I was neither born nor raised to "hate" anyone. The use of the word "hate" here is in its purest, most vile form, as it is surely a negative and destructive emotion, and I deny it as part of my natural character. That said, I have determined that cannot really "hate" niggers... I am weary of them. Let me explain. This is the way I see it:
a long, long time ago, far, far away, there was Dark Continent called Africa, free of Niggers. That's right... there were no "niggers at that time. Individual tribes existed I harmony, much like the Native American, hunting and gathering food and other essentials for happy life. There was some war, of course, when the population grew out of control and more land was required for the increase of inhabitants. There were the Productive... those who hunted and gathered and had skills to produce clothing, tents, fishing vessels, etc., and those people were valuable to the community. Tribes had leaders, elders, chieftains Then, as in every society, as the population grew, there became a group of slackers... those who just didn't think their efforts would make any difference. Crime was punished according the its severity and justice not necessarily humane, as we understand the concept of "humane" today.
So, as productive societies expanded, extra farm and ranch help was needed, and some enterprising folks made an industry of "slave transport". If you had a ship, there was money to be made by bringing "cargo" across the Atlantic Ocean to sell to American farmers and ranchers. Tribal elders began rounding up the people of their tribes they could do without... those slackers and criminals and just lazy... and found they could make money by selling them to slave traders. (If I am to believe the story forwarded by movies such as "Roots", I must believe aa continent of people were willing to allow kidnappers onto their land to steal their people by force.)
Keep in mind, there were still no "Niggers". That term was applied later by the owners mispronunciation of "Negro" or in reference to the country of Niger, where many of the slaves originated. Slavery was an industry, and the Negro was merely farm animals like his mule or his oxen, bred like all other live assets, and put to work. But some Negroes went back to the mindset for which they were ejected from their tribes in the first place... they were lazy or rebellious, or had some mental defect that precluded them from usefulness. Oh, but they cost money. A LOT of money for the owner, considering food, housing, clothing, etc., and the slave trackers weren't cheap either, when a slave ran away. This was the birth of the "nigger". Hence, examples had to be made by punishing the run-away or disobedient by whipping or some other type of punishment. Does it make sense that an owner would beat his work animals so that they were disabled from work, as portrayed in "Roots"?
Doubtful. Fast forward to January 1, 1863. The U.S. Civil War, purported to have been waged to free slaves, but in reality, a rebellion by the Southern states in response to an oppressive Government, and slavery became an afterthought, as slaves were popular in the North as well as the South. Take away the slaves, and commerce in the Confederate states becomes non-existent. That was the plan, and the U.S. Government took the high road and made slavery the main issue. On January 1, 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation was made into law, making free people out of slaves, most unable to read or write, or even count. (Sure, some rich blacks owned slaves as well as whites, but history doesn't speak of that, as it doesn't suit the narrative that ALL blacks were unequal.) Now, the right thing to do was ship all the freed slaves back to Africa, including the niggers, but America still had a growing population that needed food nd cotton, and all sorts of farm products. So, as the dark people multiplied, so did the nigger, and he became the "American Nigger", a breed unique unto itself.
You see, I call the American Nigger" unique because nowhere else on Earth has the AN had opportunities afforded them as those in America. Welfare programs have rewarded their excessive breeding by increasing benefits with every niglet they produce. Add in the many support organizations such as NAACP, CORE, UNCF, BET, Congressional Black Caucus, Miss Black America, on and on, and the AN is empowered to feel entitled, especially after four or five generations of lazy, criminal, and abject uselessness. Yes, my friends, I am weary f the American Nigger. I am weary of hearing "MF" in every other statement they make in public, having to look at their underwear above their pants hanging below their black asses, the rap music blaring from, their car stereo at every gas station. I am weary of trying to understand the mumbling and slurring of my language. Hey... let's go back to the "Hate" thing just a minute. I said I don't want to hate anyone, but is it fair to hate the natural traits of a people?
The culture? The mindset and the... well.. the differences. Is that nice enough? Basically, I'm weary of being vilified just because I'm a white man. I never owned a slave and I never met a slave. Matter of fact, my forefathers would probably have worked alongside niggers in the cane and cotton fields. They weren't rich or privileged. I'm weary of being called racist and white supremacist. I would never support, encourage, or condone harm to anther human being. Truth is, I have preferences. I prefer socializing with white people. I prefer living amongst white people. Shopping, eating, walking and driving amongst my own kind. "Preferences"... let me have mine without judgement. Is that too much to ask?