
Dr. Abby Johnson #fundie #wingnut facebook.com

I rarely say that someone’s heart is evil. It’s just not something that I take lightly. I don’t throw the “evil” word around…probably because I was steeped in real, tangible evil for so long.

But read this. I believe that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have evil living deep in their hearts. I can feel it when they speak. I can see it in their faces. Something inside me literally rises up when I just look at their pictures and hear their voices. There is evil there.

Lord, have mercy on them and break the evil ties that bind them.

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut facebook.com

Laura Loomer says top NYPD sources tell her National Guard setting up around courthouse where Trump is sentenced Sept 18th because communist traitor judge Marchan planning to send Trump straight to Rikers. If that happens I will urge truckers to stop all deliveries to NYC. Bring city to standstill. Starve NYC.

Ray Comfort #fundie facebook.com

At this moment, your liver, kidneys, heart, pancreas, salivary glands, etc., are all working to keep your body going. You don’t even have the power to switch them off and on. As you sleep tonight, your heart will pump seventy-five gallons of blood through your body each hour.

The focusing muscles in your eyes move an estimated 100,000 times each day. The retina, covering less than a square inch, contains 137 million light-sensitive cells. Even a wide-eyed Charles Darwin said, “To suppose that the eye could have been formed by natural selection, seems I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.”

Creation reflects the genius of the Creator’s hand. Explain how a sparrow knows it is a sparrow and stays with its kind, or how a baby knows to look into the eyes of its mother when no one has taught it to do so. How was a wasp made so that its wings flap at 100 times every second, or the house fly at 190 per second, or the mosquito at an amazing 500 times every second?

The most godless must have a sense of awe and wonder when standing beneath the mighty power of Niagara Falls, gazing into the Grand Canyon, or staring into the infinity of space. How much more should we be humbled by the Maker of these things.

Noor Jaan Gunnar #sexist facebook.com

I hate you fucking whores, fucking cheating cunts who think of nothing but temporary pleasures and dicks.
You are shit, such vile shit that even flies wont come near to.
fuck you, fuck you for ruining everything and fuck the clowns who chase after you and try to fuck you.
eat shit and die alone in a piss washed fucking ditch full of dog turds and garbage; your one and only true home.

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut facebook.com

Today’s Democrat party: Inside the convention will be America’s largest collection of radical America haters, Jew haters, communists, traitors & nut jobs. Outside protesting will be even MORE radical & even MORE extreme America haters, Jew haters, communists, traitors & nut jobs- who hate the Democrats inside convention because they’re not crazy & extreme enough!

FOXNEWS.COM Anti-Israel protesters expected to gather in Chicago by the thousands during DNC

Ray Comfort #fundie facebook.com

Christians believe that God made man from soil. How dumb is that? If you just said an atheist-amen to the dumb question, then I’d like you to do something the next time you go shopping in a supermarket.

Look at every food item and ask yourself whether or not it traces itself back to soil: potato chips, milk, cheese, eggs, butter, pancakes, bananas, bread, cookies, grapes, apples, beef, chicken, lamb, pork, popcorn, chocolate, cereal, coffee, strawberries, etc. It takes a little bit of backward thinking, but if you take the time to give it some thought, everything traces itself back to the soil.

Let’s do it with eggs. The eggs came from the chicken. The chicken ate the wheat to make the eggs, and the wheat traces itself back to the soil.

When you were a toddler, your mother gave you milk that came from the cow that chewed the grass that came from the soil. Stated simplistically, milk is rearranged soil nutrients.

So is cheese, butter, yoghurt and ice cream. The substance of our bodies is made up of the food we ate, and all the food we ate traces itself back to the soil (Mother Earth). We are rearranged dirt.

Coincidentally, science tells us that the same trace elements that make up soil are the same elements that make up the human body--carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. When you die, your body will turn back into soil, and your soiled soul will return to the God who gave you your life.

Ray Comfort #fundie facebook.com

How to Become an Atheist

If you are thinking of becoming an atheist, beware. The first step is easy, but it’s not so easy to walk the walk. You will have to ignore design when you can see it everywhere: in the universe, the atoms, the birds and the bees, the clouds and trees, the seasons, the human body, fish, flowers, fruits, feet, and even fungus. And of course, there is the amazing-looking human eye.

Everywhere you look and everywhere you can't look with the human eye you will see incredible design.

Now here's the really difficult part. You will need to believe that everything man-made: cars, computers, and candies were made by man, etc., but deny that everything in nature--cattle, camels, and cabbages, etc., were made at all. It came from nothing, with no Maker. Once you have done this, crown yourself as being intelligent.

Then you will need to find other atheists who believe as you do, and they will confirm to you that you are indeed intelligent.

You will also need to believe that evolution is true and that you’re an ape and therefore you are not morally responsible because apes have no moral absolutes.

Never forget to always give God a small "g," and learn believers' phrases such as "Evolution is a proven fact," and “I have no beliefs in any gods.”

Do these things, and you will be able to call yourself a "new" atheist. How cool is that! Well, not really. You can¹t be a true atheist because you need absolute knowledge to say that there is no God. Besides, you intuitively know that He exists.

Still, for sin-loving sinners the benefits of atheism are great in this life. But not the next. So you are really not an atheist, and to keep with your sinful lifestyle I guess you will just have to pretend to be one. Or you could simply check out -- www.EvolutionVsGod.com

Eric Hovind #fundie facebook.com

When Evolutionists say, "Evolution is a fact!" they might as well be saying, "Variations are a fact!" for that is all the evidence we see today from science. Yes, "variations" happen. No one is arguing with this. What we are disputing is the idea of "variations" leading to true Darwinian Evolution. This would be changing from one kind of animal into another kind of animal. When you teach this, you have stepped outside the realm of science and joined the realm of science fiction.

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut facebook.com

My gut instinct #2…Get ready for Michelle Obama as Democrat presidential nominee. Can’t be Biden- he is brain-dead zombie wearing diapers. Can’t be Kamala- she is dumber than door knob. Can’t be Gavin or Hillary- can’t skip over Kamala w/white man or woman. Has to be Michelle.

Katherine Sngay Lepcha #fundie facebook.com

I am a believer but engaged to a non believer, a buddhst. We want to get married but he is still not so convinced about accepting Jesus. He wants to be a Christan so that we could get married. Can anyone suggest?

[She is then told that the love between them should be what matters most. If religious harmony is so important, she could convert to Buddhism.]

Thanks for the advice, but I know that Jesus is the Truth, the Way and the Light, I know no other God but Him. So my conversion to Buddhism is not what I want to do

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut facebook.com

Some moron at restaurant got in my face last night. Said he’s not upset DJT almost killed because conservatives wouldn’t be upset if Biden killed. I replied, “Hey moron, Biden is already brain dead. He’s a zombie puppet wearing diapers, who craps in his pants…and takes his orders from commie enemies of America.” Guy’s eyes exploded out of his head & he ran away from my table like a scared little girl. LOL

Eden Decoded #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia facebook.com

Watching the news—and for the second night—protesters will NOT say the real reason why they're out there. Not sure if anyone else has noticed, but there are plenty of LGBT flags in the crowd. That's who's behind this! And that's why they are doing this.

The LGBT protesters are 'hiding' behind other groups like blacks, immigrants etc. But don't be deceived, they are out there strictly for their LGBT desires.

Don't forget what's been going on: (1) Perverted men, who are a part of the LGBT, have been 'legally' and boldly entering women's restrooms in search of young girls; (2) Children are being bombarded with homosexual propaganda in schools; (3) Christian businesses are being forced to close because homosexuals are targeting their businesses.

Democratic political commentators and protesters are calling those who voted for Trump as 'divisive.'

We say the country was already divisive when the LGBT were trying to pervert us with their sexual deviancy. And when Christians publicly speak on such topics, they get physically attacked in many cases by these 'loving' LGBT people.

Thank God this spirit has been halted. Love does NOT win. TRUTH WINS!

April Rayfield-Goodman #fundie facebook.com

Thou shall not kill. Children are a gift from God. It doesn't matter how they were conceived he gives us what we need. These women who have abortions and the people supporting it like these and doctors who perform them will have to answer to the almighty God for what they've done.

Ray Comfort #fundie facebook.com

“Why doesn’t God stop kids from being raped?”

So you want God to judge the rapist? Should He also judge murderers, thieves, adulterers, fornicators and liars? When He comes in judgment how will you do? The Bible says when He comes it will be as swift as the lightning He made and He will shine above the brightness of the sun He created. He has whet the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword. Do the test and see on that Day: www.needGod.com

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut facebook.com

Another massive backfire. Donation site for Trump just imploded- too many donors. Nasty, dirty, evil, Godless, corrupt traitors of Democrat Party have really done it this time- they’ve turned President Trump into America’s NELSON MANDELA. He will be elected in a landslide.

Brian Matney #fundie facebook.com

Well, I believe that the bible is the infallible word of God. To try and say that Genesis 1 is false is to say that God lied. To say that God lied is to say say he is not perfect. To say God is not perfect is to say that he is not God. To say that God is not God is to say he doesn't exist. To say this, is to say that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all just made up out of no where.

Ray Comfort #fundie facebook.com

“Most unsaved people don't know they need rescuing! The Bible teaches that the unbeliever doesn't know God or even want to know God! That gives it a little scarier twist! However, in witnessing, you may meet that one who is waiting and wanting to hear the Gospel, not knowing what they need, just knowing they need something!” Linda Bjork Anglin

There’s an old saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” It’s not true. If you salt the horse’s oats, he will suddenly want to drink.

This sinful world needs righteousness, but it has about as much desire for it as a four year old boy has for the world “bath.”

The night of my salvation I has no desire for righteousness. None. But God’s Law put salt on my tongue. I read these words, “You have heard it said by them of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’” I nodded in affirmation. Made sense. Cool. No problem. But then I read, “But I say to you that whoever looks upon a woman to lust for her has committed adultery already with her in his heart.” I was suddenly horrified, saw my wicked heart and the impending wrath, and immediately cried, “What must I do to be made ‘right’?” I began to thirst for “righteousness.” This happened in a moment of time.

So don’t go around looking for people who are wanting to hear the gospel, because they are few and far between. Instead, do what Jesus did in Mark 10:17 and Paul did in Romans 2, and use the moral Law to put salt on the tongue of sin-loving, unconcerned sinners. The Law will make them thirst for righteousness, and embrace the gospel like a drowning man grabs a life-saver.

For more thorough teaching on this subject, listen to www.HellsBestKeptSecret.com

Molly Friedrich #racist #crackpot facebook.com

It's true I get frustrated some times, but this is never about hate with me:
Blacks can't win.
There is a process from outside our planet that is working thru the ecosystem to reclaim desert animals as plants. (I've explained how that process is based in physics, and is not arbitrary)
Blacks are just white people with a broken Chlorophyll molecule in their skin called "melanin".
Even if blacks SUCCEED in tricking the planet into targeting the wrong group and turning some part of WHITE PEOPLE back into plants...
All they have done is created a disease that will kill all blacks along with the whites.
Their melanin MUST be targeted to turn back into a plant or the entire human race is over.
I'm not playing a guessing game, what if, or proposing a theory. Either you target melanin or we all die.
In other words, if u.v. doesn't return to serving plant behaviors, the animals (people included) that are manipulating u.v. are only going to succeed in obliterating their entire race, as u.v. continues flicking over the dominos of information that CREATE us.
That's probably why some blacks were certain they couldn't be racist... They understood that attacking whites meant their OWN demise also.
The way blacks "won" with women was because u.v. targeted females to SUCCEED AS THE OPPOSITE OF PLANTS, thereby cancelling the plant reclaiming occurring on black women, and u.v. treated most blacks as women.
But now I'm the one being targeted, and you haven't been trying to make me as female as possible.
And you are currently watching the result of that decision spread virally, and the death has only begun.
If you use u.v. to target DICKS to turn back into plants... you just recreated AIDS. Congratulations my theory that sex is a plant behavior will come true.
Plants aren't stupid, and they are going to COMMUNICATE quite well thru human sex.
I'm not xy so my information isn't TO BUILD DICKS.
I'm white. I'm the angel of His Garden.
My rna doesn't care what you think my name is.
You are not sounding like "innocent accidental black skin, u.v.". You sound like you are desperately trying to figure out how to kill anything but black people.
I already recently exposed you as playing "the white person name game" with u.v.
"What do you want to do tonight, Brain?"
"The same thing we do every night, Pinky..."
Please don't bother commenting, unless you are an Angel of His Garden, I'm not very interested in your hot takes.
To everyone else, enjoy your hateful virtue-signaling gaslighters below, none of whom are capable of communicating their "correct information". 🤣

Caitlin Marr #fundie facebook.com

i just wanna know how certain people can believe that a tiny single-celled micro-organism could have "evolved" into the extremely complex, free-thinking people we are now.. and if we did "evolve" like that then why are some male and some people female? we would have evolved the same way

Eric Hovind #fundie facebook.com

"My point is Eric, is that you and Ray both acknowledge science when it fits your needs. Since science has determined that man is an animal and an ape, why don't you accept that?" ~Debra

Debra, we love Science because it points to The Creator. God's attributes are clearly seen through the laws of Science, Physics, and Mathematics. Like Him, these laws are immaterial, unchanging, and universal.

You say that science has determined that man is an animal. How has it done this? When you give attributes to Science which it does not possess, you are committing a Logical fallacy called Reification. Science does not determine anything. Fallible men study science and come to different conclusions - but they are often mistaken.

Find Biblical answers here --> www.searchcreation.org

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

Just THINK. Democrats are communist tyrants. How do you know? They call Trump a “dictator.” But they just convicted him in rigged communist show trial. Could you convict Putin? Or Xi Jinping of China? They’d have you executed. If Trump was a dictator no one could steal his election, indict him, censor him, gag him, frame him, convict him?

"No You" Award

for excellence in the tu quoque fallacy

UK Korean Friendship Association #fundie facebook.com

The enemies of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea like to go on about 'freedom to travel' continuously claiming that people in the DPRK cannot travel outside of the country. Of course this is not true as DPRK delegations frequently visit other countries and some DPRK students study in other countries. These critics of the DPRK miss out one very important point :that in the West it is only those who have money are free to travel !

This freedom this not extend to those on low incomes etc. We have many KFA members who want to visit the DPRK but cannot afford to do so . Freedom in capitalist countries is only for the rich . These critics of the DPRK also neglect to tell people that residents of south Korea are prevented by the National Security Law from visiting the DPRK, the northern half of Korea. So as usual hypocrisy , double standards and nonsense from the anti-DPRK lobby.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

Being that virtually every player in NFL is vaxxed, we don’t even have to ask. When will NFL…and CDC/FDA/WHO/AMA, media & sports world admit we have a serious problem? Young athletes NEVER had heart attacks in my lifetime. Since 2021 it happens all the time.

NFL.COM Chiefs DL BJ Thompson in stable condition after suffering seizure, cardiac arrest during meeting; Kansas City cancels team activities

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

Think. It’s Biden (and his boss Obama) who are the dictators. They lie, cheat, steal, censor, ban, they own media, put out propaganda like Nazis, destroy country with spending & debt, open borders to steal next election, force vaccinate like Hitler. Look in the mirror. The people calling Trump a dictator just framed him & convicted him for a crime they can’t name. Who’s the dictator?

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

One more piece of valuable intel from my CIA sources. Biden (& his boss Obama) aren’t just letting millions of low-lifes, criminals, murderers, terrorists & military age Chinese males into USA…moron Biden left behind equipment in Afghanistan that is being used inside USA to set up “RED DAWN” terror attacks on our homeland. This is direct arrow from Biden administration to terrorism that our govt knows is on the way any day. This is TREASON.

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut facebook.com

EXCITING NEWS! I just got the video for new country music song about President Trump that will be a Platinum hit! Sung by Natasha Owens- who sang Platinum hit “Trump Won- and You Know it.” This one will be even bigger hit. Guess who wrote it? Wayne Allyn Root w/Natasha & her amazing team. It will be out in early June. It’s about my experience with Trump on White House front lawn that caused a worldwide media firestorm in July, 2019. Liberal heads are gonna explode. MSM will go wild w/“Trump Derangement Syndrome.” Wait until Democrat losers hear the title!!!! My first time as a country music hitmaker!

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

Died suddenly. Young. Happening like never before in history times 100. Need to ask, “WAS HE VAXXED?” I’m betting yes. Always possible it was drugs, or alcohol. Never know with any 1 person, BUT…young & athlete deaths have skyrocketed-only since vaxx.

DAILYMAIL.CO.UK PGA Tour golfer Grayson Murray dies aged 30 - just 24 hours after withdrawing from this week's event in Texas due to 'illness'

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

Vaxxed. Of course. Show me the unvaxxed “dying suddenly.” I dare you. Show me unvaxxed young bankers dying. I dare you. They don’t exist. This is a crisis of the vaxxed. Period. Media blackout. Bribed by Big Pharma. Biggest scandal in world history.

THEGATEWAYPUNDIT.COM Former GOP Advisor and CNN Commentator Alice Stewart Found Dead in Virginia — Suspected Medical Emergency Likely Cause of Death

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

VERY telling. When I post about another almost-certain Covid vaccine death…and how excess deaths in USA have exploded only since 2021 (when vaccine came out)…and we need to investigate and ask questions…I’m even MORE shadow-banned than all my other shadow-banned posts.

Quinn Heagy #fundie facebook.com

(Some guy says he's read the bible before, but it strengthened his atheism.)

Religion was made to answer people questions. Christianity is a way of life! You didn't read the bible, you probally opened it and said "Forget this shit, lets go be an ass with my friends who are aslo assholes."