
Feminst Lesbian #sexist fstdt.com

A penis is a rape device; as domestic violence statistics reveal, men are the evil virus problem. Given sperm may be created without use of a man, and women have well proven themselves even more capable then men, castration is something to be enforced eventually for all men. A peaceful and productive future depends on real vision and executing a plan that cuts to the core issue here. Castration is the cure. Stop the Rape!”
“Girls, it’s easy—just feed him female hormones. Small doses at first. Once you see his boobs develop just gradually increase the hormones. My husband can’t get it up and my girlfriends with their strap-on vibrators give me orgasms that no man can equal.”

BigChrisFilm #fundie fstdt.com

OH NO! OUR RELIGION OF EVOLUTION IS DYING A SLOW DEATH IN THE US! QUICK, LET'S GET TO THE SCHOOLS AND TEACH MORE OF IT! Mabey if there was a shread of evidence for this stupid thing, people would be more ampt to believe it.

SpukiKitty #fundie fstdt.com

Well; The POINT was as LONG as the Alt-Med people still FULLY SUPPORT CONVENTIONAL MODERN MEDICINE AS WELL, then they are okay. Once they reject Conventional Medicine, Science, embrace garbage like Anti-Vax, get all "tin-foil-chapeau" over the medical industry to the point of absurdity, etc. THEN THEY SHOULD BE CALLED OUT AND NIPPED IN THE BUD!

It's not always Either/Or. That's a false dichotomy. You can still embrace Complementary Medicine (Con-Med with Alt-Med) and still speak out against the Alt-Med-Only bunch.

Healing is just as much about one's Mind/Soul as it is Body and they are all linked. Holistic Alt-Med would make the Con-Med work better. You'll heal faster and perhaps require less drugs.

It's a little something called BALANCE.

#1103383 #crackpot fstdt.com

“Muhammad was a liar, thief, mass murderer, rapist and a pedophile."
“Eh, if we consider Mary to be about 14 when she was pregnant with Jesus, than God and Joseph fall under this same pedophile umbrella you just opened.”

That doesn’t make any sense. Unlike Aisha Mary was legally an adult at that time. Yes 12-14 isn’t the best age to get pregnant, but why bring Joseph into this? God I can get cause him being eternal=judge him by all time standards, but Joseph most likely wouldn’t be much older than Mary.Under Jewish law a girl was a maiden at 12+ puberty and was a mature woman after puberty (no less than 12.5). Ezekiel 16:8 seems to suggest that ancient Israelite women married after puberty (although probably still before 18-20). To the ancient Jews pedohiles and child marriage would’ve been under 12.5/13 years of age.

I have read enough sources that said some Jewish married after 20 in ancient times (which was atypical, so Mary being 17-19 isn’t really that unlikely. Palestinians Jewish women in first century married at 12-18, so Mary could’ve been 18. Another several sources say rabbinical literature talks about men in Palestine marrying at 30 to women around 15-20 years old.

Even if Mary was legally an adult at 12. Being pregnant at 12-14 isn’t safe. Giving birth at 12 is more risky than at 22. Mary never comes off as being immature as someone under 15/15, so she may have been 17-18 at that time.

Jewish girls married at 12-18: Judaism and Christianity in First Century Rome page 134

Ancient Palestinian men
typically married at 30 to women 15-20 years old: Jairus’s Daughter and the Female Body in Mark page 166

Some Jewish women Marie older than 20: Dictionary of New Testament Background page 684

Ps. Christians believe that Mary was a still a virgin. How did Mary get pregnant? My guess is IVF.

#247714 #fundie fstdt.com

(Captain Anonymous Troll strikes again!)

you faggots are truly delusional. you're not really thinking that you can be fags and still go to heaven, do you? fornicators and adulterers don't get in, and they're at least having normal sex, why would you ever imagine that gross abominators doing what is completely unnatural and an offense to God's holy character would get into HIS heaven? you're just stupid.

True2God #fundie #homophobia #psycho fstdt.com

I'm not a gay-hating, homophobic bigot (I've shared the Gospel with some homosexuals) and I don't agree with everything Pastor Steven Anderson says but I can't help but feel the world would be a better, happier place if all the homosexuals who reject Christ would just do what Joshua Alcorn did. Kill themselves.

There would be less unsaved people in this world, plus homosexuality is a disease. A disease that spreads. A disease that on average shortens your life, and increases the depression and suicide rate. Also, there would be no Christ-rejecting homosexuals who bully others (especially Christians) and there would be no more people like Dan Savage.

Think about it. If all the Christ-rejecting homosexuals died wouldn't the world be a better, happier place for EVERYONE? Again, I'm not a gay-hating, homophobic bigot.

And for people reading this I suggest going to this website: "Victims of Gay Bullying: Who are the real bullies?"

JEWKILR88 #racist fstdt.com

You cunts think you're really fucking clever for some reason. At least acknowledge the deal of damage judiasm has done to the world and realize something must be done. While Hitler was in a few ways a nutjob, he at least had a vision for a better world. You are all completely fucked in the brain.

And Stay Out!

Getting quoted isn't a good thing, even if it is 'ironic'

Cthuluman #fundie fstdt.com

I hope the government gets rid of you assholes. I seriously fucking do. christians of all types need to die. Many people don't know this but religion is what started the government so people who formed a civilization (civilization you could say is like the government but benign and without forced taxes). People who support the state and democracy are no better than people who are religious (assholes)

FullofFaith #fundie fstdt.com

[A 15-YEAR-old girl was put in a Brazilian jail cell with more than 20 men, and for a month was raped relentlessly and forced to have sex for food, human rights groups say.
"Nobody really knows what she was charged with. She was a suspect in a robbery but police were unable to tell us which robbery. There was no formal charge,'' Ms Cohen said.]

If you can not suffer the consequence don't do the crime. This could have been avoided by not committing robbery.

Kill them all and let god sort them out

Oh wait...

Briggid #fundie #psycho fstdt.com

In order to advance, we must eradicate religion. When you tell a religious person this is so, how do you think they will react? Hey, we've gave them plenty opportunity to learn things for themselves, and that hasn't worked. What else is there?

A realist #fundie fstdt.com

This is what happens when gay marriage is forcibly legalized over the will of the people. There will be backlashes. People don't like being told that they don't have a right to vote on whether to maintain or change the millenia-old definition of marriage.

I sympathize with all of the ordinary gay people who just want to live their lives quietly and peacefully. They are the real victims of the whiny activists who demanded the gay marriage issue be imposed by the courts rather than decided by the people.

Carico #fundie fstdt.com

Romans 8:24, "But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has?"

So since atheists only understand what they can see, they not only have no hope, but they are ignorant of the greatest part of life, that which is unseen. No wonder they're angry at Christians.

TimeToTurn #fundie fstdt.com

This depends here--do we know if torturing a terrorist's family will either certainly or almost certainly stop a bombing? If that's the case, then it would be morally wrong not to torture said family members to save many more people.

Jehane #fundie #homophobia fstdt.com

i wondered how long it would be before some heretic started harping on how Jesus never specifically mentioned homosexualism, it's one of the falsehoods they try to fob off on us as some sort of endorsement of that perversion. in fact, Jesus was very clear that not one letter or penstroke of the Law would change, and that includes the Law against homosexual behaviour. there are numerous other examples where He condemns all such abominations. i recommend you not attempt to instruct me in what you yourself do not understand.

Joe Btfsplk #conspiracy fstdt.com

If you think the US federal income tax is taking a bite out of you paycheck wait until you see how much the global tax on salaries is. And if you happen to use the word "queer" and a homosexual reports you to the global authorities for a hate crime, see what happens. No right to freedom of speech, no right to the assistance of counsel, no right to a trial by jury, no right to cross examine your accuser. Those are all part of the Bill of Rights which the global authorities don't have to recognize. Of course, they will have long since confiscated all of the weapons (no Second Amendment) so resistance or trying to organize a revolution against the tyranny of being ruled by foriegners will be futile. We the People of the United States will be overruled by the rest of the world and, thank God, by then I'll be in my grave!

BigChrisfilm #fundie fstdt.com

[about his Judgement Day fantasy]
No, I will actually be standing on the right hand of God, and watching you. I doubt you will be able to even speak, let alone flip him off. But wow, what a chance for God to poor out his wrath if you do.

His4Life #fundie fstdt.com

The treat of tripoli is BULLSHIT. I read it in school. It says NOTHING about American not being a Christian nation. Furthermore it is NOT a law, a constitutional amendment, or a bill of rights - it just reperesents the OPINION of one author and the congressmen who signed it at that time. It has NO legal bearing on ANYTHING in America, ok? Don't believe me, go to court and plead your case fromt he Treaty of Tripoli. they will look at you and laugh because the treaty of tripoli is a historical document, NOT a fucking law!

The Real American Cowboy #racist fstdt.com

Correct. There is actually strong scientific evidence to suggest that the negro evolved along different lines than the rest of the human population. There are actually two strands of genetic lineage in the human race - the African negro and everyone else. Studies show that the negro's skull and jaw structure are actually closer to those of a primate than the rest of the human population. This is why negros typically have large, flat noses (like a gorilla), heavy jaws, and sloping brows.

TheEndOfFappingIsNear #conspiracy #homophobia fstdt.com

Homosexuals are on the forefront of the feminist anti-masturbation movement. They enjoy anal pleasure and genital mutilation and so they support prostate milking clinics and spiked/bladed chastity devices. There is also a high correlation with pedophilia, which fits juvenile chastity cages. The homosexual agenda is a front for feminism and must also be stopped.

LovingJesus #fundie fstdt.com

It's kind of funny how all of you are making fun of God right now, but you'll see. Remember September 2011? Obama was called the Antichrist by a heckler. Everyone just BOOED at the heckler, having NO LOVE for Jesus when he was yelling PRAISE JESUS THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH!

Obama's reaction? "I-I-I believe in t-the L-L-Lord- Hey, did he forget his jacket?

See how he stuttered in FEAR when he said that? he's the ANTICHRIST!

Xotan #fundie fstdt.com

[ on a 17 year old boy who was raped by two HIV+ men after he passed out from drinking too much ]

The questions arise:

- was this a gay bar?

- if so what was a 17 year old doing there?

- age of consent in Spain? I believe 17, if not younger.

Conclusion, it is not beyond possibility that this young man is in part responsible for what happened. Thankfully he did not contract HIV. It is no credit to his savoir faire that he got himself into this situation. Although I could never approve of the action of the older men, if the young man is old enough (and stupid enough) to drink himself into oblivion, then he is old enough to accept a fair proportion of the blame for whatever the consequences may be. If he was not capable of controlling himself and the situation he was in, he should not have been out alone.

Forscience314 #fundie fstdt.com

If you want progress, stop discriminating people based on gender and start discriminating them based on IQ. And that's INDIVIDUAL IQ, not "my parents were smart so I'm smart", prove it, we test you first and then assign the level of rights based on that.

You want to know why we're not progressing faster? Take a hint: most people in politics and "civil society" are bullies and narcissists. Almost NONE are scientists. Almost NONE are geniuses in the true sense. Sure they may be average or above average, but that's not enough to manage a complex society.

People themselves are a problem, they don't want real intellectuals leading them, they are easily impressed by bullies and narcissists. The way the system is set up, that's what you need to be to succeed in any leadership positions. Freedom and democracy went to far. Time to scale it back a lot.

{the following is from a later post in the same comment thread, emphasis by Vman:}


What are the actual conditions?

1. absolutely no violent crime

You will not go to prison immediately, less severe but still violent crimes will involve relocation in tier 2 residential areas where only other violent criminals are sent to. As technology improves we can ensure compliance easier.

2. people receiving assistance through basic income are barred from having children

Violation = castration and relocation to an area where such violators can be more easily monitored. Not prison, but limited ability to travel and interact with others.

There are many ways we can brainstorm what a scientific rational based governance would look like. It would also be far more nuanced than this childish left vs. right freak show.

Jerry #fundie fstdt.com

FundieVision Inc.: Sorry Jerry, I used to be a saved God fearing Christian who believed in The Rapture, Hell, and all the good stuff. I left xtianity behind at sixteen for damned good reasons. So I want no part of Jeebus the Jewish Zombie and his nutjob psychopathic manchild of a father.

Jerry: FundieVision:

Can I tell you a little secret? I think I will anyway. You were NEVER a Christian. You were NEVER Saved. How do I know that? Because there is no such thing as ex-Christian! You cannot un-believe something, and you certainly cannot un-believe Jesus. 1 John 2:19 In Christianity, we call it the doctrine of Perseverance of the Saints.

You can also think of it this way: say you never seen an airplane, then you had to fly somewhere and you were on one, would you ever then claim that airplanes don't exist? Would ever say to someone that you "used to believe in airplanes, but not any more"? Just the same a Christian can NEVER become an ex-Christian.

You are depraved, sick, and filthy, and Jesus hates you. (Ps. 5:5, Rom. 1) But I have good news for you: it doesn't have to be this way! Even someone like you may be forgiven and Saved from all the filth, sickness, and depravity. All you got to do is believe in the true Jesus of the Christian Bible (not in the Catholic Jesus or the Mormon Jesus or any other false Jesus), repent of your sins, and ask Him into your heart and into your life, so that there is no sin, filth, or despair any more. Turn or burn, the choice is yours, and you alone are to blame for the consequences.

In the name of the Lord,

Carico #fundie fstdt.com

Atheists have to deny all of history if they deny that Adam was a real person. They have to make up people's ancestors, which they've done by claiming that they are monkeys. That's the degree of irrationality that atheists have to descendend to deny God. No wonder they're angry and bitter.

Bill #conspiracy fstdt.com

"Have you ever been in a plane? Knotice how when it's stable in it the sky it does not really feel like you are moving that fast?"

Yes, that's how you know that the plane is not actually moving, but has probably already arrived at its destination and you are being played an artist's rendition of being inside the sky on the "windows."

JellyJuice #fundie #homophobia fstdt.com

This is absolutely sick. Being homosexual is not a sin.

Only actions can be sins.

If I did a genetic test and my baby was homosexual I'd tell him about it from the beginning and tell him that he's going to face unclean urges and that he must not act on them and must be celibate. I'd try to get him into the priesthood to make it more likely that he'd choose a celibate life.

William F. Maddock #fundie fstdt.com

Is it perhaps because evolution does not have a scientific or logical leg to stand on, and that the more knowledgeable evolution adherents KNOW THAT and only adhere to it because they prefer its MORAL implications?

caamib #sexist #psycho fstdt.com

(In regards to comments on a quote of his where he proclaims himself a “limited political pedophile”)

first anon-

"Yeah I have a question. Can we put you in prison before you hurt someone."

No. I am not committing a crime by saying this. I am merely explaining a political view.

Kanna - "Some females at some time ignored you, therefore all females at all times should be penalized"

What the fuck are you rambling about? I don't care about women who ignored me at all, they didn't do any damage to me at all. The ones who didn't ignore me were the ones who could hurt me. I also never say that all should be penalized, I specifically state which ones should.

Kadorloon - " what makes you think outright admitting you'd have sex with a toddler is in any way, shape or form a good idea? "

The same thing that makes anybody state our their political ideas.

"Oh, right, brain damage. "

Hahahah, here we go again. The same cretin who wants citations about everything is making a completely unverifiable claim again, after I warned him many times about it. Still claiming I am living in a mental hospital while never taking me up on my offer to talk on Skype at 3 AM? Only an American can be this dumb and have this little self-awareness.

"EDIT: and, no, no one else in the world cares what made-up distinctions
you make to pretend a toddler from America "deserves it" "

No one else? Made up distinctions? Tell it to tens of thousands of men who have already left America and other feminist countries to find wives in non-feminist places in the world. Tell them how rape worshipping scum like modern Western women are no different than sane non-feminist ones. You imbecile !

"more than a toddler from some Middle Eastern sharia hellhole that you hold as the epitome of morality because they'd just straight-up kill her."

What ?!

A toddler from a non-feminist country doesn't deserve it at all, and nobody would kill such a toddler, but the ones who would rape such a female toddler. It would be a horrific crime, while it would be honorable act in America, as American women are scum. So are Western men, as evidenced by you. The fuck did you get the idea that somebody would just kill a raped toddler in the Middle East? Or that Middle East is the only non-feminist region of the world? Or that Middle East is a shithole, while some of the wealthiest countries in the world are situated there? You're a cretin, Kadorloon.

"Not only are you disgusting but you just contradicted yourself."

I am not. I explicitly say IT IS NOT ABOUT ATTRACTION and am even expressing doubts about my ability to get a hard on somebody that young. It's a political matter, limited political pedophilia.

Wrightbrigade #fundie fstdt.com

Hey summer, are you going to put your atheist gestapo on me so I can't have any more kids?

Too late anyway, I already have 4 kids and none of them is going to grow up being a queer lover. Face it, we're out producing you and pretty soon, we're going to end all this atheist,queer-loving, bible denying, mix-race supporting, baby killing, women-working rebel-rousing.

We'll set things right, even if it means converting a few of you at gunpoint (or on a bonfire).

His4Life #fundie fstdt.com

[re: Nicholas Cage in new Left Behind movie]

Also, Cage is not a Christian actor by any stretch. He is a disgusting occultist who wants to be buried in a pyramid. Ghost Rider was one of the most satanic films in recent history and he starred in both of them, portraying a demonic creature collecting unsaved souls to send to hell.

caamib #fundie fstdt.com

(in response to the Indian government ordering Internet service providers to block access to 857 pornography websites that had been singled out by an anti-pornography activist)

I congratulate the Indian government on this move. There is nothing worse for men than porn and masturbation. If I could, I'd break the fingers of any decent men I see caught masturbating.

Why? Because your penis is a weapon. It must ejaculate in a woman. Jacking off is much more harmful than most drugs, as it destroys penile sensitivity and is aiming to make a zombie out of you.

No wonder the libtards here are so angry at this - they want zombiefied man masturbating while thugs with brains of orangutans and no inhibitions go around raping women. This libtards have no problem with. They have problem with decent men fulfilling their natural urges.

The Real James A. Wilson #fundie fstdt.com

So you autistic liberals are "scientists" now? God created the world, because there's no evidence that we evolved! Zero transitional fossils have been found and ZERO will ever be found! Of course, those fools like ENGINEER Bill Nye will try to claim "Lucy" is the "missing link" whenever no such thing exists. I'm not surprised autistic liberals who think that people came from pond slime would think that we can make a man into a woman with some cosmetic surgery. If Bradley Manning and Bruce Jenner are women, than Michael Jackson was Caucasian. Fools!

James A. Wilson #transphobia #homophobia #fundie fstdt.com

Men are simply born men! Women simply are born women! Ask any non-Darwinist geneticist and you tell me what the truth is! If Transgenderism is valid, why do transgendered "women" commit crimes at similar rates to men? Because they are MEN! Yet I'm the one with the third grade understanding of science.

Homosexuality is unnatural because children who are raised in homosexual households are more likely to be in poverty, incarcerated, depressed, and also more likely to become homosexuals. This is verified information

Taylor Swift's "reputation" album and corresponding music videos have shown off her drunkenness, vindictiveness, as well as her lack of modesty in attire. Quite sad, really.

Next, I am not a schizophrenic person, and you libs have obviously never heard of reusing content with permission. I simply reused the content from Pastor Grimes' sermons to bring the light of the Gospel of Christ to the unsaved heathens residing there until I was removed by hyper-PC liberals who decided that the word "tranny" was comparable to the n-word. When were trannies enslaved again in the United States? Please enlighten me. Trannies and tranny enablers are insulting the African American community by spewing nonsense like that.

I Resist Temptation And Fight It. #fundie #homophobia fstdt.com

Homosexuality is a sin. Homosexual people suck on a large throbbing penis like a sausage and acting like wild animals hungering for the right to suck and suck and release semen into the tongue and the mouth. Their eyes turn wild and they suck and suck as well as forcing the penis down the anus and listening to it throbbing and shifting and hearing it run out of semen they cheer in their wild lust for the penis and semen for the sin of Homosexuality is a mark of Satan who tempts straight men to go wild and start acting gay. As the penis grows bigger and bigger they release it all in a burst of madness.

Uyru Ishida #fundie fstdt.com

Again with this site.. how are all of you?
I have no excuses this time, so I'll just reply. Science =/= Evolutionary theory. Science has done much, no arguing that, but has the theory of evolution really improved your lives? I'm interested in your responses. Something more interesting than telling me to kill myself or insulting me or my ignorance of science.

Randomosaur #fundie fstdt.com

The only spankings acceptable for teenage boys are those done by their mothers, older sisters and/or girlfriends, and not for punishment but so the boys can feel safe. Teenage girl spankings should only be done by other girls.

A Friend #fundie fstdt.com

By the way I am responding to the comment of the 4 Step Proof,which is not related to CARM because CARM is a cult like fstdt. fstdt is a cult because of its bias against Christ without having any reason for reviling Him; while CARM is false Christianity and its owner Matt Slick is not a Christian since he teaches 3 major false teachings: non-Biblical pentecostalism gibberish babble, calvinism and amillennialism.

Bigot #racist fstdt.com

Lt. Fred: This poll shows exactly how racist white Americans are. 1 in 6 Republicans desribe blacks as 'intelligent in school'.

Damn whites, whatever gave them those ideas!

Of course the fault is in white people. Whites think blacks are bad students NOT because black people ARE bad students, but because whites people are evil racists who want to hate on da black man for no apparent reason.

In a sane society blacks would wonder why they're not liked.

Black people vote for Obama because they hope that he will be able to end the endemic and institutionalised racism that has plauged them for the last two centuries.

I'm looking forward to see some grand improvements.

Will Derrickson: lol, are you trying to say that segregation was a good thing, American MinuteMan?

It wasn't good, but it was better.

PS. Political correctness is for niggers.

His4Life #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth fstdt.com

He is like Obama. This Pope is anything but a Christian. He is pro-homosexual, pro-climate change, pro-abortion and extremely shady due to his jesuit background. I know he has not explicitly endorsed homosexual unions or abortion but he is paving the road for the Catholic church to eventually embrace these things and he knows what he is doing. My kids refer to this man as "Pope Poophole the Great" due to his love of homosexual lifestyle choices.

In His Love,
Apostle Dorie

BLOC #fundie #homophobia fstdt.com

How do you know Jesus never mentioned it? He mentioned lots of things in a more general way, and not everything He said is recorded in the Gospels. John wrote that if everything He said and did were recorded in books there wouldn't be enough books in the world to hold it all. There were not many homosexuals around either, and it was common knowledge that it was forbidden. Homosexuals were executed then, so almost no one in Israel was misbehaving that way. There are several passages that allude to it though, that's what abominators are and they don't go to heaven. Homosexualism is depravity, and is forbidden. I can't help it if you don't want to believe it, it's true nevertheless, and you'll just have to deal with it.

("BLOC" then resumed copying and pasting "DIRTY FAGGOTS!" over and over again.)

Anonymous (Comment #246691) #homophobia fstdt.com

yeah it does RJ, homosexuals are 20 times more likely to rape a child, and a third of all sexual assaults against children are committed against boys by homosexuals, which are less than 1% of the male population. this is a fact. homosexuals frequently approach younger males, teens and children, to try to lure them into their perverse activities. this is one of the main reasons they want to do away with the age of consent, so that they can rape children and claim they 'consented'. they also want to adopt children for the same nefarious purpose, and also to have as 'trophies'. they're sick and should be shot, end of story.

Chris R16/R2730 #fundie fstdt.com

Thanks for continuing to prove me right regarding atheism. Most of its followers are as irrational and militant as the creation people they despise. Someone said something untrue about our beloved atheism; let's get him guys!

I don't care what it says in the dictionary either, as terms such as religion or atheism are nothing more than stupid human constructs. Atheism can mean whatever the hell I want it to, and you atheist inquisitors can't force me to accept the "established" definition.

The Bible is Right! #fundie fstdt.com

You can't tell me the earth is old.

Did you know that if the universe is very old, they would have landed in a mile of space dust on the moon.

Also, they have beetles that make a spit so hot that it couldn't have been evolved because they is no step inbtween.

But they never tell you these things in science because it goes against they religon of evolution.

Let me ask you people a question: If evolution was true, where do bulls come from? There are no female bulls, so how do they come to be if they aren't created? I bet you never talked about that in evolution school.

Vlad III #homophobia fstdt.com

This is what I feel should be done about the homosexuality problem:

1. Repeal all gay "marriage" laws. They make no sense from a logical, legal, semantic, or philosophical standpoint. You can't have male hens and you can't have gay marriage.

2. Eliminate "civil unions" - see above.

3. Draft a Constitutional amendment preventing either of the above 2 points from ever being issues anywhere in the country.

4. Nullify all existing gay "marriages" and "civil unions". To allow them to continue to exist undermines the entire agenda.

5. Work to eliminate the arbitrary stigma toward reparative therapy.

6. Make said therapy mandatory for first-time offenses of displaying homosexual behavior in public.

7. Train all school counselors - from pre-K to college - in said therapy.

8. Make any public displays of homosexual misconduct a misdemeanor after the first.

I think this would really eliminate a lot of the problems homosexuals are causing. If you have any other ideas, let me know.

Mr Mann #fundie #homophobia fstdt.com

Rowenn: Obviously you haven't read the Bible or you wouldn't make such an ignorant statement. God has made His views on homosexuality very clear throughout the Bible. Here is just one verse:

1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."

The Word is clear. Unrepentant (practicing) homosexuals who die in their sin, GO TO HELL. They can go to church, they can call themselves a Christian...but if they are practicing homosexuals when they die--they will spend eternity in Hell.

This passage lists a number of sins that offer the same consequences for unrepentance. An unrepentant thief goes straight to hell as well.

BUT, no other sin listed in that passage has a number of followers out to forcibly legalize their sin-calling sin a civil right.

When Jesus stopped the stoning of the adulteress, He told her to, "Go and sin no more." Repentance doesn't mean perfection, or a lack of struggle...The sin must stop! If a gay or lesbian isn't even attempting to stop the sin-They will burn: end of story.

Bottom line, Rowenn: Unrepentant gays and lesbians are gonna burn. This is not a translation issue--its the Word of God.
--If you don't like it, then maybe Christianity is not for you.