumbling national infrastructure. Roads, highways, bridges, canals.

Trauma and paralysis need “a reverse vector.” Supplied with great energy and conviction.

We see none of that. Political leaders are mainly timid and brainless—when they aren’t forcing more restrictive measures on the people.

Perhaps the political leader with the most swagger and counter-consensus attitude—in the still most powerful nation in the world—is Donald Trump. Is he waking up the country? Is he stepping to the podium and laying bare the economic devastation that has been leveled at the people? Is he voicing a plan for recovery?



Most people see, in his maddening and conspicuous lack of real leadership, nothing unusual, because they are still in the middle of the trauma and the shock.

But there is “plenty of unusual.” A leader who doesn’t lead. A leader who, in a time of crisis, when leadership means so much, doesn’t step up.

THAT is unusual. That is madness.

Now, add this: the Stockholm Syndrome. People under rule by edict and force will often develop an attachment to their oppressors. Loyalty. Even a perverse love.

Why? Because they see no other option.

And because, on a subconscious level, the whole surreal world they are now living in makes no sense at all unless their rulers are doing the right thing.
Therefore, their leaders must be right. They have to be right.

The governors and mayors have to be right. Even the president, in doing nothing substantial, is right.

Of course, the loss of job and business and money is also paralyzing in the extreme. The government prescription seems to be: WAIT. Keep living on Welfare and bailout until the money runs out or until the crisis is declared over.

All in all, many people are subconsciously asking this question: would I rather wake up and therefore see the mass insanity all around me, or would I prefer to stay asleep and follow orders and pretend that is the best course of action? They choose the second option.

Waking up means the individual is living life at a new and different level. It means seeing the truth. It’s the first step to coming up with a strategy for dealing with the reality that has been imposed.

Not waking up means living in a state of conformity, accepting official statements and orders, following those orders, fitting in, acting normal, adjusting, behaving according to stimulus-response.

Re quarantine, isolation, social distancing, wearing masks: “We did not know what the Russian [brainwashing] procedures were, but it seemed that they were producing some peculiar changes of attitude. How? One possible factor was perceptual isolation and we concentrated on that.” (Donald Hebb, Sensory Deprivation: A Symposium Held at Harvard Medical School. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1961)

John Q Citizen would say: “But I have to believe the quarantines, the isolation, the lockdowns, the distancing, the masks…they’re all happening so we can contain the virus. If I stop believing that, things would look very different. And I don’t want thing to look very different.”

Re the use of fake official science as mind control: “Brainwashing is a system of befogging the brain so a person can be seduced into acceptance of what otherwise would be abhorrent to him. He loses touch with reality…However, in order to prevent people from recognizing the inherent evils in brainwashing, the Reds [Communists] pretend that it is only another name for something already very familiar and of unquestioned respect, such as education or reform.” (Edward Hunter, Brainwashing. New York: Pyramid Books. 1956)

Re the recruitment of citizens to operate as contact tracers in a wide-ranging program: “Brainwashing is defined as an observable set of transactions between a charismatically-structured collectivity and an isolated agent of the collectivity with the goal of transforming the agent into a deployable agent.” (Thomas Robbins, ‎Benjamin David Zablocki, Misunderstanding Cults, 2001)


Becky Akers #fundie #wingnut #quack lewrockwell.com

Church Bulletins

The People’s Democratic Republic of Californistan has codified its millions of diktats for churches as it “allows” them to re-open. Mr. Anonymous sent me the link along with this astute observation:

Jesus only gave us six words of instruction regarding religious service: “Do this in remembrance of me.”

The state of California has just come out with a 13-page manual.

And may I add it’s 13 pages of lunacy. But you already knew that.

Meanwhile, Milton Lane sent me a questionnaire from a congregation of Seventh-Day Adventists in Cleveland, Tennessee inquiring whether members are “comfortable returning to church.”

Think about that. The pastor no longer worries about assembling together in obedience to Scripture for worship in spirit and in truth; no, fed on TV and Caesar’s orders rather than the Word, he frets about parishioners’ “comfort.” I’m trying but failing to remember a single time Christ worried about our comfort. And I’m also trying to picture our persecuted brothers and sisters in China or North Korea asking congregants, “Given the possibility of incarceration, intense torture and death, are you comfortable coming to church?”

The remaining queries from the Seventh-Day Adventists go downhill from there:

When we return to services:

I will be there.

I will not be there


What if God the Father had asked His Son, “When I send You to earth to die the most gruesome of deaths for them, will You be there?”, and Jesus had responded, “Undecided, Abba”?

The wus–sorry, church concludes,

What do you think the church should do for your protection? (Check all that apply)

Wear a face mask.

Sit and stand at least 6 feet apart from others outside my immediate family.

Avoid physical contact.

Use hand sanitizer.

What do you think the church should do for your protection? (Check all that apply)

Remove the Hymnals and Bibles from the pews.

Don’t sing hymns.

Don’t have the garden of prayer.

Don’t have the children’s story.

Seat every other row.

Collect the offering in the foyer.

Prop the doors open.

Hand Sanitizer as you come in.

Hand sanitizer in the pews.

None of the above

Astounding, isn’t it? Christians who tremble to hold a hymnbook or greet one another with a hug, let alone a holy kiss, stand fearlessly before the world—and God Himself—as cowards without a shred of faith.

Gary D. Barnett #conspiracy #wingnut lewrockwell.com

“The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world.”

~ Aaron Russo—Unsourced

This country has been through so much in its history, with so many committing crimes against humanity in this immoral governing system. There have been aggressive wars and the continuous murder of innocents, false flag events, foreign and domestic terrorism, recessions, depressions, financial upheavals, scandals, corruption, thieving taxation, divisiveness, and loss of liberty. But none of this is comparable to what is happening today, and what those in charge are planning. This illegitimate ‘pandemic’ plan is truly the epitome of evil, and is being allowed to go forward without resistance by a blind population voluntarily participating in their own self-destruction. Nothing of this caliber has ever happened in the history of this country, and nothing has ever been a bigger threat to liberty. In fact, if this plot is allowed to continue, we will face an apocalyptic loss of freedom, and will be relegated to a life based on servitude.

What we now face is a war against all humanity, a war without end. We face constant surveillance, forced vaccination, and home imprisonment. We face a total loss of normal interaction and communication with others. We face complete restriction or elimination of travel. We face the prospect of a total loss of medical freedom. We face having to present papers in order to move about or transact business. We face the possibility of being chipped, and the requirement of implants and tracking device mandates. We face the elimination of normal employment leading to financial ruin. We face starvation and extreme poverty. We face gene-altering technologies. We face all this and more in what has been mistakenly called the freest country on earth.

The recent ramping up of this ‘virus’ propaganda has reached a level that should have been unimaginable to most, but instead of question and dissent, the general population has taken this all in stride, and have acquiesced to most every order given. Any that properly disagree with the state’s false narrative, and any that choose to fight against this tyranny, will face extreme prejudice because those seeking the truth will always be a small minority in this land of obedient order takers. Mass compliance of state guidelines leads to the shaming and threatening of those sane individuals not obeying politicized orders, and this pathetic and submissive behavior by the masses is the epitome of the common American mindset today. What once was a land of intelligent, freethinking individuals has turned into a society of manageable fools.

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There were many causes that led to the demise of intellect in this country, and government schooling with control over the young from the age of three until out of college was possibly the most determining factor in that transition. With that indoctrination and dumbing down, the population became much easier to control through distraction, divisiveness, and bribes. When analyzing this phenomenon, it is apparent that cell phones, television, gaming, and constant texting and chatting instead of face-to-face contact now consume people. The race card has been played over and over again, but never with such gusto as has happened with the suspicious ‘death’ of someone being called George Floyd. The division caused by the political and media hype and the purposely created BLM and Antifa rioting and looting, has led to mass chaos and idiotic group think. In order to keep the public at odds with reality, and to solidify devotion and support for the state, it was necessary to offer bribes in the form of bailouts, direct cash payments, high unemployment largesse for all, and promises of future ‘universal basic income.’ With these things in place and with the promotion of fear, the submissive herd has been calmed. This seduction of the public has been successful for the ruling class in many ways, but the ease and speed in how it was accomplished is most disturbing. But then, the ignorant mob has always been easy to buy off, and easy to fool, and if this continues, our future will be one of slavery.

The basis of all governing authority and rule relies on the voluntary compliance and acceptance of that authority by those being ruled. Without willing submission by the general public, no dictator, no group of elitists, and no oligarchy could ever gain or hold power over the people. This truth has been lost to the collective mob, and only lives in the hearts and minds of the few. So long as the common people seek ‘leaders’ to guide them, they will be led. In other words, so long as people vote, so long as they wave their flags, so long as they pledge their allegiance to the state, they will remain slaves to whatever political system they allow to exist.

The people at large have not only allowed this takeover of humanity, but have embraced it. The people’s appointed masters are seeking total domination over all of society, and apparently will stop at nothing to advance their agendas of death and control. They promise continued tyranny by demanding compliance of every order handed down by fiat. In the false name of safety, they claim as all totalitarian monsters claim, to protect us all from ourselves by requiring blind obedience to the new god called the state. They claim we will be held by force in this state of madness and isolation until we all wear deadly masks, distance from each other, and take a new untested and poisonous vaccine. Even then, they intend on continued tracking, tracing, and isolation of any that do not allow the injection of this toxic concoction.

What have we become? What purpose is there in life if thinking and acting as nature intended is outlawed, and deemed treasonous? What joy will remain if this insanity continues? When will the people that gave this horrendous government its power take it away? When will Americans reclaim their freedom?

There is little time left in my opinion, as the state is attempting to gain total control over the next few months, and will use this coming flu season as the impetus to advance even more draconian measures meant to cause massive death and destruction. It seems likely that if compliance by a large majority is not forthcoming, or if mass control has not been fully achieved during the winter, then a real lab-created virus may be released to insure that the panic continues, and that a new fear will be sufficient enough to cause complete societal submission.

“Insanity in individuals is something rare – but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”

~ Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil Ch. 4

Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #quack lewrockwell.com

We are currently living in a world that has turned all that is sane insane, and all that is insane sane. That is the essence of a backward world, and one that is self-destructive by design. This is a world where nature and natural law have been replaced by the unnatural and manmade laws that have brought about the eradication of every aspect of quality life. It is a world where the human body and soul are considered the enemy, while poisonous toxins, biological experimentation, and genetically modified organisms are considered man’s healing agents. It is a world where logic is shunned and stupidity accepted, where truth is attacked while propaganda is embraced, where self-defense is prosecuted while violent crime is worshipped, and where compassion and reality have been replaced by false emotion and intellectual unconsciousness. Arrogant confusion and mass ignorance now pass for normalcy, while the death of innocents has readily been accepted by the masses. Society’s moral standards have been abandoned, and have been replaced by hate and indifference.

How could an entire planet go berserk seemingly overnight? How could nearly 8 billion people lose all common sense, self-responsibility, and nearly every flicker of elemental intellect in the blink of an eye? Why has our world been turned upside down? The answer is because this did not happen overnight; it happened over decades, but now we are headed toward total destruction, and that destruction is being voluntarily accepted by the now weak and pitiful bulk of humanity.

It is important to consider that any new Covid vaccine will not only be tainted with several different deadly viruses, but will also be filled with deadly adjutants as well, possibly including mercury, aluminum, and other poisons. In addition, tracking and tracing technology, biological nano-particles, and other unrelated toxins could be an unknown part of any possible gene-altering injection. Whatever the makeup of this vaccine, it is certain that everything in it once given will then be inside the bodies of all those inoculated. Once these viruses and other agents are inside the body, weak or compromised immune systems due to the stress of isolation and quarantine, lack of exercise and sunlight, additional and continued job loss, oxygen stealing masks, and other factors will allow for those newly injected viruses to attack those vaccinated by replicating and causing sickness and disease. This will be especially deadly for the old, sick, and infirmed, but those people are already being murdered by the state due to the inhuman response to this fabricated coronavirus pandemic hoax. This was no accident, and exposes that the ruling elites and the government eugenics agenda is already being implemented.

Eric Peters #quack #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

How will our actual world differ from Orwell’s fictitious world when you aren’t permitted (hideous word; how did America get to that point?) to go outside without a Face Diaper occluding your individuality and visually confirming you as a member of the frightened, obedient herd?

Your face will be indistinguishable from other faces. No one will know whether you’re smiling or frowning.

Most of all, no one will know you oppose what’s been imposed, since you’ve been forced to submit to it. Since everyone has been forced to submit to it.

Universal Diapering will eliminate any visual evidence of dissent, making dissent itself seem abnormal.

Everywhere you go, the impression of consent, which implies the legitimacy (the reasonableness) of the thing itself.

That it has been imposed without consent is irrelevant.

Peter Koenig #quack #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

This is leading to a total control of every individuum on the planet. It is sold to the public as the Internet of Things (TIT), meaning self-driving cars, robotized kitchen equipment, artificial intelligence (AI) for the production and delivery of everything. What the sales pitch doesn’t say, is how humans would be marginalized and enslaved. To carry this masterplan forward, high frequency electromagnet waves are needed. Therefore, rolling out of 5G is a must, no matter what the health impact on humans, fauna and flora may be – and no matter how it may influence viral infections, like possibly the current COVID19.

WHO remains silent, although they do admit that no independent official study has been carried out on the dangers of 5G – and electromagnetic fields in general. Does that mean that WHO is coopted by the Big and Powerful into this deadly spiel? – Let it suffice to say that unlike other UN agencies, WHO was created in 1948 by the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) – see The Lancet. It might be also noteworthy that about half of WHOs budget comes from private interest sources, mostly the pharma industry, but also others, like telecom giants.

Gary D. Barnett #quack #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

Most in this country are instructed to distance themselves from everyone, remaining six feet or more from all. They have been instructed to wear masks at all times, this a very detrimental and sometimes dangerous thing to do considering health. These things can lead to not only despair and loneliness, but cause a lack of closeness, expression, familiarity, societal needs, and of personal isolation. As humans, we are communal by nature, and contact, including intimate interaction with others, is of great importance to our being. It is how we communicate, learn, and congregate for many purposes, including experiencing the pleasures of life. Without close contact, a feeling of being alone sets in, and this feeling causes not only much stress, but also leads to desolation and a withdrawal from community. This can be very devastating to one’s psyche.

The political class mandated that many businesses nationwide close their doors and shut down. This was damaging in a multitude of ways, and of course caused mass economic harm to all those businesses, and all those employed by those businesses. The economic and psychological damage inflicted due to these closings have been tremendous, and will take years to correct if in fact it can be corrected at all. Many jobs are lost forever, and many small and medium sized businesses have closed their doors for good. This was the livelihood of millions of people in this country, and now much of that is forever damaged or lost entirely. The harm caused by this will continue to grow and to cause great stress to many millions of Americans well into the future.

Gary D. Barnett #quack #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

“They” are the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, the Rothschild Foundation, the Trilateral Commission, Harvard and Yale Universities, the CDC and the WHO, and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, among others. These are the people running the world. These are the organizations responsible for the falsified and purposely manufactured fake Covid-19 pandemic. And these are the people and organizations that have organized and set loose the low life bands of rioters, looters, and marauding criminals in the BLM and Antifa movements that are terrorizing this country today.

This country is late in the process of total ruination, and heading straight toward annihilation. A new order is sought, and is gaining ground ever so quickly. If not stopped, all current systems will be replaced, including money, the entirety of the monetary system, agriculture, social behavior norms, private property, all medical care, travel and movement; all with mandated and enforced restriction of every individual. This means a complete loss of all freedom and liberty for the planned goal of unlimited worldwide societal control. If this is allowed to come to fruition, we are all doomed

Becky Akers #conspiracy #wingnut #quack lewrockwell.com

No matter. I long ago ceased caring whether masks protect me or anyone else: I will not wear one. Nor would I even if the facts staunchly supported their efficacy: whatever Leviathan orders, I do the opposite as far as possible. Lovers of liberty bristle at mandates, especially those pertaining to something as personal as wardrobe. And when a store, restaurant or church enforces the State’s diktat, I head elsewhere, preferably after explaining why.

Why am I so adamant? Because of what this “fetish object … signifies [about] a person’s politics.” Masks scream, “I’M A SLAVE WHO LOVES MY CHAINS! Kneel with me and lick up the Kool-Aid!” They advertise that the wearer watches too much TV, that he’s foolish and gullible. I’d as lief waltz about the streets in a Che Guevara T-shirt as a mask.

Whether masks help or hurt is irrelevant to Our Rulers: only our deference concerns them. They are determined that we will comply, however senseless or disastrous their commands. Which prompts us to question whether the early contradictions regarding masks were deliberate (Jerome “Obedience is Freedom” Adams announced in February, “Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!”). Maybe such inconsistency wasn’t as incompetent as we thought; maybe it was conditioning the sheeple to acquiesce no matter what.

Jeffrey I. Barke, M.D. #quack lewrockwell.com

What seems universally clear is that no one is taking into account that the vast majority of us have immensely powerful immune systems that play a critical role in keeping us healthy and alive.

One plan calls for using sanitizing spray on all classroom surfaces multiple times per day, that children use hand sanitizer upon entering and exiting the classroom, and that all children and staff wear masks for the entire school day and of course, ensure social distancing. The bureaucrats at the CDC would be proud of the results.

But all of these “specialists” would have ignored the fact that from the day we are born we are assaulted by germs — by the millions, if not billions. Our very existence is dependent on a robust immune system — that is, the ability of our bodies to fight off any invasion of bacteria, viruses, fungus, mold, and other pathogens. Fortunately, we were created with a powerful internal standing army of cells ready to protect us in each battle and capable of winning most wars.

Karen Hathaway #quack lewrockwell.com

my question is this: Why isn’t anyone putting tape on the forest floors or defining corridors in the sky to direct these inconsiderate or ignorant animals into more appropriate social behavior? Not just for the benefit of the humans, but for the benefit of the poor animals. Won’t anyone think about their plight?

Speaking of human infections; even if people were able to isolate themselves in a way that would prevent a disease from passing from one human to another, does that keep the disease from spreading between the animals that were the supposed source of the disease? Won’t the diseases that allegedly originate with animals continue to be passed from one animal to another in nature until natural immunities develop within that species? But, since natural immunities aren’t good enough for the powers that be, shouldn’t they propose doing something about this ever-present menace?

Bill Sardi #sexist #racist lewrockwell.com

[From "Has Women’s Liberation Been Worth It?"]

An historical sequence of events exemplified by advances in the women’s liberation movement combined with demographic changes in the American population has led to an irreversible catastrophe of cataclysmic proportion in the U.S. and throughout the world.

Allow me to pen the historical steps that led to the present situation. Few women in the 1960s would guess that the women’s liberation movement would have such a profound effect upon geopolitical events in the world today.


Tell me where I am wrong here? What if those 60 million abortions over the past five decades became live births? The U.S. wouldn’t have to allow illegal immigrants across the border to bolster tax revenues to temporarily save Social Security and Medicare for retirees.

Western Europe is confronted with the same problems. Since approval of abortion in the UK in 1967 to 2014, 8,745,508 abortions have been performed, lower birth rates and fewer young workers have resulted. The U.K. and France have had to recruit young Arabic populations to bolster their work force to pay for the needs of retirees, but at the cost of inclusion of an immigrant population that has a different culture, does not value work, is often illiterate, that spends more time on a prayer rug than their jobs, that intermarries their cousins to retain wealth in their families at the cost of birth defects in their offspring. The clash of cultures is not going turning out to be good. What hath abortion wrought?

Was the sexual revolution worth it?

Attorney Joseph King of New York, author of “Awake, The Return of Men (2018), laments at the rise of the feminist agenda. King says women have historically been subservient to whomever was in power. This runs counter to the Constitutional government that was implanted in America where government was to be divided and minimized and considered a threat to freedom. Women have gained freedom but at a great price to their children and society.

He says in this age of feminism the reason given why there are fewer women in traditionally male dominated fields such as math and science is not because of biological differences but rather discriminative sexism.

He notes “since the feminist revolution, our culture has become increasingly feminized.” Women in government now argue over men being traditionally in charge, not substantive issues that demand attention. The purpose of government now is to elect more females, not deal with the pressing issues of the day.

King says women value feelings over truth. Nurturing females core principal is to protect those perceived to be weak, illegal immigrants, minorities, homosexuals, and of course, women. Therefore, there is a rise in the welfare state and erosion of the rule of law. Illegal immigrants are now undocumented migrants. King says women have traditionally built successful families but never a successful nation. The rise of the welfare state has come at the cost of undermining the traditional family.

American culture is changing. King cites a 2015 poll showing 60% of American women identify as feminists. King says these changes appear to be irreversible.

Divorced fathers aren’t sitting at the dinner table any more. Women look to government to protect them and their children, not their husbands. In the past Presidential election, 75% of single mothers voted for the Democratic candidate that buys votes with government give-aways. As long as government provides free birth control, food stamps, medical care, women don’t have to face the consequences of sometimes poor choices they make. Women have built a world where men are no longer needed or even respected.

King says women have now become “the driving force in our nation.” He notes: “The increasing influence of women coincides with an unsustainable growth in welfare spending, the disintegration of the nuclear family, and a profound loss of national cohesion.”

America is now bipolar. There is a battle of world views, as King states: What prevails now is empathy over justice, multiculturalism over nationalism and equality over merit.

Anthony Gregory #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

In the nineteen years since Waco, we have seen the police state explode in every direction and now we are all ensnared. Some groups are always more threatened than others, but no one is truly safe. The prisons have swollen to the largest detention system since Stalin's gulags. The police conduct three thousand SWAT raids a month. The war on terror has made a total mockery of what remained of the Fourth Amendment. Torture has lost its taboo. So has indefinite detention. The feds irradiate and molest airline passengers by the millions. People are jailed for taking medicine, buying Sudafed, sharing songs, and selling milk. The Kafkaesque regulatory state threatens people of all economic classes with crushing fines and a fate in a cage. The public schools, always authoritarian institutions, have become explicit adjuncts of the criminal justice system and military recruitment offices. Every major police department has tanks and battle rifles and drones are being used for surveillance and God knows what else. Each federal department has enough firepower to conquer a small third-world country. DHS alone has ordered enough ammo to shoot every American man, woman, and child. The president claims the right to kill American citizens anywhere on the planet on his say-so alone. And he exercises that power.

Why do some of us continue to fixate on Waco? If for no other reason, because April 19, 1993 was a squandered opportunity if ever there was one. The people could have risen up and said, "Enough!" They could have demanded the military occupation retreat from their own neighborhoods — both the federal presence and its satellite jackboots in the city police. They could have demanded an end to the gun laws, drug war, and federal war on crime, each of which was instrumental in ending the lives of more than twenty children at Waco. They could have turned against the media whose elites stood and applauded the White House as it announced and defended its latest killing spree. They could have seen the federal government for the clear and present danger it obviously poses — the only government that had militarily mass murdered American civilians on American soil since the collateral damage at Pearl Harbor. They could have turned their backs on the killers in DC, refusing ever to believe in their lies again, saving the lives of uncountable Americans, Serbians, Afghans, Iraqis, Libyans, Yemenis, Palestinians, and so many others who would bear the wrath of an unhampered imperial executive in the nineteen years to come, sparing the priceless liberties we have seen shredded on the altar of state power.

Instead, they looked the other way, they yawned, even cheered. There might still be time to turn things around. But the tanks are closing in.

Tom Bethell #fundie lewrockwell.com

Relativity and the Priesthood of Science

A major turning point in the public's understanding of science came about a century ago, with the introduction of Einstein's special and general theories of relativity. Before then, educated laymen were expected to and usually could understand new developments in science, at least in outline. After Einstein this changed. Science moved beyond the ken of educated laymen. You didn't understand what these new arguments were about? Then stick to your poetry, or perhaps your knitting. Science was becoming a private party to which you weren't invited. (Except that, increasingly, your taxes were expected to pay for it.)

Newton's laws of motion and gravity always were intelligible to the layman, and could be expressed in plain language. Einstein's relativity changed that, in the direction of reduced clarity, intelligibility and vastly increased complexity. I shall go further and say that relativity failed to improve on Newtonian physics in terms of accuracy.

Recently I wrote a book about relativity, Questioning Einstein: Is Relativity Necessary? It was based on the research and arguments of Petr Beckmann, who taught electrical engineering at the University of Colorado after defecting from Czechoslovakia in 1963. He wrote books that were both popular (A History of Pi) and obscure (The Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves from Rough Surfaces), and late in life he published Einstein Plus Two (1987).

He argued that the facts that led to relativity could more easily be explained by classical physics — without relativity. His book was in many ways technical, but before he died (in 1993) he reviewed it for my benefit in a series of tape-recorded interviews.

I was already familiar with his newsletter Access to Energy. An excellent popularizer of science, Beckmann could have written a popular anti-relativity book himself and had considered doing so. But he believed that it would be ignored. A technical one just might be accepted, he thought. He was wrong about that. His book was neither attacked nor even reviewed. It sold quite well, however, because he advertised it. I told him that I would write the popular account myself.

I still have my tapes, in which he talks not just about relativity but about his high school education in England, Czechoslovakia's postwar tumble into Communism and much else. The son of secular Jews in Prague, he was among the refugee children, known as Kinder-Transport, who were brought to England in 1939.

He died long before I could write my book. But by then Howard Hayden, with the Physics Department at the University of Connecticut, had accepted Beckmann's arguments. Today Hayden is retired, and the publisher of a newsletter, The Energy Advocate. The help he gave me in writing my book was indispensable.

It came out in 2009. I am glad to say that it just received a favorable review in The Physics Teacher [Feb 2011 issue].

In the course of writing the book I found that many physicists are uncomfortable discussing relativity theory. They believe it is true, but they doubt their ability to explain it. Few can respond to questions if they have not actually taught relativity at the university level. And that is a tiny subset of all physicists.

Special relativity theory (1905) has a special difficulty. It baffles almost everyone, yet nothing more than high school algebra is involved. So it's not the math. It's that we must accept something that is impossible to believe — except on Einstein's authority. If Petr Beckmann is right, we should reject that authority, as indeed we should reject authority in all fields of science.

I'll try to explain that difficulty. But first let me make a simple clarification. What about E = mc2, you might ask. Surely that must be true, and was it not based on relativity? It is the one thing that laymen know about relativity. And here we come to something that the Easy Einstein books (and most of the not-so-easy ones) never tell you. Yes, the famous equation was derived from relativity theory, but Einstein himself also derived it, years later (in the 1940s) without relativity.

A similar adjustment, in which relativity can be shown to be unnecessary, applies across the entire field.

It was the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887 that launched special relativity. It involves only unaccelerated, linear motion. If curved motion, acceleration, or gravity, are involved, then we must turn to general relativity (1916), where the math gets much more difficult.

Albert Michelson, the first American to win the Nobel Prize in Physics, attempted to detect the passage of the orbiting earth through the ether (sometimes spelled aether). It is the medium in which light waves travel. Just as sound travels in its medium, air, so light waves need a medium, too. As the earth orbits the Sun at a speed of about 48 miles per second, it should be possible, using an interferometer — an instrument that Michelson had perfected — to detect the Earth's passage through that ether.

Michelson's idea was that there should be a difference in the measured speed of the to-and-fro motion of a light beam within the interferometer — the difference being caused by the forward motion of the earth during the light beam's time of transmission. The difference in light speed would cause a "fringe shift" to be seen in the interferometer, which was sensitive enough to detect such an effect. But no such fringe shift could be detected.

This "null result" threw the world of theoretical physics into turmoil. Michelson, incidentally, never accepted relativity theory.

Einstein postulated — assumed — that the speed of light is a constant irrespective of the motion, not just of the light source, but also of the observer. And that "observer" part was very hard to accept. A sound wave travels at a constant speed in air (of a given temperature and density) whatever the motion of the sound source. Sound from an airplane travels forward at a speed that is unaffected by the speed of the plane. But if you travel toward that approaching sound wave then you must add your speed to that of the plane's sound wave if you are to know the speed with which it approaches you.

But Einstein decreed that the simple "addition of velocities" that applies to sound does not hold true for light. Light waves approach us at the same speed whether we travel toward or away from that light beam. It's important to note that Einstein didn't observe that in any experiment. He postulated it. He said: "Let's assume it is true."

What follows from it?

Well, speed is distance divided by time. When you move toward that light beam, which (Einstein said) always approaches at a constant speed irrespective of how you (the observer) move, then space must contract, and time must dilate to exactly the extent that is needed to ensure that the light approaches at an ever-constant speed. It's a bizarre claim. What Einstein did was take the fundamentals of physics, space and time, and argue that they must be subordinated to a velocity. Yet velocity is a mere derivative — it is space divided by time.

Einstein had resorted to a desperate measure — turning physics inside out. He also decided in 1905 that the ether could be dispensed with. It was "superfluous."

Observed from a moving reference frame, then, space should be observed to contract and time to slow down. Let's go over this with those spaceships sometimes used to illustrate Easy Einstein books (Martin Gardner's Relativity Simply Explained, for example). You are inside your spaceship, so from your point of view nothing about it is moving. So space and time are not affected within your ship.

But if you look out of a window you see a replica space ship passing you and (in accordance with relativity theory) it looks foreshortened because it is moving fast relative to you. Clocks as you see them in the other spaceship are running slowly. By the same token, observers within that spaceship see your ship as compressed, and your clocks running slowly, even though your clocks and structures look perfectly normal to you.

Notice that these weird outcomes are simply deductions from Einstein's postulate about the speed of light. They are not dictated nor confirmed by any observation or experiment. In subsequent experiments, no space contraction has ever been observed. No time dilation has been seen either — although that is a more controversial claim. What has been observed is that when atomic clocks travel at high speed through the Earth's gravitational field, they slow down. But clocks slowing down and time slowing down are two very different things. Only the former has been observed.

And this brings us to Beckmann's alternative. He amends Albert Michelson's worldview in a simple way. Following Clerk Maxwell's lead, Michelson assumed that the ether, the luminiferous medium, was made of a fine-grained substance that fills the entirety of space uniformly. The emphasis is on the last word. The ether was thought to be a uniform entity — equal in density everywhere.

Petr Beckman made a different claim. He argued that the ether is equivalent to the gravitational field, which of course is non-uniform. It is denser at the earth's surface than it is near the moon, for example. The Sun's gravitational field is much denser near the Sun than it is in outer space (where it is still not zero). The light medium, then, is non-uniform.

Obviously, we are predominantly in the Earth's field. Jump up, and you come back down again. To leave that field requires an almighty push — from Saturn rockets. When Michelson did his experiment, with the help of Edward Morley (at the Case School in Ohio) he assumed that his interferometer was moving through the ether at the Earth's orbital velocity. But if the ether is the local gravitational field, then that field is moving right along with us. In the same way, a man's shadow accompanies him as he runs. So the "fringe shift" that Michelson expected to see would not be there, because the relative velocity of the Earth and the ether would be . . . what, zero?

Here we encounter a twist — literally. The Earth also rotates on its axis, and it rotates within its gravitational field. Analogously, if a woman wearing a hoop skirt does a pirouette — assume she has a circular waist and friction is minimal — she will rotate within her skirt. It won't swing around with her.

If this analogy applies to the Earth's field, then a fringe shift should indeed appear in Michelson's interferometer, but it will be much smaller than he anticipated. It so happens that the Earth's orbital velocity is close to 100 times greater than its rotational velocity in the latitude of Cleveland and, for reasons that need not detain us, that figures has to be squared. It follows that the fringe shift that the Michelson experiment generated — a function of the Earth's rotation — would be one ten thousandth of what he expected to see.

There was no way that so small an effect could be detected using 19th century equipment. But modern interferometers and laser beams can do so. In fact the most sensitive interferometer experiment ever conducted, by John Hall in 1979, did detect a fringe shift of the correct magnitude, confirming Beckmann's theory of the ether. Ironically Hall's experiment was done at Petr Beckmann's home base, the University of Colorado in Boulder, and while he was there. But he didn't know about the experiment and Hall didn't know of Beckmann's theory (still unpublished at that point).

Hall was not expecting to see this fringe shift and he assumed the effect was "spurious" — the artifact of a design error in his own equipment. In an interview with me in 2004, Hall (who won the Nobel Prize in Physics but not for this experiment) agreed that his 1979 experiment should be redone. But he is unable to repeat it for two reasons. First, the rotating interferometer that he used had been stored away in the Rocky Mountain Arsenal where the Federal government was making nerve gas; they won't return his machine for that reason. Secondly, interferometer design has changed. The new ones are "fixed" in a particular direction and use the Earth's rotation to sweep across the heavens. What is needed is an interferometer that rotates in the laboratory, as Michelson's did in 1887 and Hall's did almost a hundred years later.

Beckmann's theory, that the luminiferous ether is equivalent to the local gravitational field, accounts for the observations that confirmed general relativity, but does so far more simply. Amazingly, Einstein himself revived Beckmann's idea about the ether in 1916. (For details see Ludwik Kostro's Einstein and the Ether [2000], the first book on the subject). Some of Einstein's allies criticized him for restoring the ether, having abolished it a decade earlier, so it was downplayed.

Beckmann's theory accounts for the bending of light rays from a distant star as they pass close by the Sun — the 1919 observation that made Einstein world famous. If a medium in which a wave travels is non-uniform, it will slew the wave front around in accordance in Fermat's Principle — known since the 17th century. (Waves take the path that minimizes the time of transmission.) We do not need Einstein's "curvature of four dimensional space-time," which, as Edward Teller told me, is not an intelligible idea, no matter how much we may pretend we do understand it.

Finally, we come to the equation giving the perihelion of Mercury's orbit. Einstein derived it in 1915 using general relativity. But Beckmann points out that this equation had already been published by a high school teacher named Paul Gerber in 1898, well before relativity theory was known. Gerber assumed that gravity propagates with a finite speed, not instantaneously as Newton had argued. Gerber's result was publicized by Ernst Mach in his widely read textbook Mechanics. Einstein said that he hadn't seen Gerber's derivation, which anyway was "wrong through and through," he said.

Howard Hayden believes that Beckmann's theory gives the same results as Einstein's general relativity, but by a far simpler method. For various reasons, Einstein's special relativity should be discarded. It gives the wrong results for stellar aberration, among other defects. There is also a real question whether any experiment done on the surface of the Earth (a "spinning ball," as John Hall told me) fits the requirements of special relativity. On the surface of any spinning ball, the effects of acceleration will always appear as long as the experiment is sufficiently sensitive.

At present, the world of orthodox physics is unwilling to reexamine Einstein's relativity, whether special or general. It would fall apart if subjected to real scrutiny, I believe. But in science (and perhaps everything else) the simple should always be preferred to the complex — all else being equal. Such a revision, if it ever came to pass, would also constitute a serious challenge to the priesthood of science. Perhaps that's why the relativists are hanging tough.

Lew Rockwell #fundie lewrockwell.com

The power of Labor unions has faded since those dark days, and few people (outside of university economics departments) believe in Marxist exploitation theories anymore, but we are still saddled with anti-work laws that stunt young people’s lives.

Instead of harassing small businesses, I have a better idea. Let’s raid the Department of Labor and toss the slothocracy out on the street. Maybe they can get some real jobs in fast-food restaurants. . . as long as they’re willing to compete with America’s young people newly enfranchised by the repeal of all child-labor laws.

Scott Lazarowitz #fundie lewrockwell.com

Jeepers, it's too bad that the government's monopoly in law and justice has created a criminal racket in and of itself in the business of persecuting people for behaviors that harm no one. Usually, a "crime" is something in which there is a victim.

But this sure is bringing back memories of when former New York U.S. attorney and horse's ass Rudy Giuliani was persecuting financier Michael Milken. What was Milken's crime, and who were his victims, Mr. Giuliani? Milken's crime was making a lot of money, but some public "servants" such as Rudy didn't like that.

The welfare state in America has created generations of people, especially those who feed at the public trough, who feel great resentment and envy toward someone who gets rich honestly (as opposed to getting rich by feeding at the public trough). In fact, Milken wasn't even involved in "insider trading," according to Milken's website, which clarifies the many myths surrounding Giuliani's persecution of Milken.

Jim Grichar #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

he time has long since come for the Congress to abolish the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, also known as the FDA. Contrary to the baloney put out on the various pages of its web site, which would lead the unwary taxpayer into thinking that the FDA is actually protecting him or her from some hazard, the FDA has outlived any usefulness its partisans and bureaucrats have claimed for it. Getting rid of this bureaucratic dinosaur would save taxpayers nearly $1.7 billion (the proposed fiscal year 2004 budget), lead to reductions in the prices of food and drugs paid by consumers, reduce lawsuits over product liability, and reduce the number of lives lost and lives shortened due to a lack of drugs and medical devices.

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