UK KFA condemns anti-DPRK event ! Tonight the "Guardian " newspaper is holding an anti DPRK event in Islington . This event is not for ordinary people as tickets cost £20+ .Clearly the event is aimed at the well off, the liberal 'chattering classes, academics and businessmen. SIgnificantly pro-DPRK viewpoints have been deliberately excluded from the event .
No one from UK KFA or the Juche Idea Study Group of England was invited to attend this event despite the fact these organisations include people who have visited the DPRK 14 times and hold academic qualifications from the DPRK Instead a number of anti-DPRK academics such as Hazel Smith and Aidan Foster -Carter are will be speaking , both of these are inveterate DPRK bashers and haters .!
The introductory material for the event betrays an anti-DPRK bias saying that the DPRK's nuclear programme is a " bargaining chip to gain recognition abroad, and legitimacy and support at home"(!!!?) . Do not they not realise that the reason the DPRK started a nuclear weapons programme is to defend itself from US imperalism which attacked the DPRK in 1950 and several times threatened the use of nuclear weapons . The US brought 1,000 nuclear weapons into south Korea long before the DPRK had a nuclear programme .
As usual clichhes like "the world's most isolated nation" are trotted out . This ignores that the fact that the DPRK has diplomatic relations with many countries. In August last , a UK KFA delegation participated in an international festival which attracted over 300 people. How can the DPRK be isolated ?
Basically the "Guardian'" event Understanding North Korea: How likely is war " is another anti-DPRK propaganda exercise fronted by a couple of over paid academic apologists for US imperialism and the south Korean fascist puppet regime .
The sanctions by the US, UNSC and EU against People's Korea will fail totally and miserably . The DPRK will fight back with self-reliance and self-development ! There will be greater import substitution and more self-sufficiency .
The sanctions will actually have a boomerang effect , they will in the long term strengthen the DPRK and lead to an even stronger and purer Juche-based socialism .
We have noticed that some people have produced good material condeming the UNSC and US sanctions against People's Korea which are unjust and actually ILLEGAL under international law this point needs to be stressed repeatedly . However some people are claiming that the sanctions will cause 200,000 textile workers becoming unemployed .
This is not true because the DPRK has a socialist planned economy in which everyone is guaranteed the right to work. This is a legal right enshrined in both the DPRK Socialist Constitution and the Socialist Labour Law of the DPRK . Socialist planning means that problems like sanctions can be overcome . Moreover the DPRK is not an export-orientated economy like south Korea or China . In the DPRK export is not an end in itself but simply a way of paying for these products it still needs to import The products of the DPRK's textile factories can be diverted easily to fulfill domestic needs .
The sanctions on the DPRK will lead to greater self-reliance . There will be more import substitution and use of domestic resources. The DPRK's powerful independent national economy , based on the Juche idea , and built up in the face of sanctions and blockades , will defeat the US and UNSC sanctions !
what makes you so sure children, obviously not talking about babies or tiny kids here, but am including anyone past puberty, cannot consent?
Our minds are not mature fully until our mid 20s.
It's documented that 18 and even 20 year olds are not fully capable of understanding the consequences of their actions at all times. But we let them screw anyone they wish.
I was 13 once, and I believe then I was fully capable of determining who I wanted to have sex with and who I would not have had sex with.
They can consent. The true crime is that it isn't recognized and people's lives are ruined
God created Adam and Eve, God created marriage between a man and a woman, God created Family. This is not a marriage approved by God, and will never be.
Not only God but it has been proven by the secular world to also be an unhealthy relationship for or I should say and healthy home life for children to be first into. Of all the various types of Home environments for children to be in but where ever studied Williams was homosexual pairs are at the bottom.
The only thing I might have rated lower, if they checked it, but I really don't think they did, would be if the home was a place where both parents abused Alcohol and Other Drugs. I believe they did take the criteria that the involved adults were non habitual drug users which would include alcohol, whether heterosexual or homosexual.
Homosexuality/lesbian relationships is a sin in GOD's eyes. The children should be placed in a home with a father and mother.
The ACLU is very interested in spreading and forcing on others the religion of humanism, it's liberal, it propagates and defends Marxism, communism, socialism, and generally anything that's opposed to Christianity and biblical values. This isn't opinion, it's fact and can be found by reading the words of ACLU founder, as well as current organization members, and observing the actions of the ACLU so negatively affecting Americans. People need to be aware of the damage the ACLU is doing to America daily.
[On Colin Kaepernick]
The real reason he sat was because he's a Muslim, they hate our flag, anthem, and our pledge of Allegiance and our constitution.
Not because of BLM.
Talk about FORCING your beliefs on others.... no one does it better than the LGBTQ activists. Resist and be ready for name calling, job loss, death threats, and lawsuits.
Bible or nothing, it is wrong that we should be completely liberal with the idea of homosexuality. That is for the simple reason that it runs askew to how we have always lived as a community of people. But yes, things have evolved since then we should be moving along with the times.
That is why governments owe to listen. Essentially why the rights granted to common families and people are being considered to be granted to everyone including the LGBTs. But rights are quite different to asking how everyone should put a degree of acceptance towards homosexuality. The same reason for some who may have a totally diverse idea of the kind of world that they wish to live in.
We have prerogatives that gay people should try to consider and they cannot dictate upon us the kind of acceptance that we wanna give. We have been more tolerant of them and not really minding what they do altho they are potentially the type of people who exert a certain influence on the minds of the younger generation but yes, we still should allow that.
However to say the least, it's a totally different issue if they are to ask that we should accept them as normal people if that's not really how we see it. I couldnt teach my child to view or see them as normal while that is not really something that I want to teach my children.
Not that it is really wrong but I do not consider it to be the normal setup of the kind of society that i want my family to be molded in. So in going through the times, we have values that are not really very supportive of the idea of homosexuality and it is also a reality that gays just must learn to accept.
That's the only problem I have with the gay community. They work to make their sin seem right, as if God created them that way, they want law to support their sin,you are just as sinful as a gambler, alcoholic,drug user, fornicator, adultery or any other action that the creator deemed as destructive to humanity. God didn't make alcoholics no more than he made gay people. I mean the audacity to even try to pull that on th people.
And honestly I don't think y'all should be hurt or killed because your gay but you don't deserve special rights because of your sin!! Can you imagine a child molestor claiming God created him that way so he should have the right to work at a nursery?? Really?? Y'all need to stop trying to make your sin fair seeming.
The gay community have united and flexed their financial power and have literally hijacked the civil rights movement and its laws and got Obama to push for their rights. They laws were not written correctly. They language is "minority" and it should be written as "black people" so the gay machine has slipped in and consider themselves minority! Smh.
Homophobia, Lets break it down >> Phobia - A phobia is an irrational fear, a kind of anxiety disorder in which the individual has a relentless dread of a situation, living creature, place, or thing. Homo - 1 -Homo is the genus that comprises the species Homo sapiens, which includes modern humans 2- a contemptuous term used to refer to a homosexual, especially a male homosexual. Put it together and it should mean an irrational fear of 1- The Human race, 2 Homosexuals.
I have no irrational fear of eather i just dont agree to Homosexual ways. And i love the HomoSapiens (i just disagree with some other Homosapians) but im tolorant of them !
(SS stands for Same Sex)
You really don't have much argument Belinda, SS activities are biologically unnatural and unhealthy, they should not be advertised to children of any age as being normal. Your assertion that heteros are prime child abusers is undone by people like Gary Dowsett and Roz Ward. And every gay Mardi Gras that we see just reinforces the perversion of the good that all these homosexual activities are.
The hidden agenda If the yes's not about marriage equality at all...Its the devious Leaders of the Government & Corporate Companies who win with destroying the Family Tradition & Parental Rights. Therefore, the Government plans to commence over sexualising kids from a young age at school. And parents have no right to objecting.
Madness knows no bounds. Why have we accepted such weak leadership, do we not deserve something better? Mr Putin from Russia in my opinion has a common sense approach to homo/lesbian/xyz etc brigade. He allows them freedom but forbids them spreading their unnatural views to children.
So many transsexual males seem to want to be allies to women but if you can't handle the fact that we want you to stop calling yourself one of us and identifying with our oppression then aren't you really in it for yourself as opposed to our liberation?
Trans are not women ! They are trans. Their situation in term of body social place, childhood, life expériences, mental state are different from women.
Women do not need surgery to live. They love their sex.
Hense trans are not women.
If a man constantly wants to wear a dress he needs a visit to a psychologist, not "inclusiveness". Interesting how homosexuality is still being supported as something normal here when it's always been and always will be a disorder. You can sympathise with sufferers but passing it off as normal will in fact create more sufferers.
[Reacting to an image of Baltimore Ravens players kneeling for the national anthem in London]
I am looking at the color of the skin of these traitor and my feelings against this ungrateful subhuman race are getting stronger and stronger!
[Image is of Baltimore Ravens players kneeling for the national anthem before a game in London. Image caption reads:]
Ravens and Jaguars players just took knees against this country on foreign soil! If this is not the last straw for are as bad as these illiterate thugs!
God bless everyone who answered my call for help - some of you more than once. You've connected with my heart by sharing your financial resources with me in a time of need, understanding that I take this work for Christ seriously. And I will not disappoint your trust.
I pray that God sends people into your life who will help you connect with the God-given desire of your own heart.
But I'm still not out of the woods yet. I am yet in need for those who can give to please do so at this time. We serve a God of abundance. So I'm not looking for just enough to barely get me back on my feet.
I'm expecting a supernatural overflow of donations from those who've been blessed by this page and the content it provides! God rewards generously those who are generous: but life can be cold towards those with tight fists and closed hearts. *see James 2:13 + Proverbs 21:13
I have every right to ask for donations from those who I have served with spiritual food. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 9:11 - "If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you?"
I am standing in alignment with scripture by asking for your assistance. Are you in alignment with scripture by not responding?
I understand that not everyone can give much at this time. But everyone can give something. Just give what you can to help out, remembering that God has already promised in His word that He will reward those with GENEROUS hearts. *Proverbs 11:25
Again: a huge THANK YOU to all who've already given. And for those who desire to help out, please do so now by seeing the comment section below. Thanks and God bless.
[Later on...]
If I have to post this every single hour until I get what I need, then so be it. The Bible says you have not because you ask not - therefore I am asking the saints who frequent this page and who've eaten from its content often to lend me your full attention for the next few moments.
About a week or so ago my website was permanently deleted from the Internet. All of my files were lost or erased by the web hosting company: at least that's what they told me.
I need to put the site back up again ASAP. That's why I need your help. In the comment section of this post there will be a link. Please pray and ask God how much to give - use the link - and give what you can to help get Eden Decoded back up again right away. Time is really of the essence here.
I need to rebuild a new, better and safer website with better features and hosting than before. And I need money to do it.
I really want to get a new site up immediately. With your help I can and will. Thanks for your time and immediate attention to this urgent matter. And may Jesus Christ bless you in return for being a blessing to me right now.
If it were really planned parenthood they would be teaching and helping you to prepare for the baby that was conceived.....abortion isn't planning parenthood, it's murder! Geesh people, does anyone use their common sense anymore? And if you don't want kids, then keep them legs closed, it's called abstinence!
Celebration of the murder of innocent babies, homosexual depravity, illegal immigration, the release of child molesters into our neighbourhoods!!! WTF is going on in our depraved society!
Has everyone lost there ever loving minds? Please Lord curse this generation of wicked men and women! You know who each one person is! Act accordingly to there guilt and shame!!!
Thou shall not kill. Children are a gift from God. It doesn't matter how they were conceived he gives us what we need. These women who have abortions and the people supporting it like these and doctors who perform them will have to answer to the almighty God for what they've done.
'Human abortion' is redundant. Other species do not murder their unborn, only humans.
Life in prison for all abortionists on demand and without apology!
A true born again believer will never be a politician , or governor.In a country where only 10-15% are believers come on. Politics has always been the domain of unbelievers . His reforms or law changes plans according ti his beliefs in the Word of God will never become reality as almost everybody around him and his office are pagans or atheists. !
(This fundie is referring to Shari Webber-Dunn, who has sued her prison for preaching Christianity to her in violation of laws)
Put her in solitary with an authorized king james bible. She should have other priviledges revoked and not be allowed to sue anyone for anything as she has comitted a grievous crime and needs to pay her dues. Someone also needs to take a rod to her backside, the audacity to rise up and sue anyone when she aided in murder.
Any "Church" that supports marriage outside of a man and a woman needs to stop referring to themselves as Christian. That hypocrisy cannot be explained away with the Gospel, except through forgiveness which requires repentance.
I got one all you stupid women who can't keep their legs closed and just say no to sex or give the baby up for adoption to a family who can't have kids who want kids. Abortion should be illegal and there should be a prison sentence for killing babies. You dumb people wouldn't be here if your parents decided to abort you. There are people in this world who can't have kids give them the joy of having yours if you're pregnant give your baby to someone who can't have kids don't kill it. You know when that sperm hits that egg it is a life you created life right then.
Life is a creative miracle people you are creating a living human being. Let that baby experience life let he or she take that first breath of air let a dad throw a ball to his son or daughter let a mom spend quality time braiding his or her hair or just spend time together with the baby as a family don't take away it's life before it has one don't take away the joy of a mom and dad watching the child grow up and the dad walking his daughter down the aisle to get married, don't take that away. So before you kill that living human being think about it, you may not want it but somebody does. Something to think about
You CANNOT support gay marriage and call yourself a Christian!! CANNOT and SHOULD not be allowed to lead a congregation if you are gay or lesbian!!! Gods word is very clear, His word condemns such behavior as sin.
Standing against LGBT+ agendas, refusing to comply with the anti-God laws of local governments that support the LGBT+ agenda is how the persecution of Chrisitans in the West will begin, as we continue to spiral downward into an Orwellian world that shouldn't exist but already does. Soon churches will be forced to provide wedding services to LGBT+ folk, or risk losing their 501c3 status. The totalitarians are on the march.
The jews are known to work as a collective, they also do nothing to integrate and continue to appear in what has in the past been reffered to as hideous , for this reason they make themselves targets.
(This fundie is commenting on a news post about a Labour MP saying that the government is swayed by Jewish money)
Oh come on is this not obvious? Look at the countries sending huge amounts of money to Israel. ALL have large jewish communities within them. They can do what they want with the money, but if they're just going to spend it on more guns to gun down Palestinians in the street then why we still have anything to do with them I have no idea.
It's hilarious how many people are against him for speaking the truth. With how liberals these days are, it wouldn't amaze me to see bestiality legal eventually. And Jewish media? Uhh ya, everyone with a brain knows that's true. Wake up, people. The fact that so many are criticizing it is pure proof that the brainwashing has already happened. Look what happens anytime someone criticizes Jews on TV.....
Obviously it's okay for Rothschild Zionist-controlled countries such as the US, UK and Israel to develop and hoard stockpiles of nuclear weapons, and in the case of Israel/Israhell - the rogue, terrorist, illegal, genocidal fiefdom of the Rothschilds - it's okay to be completely unaccountable for said nuclear programme to any treaties or regulatory bodies on the world stage whatsoever.
However, if you are North Korea and you don't have a Rothschild Zionist-controlled private central bank installed, then you are a dangerous, rogue, insane, terrorist threat to the entire world, so much so that the Zionist British Brainwashing Corporation (propaganda arm of the Rothschilds) will dedicate an entire live update feed on their "News" (brainwashing, propaganda & mind-control) page to hammer home the fear and New World Order propaganda bullshit. Happy Sunday y'all!
American politicians are pawns of the private Central Bankers. The U.S. government is controlled by the zionist Central Bankers and zionist oligarchs. The wars in the Middle East happen because Zionists, many of them dual Israeli citizens, Demand them.
Only puppets approved of by the Zionists are allowed to be President of the U.S. The Israel Lobby which includes wealthy Zionist oligarchs, gives large political campaign contributions to nearly all members of the U.S. Congress, and candidates live in fear of the Zionist-controlled mainstream media because the Zionists can destroy any candidacy through their control of the media.
These 2 things make it extremely difficult, if not next to impossible, to be elected to to the U.S. Congress without support from the Israel Lobby. And, the American public is brainwashed by the Zionist-controlled U.S. mainstream media into fighting Israel's wars. The Israel Lobby is a Threat to world peace and must be exposed and Defeated.
The Real terrorist are these zaniest Zionist jews from israel. jews are cursed from (Cain) God, they are not meant to have there own state. This is not their land. it says in there own book Torah and quran. Bible with Yahushua as well state this clearly that Christians are the new chosen to be called his people and that there is only one single tribe that matters and it is the tribe of Yahushua or Israelite Jesus and not he Old Testament Jewish Israel Look in King James Bible on Matthew and how Israel rejected the Christ and Jesus even said, 'there is not one who believes in me in all of Israel '. He went on to state, if you believe in him that you would live forever and not perish. If you didn't believe in him that you could not get to the father Yahuwah, Jews Don't to this day believe in Yahushua. They hate him and claim they would kill him again.
They spit on his grave and call his mother a whore and him a bastard child. They make fun of him and if you go to Israel as in any form of a Christ follower you will be shunned, attacked, aggressively kicked or shoved off mountain tops or cliffs. They can kill you by their own Talmudic law which goes against Gods universal laws and yahushuas law fulfilled which is simply, "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THEYSELF AND PRAY FOR YOUR ENEMIES" blessed are the peacemakers for they will see the kingdom of heaven.
Even these Zionist jews (through Mossad AIPAC made the government do 9/11 because simply they are in government and controlling every prime minister ETC MEDIA AND NEWS AS WELL AS WHITE CHRISTIAN NATION BRAIN. RECENTLY I figured out these ZIONIST jews kidnapped kids & from many countries and then kill them. In other words sacrifice kids to their deaths and consume their blood to the devil (shetaan) this process is called black magic (voodoo) & use their meat in McDonald burgers. This is why and how they are more successful in the world of darkness, with and in many things.
In quran God says who ever is with the devil shall be put in hell for ever. If some people have done black magic on your soul then read surah naas & surah falaq 11 times each for 41 days and any kind of magic will be broken. Or simply just call on the name of Yahushua and ask for protection and repent of all sins and to break all spells or witchcraft of evil upon your life. inshallah quran's words are very powerful.
God (ALLAH) or Yahuwah adoshem Elohim sent 4 books on earth because people had been changing wording or transliterating the books that's why God sent another book & God took his own responsibility that no would be a able to change words on quran. quran will remain same till dooms day. may allah show u all the right path. ameen ?ahuwah is allah we all worship the same God. You are believing in hate mongering.
(This fundie is talking about Jeremy Corbyn)
It's a pity he didn't support Ken Livingstone when acused by the Zionist lobby of being antisemitic.
People really should open their eyes to the harm done to the rest of the world by, i will say, zionists. Not the innocents of history, by far!! Spoken like a true goyim.
Bahahahahaha Corbyn is literally on his knees. Having to beg the children of Zionism for acceptance. What a weak comrade. I do suppose Karl Marx was Jewish.
How about questioning aspects of the holocaust. Does that make people anti semetic, or kens true remarks about hitler and the zionists having an agreement, or questions of the jewish elite controlling both houses in the states?
Jewish ppl have a big chip on there shoulders they need to learn to get rid off them big Tim. I will never friend a Jew i don't trust them they don't think much about helping animals one bit not seen one Jewish helped any animals x
[On a photo of a baby killed in the genocide of Muslims in Myanmar]
The old parade a dead baby to pull the heart strings move. This bullshit is getting old while it's sad that a child died there is no proof of who it happened