When anti-vaccination & conservatism breed #conspiracy #wingnut youtube.com
Liberal snowflakes scared of the fuckin measles. š
No wonder Trump won. And no wonder you people get picked on.ļ»æ
Liberal snowflakes scared of the fuckin measles. š
No wonder Trump won. And no wonder you people get picked on.ļ»æ
(Transscript of video)
In the interval [?] the Pentagon just tested a gay bomb on Iraq, they considered it, they didnāt [?] consider using it, they used it on our troops, in Vietnam, they sprayed PCP on our troops - Jacobās Ladder - ha - you think PCP - some horse tranquilizers or something? They got some stuff thatāll whack your brain permanently.
Brain chips in the troops. They give the troops special vaccines that really [?] nanotech that auto[?]-re-engineers their brains.
Now there is the gay bomb.
Look it up for yourself, this is what do you think tap water is, itās a gay bomb, baby.
And Iām not saying people didnāt naturally have homosexual feelings, Iām not even getting into it, quite frankly, give me a break. You think Iā¦ Iām, like, shocked by it [?] [incomprehensible] bashing it because I donāt like gay people. I DONāT LIKE THEM PUTTING CHEMICALS IN THE WATER! THEY TURN THE FRICKING FROGS GAY!
Do you understand that?
Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! [bangs paper on table]
Iām sick of being socially engineered! Itās not funny!
Women IRL have the same personality.
(clip from linked video from 0:12 to 2:14)
Guest: That's why we have a President right now from New York. It's no coincidence. People, you can hate it, if you want, but you're going to go against certain things that God has chosen to--to put his hand on. And watch--
Roth: But how do you handle the things he did before he was a believer in Jesus?
Guest: I--I only report the message.
Roth: By the way, I hope you caught what I just said: the things he did before he was a believer in Jesus. Praise God for the blood; because of the blood of the Lamb, I don't have a past! How about you?
Guest: Well, then, a lot of the people in the Bible should be disqualified. I think the key thing is what is God's plan now. God's plan is, and I've been prophesying this for years, Sid, that God would make America great, that happens to be their saying(?), 2020 God's going to make America greater. Again. 2024 they're gonna say God has made America greatest again. This isn't going away.
New York City--the reason why--9/11, our nation was pierced, this nation's never been the same, the nations of the Earth have never been the same. God is trying to reestablish a blood right. It's no coincidence the President is from New York, that's where the towers fell. He also is part of Trump Tower, towers fell, he was part of world trade, World Trade Center, because God is revisiting this nation to establish a blood right. Whoever gets the blood right gets the legal right to rule.
Why do we have rights as Christians to bind and loose? Because of the blood right that Jesus provided. But Jesus' blood, it brought something, it brought glory, because after he was crucified and his blood was shed the Holy Spirit was poured out. This is more than just about who's President. It's about a blood right being established by God so that his glory can come.
The enemy was working real hard to get the blood right. That's why he wants to keep boarding children. That's why he wants to continue its agenda, so that it has the legal right to rule and to push the Church out. God is coming. Nobody is gonna remove his Church. Nobody's gonna stand against the Church that he is raising up.
(Note: This is a reaction to a video about a group of scientists suing the EPA, after the agency's decision to fire scientists from several key advisory board positions, and replace them with members of the industries supposed to be regulated by it.)
(Goldie Boud)
Good!! Scientist are making things that are killing you and all of us. If you don't know that then get educated as to what scientists have been up too!! Chimeras! SMART DUST!! SYNTHETIC DNA TO MAKE ALL KINDS OF CREATURES!! Cloning us so they can kill off humans and replace us!!! Using our facial recognition to make robots that will take over the world and WELL GOD ONLY KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE UP TOO!! BUT ITS ALL FOR ILLUMINATI TO USE AGAINST US. OH AND HOW ABOUT THIS FLUBVACCINE THATS KILLING THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE AND YET THEY KEEP PUSHING TO TAKE THE SHOT!! NOW THEY HAVE A NEW SHOT, THOSE SCIENTIST DO, THAT IS A ONE TIME SHOT AND YOULL NEVER NEED ANOTHER ONE IN YOUR LIFE!!! BECAUSE YOULL BE DEAD IF YOU TAKE IT!! AND LETS TALK ABOUT THE RFD CHIP THEY ARE STICKING INTO YOUR NEW BORN BABIES AND CHIPS IN YOUR BRAINS TO CONTROL YOU!! I GUESS IF YOU WANT THAT ADRENAL DRUG SND YOU DRINK BABY BLOOD AND YOU KILL THEM FOR SACRIFICES THEN YOU DONT GIVE A F*CK!! LIBERALS ARE DISGUSTING DISPICABLE MONSTERS!! I CAN SAY I AM VERY HAPPY HE IS NOT FUNDING WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS ANYMORE THE HORRIBLE SCIENTISTS!!! They are not scientists who are working for good. They all know that what they do will be used for evil even if there is a good use for what they made. You liberals need to wake the hell up!!! Because they are killing you too!!
(andrew boddy)
Scientists brought you the internet
(Goldie Boud)
andrew boddy so what! The Internet is also surveilling us. So are our phones!! And they are radiating us! And pedophiles are spreading like hot cakes because of the dark web and regular internet. Technology though it seems fun it has ruined our world and allowed these big bankers and illuminati do their dirty dealings and connect with each other and sell is all their junk we don't need but that makes them rich and is poor.
Good music but wow those lyrics are fucking pathetic. These guys sing about Satan and all sorts of dark shit but they draw the line at "muh racism" and "muh intolerance". How fucking gay.
+Gilbert Bautista and +OmenXIII ... OR ~ you could use the Facts and teach that the Moon gives off it's own Light - and does not reflect the Sun as we have/had all been deceived into thinking. For instance - when the Moon is first Full - the Sun sets... then some time after you cannot see the Sun anymore because it allegedly falls below the horizon - some time afterwards... the Full Moon pops up from the opposite horizon - AND... there is simply No Way that the sun could be hitting it. Now I would not want to leave you without any True answer as to why this is so, and therefore I admit the Truth to you for your understanding: Gen 1:14 And YHWH said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, so we know the Moon is for signs and seasons... Gen 1:15 and let them be lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth." And it was so. Gen 1:16 And YHWH made the two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also. Rev 12:9 explains why we were taught that the "Sun" was what made the "Moon" shine, but why do we believe such a thing and even teach it to our children? Because when we do - we call our Loving Creator a Liar... and that pleases the Devil because we believe her Lies - over the Truth of what our Holy Scriptures say is True. Don't feel bad - I just came to Understand this my own self here Last Night - at 10:30 - after the sun had set a little over 2 hours prior - and when I saw the Moon... IT CLICKED!!! and I came to realize then and there - that we been Lied to all of our lives - no way could the sun be hitting the Moon at All... being almost 3/4th full give or take - no way the Sun could be hitting it, and that is when I ran to get my Holy Bible and I read Genesis 1 again for the umpteenth time - and boy... was I deceived greatly for around 58 years of my life- but... Not no more = And you? Ever play pool? It is played best by understanding Angles - and... there is just no way that there is such an Angle with Sun Light... the Light is all from the Moon Itself!!! What a Brain Blower, eh? I have definitely Repented, and I will never teach that deceptional Lie EVER... again... Peace~?
All of Disney's cartoons are either satanic or sexualized. As a parent we want to protect our children. My daughter is at an age where she see's and understands about Satan and his underhanded tactics. She now points these things out to me. Cartoon network channel is just as bad. I love listening to you as you explain what passages in the bible actually mean. Thank you so much for helping me understand gods commandments. Please enjoy your young daughter because they grow up so fast. God bless you.?
In this video, I analyze the song, "Let it Go", from the popular Disney movie, "Frozen". From my observations, this song has subliminal messages endorsing Occultism, especially Satanism and Witchcraft. Watch the video to learn more!
Please listen everybody go to YouTube and put in Planet X or planet niburu it's going to hit the earth in less than 6 months it comes around every 3600 yrs this is the beast that killed the dinosaurs all governments and the Vatican have known about this for over 25 yrs and have all built underground city's for only the chosen few around 6 billion people are going to die they cannot tell us about this because it would cause worldwide panic killings rape absolute madness they are spraying some sort of dust in the air all over the world so we will not see the planet coming toward us until its to late the bastards also in YouTube put in bob fletcher he will tell you the truth he also has an internet site then tell the world spread it on Facebook twitter then organise mass rally's and march to your governments may god be with us all?
Comment on the Video: Vegan Takes On Slaughterhouse Workers
these farmers look lie nazis. i hope they die in pain. no one who is innocen deseeves to be treated like all of them going straight in the slaugjtor house. havsing no otjer choics
CT4-08: BattleSHIP Apologetics - Mathematics (The Language of Science)
For anyone unaware of these facts, please research the history of "Jewish Ritual Murder," which many have been convicted for throughout history and is the reason they have been kicked out of 109 countries in the last 2000 years. "Kosher slaughter" is the Jewish form of slaughter whereby the animal is inverted and chokes on its own blood after having its throat slit and a Jewish prayer whispered in its ear. "Jewish Circumcision" is another beastly act where they mutilate their own baby boys on the eighth day by cutting off their foreskin then SUCKING (with their mouth) the blood from the freshly cut penis. Then compare this with what you're not taught about Adolf Hitler: He was a vegetarian who loved animals, made the first anti-animal cruelty laws in the world, and before Judah declared war on Germany, he had a plan to close down all German slaughterhouses. YouTube just deleted my entire channel of 7 years, 135k subs and 28 million views for exposing the facts I've relayed in this comment. To learn more, please watch the video which caused YouTube to delete my channel: "Adolf Hitler vs. The Jew World Order" (The 3 hour 46 minute version) Peace
Women on the most part are nothing more than children... that is what happens when a gender operates specifically in the emotional. Women have failed as mothers, wives, and in the work place... They then blame men for their failure... Irresponsibility, lack of integrity, lack of honesty, no honor, self centered, egotistical, and more (on the average...). that is why society saw the greatest advances in the 1800's. Women were indeed protected and actually had a great life... look at the laws of the time... do some actual research (Blackstone's commentaries on husbands and wives...) Yes men that are logical are better at making decisions... except single women and mothers today have destroyed male self esteem and identity. If you don't like what men are today then look in the mirror, there is your answer. K-9 all woman controlled brainwashing boys not to be who and what they are, TV, destroying the model of men and boys. Women cannot create or design or develop in the way that men can and do... yes, we need to go back to a time when women were happy and healthy because men were responsible and in total control. Even now with women having more control and power then ever in the history of the US women are more unhappy and have to live and exist on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety pills... Why? because they cannot handle the power and the control psychologically/emotionally. they were not biologically or neurologically designed to be or replace men and their role as leaders. women are emotionally focused... meaning they aspire not for revenge, for selfish interest, for financial control, self enrichment... they don't care a damn about children other than how they can use the children in getting what they want. They don't give a damn about humanity as a whole because they are only interested in themselves and what they can take... they are not self sacrificing and the garbage fiction of womens roles on the TV is just that a fiction to brainwash and manipulate women into thinking they are something that they are not.
The Jews do absolutely everything they can to make sure that a real Holocaust will happen in the future.
(Shane is in a call with Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris on The Atheist Experience)
(Note: I have linked the full episode, starting where this snippet starts, for context if desired. A shorter version, containing only this, can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrfWs52Kjk0.)
Shane: Why is God so immoral?
Tracie: I don't know. Why don't you ask him? I would love to know why he's so freaking immoral.
Matt: I don't think that God exists, but if we're talking about the God character in the Bible, as God is represented--
Tracie: As he's written, it's horrible.
Matt: --it's a pretty horrible, jealous, angry being that advocates slavery. I don't know why he's that way, maybe he's just a dick.
Tracie: I said to somebody earlier today that you either have a God who sends child rapists to rape children or you have a God who simply watches it and says, When you're done, I'm going to punish you.
Shane: The child rape doesn't make you mad? I mean, do you hear about that and get angry? Yes or no?
Matt: What?
Tracie: Do you get angry when you hear about a child rapist?
Matt: Yes.
Shane: Well, so why shouldn't God get mad when he hears about evil in this world? Tell me that.
Matt: If there was a God and he heard about evil in this world, I think he should get mad.
Tracie: Well here's the thing, though, if I were in a situation where I could stop a child rapist, I would. That's the difference between me and your God.
Matt: Yeah.
Shane: Sorry, say that again?
Tracie: If I could stop a person from raping a child, I would. That's the difference between me and your God. He watches and says, "I'm shutting the door, and you go ahead and rape that child, and when you're done, I'm gonna punish you." If I did that, people would think I was a freakin' monster.
Matt: Yup.
Shane: First of all, you portrayed that little girl as someone who's innocent, she's just as evil as--
Tracie: Oh, I was thinking it was a little boy, so...
Matt: (hangs up) Bye.
Tracie: So, children deserve to get raped, there's your--
Matt: Goodbye. Goodbye, you piece of shit!
Tracie: And I would like to just say that, well, let me just say, I was raised in a different Christianity, and it was a better one.
Matt: Yeah. You know what, I was a better Christian than you when I was a Christian, and I still am.
If the British and the French did so much harm to the African countries they colonised, or even, as is sometimes claimed, committed genocidal acts, then surely the African population would have dropped substantially after the colonialists arrived? Again, the complete opposite is true. The population of the African continent rose rapidly during the colonial era. The āAtlas of World Population Historyā by C. McEvedy and R. Jones reveals that in the nineteenth century the African continent grew from 70 million to 110 million. By 1950 it had risen to 205 million. Some genocide. A rise in population occurs when people have the ability to acquire more food and provisions, gain more access to modern medicine, and benefit from more stable political structures leading to increased law and order and less tribal conflict. And all these things happened after the arrival of the British and the French.
Apart from Africa, in India the population increased from 180 million in 1800 (roughly when the British took over) to 400 million (roughly when they left). The percentage increase in population in Hong Kong and Singapore was I believe even more dramatic but I don't have the figures to hand.
Consider that Jews are running the simulation as a new hypothesis under the broader earth simulation hypothesis. Imagine that you are in a Jewish soul simulation and all others who do not have the Jewish soul are the unwitting gamers that Jews get to kill. If you are not Jewish then you are, unfortunately, a self aware meatbag in a bloodthirsty Jew simulation.
This Jewish soul simulation is heaven for Jews and hell for you. Your only purpose is to serve them as fodder or as slave. You have no recourse but to knuckle under to their control or commit suicide. Since they want you to live so you can be abused by them, they use their holy book to condemn self termination. The Jew wishes to control your life, everything you think, your very perception of reality, the money you use, the house you live in. Everything including your life.
Religion also plays a major role in the simulation ā religion keeps the Goyim avatars pacified and confused. Christians believe that Christ will return some day and rescue them from earth treachery. The Second Coming is an illusion created by the Jew to keep you pacified about your state of bondage to the Jew. As the meek Christian worker slaves lay up treasure in heaven, the Jew stacks up gold in his bank account.
Listening now and loving it so far. Still reading Mein Kampf and had already read Hitler's Table Talks. Hitler is still my hero whom I admire with all my heart.
Military like to use acronyms. Nasa is an arm of the military. Look up in the Hebrew meaning and you will see Nasa means Deceiver, lier. And it's no accident. I mean do you all not recognize those women on ISS space station simply use hair spray to plaster thier hair strait up. Or they hang upside-down while filming them cleaning their hair. It's complete BS. They are obviously wearing harnesses. Everything Nasa tells you is a lie. Everytime they tell you they found a planet inhabitable for us, it's a complete lie. A constant stream on lies is all that comes from Nasa like the word means. DECEIVER!
[Comment under "September 29, 1962 - Ross Barnett, Governor of Mississippi, giving his I Love Mississippi speech." on the integration of Ole Miss]
@Edward Hutchison
I was 21 years old and present that night in the stadium. I can assure you that if Barnett had called upon those present to go home, get their pitchforks and ride to the sounds of the battle, most would have immediately enlisted in his cause--as hateful and wrong as it was.?
Edward Hutchison All the man was doing was trying to protect his heritage and prevent the damage multiculturalism does to a society. You old folks have failed us for not passing on the good white nation to the young, instead you leave us with mass injustices, hostility, and civilization in collapse all because you're afraid of being called racist.
The Middle East and Africa have the highest amount of incest in the world because of Islam. Muhammad married his first cousin, so in Islam, marrying your first cousin is encouraged.
It's been that way in the Middle East and Africa for hundreds of years now, so they have lowered IQs and an increased proneness to violence.
Incest can be harmless, I have to agree the cases are out there.
On a societal level it's very detrimental to the health of a folk, but I think race mixing is worse.
First generation incest between cousins is often totally harmless, it's why the Muslims did it in the first place, it's only when they continue doing it over several generations that serious problems arise, like they have.
Race mixing destroys who you are, there will be no culture you can learn from, no history to embrace, no homeland of people to relate with. You'll be in between two realities your whole life and only your kids will have the opportunity to become closer to joining an actual society. DNA is programmed by biological and evolutionary success over thousands and thousands of years, race mixing is like throwing away thousands of years of progress. I have race mixed cousins and nephews, they have bizarre allergies and medical conditions unbeknownst to doctors and physicians.
Racial determinism is probably a stronger evolutionary quality than avoiding incest, despite both usually being done out of desperation with some kind of outside pressure, because first generation incest is safer and it preserves thousands of years of evolutionary accomplishment. We have many cultures to look toward for understanding incest, including the Arab world, the Ottoman Empire, Nigeria, Ancient Egypt, etc. Muslims did it to ensure the cousins could raise children together without arguing because they would share the same values, Egyptians did it to preserve their royal bloodlines, both probably worked great in the short term, both have obviously failed long term, hahaha.?
The pedosexual movement is supported by all facets of liberal society. Including millennials.
Muhammad was a pedophile, even according to the most stringent clinical definition of pedophilia - the DSM-IV-TR:
A. Over a period of at least six months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger).
B. The person has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies caused marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.
C. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in Criterion A.
Note: This does not include an individual in late adolescence involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with a 12- or 13-year-old.
PsychiatryOnline - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition
Muhammad was engaged to Aisha when she was only 6 year old and he was 51, and consummated the marriage while she was still pre-pubescent, aged 9 lunar years old. Thus he fulfilled all three requirements needed for a positive diagnosis.
Zakaria Fadli:
My position is that even if she was actually 9, she canāt be called a child and was biologically and psychologically mature enough for marriage.
Was she a child?
The allegation that she must have been a child comes from a simple glance at her age. A 9-year-old is clearly a child, right? In modern society in 2017, yes. But itās certainly not true for the past.
No matter what period we are examining, childhood is more than a biological age, but a series of social and cultural events and experiences that make up a childās life
The time at which these transitions take place varies from one culture to another
What is clear is that we cannot simply transpose our view of childhood directly onto the past.
Over the course of American history, the most commonly observed age of consent was 10 years. In 1880, 37 states had an age of consent of 10 years while 10 states kept an age of consent at 12, and Delaware maintained its age of consent at seven years, having lowered it from 10 in 1871.
Was she prepubescent or biologically immature?
the facts that Western age of consent was as low as 10, just 150 years ago, and that Aisha said a girl becomes a woman at age 9 shows that most girls in those societies were biologically mature enough for marriage at those ages. If you argued against that point, youād have to argue that you know more today about the biological and sexual maturity of girls hundreds of years ago, than entire Arabian and Western societies knew about their own people.
Mortality, danger, unpredictability and polygyny are all scientifically shown to cause earlier sexual maturation, and these were all much higher in 7th century Arabia than in 18th century Europe under Napoleon. So if European lawmakers 220 years ago concluded that 10 and 11 were the ages when most girls in their society were mature enough for marriage , then itās practically certain that most girls in Arabia 1400 years ago would have been mature at a far younger age.
"an analysis of cross-cultural data shows that girls undergo puberty significantly earlier in polygynous societies and in nominally monogamous societies with a high incidence of divorce(and thus a higher incidence of serial polygyny)"[1]
[1]Satoshi Kanazawa, Psychology Today, āWhy Has the Age of Puberty Declined in Recent Decades? IIā
Was she psychologically or mentally immature?
"Human beings are the most cognitively flexible species on the planet and infants and young children are sensitive to early environmental conditions and can alter their path of development, based on current conditions, in anticipation of future conditions"[2]
"Conditional adaptations ā childrenās brains and bodies tend to respond to dangerous or unpredictable environments by growing up fast and living for the here and now"[3]
If humans are indeed the most cognitively flexible species on the planet, with their brains growing faster in dangerous or unpredictable environments, and the West considered most women in their society psychologically ready for marriage by age 10 and 11, just 150 years ago [2], then itās practically certain that under the much more dangerous and unpredictable conditions of 7th century Arabia, most girls would have been psychologically prepared for marriage at 9-years-old.
[2]Daniel Nettle, āFlexibility in reproductive timing in human females: integrating ultimate and proximate explanations,ā Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Biological Sciences, 366, no. 1563 (2011): 357-58,
[3]David Bjorklund, and Anthony Pellegrini, āEvolutionary Perspectives on Social Development,ā The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development, ed. Peter Smith and Craig Hart (West Susex: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2011), 69-70.
Was Mohammed PBUH a pedophile
The obvious problems with using this label are, as weāve established in the previous three sections, that Aisha was neither prepubescent, nor a child.
Secondly, thereās no evidence suggesting āfantasies, urges or behavioursā - Of the 12 wives the Prophet PBUH married in his lifetime, only one was even a virgin. His first wife was older than him, and all his others were widows or divorcees. Many of the marriages were demonstrably advantageous in bringing different tribes into Islam. Hardly the profile of a paedophile or sexual deviant.
Lastly, if you persist with the paedophile label, youāre effectively arguing that the entire world suffered from the same psychiatric illness for thousands of years, including your own ancestors, and it only stopped in the 20th century. I hope you can see thatās a ridiculous position to argue for.
Chase Brewer:
dude, I usually like arguing with you. But stop arguing with fools, they know nothing! It's like western civilization doesn't consider you an adult until you're 21. While other countries have children in the military and girls becoming wives as soon as they get their period. Ignore them bro. These people need their hands held though life.
Im really worried for our future - Muslims inbreed with their cousins and have low IQ - FACT- they are outbreeding every where in their host nations - they are brain washed - and never will understand veganism - what hope do the animals have !?Dont get triggered and emotional - its just fact - Good Job Joey - Ive never got any where debating Muslims -i know people will be triggered but heres some facts http://www.mixedmartialarts.com/forums/OtherGround/Half-of-worlds-Muslims-are-inbred:2641711
Jews are the slickest tribe on the world. First of all, they would do anything for a dime. They would sell out their own ones for it, like they did in the past. Just think of capo's in cc's. They snitched on own family for jewlery , gold. They would sell their own mother if they could cash something in. Bunch of unscrupulously, lazy traders who "traded" their way up and who own almost the whole world allready. They fucked england up in civil war, they fucked the whole western europe up in WW I and II. In the 90's they fucked up whole Balkan. Early 2000s they fucked up easy the eastern block in europe. Then Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia..And with fucked up I mean that they turned them their slaves and that they own that country. Every fucking goverment they own has to change their education programm to the programm some LGBT sodomit wrote. There is no national pride in educational material, some parts of that country's history has been even taken out........
Just facts, no hate???
The Roar Within: China takes it to an all new level of fucked up.
John Tarot: Its all equally as fucked up. Western fishing practices are just as tasteless.then we've got gas chambers, veil, etc.
Austin Jones: fishing is life man I love it
JE Hoyes: If you live in any western country and most non-western countries, you usually donāt need to kill to eat. If you live in Kettering and you feel the need to kill an animal for entertainment, youāre not doing civilization right.
Austin Jones: I gotta kill to eat
JE Hoyes: I doubt that. But, if that is true, I pity your situation and all the animals you kill. Fortunately, such a pitiful existence of subsistence living is rare for most people with internet. So, if you are unable to move closer to a more ethical source of food, you and your way of life is so marginal as to make little difference to the environment.
Sorry to hear you are in that sad situation.
Austin Jones: im not sad man in happy as it gets i got deer jerky and a deer on my wall I got it made
JE Hoyes: Iām sorry you have to live that way. Iād do anything to avoid killing a sentient being. But, as I said earlier, your way of life is so peripheral and inconsequential to civilization that itās not a huge setback for the environment or for progress.
***Note by Editor***
FFS, please go through the quotes and delete those end chars as I had to delete 8 question marks out of this. YouTube is notorious for that kind of unknown characters.
gbp287 all of my friends are mixed race or Filipino here, because we can't really socially function in the American race purity environment where you get a better grade the darker you are.
Like Americans lump Jews, Armenians, balkins, and Romanians in as white oppressors. White is toxic, being mixed with white makes you, your opinions and feelings mean less. That's the environment in America and a big reason why you have such social segregation here.
AND IT'S NOT THE WHITE PEOPLE! that's the crazy thing. I can't complain that black people constantly assume I do nails or I give hand jobs in a massage parlor, because their prejudice is excused. In the UK or Canada that behavior isn t tolerated reguardless of race.
The hyper focus on race and the "white contaminant" is the real race issue here. White people aren't really racist in America, I'm sure there are some, but it's not acceptable for them. Prejudice should be shamed out of everyone here not just white people and those viewed as tainted by white mixing.
I married Filipino, everyone is Filipino to Filipinos. It was a community I felt welcomed in.
Don't ever let anyone in, all immigrants ever do is destroy the native culture, and genetically replace you. There has never been a case where mass immigration didn't destroy the culture and people who accepted them, please don't make the mistakes the liberals have made in Europe and the US. Japanese culture and the Japanese race is so beautiful, don't ever let it be destroyed. This is a warning from the US, don't be stupid keep your doors locked tight.?They seem such nice people in Japan.
Every country in this world has their own distinct culture and uniqueness. These cultures, traditions and national identity should be preserved. For many western countries, their uniqueness is in the diversity of their population (multiracial, multi ethnic, immigration etc). For East Asia, like Japan, Korea and China the uniqueness lies in the homogeneous population that stretch back to 2000 years ago that shaped the distinct culture since then. Unlike western, eastern identity lies not in individualism, but in the community as a whole (i.e. homogeneous in East Asia). The loss of this uniqueness in eastern countries means the loss of national identity and thus the loss of nation itself.
what are you babbling about you brainwashed drone. there is no such thing as "harsh" or "hard" capitalism.
corruption is NOT capitalism. listen... all the "lost jobs" they are speaking of... is a DIRECT RESULT of liberal policies and regulations forced by obama. policies that were MEANT to make it impossible for these companies to exist.
do you understand? all these peoples destroyed lives were BY DESIGN. this isnt even socialism.... it was all done in the name of ideological lipservice for extremists who would not be effected by it. get over your brainwashing. liberals CREATE NOTHING. democrats or republicans CREATE NOTHING.
do you want people to HAVE jobs? then you need business for it. there is no "contradiction" here.
liberals take from those who produce and give to those who dont...that is the their base. keeping people in dependence and servility. the right simply looks to ENABLE capitalism, to ENABLE the creation of business and therefore jobs.
socialism DOES NOT WORK, it works nowhere. anywhere it exists with "success" is because you have CAPITALISM propping it up.
thats your BRAINWASHING at word as you think there are different "kinds" of capitalism... there isnt. thats just your way of trying legitimize the failed scheme that socialism is. its NEVER worked ANYWHERE.
capitalism is the ONLY system on earth that has ever managed to create a large middle class.
socialism can ONLY create a third world state.... an elite upper class consisting of the wealthy and the liberal elite.....and then everyone else.
How dumb are Flat Earthers?
Better question is how dumb is everybody else?
Answer:Daytime moon proves flat earth...Cause you cant show me our world is a globe without NASA But I can show you our world is flat much faster When the sun is high up in the sky you can clearly see the moon proving NASAs greatest lie...that is how dumb everyone else is....btw...if that sounds like a song its because it is...keep hating!!!Globalists?
Two Sticks Don't Prove a Curve - Flat Earth
Two Sticks is not an experiment so much as it is a sales presentation.
"The Two Sticks Demo assumes a Flat Plane in a Heliocentric model with a Sun much farther away than what is believed in the Geocentric model. If the Sun is over one stick and it doesn't cast a shadow, this makes perfect sense for a Sun MUCH closer to the surface of the Earth than we've been taught. Think about it. It is actually far superior evidence for a Flat Earth / Geocentric model."
This Two Sticks argument is Strawman Brainwashing.
I started a Sashimi & raw beef diet 3 months ago and lost body fat, feel really full with just a small portion, my skin (face) is clear and youthful looking and i feel absolutely amazing, i just used my common sense which was eat what you are (meat/meat/fat) a friend had liver problems and he started to eat just lightly seared beef liver & duck liverwurst and now his problem is gone, i looked into it and liver has certain organisms that are different to other parts of the body so it's simple he ate liver for his liver, same as beef heart has certain organisms than what liver has so eat heart for your heart, also i personally believe the "mercury in fish" is nothing but a big scam because i spoke to some japanese people and asked them about this and they dont know anybody who has died or been sick from mercury and they eat fish cooked & raw everyday and thats the large fish that supposed to have 20 times more mercury than small like for eg: sardines just more bullshit.?
Killing yourself is unhealthy. You are alive because of the microbes, the same goes for the "parasites", which are symbiots, meaning that they live in symbiosis with the body. Anyone who tells you that eating raw food is "dangerous", because of the bacteria and parasites is remote from nature, because they are telling you that eating naturally is wrong it should be forbidden. Bugs and worms are found in all plants and animals. That's why the government will tell you to cook your food. "Nature is wrong, listen to us, destroy your food before eating it."
If you ever get food poisoning it's because of toxins. Microscopic bugs are never in a million years going to make you throw up, get diarrhea etc. That's why those are called "detoxification systems". They'll do the opposite. If you eat fermented foods high in bacteria such as high meat you'll feel amazing because you'll be getting more of what you're made out of.
The bible provides absolutely NO EVIDENCE of the possibility of biblical and godly repentance occurring in hell.
The hypothesis mentioned in 16:00 - 17:48 is just that. An hypothesis! It is in no way, shape, or form an assertion that repentance in hell is possible. Only the elect can receive the power to repent and THAT occurs prior to death.
I wanna scream on FaceBook. I just scream on FaceBook. I wanna scream more on FaceBook. When I hear people say, "Well, Judge Moore is not worthy of the office if heās lying about what he did," I wanna to grab 'em and I want to slap 'em upside the stinkin' head. Because Judge Moore is trying to infiltrate an ungodly system. In Judge Moore, the stakes in this aaaah - uh, campaign are so great for the cause of Christ, and Judge Moore is being lambasted by the holier-than-thou Christians who think it [the Bible] says we can never lie. And that is not what that says!
Infact, it's best to lie if it advances the kingdom of God. Oh, there I said it. There I said it.
[Description of the video "North Korea army march"]
Don't get the wrong ideas about this video , remember the media only told us what they wanted us to hear about North Korea but behind every lie there's the truth . have any of you ever spoken to anyone from N.Korea who they are ? what they stand for ? till this day i would like to have a talk with someone from there i have not once judge them , i dont see them trying to take over the world like the US does everyday , this one is for the ladies as well you can be as tough like men dont ever let any man downgrade you .
enjoy :)
This man has lost his mind!! Earth is flat!!?
I was lured into MCC as well. I thought I could still be homosexual and christian. But now I see their lie. Ive left from gratification and sexual immorality behind. I found they were lying to me and not telling the truth about what the bible actually said?
(=A comment on his flat earth proof video=)
people have lots of information that is not helpful. In School they think it's helpful to put a globe in your class room and make crazy claims the Earth is flying through space at crazy speeds. it must be important to them to let us know we are cosmic nothings in a vast universe possibly filled with life, and without the big bang, and gravity creating round balls that orbit other round balls, evolution theory is impossible. It all ties in to make us think our ancestors use to be fish, that grew legs and tails and hung in tree's. That you are not that special, and have no real importance but just be be.?
At present, reports indicate that some 400000 migrants are bottled up in Libya and that the detention centers holding these people have been overrun with robbery, rape and murder. Oddly enough, the mainstream media which insists on our tolerance towards hoards of "peaceful" African migrants pouring into Europe now admits that many of these people are in fact murderers and rapists.
Against the Heresy of Universalism
The hope that all will eventually be saved is feigned piety, but as I explain in the video, it is actually impious, because it contradicts God. If these people were so concerned about the salvation of everyone, they would put their cell phones down and get out there and evangelize them for Christ.
Any person who advocates the heresy of Universalism, or hopes that all will be saved, is either (1.) ignorant of Scripture, or (2.) in disobedience to Scripture. And any person who teaches you that it is permitted to hope all will be saved, is a false teacher who contradicts God. Says St. Paul: "let God be true, but every man a liar;" (Romans 3:4).
Much more can be said about the heresy of Universalism, but hopefully this video presentation is sufficient.
"Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic faith. Which faith except every one do keep whole and undefiled; without doubt he shall perish everlastingly..."
Man With Highest IQ Rejects the Big Bang Hypothesis
Evolution is a lie from the pit of Hell.
In the Beginning, by Brown;
Icons of Evolution, by Wells;
The Evolution Handbook, by Ferrell;
Refuting Evolution (Two Volumes), by Sarfati;
The Origin of Life (Video), by Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith
The Evolution Conspiracy, by Matrisciana and Oakland;
Genesis, Creation and Early Man, by Father Seraphim Rose;
The natural sciences know nothing of evolution Evolution, by Smith;
The Scientific Alternative to Neo-Darwinian Evolutionary Theory, by Smith;
Darwin on Trial, by Johnson (Last edition where he answers critics of first edition).
NephilimFree is a young earth creationist on Youtube, and often has debates with evolutionists in live google hangouts. I've seen enough of his debates to know that he really knows his stuff. If you are so sure evolution is true, then debate NephilimFree. Here is his channel.
Police Film: Homosexuals are Predators and Pedophiles
Beware: American film preventing homosexuals from predators. This Police Officer relates the intrinsic link between homosexuality and pedophilia. Boys and young men, protect yourself! They are now in the wilderness.
Dao Nguyen I believe in only one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Protestentss defy Jesus and do not partake of the Eucharist. Christ said Do This In Memory of Me. How dare so called Anglican Protestant so called Churches defile MyLord and OurBlessed VirginMary. Our Lady dies not even exist in some of these spoof Churches. May God Have Mercy on their Souls.
"But muh history books"..."but my science books"..."But everyone I know believes it to be a sphere"...."I've seent it on TV"
I think the psychological healing can only begin when one understands MILITARY CONQUEST and all the techniques and methods required to maintain "order". Only then, will the majority "see" the world through the proper perspective lens. Only then can they be approached with falsification of history, food additives, stratospheric aerosolized geoengineering aka chemtrails, global warming, fiat currency and fractional reserve banking, feminism....need I go on....and on?
Out of artificially constructed chaos can order be established.
Slaves need their masters.?
You cannot reason with the unreasonable Globers.?
I thought flat earth was nonsense at first. Notice how every time a flat earth video goes up, there's tons of accounts just name calling and saying it's been debunked. The fact that there are shills working to disinform raised an eyebrow for me. The rest was just to look at the evidence. Earth is flat.
The argument: your stupid is a bit boring, not very convincing, yet it seems thats all ballers got.