david stewart jews

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Are You Hateful Enough?

The unsaved world discourages hatred in all forms, but the Bible teaches that there is a good form of hatred—hatred against evil. In fact, God commands it in Psalm 97:10, "Ye that love the LORD, hate evil." Sadly, most professed Christians today don't hate evil like they should. Hatred is a strong word and every Christian should have a strong feeling of dislike against evil that makes us want to do something about it.


Our love for Jesus Christ is easily measured by the intensity of our hatred for sin and evil. Most people take sin lightly nowadays. It means nothing for a professed Christian woman these days to put on a miniskirt or wear a low-cut blouse. These are the sinful clothing styles of the world. 1st Timothy 2:9 and other Scriptures teach that a Christian lady ought to dress modestly as an expression of her chastity and virtuous behavior.

Hollywood female celebrities dress like sleazy-trash, whores and bimbos. I'm not trying to be unkind, I'm being moral. It is a shameful disgrace the sinful way in which American women dress immodestly nowadays, wearing tight blouses, exposing their thighs, causing men to lust in adulterous thoughts, which is adultery (Matthew 5:28). To such whorish women, it's game, a thrill a tease. They will answer to God. God tells women to dress in "modest apparel." Christian ladies ought to hate immodest clothing. Dressing seductively in public is sinful. Women and girls ought to dress in modest clothing. This is what God says in the Bible. It's rare nowadays to find women who adhere to strict Christian dress codes. Ladies ought to wear dresses. We live in a sicko society that is trying to turn teenage girls into whores. Walt Disney makes teenage girls look like whores by moral standards 50-years ago. America has lost it's respect for God, morality, the marriage, decency and Christianity. Now we've got a Muslim U.S. President who despises Christianity and won't even salute the U.S. flag during the national anthem. Sad.

Everybody hates something. A lot of people hate the Bible. A lot of people hate Christianity. A lot of people hate a righteous person. What we ought to hate is evil. Hatred against sin is good. The unsaved world will always demonize Bible-believing Christians who hate sin. The Devil has successfully built a false religion today, that encompasses many denominations who have been taught that any form of hatred is bad. This is simply not true. God commands us as His children to HATE EVIL. That means we should hate drunkenness, fornication, whorish clothing, homosexuality, government theft and violations of the U.S. Constitution. We ought to hate lying and false advertising and cruelty to animals. We ought to hate the heathen public school system, CPS who thinks they own our children and the evil sin of divorce. We ought to hate indifference and false religion. We ought to hate movies that curse in God's name, songs and books that diminish, attack and belittle the Bible. It's seems that every movie made today has to have someone cursing in God's name. Someone told me that they like the Sylvester Stallone movie, First Blood; yet God's name is taken in vain no less than 10 times throughout the movie. The movie is evil, of the Devil and dishonors God. I hate any movie that takes God's name in vain. God created us, feeds us, gives us the health and life we enjoy, and then people go around making movies that insult God, curse in his name in anger and show utter disrespect for the Lord. No wonder America is going to Hell in a wheelbarrow. We ought to hate when anyone takes God's precious and holy name in vain.

The Jews have some crazy little thing they do, spelling God as G_d, claiming that is their way of respecting God. Yet, in total hypocrisy, they opening reject Jesus Christ as their Messiah. They are effectively atheists, because they reject Jesus as God in the flesh (John 1:1-3.14; John 10:33; I Timothy 3:16; Colossians 2:9; Revelation 1:8; John 14:1-6). We should hate the false religion of Judaism, which denies Jesus Christ as the Savior, and teaches in their Talmud that it's ok for priests to molest 3-year old girls. Why doesn't Jack Chick ever expose the Jew's false religion instead of attacking the Muslims for everything. The Muslims weren't the masterminds behind 911. We ought to hate the New World Order, which aims to destroy Christianity, eliminate true American freedom (i.e., out Bill of Rights) and bring to fruition a Communist Police State to smash resistance from Christians, patriots and those who defend the U.S. Constitution. It's frightening how insane many people get when you hand them a badge, a gun and give them authority over the common man. Then stuff like this happens. There's a million punks running around America nowadays, called police, including she-men women who belong at home baking cookies, who don't care about your Bill of Rights. They just want to smash you, take your kids and force you to comply with the New World Order's Communist agendas. You're now guilty until proven innocent. You don't have to be proven guilty to go to prison nowadays, the jury simply needs to "think" you're guilty and you're a goner. And they call that justice.

I could write a book on all the evils and sins which born-again Christians should hate, but that is not necessary. You have a Bible and I hope you read it.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Hillary says she and Bill Clinton read Bible stories to Chelsea. Too bad they never actually obeyed any of it. Bill Clinton's political legacy is one of adultery, blasphemy, lying, fraud, stealing, being a con man, a rapist, whoremonger, draft dodger and criminal. Hillary is just as bad, a lesbian, manipulator, respecter of persons, liar, and deceiver of the American people. Hillary symbolizes everything that is wrong with American women today.

Hillary Clinton is a Devil in disguise. She claims to have “friends who are rabbis.” She knows some religious lingo, enough to dupe naive religious people. She claims to have grown up in Sunday School in a religious home. I can't help but wonder if they attended the Church of Satan. Of course, Hillary loves the book of Esther, praising Zionist Jews (which have no connection with Esther). She mentions “The Lord” (she must mean Satan) and calls the Satanic Catholic pope, “his holiness the Pope.” Clearly, Hillary is a massive religious fraud, promoting all religions. Satan comes to his victims as a sheep in wolf's clothing, and so does Miss Clinton!!! (Matthew 7:15).

When the Devil came to Jesus, he came misquoting the Scriptures, taking them out of context to pervert the truth, in order to harm the Savior, but thankfully he failed. Hillary and others like her in the bogus political realm, come to us misquoting the Holy Scriptures, fitting their agendas into the Bible, twisting the truth to deceive the simple. Presidential prayer breakfasts are as phony as can be! It's all recited from prewritten scripts. John Kerry is a sex-perverted Mormon. Barack Obama is a follower of Islam. George W. Bush is a fake Southern Baptist. Hillary is a phony Methodist. In Satan's New World Order, everyone is welcomed except born-again Christians who refuse to accept false religions. Christianity is exclusive, i.e., you go to Heaven through Jesus or you burn in Hell. Judaism is a Satanic religion! Islam is a Satanic religion! Mormonism is a Satanic religion!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesusisprecious.org

Hollywood - The devils in Hollywood often portray unacceptable, even criminal behavior, as being socially acceptable. HollyWEIRD is a lie. Satan is the Boss of Hollywood!!! That's why you see the Roaring Lion at the beginning of many movies, because the Devil roameth about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1st Peter 5:8). Strangely enough, Hollywood often promotes truth on the movie screen as fiction, while fiction is promoted as truth by the newsmedia to the public. We're a backwards society in America!!! It is a confirmed fact that the CIA has a liaison working in Hollywood to incorporate government propaganda into movies to brainwash the public. Satan uses Hollywood movies to deceive the masses. Anyone who is familiar with Hollywood knows that Luciferian occults saturate their films with 666, occult symbols and meaning, promote the Illuminati's evil agendas, blaspheme and curse God. The God is Satanism is sex!

World Bank and International Monetary Fund - Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Satan uses the love of money (the root of all evil) to accomplish his evil bidding in the world. Please read, “The Federal Reserve Banking Scam Made Easy” for much more information. It was industrialist Henry Ford who said, “It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” The International banking Cabal (aka, banksters) are criminals! They are Luciferian occultists! I'm talking about the Rothschilds and their numerous accomplices. He who controls the money controls everything! Thousands of books have been written on the subject. The banksters deliberately force nations into civil war, bankruptcy, and economic slavery! In so doing, the nations of the world are brought to their knees to the World Bank. Just as a pimp enslaves a woman by getting her hooked on drugs, so do the banksters get their way by forcing Americans (and other nations) into economic poverty.

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - Few Americans know that the CIA is a haven for Nazi war criminals. President Harry Truman later admitted that he was lied to and deceived regarding the true nature of the creation of the CIA. Here is some vital information of the history of th CIA. It was Wall Street attorneys and bankers that started the CIA, as a means of overthrowing the U.S. government. Truth is stranger than fiction! Don't take my word for it, listen to President John F. Kennedy himself (ten days before the CIA blew his brains out), earnestly plead with Americans to warn everyone about a secret society overthrowing the White House. Every church in America needs to air this video in their church services, and wake up the churches!!! The CIA is Anti-American. They are our nation's enemies, hellbent on building a New World Order. The CIA are the secret police of Wall Street banksters. I'm talking about Goldman Sachs and the billionaire kingpins of Wall Street. It was Wall Street that created Hitler's empire, to holocaust the Jews as a pretext to invade and create the nation of Israel in 1948. The Jews are God's people, but only saved Jews according to Romans 2:28-29. Modern Israel is a Wall Street fraud, a deception, a satanic counterfeit of true Israel.

Federal Reserve Banking System - There's not a bigger fraud and evil against the American people than the Federal Reserve Banking System. Since 1913, when the Federal Reserve Act was shadily passed into law, American citizens have been cheated, bankrupted and enslaved financially to a private banking cartel. The Federal Reserve System has not been audited even once since 1913. They are crooks, thieves, liars and complete bastards (illegitimate as can be). The newsmedia protects the evildoers, because they are owned and controlled by the evildoers. If I were a billionaire thief, I would buy up the newsmedia to control the newspapers to deceive everyone. The Federal Reserve Banking Scam Made Simple.

U.S. Dollar - Few U.S. citizens understand that we're slaves! BANKING: THE GREATEST SCAM ON EARTH! Money not backed by gold is a scam to steal citizen's wealth!!! Our U.S. dollar total is totally worthless. It's only arbitrary and temporary value exists while the U.S. government exists. When our nation can no longer hide the truth that they are completely broke, our government will crumble just like the Enron scandal unfolded in 2001.

Washington D.C. - The true powers controlling Washington D.C. are hidden behind the scenes. They are Freemasons! The 555.5 foot tall (6,666 inches) and 55.5 feet wide (666 inches), Washington Monument, is a giant erect male phallus (the universal occult symbol of occult power). Freemasons are phallus worshippers! Our nation's capital is continually overshadowed by a giant erect penis! What sick people Luciferians truly are! Look again, if you didn't earlier, at the videos of U.S. President John F. Kennedy warning the public about a secret society trying to take control over the Office of the President. Well, they took control 100% when George H. Bush took office. They tried to murder President Ronald Reagan, so they could take over sooner.

The War On Drugs - Effectively, after Mr. Reagan was shot, Vice President George H. Bush (daddy Bush) was in control. There's not a more evil man in the history of the world than George H. Bush. Mr. Bush (while Vice President) appointed himself in charge of the anti-drug forces in southern Florida. As you can guess, the drug trafficking problem exploded in the 1980's, making the movie Scarface look like child's play. I could go on for hours. It was no coincidence that John Ellis Bush (aka, JEB) followed soon after as governor of Florida, and the drug empire flourished. You couldn't make this stuff up! There has never been a legitimate War On Drugs in America. In fact, the War On Drugs has been the perfect cover-up to ensure it's success, survival and prosperity. Umpteen books have been written exposing the CIA's (there's that bastard group again) key involvement in trafficking illegal drugs into the United States. The money is used to further World Government, aka, the New World Order.

The 9/11 Attacks - The CIA were behind the 9/11 attack of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York. They needed a pretext to invade Iraq and Afghanistan, and to start Homeland Security (which didn't exist prior to 9/11), and to pass the treasonous and fascist Patriot Acts (thus making criminals of every active patriotic American). The courts in 2016 classified 28 pages of an investigation which has never been made public, which some senators have viewed. It is purported that the 28 pages will show that Saudi Arabians were involved with the attacks. The evidence clearly that the Bush Administration all had prior knowledge before 9/11. Donald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush and John Ashcroft were caught in umpteen lies, contradicting themselves. After murdering 2,745 innocent citizens in the 911 WTC attacks (including 343 courageous firefighters), and murdering another 1,455,590 innocent Iraqi citizens, and murdering 4,486 U.S. soldiers (at a staggering cost to U.S. taxpayers of $6,000,000,000,000), President George W. Bush made shameful jokes about the missing Weapons of Mass Destruction that they knew never existed. They lied from the very beginning. It wasn't “bad intelligence” (as the CIA brainwashing in Hollywood films, like The West Wing, which aired between 1999 and 2006, claims); but rather, the cruel, calculated, murder of over a millions lives to further the New World Order! The 9/11 attacks couldn't have worked out better for the Luciferian elite, who are relentlessly erecting a NWO!

Oklahoma City Bombing (1995) - Immediately after the large bomb detonated at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, which murdered 168 people (including 19 babies and children), two undetonated C4 explosives were found in the building. It wasn't until the federal government came that the official story changed, to say that a Ryder rent-truck with diesel fuel and fertilizer blew the place up, but that's all a big deception. Tim McVeigh was the fall guy for the false flag operation, not the culprit. After the bombing, McVeigh was found high on drugs, and half out of his mind, when the police arrested him. The facts get really bizarre, as Timothy McVeigh had been staying in a local hotel room with his military psychiatrist for the week prior to the bombing. No kidding! There were 12 building cameras rolling prior to the bombing, which the FBI confiscated and were never publickly released for reviewing. There is a preponderance of evidence showing that the OKC bombing was an Inside Job! This is just another LYING WONDER by the Devil to deceive the world.

United Nations - The Illuminati (Luciferians who are hellbent on building a New World Order for Satan) were behind the creation of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. To put their new money making plot to work, the started World War I. They tried to use the war to start The League of Nations. 20,000,000 men were murdered by the Illuminati. WWI cost the U.S. $32,000,000,000. So the Illuminati started World War II, which gave them their United Nations scam. Every major war since the Revolutionary War of 1776 has been started, financed and nurtured by the International Banking Barons (which includes The House of Rothschild and the Wall Street gang). The United Nations sat idle while over 200,000 Serbians and Albanians murdered and raped each other in the early 1990's. Obviously, the UN is always a day too late and a dollar short. They are worthless! Their true dark agenda is world government, a satanic deception to enslave humanity. The United Nations is a satanic fraud! It was the sinister Luciferian Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) that formed the United Nations in 1945.

Modern Nation of Israel - The Jews are God's people, but only if they are born-again Christians (Romans 2:28-29). Modern Israel since 1948 is a counterfeit, satanic deception, a cruel hoax by the Illuminati. God promises to restore the nation of Israel when He returns, and a remnant of Israel faithfully returns to God (Jeremiah 23:5-8; Hosea 3:4-5). It is heresy and a satanic deception to support wicked, Christ-rejecting, blaspheming, homosexual, Jews. If that weren't true, then Christians would be required to bless Hollywood (which is predominantly Jewish owned and controlled). I love Jewish people. There are 560,000 poor Jews living in New York. Obviously God doesn't bless all Jews with financial gain. No unsaved Jew has a right to claim God's kingdom promises to the Jews. It is ridiculous for wayward believers to teach that Christians should support unbelieving Israel, when God plainly CURSES THEM (Deuteronomy 7:8-12). Christians have no business blessing Christ-rejecting Jews whom God curses. God will keep His unconditional promise to make of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob a great nation when Jesus Christ returns at the Second Coming (Hosea 3:4-5). Albeit, some of God's promises are conditional, such as His promise to bless obedient Jews (Exodus 19:5-6).

Synagogue of Satan - The Jews are a scapegoat for Freemasonry. Also, Why Do The Illuminati Hate Jews? Also, Were Illuminati Jews Behind The Nazis? (Dr. Henry Makow is a gifted and prolific writer, one of my favorite truth-tellers). The New World Order is being perpetrated by hardcore Luciferian worshippers. Jews are not behind the NWO; but rather, Luciferians.

Sex Education in Public Schools - Allegedly, sex education was introduced to the public schools to help prevent youth from getting Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's). The opposite has happened, just as with everything the government gets involved with. The War On Illiteracy has dumbed-down America's children. The present Common Core program is intentionally designed to hinder children from thinking, dumbing them down. Sex education has no place in our schools, as it robs children of their innocence and actually encourages them to fornicate. Most major American cities now provide free condoms in dispensers throughout the satanic public school system. Sex education is another satanic deception, intended to corrupt our kids.

Pharmaceutical Industry - Prescription drugs are now a trillion-dollar industry. The worst area of abuse is with psychotropic mind-altering prescription drugs. A common diagnosis by doctors (that is total quackery) is a “chemical imbalance of the brain,” which is always treated with drugs, drugs, drugs! No medical evidence exists to substantiate such a diagnosis! The word “sorcery” in the Holy Bible comes from the same Hebrew word as our English word “pharmacy.” Hence, substance abuse is synonymous with demon-possession. Drugs (including alcohol) are commonly used as a gateway to the spirit realm. The big deception is that most drugs being prescribed today are totally unnecessary. Doctors these days are trained by the pharmaceutical industry, deceived into prescribing useless and potentially life-threatening drugs to all of their patients.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesusisprecious.org

Freemasonry is a Luciferian cult which is rooted in Jewish Kaballah! The average Jewish person is not a member of a Luciferian group, but many elite Zionist Jews are. Zionist Jews control amoral Hollywood. Zionist Jews control the lying mainstream newsmedia. Zionist Jews control the fraudulent Federal Reserve Banking System. Zionist Jews control the occult music industry. Zionist Jews control the White House and federal government. It is important to understand that LUCIFERIANS and not Jews, are behind the New World Order. But the world's elite Jews have the money, and the Illuminati cater to them, exploiting the counterfeit state of modern Israel to destabilize the Middle East, which will eventually lead into World War III. World War III was already planned in vivid detail prior to the 20th century, as evidenced by the writings of Masonic leader Albert Pike (1809-1891). We read in Revelation 17:16-18 that the Luciferian worshipping “ten horns” (nations controlled by the Beast) will burn the woman (the city of Jerusalem - Revelation 11:8) with fire. The Bible tells us that Satan is deceiving the whole world (Revelation 12:9). The Bible tells us that evil men and seducers will deceive and be deceived in the End Times. 2nd Timothy 3:13, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

In 1775, the Year before the United States was birthed in 1776, Luciferian Adam Weishaupt shared his blueprint for World Government (which was basically the contents of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto in 1848). The occult symbols placed on our U.S. one-dollar bill in the 1930's is from the U.S. Great Seal made in 1787. The New World Order has been in the works since the tower and city of Babel (Genesis 11:7-9). I don't claim to understand it all. The average person wasn't meant to understand the workings behind the New World Order, lest they be fully exposed.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

I do not believe in Replacement Theology (i.e., the doctrine that the Church replaces Israel). This is because there never was anything to replace! That is, there never was a time when God's promises applied to heathen, unsaved, Christ-rejecting Jews. From the very beginning, no unsaved Jew ever went to Heaven. From the very beginning, God never continued to bless disobedient Jews. There are billions of people alive today in 2016, who enjoy God's awesome goodness and abundant blessings, yet they reject and despise the Lord Jesus Christ. They are playing with hellfire! Their days of receiving God's mercy are numbered! The two million Jews who wandered in the Wilderness had shirked off God's blessings in ingratitude, complaining ten times, until God finally became angry and decided that none of the Jews aged 21 or older would ever enter into the Promised Land.

Christian tourists are frequently spit upon by Jewish Rabbi's, and are arrested for witnessing the Gospel to youth in Israel. In Israel, there is a prevailing arrogance against the United States, and a spirit of antichrist. The official religion of Jewry is Judaism, which blatantly denies Jesus as the Messiah. Their unholy book is the Talmud, which teaches that Jesus is boiling in excrement and urine in hell forever. The Talmud denies Jesus' virgin birth, instead claiming that a Roman soldier raped Mary. This is how unsaved, reprobate, discarded, Jews treat Israel's true Messiah, King and God. Yet, Romans 11:28 says, “As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.” This simply means that God still honors his promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God will graft any believing Jew back into the olive tree of true Israel. But if not, all unbelieving Jews (and unbelieving Gentiles) will split Hell wide open the very moment they breathe their last earthly breath (Revelation 20:15). God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11). Everyone must be born-again to enter into the Kingdom of God (John 3:3).

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The Ku Klux Klan is an occult organization, linked with Freemasonry, which is intended to demonize Americans who still believe in the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Patriotism, the Word of God, and Christianity. A view of the KKK's "Platform" on their website shows that they are against abortion, against homosexuality, against foreign aid for other nations, they want U.S. borders guarded, the public school system overhauled, the Federal Reserve Bank abolished, et cetera. These are all good things, and certainly America needs them to happen; however, the intent of the secret KKK group is to discredit those in America, mainly Christians, who believe such things. The KKK, with their unbiblical hatred for Blacks and Jews, is well-known as a hate group, and despised by most Americans. It couldn't be more obvious to any thinking person, that the KKK is a New World Order organization, whose goal is to demonize Patriots and Christians.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesusisprecious.org

WAKE UP AMERICA! You are being lied to and deceived! Modern Israel is a counterfeit of true Israel, which doesn't exist today as a nation. The Illuminati (look on back of any U.S. one-dollar bill for their occult symbols) have already overthrown Iraq and Afghanistan. They control those nations 100%. They have taken over Egypt by a coup of their government. Remember that Revelation 17:18 says Jerusalem reigns over the kings (nations) of the earth. Wall Street and corporations rule the world today, and they control Israel and the U.S. government! Research history and you'll learn that Wall Street was behind the Russian Revolution and World War I. Wall Street financed Hitler's War machine. IBM manufactured the stamping machines to mark the prisoners.

There have been literally thousands of propaganda films, documentaries and books produced since World War II to sway public opinion in favor of the Jews, portraying them as victims of hate and worthy of everlasting sympathy. But no one cares about the millions of Chinese victims, thousands of which were inhumanly tortured in Japanese Unit 731 laboratory experiments during World War II. No one cares about the two million exterminated Cambodians under Pol Pot. No one cares about the 500,000 butchered Rwandans in Africa. No one cares about the 60,000,000 murdered under Stalin between 1920-1953. Why are the Jews so special? The answer is because rich Jews have the money to make sure no one ever forgets the holocaust. The less fortunate around the world are forgotten. Tens-of-millions of Chinese citizens senselessly died under dictator Mao, which David Rockefeller (a fool in God's eyes) has praised for his thug national policies which led to the death of tens-of-millions of innocent people.

The evil thing is that Illuminati Jews today are using the holocaust to sooth public opinion as they financially, morally and politically rape and run the United States into the ground. This does not describe the majority of Jewish people. It is Masonic wealthy Jews who are the culprits. If you want a crash course on how Zionist Jews control America, please listen to Pastor Texe Marrs preach the eye-opening MP3 sermon, Dictatorship Of The Neocon Jews. Zionism is not a matter of anti-Semitism, but anti-corruption and anti-fraud. Please read, Jews Dominance of America: Facts Are Facts! I watched a history program called “Auschwitz” this week, and wanted to go vomit from the biased prejudice in favor of the Jews. The truth is that the Illuminati had been planning to invade and take control of Palestine since the late 1800's. The Rothschilds had been buying up property in Palestine long before World War II.

Hundreds of Jewish Hollywood actors, media celebrities and talk show hosts have changed their real Jewish name to hide their identity. Jon Stewart, Gene Simmons, Henry Kissinger, Jerry Lewis, Larry King... none of these are their real names! Search online for Jews who hide their real identity. If the American people knew that Jews control everything, they would be angry and stop buying into the Zionist propaganda being dished out by the media, Hollywood, books, universities, apostate churches, Wall Street and nearly all magazines. I am being your friend and a patriotic American by warning you about Zionism!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

The level of “corruption” (a gentle word for massive treason, mass-murder, trillions of stolen taxpayer dollars and numerous heinous unthinkable crimes) is staggering in the U.S government. Of course, this is all sanctioned by Zionist lobbyists and the Frankfurt Illuminati Jews themselves, since they are the perpetrators behind it ill. ...

My friend, the Rothschild-led International Banking Cartel is behind every subversive agenda eating away at America today, particularly the morals and stability of our youth. As you just read, the banking cartel control the media and entertainment.

This is why Taylor Swift started off as a good girl, wearing long dresses, the kind of girl most parents would like their daughter to be; but now she has stripped down her clothes, opening her crotch in her recent video, “BAD BLOOD”! In the video a perverted man is looking up her skirt, as she sticks her private area in his face! This is the sicko trash being pushed off on our youth today. If that offends you (and it should), then this will shock you. The Illuminati (aka, Freemasons, Rothschilds, Wall Street, international banking barons, Zionists, Communists, et cetera) are behind the moral subversion of the United States. They are behind the legalization of same-sex perverted unions (they're not marriages in God's eyes). Why do this? It is because a Godless society is a vulnerable society, easily recruited to serve the state, big government, the Antichrist, and not the Lord Jesus Christ.

Trotsky corroborator and Marxist-insider, Christian Rakovsky, openly said that Christianity is the biggest enemy of the World Revolutionary Movement. “Christianity is our only real enemy since all the political and economic phenomena of the bourgeois states are only its consequences,” Rakovsky, says. (Griffin, p. 264). ...

You won't learn the truths I am sharing with you from most history classes, nor will you learn this in a public institution of indoctrination. In Karl Marx's 10th Plank of his Communist Manifesto, he called for a public school system to enable the state to indoctrinate the children. Marx's 5th Plank called for centralized banking (aka, the Federal Reserve banks). America is largely a Communist nation today. Research and you will find that only homosexual men rise up in promotion in the military ranks of power. Our U.S. military is a cesspool of Sodomites and sexual degenerates!!! It was in December of 1011 that President Obama passed NDAA< which now permits sex with animals (bestiality) in the military. I'm not kidding, see for yourself!!!

youareallsheep #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Zionists Using Donald Trump to Fix Another Election

Like a turd that won't flush, Donald Trump is back again to serve his Illuminati Jewish masters. This time around, his role is to win the GOP nomination and throw the election to Hillary Clinton, the Illuminati bankers' preferred candidate.

If this seems farfetched, consider that Trump is allegedly leading the other GOP candidates by a large margin. He catapulted into the lead by pretending to champion ordinary Americans who are fed up with illegal immigration. Calling Mexicans "rapists" is a little extreme but he needed to get attention fast.

The Illuminati Jewish bankers have a long history of manipulating US Presidential elections. An obvious example is when they dusted off Theodore Roosevelt in 1912 to split the Republican vote, defeat Taft and elect their pawn Woodrow Wilson.

In 1940, they got a Democrat, Wendell Wilkie, to run for the Republicans, and ensured FDR's reelection, and US entry into World War Two.

In 1992 election, they elected Bill Clinton by running Ross Perot in order to split the Republican vote. If Perot hadn't run, Bush Sr. would have been re-elected. (Apparently, he had angered the Zionists by referring to their control of Capitol Hill.) Perot got 20 million votes. Clinton got 45 million and Bush got 39 million.

Trump was drafted to run in 2012 but they decided he wasn't needed. Then as now, Trump tailored his position to co-opt the opposition. He is "Christian, pro-life, anti gay marriage and so for the death penalty especially for terrorists."

"I'm a Protestant, I'm a Presbyterian," "And you know I've had a good relationship with the church over the years. I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion."

He attends church "as much as I can. Always on Christmas. Always on Easter. And when there's a major occasion. And during the Sundays. I'm a Sunday church person. I'll go when I can." Now, there's conviction.

His real loyalty is to Mother Israel. Recently he said, "there has never been a greater enemy to Israel than Barack Obama. It's incredible the way he treats them, the way he's speaking to them. I think he treats our known enemies much better."

Other stories linked there provide the flavour of Trump's relation to Israel:

Trump's daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism in 2008 before marrying Jewish real estate developer Jared Kushner. Last year, Kushner was part of a group that bought Israeli insurer Phoenix for $500 million.

We can thank Brother Nathaniel in 2011 for alerting us to the hokey nature of the
Trump campaign and the fact that his David Axelrod (aka "handler") is another Illuminati Jew by the name of Michael Cohen. He is a Trump advisor again in 2015 saying Trump speaks for the "silent majority."

img-bs-bottom---alexander-trump-advisor_142917540849.jpgCohen? supported Obama in 2008, but has "grown disappointed with the president, so much so that he now describes himself as 'offended' by the administration's agenda. America, Cohen said, has become a "third-world nation," echoing words that have become a familiar refrain of Trump's.

Michael joined The Trump Organization in 2006 following a career as a private attorney and "personal advisor to some of the world's wealthiest individuals."

Last summer, Cohen rented a Hampton's mansion for one month for $150,000 without even looking at it. He sued the owner for $500,000 because it was in disrepair.

Another Trump backer is Stewart Rahr, an Illuminati Jewish billionaire, who made his fortune as a pharmaceutical distributor. He is the 183rd richest man in America (139 of the top 400 are Jewish) and one of the 400 richest men in the world. (Trump isn't in the top 400.)

If Americans think Trump and his backers are going to change anything, I have some real estate in Florida .... His role is to take a fall.

Politics is a charade put on by the Illuminati. Their mass media puts lipstick on this pig.

We don't realize how we are totally manipulated. Our political, economic and cultural lives are psy ops.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesusisprecious.org

According to author Commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959), the French reformation leader John Calvin was actually a Jewish infiltrator (which fact he attributes to an article from the Catholic Gazette in 1936) . . .

It's now the year 2015 and our churches across America and the world are divided between “the simplicity that is in Christ” concerning the Gospel, and the false plan of “Lordship Salvation” which requires discipleship for salvation. Few born-again Christians would ever suspect that the heresy of Lordship Salvation (which is nothing but repackaged Calvinism) is a Luciferian conspiracy to divide and conquer the churches . . .

One of the most distinguishing traits of Freemasonry is their vague, one-size-fits-all, New World Order, false concept of God, which Masons call, “THE GREAT ARCHITECT.” Notice the famous painting of John Calvin (1509-1564) to the right, in which he is flashing an occult hand-sign, which Beatles Paul McCartney and other secret society members have used in public. John Calvin was clearly a member of a secret society . . .

“The Great Architect” of the New World Order is none other than LUCIFER. Although Zionist Jews, high-ranking Freemasons and Vatican leaders within the Roman and Russian Catholic churches are complicit with the Illuminati's agendas, the sinister plot for World Government is 100% Luciferian in nature.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Karl Marx's real Jewish name was Mordecai Levi, write Das Kapital, a book which began movements which resulted in the deaths of more than 150 million innocent non-Jews. David Bronstein (a Jew who lived 3 years in exile from Russia in New York City), returned to Petrograd with millions of Jewish dollars from Jewish banks to fund the Red Revolution there. Mr. Bronstein's preferred name as a revolutionary, if you do not already know, was Leon Trotsky. In fact, most Jews running communism changed their names to keep their Jewishness hidden from the non-Jewish majority.

Hollywood today has changed the names of hundreds of Jewish actors to conceal that Hollywood is owned by Jews, the rotting moral corpse of America, a total cesspool of iniquity. The elite of Hollywood are some sick-minded people, as evidenced by psychopath, Stanley Kubrick's (Jewish) perverted film, Orange Clockwork (featuring sex orgies and rape). Hollywood is much more homosexual than San Francisco.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy #wingnut jesus-is-savior.com

The Most Amazing And Accurate History Lesson You've Ever Heard

Most people today are demanded help and answers, but without God. So they get a Communist government instead of free capitalism. I'm so sick of idiots blaming capitalism. In capitalism a man gets to keep what he earns (no welfare, no property tax, no stealing from working people to support the less fortunate). The church was intended to support the poor, not Affirmative Action laws (which are nothing less than pure Marxist-Communism).

The PROBLEM in America is not capitalism; but rather, Communism subversion which took over nation over a century ago, but the average person is to woefully ignorant to know it. T\The treasonous Federal Reserve Act of 1913 doomed our economy from the moment it was signed. The international banking cartel caused World War I, The Great Depression, World War II, and is still causing world conflicts today. They make profits during war, so of course they start them! They have multiple purposes in their plots.

The first thing that the criminal banksters did after getting their cash cow in 1913 was start World War I in 1917 to milk it bigtime. The war not only made the offshore bankers filthy rich (borrowing Americans into massive debt), but it also took everyone's mind off of the criminality behind how the Federal Reserve Act started. Anytime that the Zionists fear getting caught, they cause false flag terror attacks to make headlines. World War I produced the League Of Nations, which Congress rejected. So the banksters caused World War II and now they have their United Nations. What brute Nazism and Communist (two legs both marching toward World Conquest) couldn't achieve, stealth trade agreements and Communist subversion through the Civil Rights Movement has. One of the most educational and to the point articles which I've read on the subject of what's going on in the world behind the scenes is...

An Excellent Explanation Of How True Israel Is Victimized By Marxist Zionist Jews

Here are some more eye-opening articles...

Nebuchadnezzar's Image (Revelation 17:18 says the woman riding the beast is Jerusalem)

Only Born-Again Jews Can Biblically Claim To Be God's People (all others are cut off)

Basic Understanding Of New World Order (DISASTER ahead for Arabs, Jews & Americans)

Having learned everything I just shared with you should have caused you to realize just how INSANE the entire world is. My friend, you don't need a shrink, you need to get busy for God.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

The most popular Bible version is the satanic New International Version (NIV). But even worse is the Easy-To-Read Version (ERV). At least the corrupt NIV retains the word “virgin” in Isaiah 7:14, but the ERV completely removes this important theological word . . .

KING JAMES BIBLE (KJB) — Isaiah 7:14, “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” [emphasis added]

EASY-TO-READ VERSION (ERV) — Isaiah 7:14, “But the Lord will still show you this sign: The young woman is pregnant and will give birth to a son. She will name him Immanuel.” [emphasis added]

WICKEDNESS!!! A young woman is pregnant? That says nothing! The ERV removes Christ's virgin birth. My friend, BILLIONS of young women have been pregnant since 700 B.C. when this prophecy by Isaiah was proclaimed and written down. How ridiculous and retarded is the ERV to say that, “The young woman is pregnant.” Seriously? Is that a prophecy? Is the Bible really prophesying that the sign of the Lord will be a pregnant woman? The “Easy-To-Read” Bible version (ERV) is of the Devil, making no sense at all. According to Isaiah 7:14 in the “Easy-To-Read” Bible version (ERV), the promised sign from God proving that His Word is true, will be a pregnant woman. What a sad joke! Ah, but the faithful King James Bible (KJB) says the sign from the Lord will be that, “A VIRGIN SHALL CONCEIVE.” Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus.

Did you know that the ungodly Jewish so-called “holy book,” THE TALMUD, teaches that a Roman soldier brutally raped Mary, and that's how Jesus was born? Clearly, The Talmud, a satanic piece of filth, vehemently denies the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. When foolish Christians support modern-day apostate Israel, which was formed by the Illuminati, you are supporting The Talmud upon which their Judaism (a false religion) is based. Judaism adamantly rejects Jesus as the Messiah. According to 1st John 2:22-23, that makes followers of Judaism “liars” and “antichrists.” Today's Judaism is not the Judaism (the Jew's religion) of the Old Testament. Modern Judaism is a satanic religion, rooted in the occult teachings of Kaballah. This is also true of Mormonism and Freemasonry, which are all connected. No Christian ought to praise, support nor admire present-day satanic Israel—a cruel Illuminati deception! Mormonism, Judaism, Freemasonry and Kaballah are all ENEMIES of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Missionaries are taught not to meet all the needs of the people they’re trying to evangelize and mentor in the Lord. The worst thing you can do as a missionary is to meet all someone’s needs, because when you’re gone they’ll fall by the wayside, never having learned to trust God. We all need to learn to trust God. Deuteronomy 8:3 tells us that God deliberately allowed the Jews in the Wilderness to go hungry before feeding them with manna from Heaven. They were so hungry that they wanted to go back to Egypt, and they complained to Moses like whining little spoiled brats. The Bible says that God didn’t feed them at first BECAUSE He wanted them to learn that “man shall not live by bread alone (earthly provisions), but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (the Bible). See also Matthew 4:4 where Jesus quoted Deuteronomy 8:3 to the Devil. Nothing has changed in 3,500 years. God still wants us to learn the same truths today.

Thus, your married child needs to learn to trust God. If you help your child financially, offer to pay half. It’s ok to help them, but not to the point where they expect it and you are hindering their faith in God. Each situation is different and nothing is set in stone except what God has commanded. Parents are prohibited from meddling in the marriage problems of their children. If you want to give advice, then it should be in love, and from the standpoint that you’re NOT taking sides. A wife should never be allowed to move back home with mama. If you allow it, you’re ruining a marriage.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The entertainment industry is predominantly Jewish. Gene Simmons of the Rock band KISS is really Chaim Witz, Jewish. Jon Stewart's full name is Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, Jewish. I'm not bashing Jews, I'm just pointing out that the entertainment industry is so Jewish that a deliberate attempt has been made for decades to hide it from the general public.

I love Jewish people as much as anyone else. I love Muslims. I love all people. Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary for all people, to pay for our sins. The issue is not about racism at all; but rather, the powers that are in control of Hollywood, the newsmedia, The White House, major corporations, the Federal Reserve Bank, our school system, the CFR, the United Nations, et cetera. You'd be surprised to know. Please watch, Mystery Babylon and the Illuminati by Pastor Texe Marrs.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Many Illuminati members are elite Jews (which has nothing to do with Anti-Semitism). I love Jewish people, but I love Arabs just as much. God is NO respecter of persons (Romans 2:11). Jews are NO better than Gentiles (Romans 3:9). This is why the Jews hate the New Testament, because it gives equal ground to the Gentiles, which makes the Jews extremely jealous (Romans 11:11). Many of the names you've often heard from Hollywood are fake, hiding the actor's real Jewish name. This was done on purpose to prevent the American public from realizing just how “Jewish” Hollywood really is—the number one source of immoral, Communist, Anti-Christian, Anti-family, Anti-American, blasphemous, pedophile, sicko, brainwashing propaganda in existence.

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

One of the hardest things to stomach these days is churches that don't want the truth. IT'S HAPPENING EVERYWHERE!!! In March of 2015, a shocking 20,562 Presbyterian ministers in 10,083 churches approved of sex perverts getting married. Those churches have abandoned the truth that homosexuality is a grievous sin in God's sight, punishable by death in Old Testament times. Prior to 1962, homosexuality was a punishable crime in all 50 states. What changed? I'll tell you, the U.S. Supreme Court removed and banned God's Holy Word and prayer from America's classrooms in 1962-1963.

I had once attended a pseudo (false) Independent Baptist church whose radio show promoted the saying, “GOD WANTS US TO SPEAK UP, BUT SATAN WANTS US TO SHUT UP!” Ironically, they (the pastors) called me into the church office and told me to SHUT UP about the purity of the King James Bible! They told me to SHUT UP about all the new corrupt Bible versions. They told me to SHUT UP about Dr. John MacArthur's heresy on the blood, who denies that Jesus' blood is in Heaven on the Mercy Seat. They told me to SHUT UP about Martin Luther, who taught sacramental salvation still 12 years after he allegedly got saved in 1517. They told me to SHUT UP about the satanic lie of Lordship Salvation. They told me to SHUT UP and not to expose Rick Warren, Billy Graham, Paul Washer, Ray Comfort, Charles Stanley, Beth Moore, Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen, John Hagee, James Dobson and Jimmy Swagger's false teachings on salvation.

They told me to SHUT UP, accusing me of causing confusion and divisiveness in the church... FOR TELLING THE TRUTH!!! They wanted me to sit there in the pew each Sunday, sing and tithe, go through all the motions like a good puppet; while wearing a gag over my mouth, not being allowed to share fundamental Christian books with those sitting next to me, not permitted to share fundamental sermons with others. They called Dr. Jack Hyles “a cult” and said they forbade me from sharing Brother Hyles' sermons, especially anything proclaiming the exclusivity of the King James Bible. This is an Independent Baptist Church! What a crying shame. I literally left the so-called “church” in tears, realizing that I could not support such wickedness and apostasy.

They literally laughed in my face when I tried to hand them another copy of Dr. Al Lacy's awesome book, “NIV: THE ANTICHRIST'S BIBLE.” Isn't that something, professed men of God, pastors of a church, mocking and scorning THE TRUTH! It didn't come as a surprise that one of those shameful pastors boasted to me that he had recently attended a homosexual AWAB meeting. My, oh my! AWAB is of the Devil, straight out of the pits of Hell beneath. Our nation is going to Hell because our churches are going to Hell.

Literally, the heresy of Lordship Salvation is a false plan of salvation, which does not produce the new birth in Christ Jesus. The Apostle Peter preached the Gospel to Cornelius, and Cornelius believed and was saved. Peter did NOT tell Cornelius to do even one thing to be saved. NOTHING!!! Peter simply told the story of Jesus crucified on the cross and risen three days later. Cornelius believed the Gospel and was immediately saved. The lie of Lordship Salvation requires a high price to be saved. That's the satanic plan of salvation of Billy Graham, who says salvation will cost you a high price.

You cannot reason with the average pastor or Christian leader today concerning THE TRUTH. Heresies are creeping into our fundamental churches by the hour. The churches are boggled down with the heresy of Zionism (Pastor J. Vernon McGee refutes Zionism), worshipping the present-day apostate nation of secular Israel (MP3 by Dr. Texe Marrs exposing Zionism). Most believers, including Christian leaders, are woefully ignorant of the Holy Scriptures. From the government scandal of 501c3 state-licensed organizations, to the heresy of a Young Earth, the churches are being deceived.

Perhaps the most difficult truth to convince pastors of is that a diabolical New World Order exists. Most pastors actually think Islam was behind the 911 attacks, buying into the bogus official story hook, line and sinker. WAKE UP!!! The Illuminati (the Luciferian worshipping elite) masterminded, executed and orchestrated the 911 attacks (MP3 by 32-year New York City firefighter and police detective veteran, Rudy Dent) as a pretext to invade the Middle East and build a police state in the United States!

I hear pastors spewing hatred for Arabs and Muslims, while praising apostate Israel. The Jewish Talmud teaches that Jesus' mother was savagely raped by a Roman solider, denying the virgin birth. The Talmud says Jesus was boiled in human excrement and urine. Why don't pastors expose the Jewish religion of Judaism? Shameful Evangelist John Hagee is so corrupt and bought off by Zionists that he says Jews don't need to be born-again, because they are special and have their own covenant with God. However, Jesus warned Nicodemus (a religious leader) that unless a man (including every Jew) is born again, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God (John 3:3). Dr. Hagee says that Jesus never claimed to be the Messiah. Jesus did in fact claim to be the Messiah to the Samaritan woman at the well. John 4:25-26, “The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.” John Hagee is a Zionist false prophet!

I am wearied with today's false churches. As long as the money is coming in, nearly all churches don't care about THE TRUTH. It is almost unheard of these days to hear a sermon on Hell, fire and damnation in a big mega-church. You'll never hear Joel Osteen preach on the Lake of Fire. That's how those groups got to be so big, by tickling people's ears and scratching their backs with weak-kneed sermonettes. Literally, America is dying because of the woeful lack of Bible-preaching.

There's nothing worse than a group of affluent people who horde a church like greedy dogs, like they own it instead of God. I wouldn't stay in a church for 5-minutes that is controlled by a board of directors and/or a pulpit committee, where the pastor is hen-pecked and not free to preach as he ought. Our churches are filled with self-righteous religious hypocrites, who are as phony as a 3-dollar-bill, haughty and arrogant, never having known the depths of sin nor the depths of God's love, grace and mercy. Thus, they are religious SNOBS! Truthfully, they are steeped in deep sin themselves (pride, arrogance, self-righteousness, hate, envy, gossip and judging), but they don't see it, unable to see the forest for the trees. Some of the rottenest people you'll meet are devout churchgoers. One day they're treating you like a brother, and when you fail to dot your i's and cross your t's (going along with their program), they treat you like they never knew you. That's the way many religions operate, and it is foreign to Biblical Christianity. The Bible does not teach anyone to join a religious denomination. A 501c3 business is not a church. What Is A Church?

I love a church that loves THE TRUTH! I love a church that has a bus ministry! I love a church that preaches, uses and promotes only the King James Bible. I love a church that fights against sin in their community. I love a church that stands against the Devil's corrupt Bible versions. I love a church that teaches women ought not wear pants. What a joke to hear a pastor teaching about a new form of modesty, while most of the women on church staff are wearing pants, and they think that is modesty because the pastor approves of it. What a sad joke! People are leaving the churches to find God and real Christianity. Most pastors are merely collecting a pay check. God give us some men of God, who are willing to work a secular job while pastoring, so he can preach THE TRUTH without worrying about getting paid. That's why Jesus said NO MAN can serve God and mammon (wealth). You must choose between money and God, it cannot be both. If money is a priority, truth will be compromised!

There's a lot of false Christianity in the world. If there's one place in all the world where THE TRUTH ought to be welcomed, it is in a New Testament Church. Tragically, most churches don't want to hear the truth, and so they reject it. GOD WANTS US TO SPEAK UP, BUT SATAN WANTS US TO SHUT UP! We'll, I'm speaking up for Jesus!!!!!!! You just keep using your counterfeit Bibles. You just keep promoting the satanic perversion of the plan of salvation, called, LORDSHIP SALVATION! You just keep promoting wolves in sheep's clothing like Rick Warren, Paul Washer, John MacArthur and Martin Luther. You just keep going along to get along with homosexuals, false prophets, reprobates and ecumenical devils. AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD! (Joshua 24:15).


David J. Stewart #racist jesus-is-savior.com

The Jews are so prejudiced that when they had a blood shortage in Israel, and the nation of Ethiopia came forward to donate blood, Israel dumped the blood into the garbage. Many Jews think they're better than everyone else. I've met some Jewish people, and they are very arrogant. One woman said, “Duh, I'm Jewish,” when asked if she was going to Heaven? Hell will be filled with such foolish Jews, who think errantly that their biological heritage guarantees them a place in God's kingdom.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Everyone from Larry King, to Gene Simmons, to Jerry Lewis, to George Burns, to Woody Allen... and hundreds more Jews have changed their names to conceal their Jewishness. Again, the issue is not about being Jewish, it is simply the fact that few Americans realize the Jewish control over America. We have lost control of our country. Our economy has been hollowed out, we are in massive debt, our jobs are all gone, tens-of-millions of people have either lost their home or will never be able to afford one one, and things are going to get MUCH worse. What a joke to hear Jack Chick and others ministers claim that the U.S. doesn't help Israel enough. Israel controls America!!!

The facts cannot be denied. The newsmedia is Jewish controlled and lies to the public continually. When I went to get my neck surgery in 2009, I stayed in West Hollywood, California, where I saw Jewish temples all over the place. It is no secret that Hollywood movies are saturated with Zionist propaganda, blasphemy against Jesus Christ, cursing in God's name, sexual filth and perversion, and every form of sin imaginable. Do a web search under “Jews control American government.”

As noted in the book, “In Search of Anti-Semitism,” by Leonard Dinnerstein, former U.S. President Nixon acknowledged the Jewish Media Barons influence in America. President Nixon said:

“Politicians are often controlled by the media ... People have to realize that the Jews in the U.S. control the entire information and propaganda machine, the large newspapers, the motion pictures, radio and television, and the big companies. And there is a force that we have to take into consideration.”

Now you know why they ousted Nixon as President. He was too honest, which is exactly why they killed Kennedy.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I heard a guy on the radio trying to push the idea that Jews and Arabs believe in the same God of Abraham, but this guy sinfully tries to sugarcoat Islam. It confuses people. May I say, ISLAM IS OF THE DEVIL!!!! The God of Abraham is Jesus Christ, the Lord (Genesis 15:6, Who neither Judaism not Islam receive.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

Notice carefully in our text passage of Scripture, in Deuteronomy 7:12, that God promised to honor His promises made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob “IF,” “IF,” “IF,” “IF,” “IF” (God said “IF”) their descendants would hearken to God's judgments, and keep, and do them!!! There is no promise from God to bless disobedient Jews!!! I've met so many ignorant believers concerning Israel. I've heard umpteen false prophets online, who fail to understand the evils of supporting Israel today. To support present-day Israel is to support the Illuminati (the Luciferian-worshipping occult elite behind the forming New World Order). There has been no genuine turning to God in Israel today. Present-day Israel is not God's work, but Satan's.

Read the following Scripture again, which plainly teaches that God's promises to the patriarchs is only applicable to Jews IF they keep God's commandments. ...

Deuteronomy 7:12, “Wherefore it shall come to pass, if ye hearken to these judgments, and keep, and do them, that the LORD thy God shall keep unto thee the covenant and the mercy which he sware unto thy fathers.”

Could the Holy Bible be any plainer? I think not! In order to receive the covenant and the mercy promised to Israel's fathers, God plainly required taking heed to His laws and keeping them. Israel today is a haven for homosexuals. Most of the people living in Israel today are not Jews. The official religion of Israel is Judaism, a Satanic false religion that denies Jesus Christ as their Messiah. In fact, it is actually against the law in Israel today to convert a Jew to Christianity. The leaders of modern Israel are arrogant, wicked, Christ-rejecting, Russian (Khazarian) Jews, who do NOT regard God's commandments, nor do they obey the Holy Bible.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

When the Antichrist proclaims himself as God (referred to Biblically as the Abomination of Desolation), he will do so from the soon to be built Illuminati temple in Jerusalem (where Solomon's temple once stood). Today, the Mount of the Done is controlled by Muslims and the Jews cannot rebuild their temple. When the Antichrist comes and enacts a peace treaty between the Jews and the Arabs, the temple will be rebuilt. The Antichrist isn't going to Vatican City in Rome; but rather, he's going to Jerusalem (2nd Thessalonians 2:3-4), which spiritually is called Egypt and Sodom (Revelation 11:8). Israel today is the gay Mecca of the world.

The Jews were originally intended to be God's people and preach the Gospel throughout the world, but they refused (Exodus 19:5-6). So God divorced Israel for her spiritual harlotry with idols, and instead turned to the Gentile nations to receive and preach the Gospel. The Jews became jealous, even crucifying their Messiah with intense hatred. Today, the Jews are the biggest promoter of the coming false messiah, the Antichrist. Hollywood is completely Jewish, and they are 100% saturated with the occult, preparing the world to receive the Antichrist. These are NOT God's people. These are wicked, Christ-rejecting, unbelieving, false Jews of the synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9; 3:9).

David J. Stewart #fundie justpaste.it

A new 2014 religious film titled, “GOD'S NOT DEAD” is infiltrating the churches...

God's Not Dead is a 2014 American Christian drama film directed by Harold Cronk, and stars Kevin Sorbo, Shane Harper, David A. R. White and Dean Cain. The film was released to theaters on March 21, 2014, by Pure Flix Entertainment. The film follows an evangelical Christian college student (Shane Harper) whose faith is challenged by a philosophy professor who declares God a pre-scientific fiction.

SOURCE: God's Not Dead (film) - Wikipedia

Hundreds of religious films have been produced over the past several years, nearly all of which teach a woeful false plan of salvation. The GOD'S NOT DEAD film horribly butchers the Word of God, promoting a false plan of salvation that cannot produce the new birth.


I was reading an article[1] online about how religious films influence an estimated 200,000,000 Americans, including unsaved Jews and Mormons. In my opinion that's why the film's writer(s) are intentionally vague concerning the Gospel, as to avoid offending any particular religious group. Sadly, it appears that the film's producers are more interested in making lots of money than they are getting people saved. There is nothing in the movie “GOD'S NOT DEAD” that would offend an unsaved Jehovah's Witness, Mormon, Seventh-Day Adventist, Roman Catholic, Lutheran or other demonic religion. The vague teaching of accepting Jesus is a false plan of salvation, because that is not the Gospel as taught in the Holy Bible. The Biblical plan of salvation excludes all forms of self-righteousness and human effort. Every Catholic believes in accepting Jesus, and they are all going straight to Hell to burn!!!

'God's Not Dead' Film Fails to Mentions Christ is Risen!

Ironically, the name of the religious movie is “GOD'S NOT DEAD,” yet the film fails to mention Christ's bodily resurrection from the dead. Do the film's writer(s), actors, director and producer believe that Jesus is alive? Is God alive but Jesus dead? The film does contain one actor (a student) professing that JESUS IS GOD! That's true and good! But it strikes me as odd that a religious film which aims to promote the truth that GOD'S NOT DEAD, would fail to promote the Biblical truth that Christ's tomb is empty, because JESUS IS RISEN!!! Not one mention of Christ's resurrection is made in the film. Why not??? My friend, JESUS IS NOT DEAD, and He has RISEN BODILY from the grave and then He BODILY ASCENDED into the clouds for His disciples to witness (Acts 1:9-11).

Please read, What Is The Gospel? (an excellent sermon by Dr. Harry Ironside; few churchgoers get it right!). Few religious people (I dare not call them Christians) get the plan of salvation correct. Today's religious radio stations are absolutely saturated with theological garbage and nonsense. I heard Evangelist David Platt the other night pleaded emotionally for listeners to get saved, but all he kept saying was to merely trust Jesus. My friend, even the devil's believe, but tremble in fear (James 2:19). You cannot get to Heaven by just trusting Jesus. You must believe that Christ died on THE CROSS for YOUR SINS, and that He was BURIED (officiating His death), and that Christ bodily RESURRECTED on the third day from the dead. This is the Gospel and you cannot be saved without it. No one can be saved who denies Christ's bodily resurrection from the dead.

You Can Trust Jesus and Still Go Straight to Hell

No one can be saved who trusts in Jesus, but does not believe that Jesus suffered, bled and died on the cross for their own sins. No one ever got saved who didn't know that he or she is a guilty sinner in God's eyes!!! In the film, James A. R. White never asks the dying atheist man if he knows that he is a sinner. That is a critical error. White says in the film that God is willing to forgive the man of his sins, but the question is never asked, “Do you know that you are a sinner?” You'd be surprised how many people DON'T think they are a sinner. The nation of France years ago published a statement that they were not sinners; but rather, merely had some imperfections. Well, the French are all filthy, rotten, guilty, hell-deserving, SINNERS, according to God (Romans 3:23).

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

In the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion, published over a hundred years ago at the turn of the 20th century, Protocol #10 said that U.S. Presidents would be pre-chosen and not elected. Despite the claim by most Jews that the Protocols were a scam, the irrefutable fact remains that everything foretold in the mysterious Protocols has happened, exactly as it was planned.

Few people realize that younger brother, Marvin Bush, headed up the electronics security firm that handled all cameras and security for the Trade Tower buildings in New York for the 2-years leading up to the 911 attacks. That's no coincidence! It was the perfect cover to plant explosive charges throughout the Trade Towers prior to 911, which requires MONTHS to install for controlled demolition. All three buildings imploded in a perfect, symmetrical, order. Only a complete uneducated, stupid, person would believe that 2 planes brought down 3 buildings within seconds. Buildings 1 and 2 imploded in less than 15 seconds each. Building WTC 7 came down in just 6.5 seconds. The official story on 911 has been verified to be a fraud (which means we've NEVER been told the truth). No plane ever struck the Pentagon, nor WTC 7.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Jesus Christ's Middle Name is Not FU_KING!!


Blaspheming God brought capital punishment in the Old Testament. This is how God feels about those who curse in His name and blaspheme Him. Hollywood Jews hate Jesus Christ, taking God's name in vain in EVERY major movie they produce. Read what Jewish comedian Sarah Silverman says about Jesus Christ.

It makes me angry when I hear people curse in my Lord's name. SHUT UP!!! Jesus does NOT have a middle name. And if Jesus did, it certainly would not be a slang street curse word for sexual intercourse. There is no evil on this earth that is any more abominable to God the Father in Heaven than to desecrate His dear Son by referring to Him in such a derogatory, filthy and sexually-degenerate manner.

Some evil and rotten person, a total ingrate who hated Jesus Christ, thought up this evil term, put it into some trashy movies and ghetto music, and now it has because a mainstream of American language and society. God's hand of blessing has been departing from our nation for several decades and will soon be completely gone. We will get what we deserve as a rebellious people. God has been extremely longsuffering, fair and patient with us as a nation; yet Americans take God's blessings and provisions for granted, disobeying the Bible, murdering our children through abortion (children we conceive out of sexually immoral relationships), as part of a partying, out-of-control, sex-sicko, totally irresponsible society!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #wingnut jesus-is-savior.com

Communists, Homosexuality, and Perversion

Communism, as propounded by Satanist Karl Marx, was an offshoot of Templarism. As Jüri Lina documents in his sensational book, Under the Sign of the Scorpion, Vladimir Lenin, the communist monster who founded the bloody communist regime in Soviet Russia, frequented brothels and maintained three mistresses.

Laventi Beria, Stalin's decadent Chief of Secret Police, a man who arrested, tortured, imprisoned, and executed some 20 million innocent victims in Russia, was truly a heinous sex criminal.

Beria would have his chauffeur drive him around Moscow in a limo evenings searching for a young girl or boy out walking alone.

Then, Beria would order his security police to grab and kidnap the hapless youth. What horrible fate transpired to such victims I do not wish to recount here.

Obviously, Stalin knew of Beria's evil criminality and had no objections.

The Pink Swastika

Hitler, Nazi founder, was similarly a sex pervert. As Chancellor, he carried on sexually with his 15-year-old niece, who killed herself rather than continue giving in to his bizarre and beastly sexual fetishes. As a young Bohemian streetwalker and "starving artist," the man who later would rule most of Europe sold his body to gay men.

Hitler is noted as a fanatical fan of Wagnerian operas. Less known is the fact that before he rose to become the Fuhrer, in the 1920s, Hitler sexually abused Richard Wagner's grandson, Wieland Wagner (Time magazine, August 15, 1994, p. 56).

Hitler, of course, was catapulted to power largely by the Brown Shirts (SA), a fascist youth organization led by and composed primarily of "butch" type homosexual militarists. The head of the thuggish Brown Shirts was Ernst Roehm, who was a notorious molester of young boys. Roehm was executed by Hitler after his sexual excesses became widely known.

As Scott Lively writes in his revealing book, The Pink Swastika-Homosexuality and the Nazi Party, "Homosexuals are the perfect foot soldiers for the devil."

Interestingly, Hitler and his henchmen intensely disliked feminine gay men, even sent many to concentration camps. The Nazis preferred masculine, butch, soldier-types-like Field Marshall Reinhard Heydrich-willing to take orders. On the other hand, in Soviet Russia, the Communists and Bolsheviks favored gay Jews with female traits and affectations.

Are Christians homophobic? Yes Sir, 100%! I am very much homophobic. The sin of homosexuality scares me to death!!! I don't understand it, don't want to understand it and am glad I don't understand it.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

This is an important lesson for parents. God often doesn't answer our prayers right away to test us, humble us, chastise us, and teach us. God didn't just give food and water to the Jews. God waited until they were thirsty to the point of dehydration. God withheld food until they felt that they were starving. God tested them, to see how they'd react when the going got tough. Instead of trusting and thanking God, they complained and rebelled. They failed the tests God gave them. So God had to chastise them repeatedly. This is exactly the way God operates still today. People get angry and rebel against God because God makes them wait, forces them to trust Him, and doesn't spoil them. There is much to be learned from all this as parents.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

One of the most sexually immoral, blasphemous and tasteless shows in television history is the “Saturday Night Live” (SNL) show. In a recent episode (February 16, 2013), SNL blasphemed the Lord Jesus Christ by portraying Him as a revengeful murderer, Who after raising up from the dead, slaughtered Roman soldiers with His sword.

Christ died, was buried and miraculously resurrected so that men could obtain forgiveness of sins and eternal life by faith in Jesus Christ. It is sinful to mock holy things. The unbelieving Jews in Hollywood continually attack the Bible, degrade Christians and push the limit to see what they can get away with. The Lord Jesus Christ is holy and worthy of our reverence, praise and love. Only a fool mocks the things of God. Most of the people in this world are going to Hell forever because of their unbelief in the gospel (Hebrews 4:2; Matthew 7:13-14). Thus, it is a horrible evil to make fun of anything pertaining to the Scriptures.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesusisprecious.org

DNA studies confirm that 97% of people who call themselves Jews, ARE NOT descendents of Abraham. In 2001, Dr. Ariella Oppenheim, a biologist at Hebrew University, published the first extensive study of DNA and the origin of the Jews. Her research found that virtually all the Jews came from Khazar blood. The newest DNA research science from Dr. Eran Elhaik and associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, has confirmed that: The various groups of Jews in the world today DO NOT share a common genetic origin, and their genome is largely Khazar.

In fact, DNA research shows that the Palestinians actually have more Israelite blood than do the Khazar ‘Jews!’ These DNA research results should cause you to question everything you know about modern day Jews and the state of Israel. Today they’re called Ashkenazi Jews, but they are a Jew by religion, not by blood.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesusisprecious.org

Iranian President Knows Holocaust Was False Flag Terror Attack to Invade Palestine

It was Communist-Marxist-Zionist, false (Khazar) Jews, who put Israel back on the map in 1948. The President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is a very educated man, who handles himself well in media debate. President Ahmadinejad makes some excellent points, asking WHY the Palestinians were forced away from their Palestinian homeland in 1947-1948 for crimes they'd never committed. Palestinians hadn't done anything to cause the Jewish holocaust, so how did a Holocaust over in Europe end up costing thousands of Palestinian lives, their homes and being displaced throughout the land of Palestine without a place to live? It is wickedness!!! The Jews lost their land way back in 586 B.C. under the invasion of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.

If honest Jews in 1948 wanted their land back, they should have made an offer to buy those houses for whatever price the home owners wanted. If the U.S. government could afford billions for bullets, tanks and bombs, they could have afforded to pay 10-times more than what the Palestinian's homes were worth, since it was their homes anyway! Instead, British-led forces kicked in their front doors and drove the Palestinian people out at gun-point to go live anywhere but here. The land with homes and all were just given to Jews. Now you know why so many Muslim are still angry 67 years later.

Everyone today knows that the Indians owned this great land in America before we ever stole it all from them. How is this any different than Zionist-controlled military powers taking control over Israel and driving out all of the Muslims, permanently? Do American Indians have a right to force us all out, kill us if need be, to reclaim the land that was formerly theirs? There could have been a resolution made in 1948 to restore the nation of Israel. It would have been manmade of course, because it is not God's timing yet. God will restore Israel when He comes at the Second Coming and not before. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever, in the least way, to believe that God is behind the present-day secular state of Israel. Why would God uses reprobate Godless leaders, to drive-out Godless unbelieving Muslims, just to replace them with Godless unbelieving Jews? God always works by faith, not because men have an agenda.

The Middle Easy is Being Conquered as Planned

The creation of Israel in 1948 was the birth of World War III. Already, the same Communist-Marxist powers which have taken over Israel and the United States, have also taken over Iraq and Afghanistan. After conquering their nations. They bring in two Illuminati puppets for the newly elected Democratic leader. The people are told they have a choice in voting, Democracy! What a scam! In reality, their control is GONE, GONE, GONE! Next on their Illuminati hit list is Syria, whom they've been blaming lately for attacking Jordan. Isis is another Boogie-man like Al-Qaeda (Al-CIA-da). Whatever it takes, the Illuminati will demonize Syria and take them out! Then Jordan. Then Iraq last (or some order that that). The Illuminati will conquer all of the middle East! That's why the wanted Israel in 1948. Albert Pike predicted WWI, WWII, and WWIII before his death in 1892. Pike has been 100% accurate so far. The reason why is because it was all PLANNED this way. Please read, THREE WORLD WARS!

Israel was not restored in 1948 as a Theocracy, i.e., a Jewish State. No, but rather, it was birthed as a Communist-Marxist, Democratic, secular state (as signed-off by U.S. President Harry Truman. According to FBI files, Truman took a pen and scratched out reference to a “new Jewish state,” and just left it as a “new state”). God does not recognize the present-day Marxist-Communist, state of Israel. Less than 2.5% of Israel's inhabitants today profess to be a Christian at all. With all the hundreds-of-millions of dollars collected from religious groups, Zionist charities and other sources, Israel's owners have billions! Yet, nearly 200,000 Holocaust survivors live in near poverty in Israel. Where's all that money that they collect to help the Jews? It goes in their pockets!!!

Iran President Ahmadinejad wants to know why people who simply ask question as to the validity of the Holocaust are immediately attacked, told to be quiet and don't ask questions. Even the Word of God in the Bible is open to be questioned. Yet, the Zionists refuse to engage in any serious historical efforts to find out what really happened during WWII.

Just as the BIG LIE of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD's) were used by The White House through the puppet Zionist mainstream newsmedia to fool Americans into supporting the invasion and overthrow of the nation of Iraq; even so also was the Holocaust of millions of Jews (the exactly number is likely way too high), used as an excuse to invade and conquer Palestine, driving out all Muslim families and replacing them with whoever they wanted. The Marxist-Communist powers of the Illuminati couldn't have cared less about a new state of Israel as concerns God's promises. It was about taking control of the once Holy City for Satan, so that when the Antichrist (BEAST) comes, he will stand up in the rebuilt Illuminati temple and proclaim to be God, demanding worship (Revelation 13:15). The center of the world Biblically is Jerusalem.

The nation of Israel was God's in the Old Testament (the apple of His eye). It ceased to exist in BC 486 because of Israel's continuous spiritual adultery. The manmade state of Israel that exists today is not blessed of God. It is not a holy nation, nor a holy people. God is not their God, because they openly reject the Son of God, Jesus Christ!!! Likewise, Muslims reject Jesus as the Messiah. Thus, both the Arabs and the Jews cannot get along, hating each other, both rejecting the Savior by which they could be born-again and see the great light of our God and of the truth. Judaizer Jews are as spiritually blinded as Zionist Jews, as are Talmud Jews, as are Khazar Jews! They all need to be born-again by believing the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ!!!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

[Re. Conan O'Brien officiates same-sex marriage ceremony]

Notice that Conan says glasses must be broken in accordance with Jewish wedding custom. This is a same-sex Jewish wedding. My friend, God is no respecter of persons and neither should we be. I love Jews and Gentiles alike. Most Jews are everyday people who are just trying to raise a family and make a living. Zionist Jews are synonymous with occult Freemasonry. There's evil in every race of people, but elite American Jews are spearheading the most hideous wickedness upon the earth. Stanley Kubrick, Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, Jim Cameron... all Jewish! Please watch, BARACK OBAMA: ROTHSCHILD'S CHOICE FOR PRESIDENT! (free online 1:32 hour documentary). The Jewish Mafia continues!

Hollywood is leading the way in sleaze and homosexuality and is predominantly Jewish owned and controlled. This is not a racist statement against the Jews (which they are taught to always allege as a defense). It's the truth! In the PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION, Jews are taught to make allegations of racism anytime someone exposes their true manipulative nature in the newsmedia. Truth is stranger than fiction. If you deny the truth long enough and speak nonsense instead, it eventually becomes as a fact—it's just a fact!

You can clearly see in the second video how the newsmedia is told what to say in advance. Several dozen news outlets nationwide were all talking about “Conan O'Brien may push the envelope.”

All we've been hearing from the corrupt newsmedia is that Congressman Ron Paul is a racist against Jews because he exposes the criminals behind the Federal Reserve Banks. What a bunch of scum liars!!! Hell will be hot for these wicked people.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

It's Not That Hard To Figure Out

Any child knows that the bathroom sign to the left means men wear pants and women wear dresses. What if both signs has pants? You wouldn't know which bathroom to enter. The simple fact of the matter is that if both signs showed figures wearing pants that it would cause CONFUSION. American society today is confused on the sexes because men and women dress, think and behave alike. Satan deliberately is trying to confuse the genders, causing children to question whether they are straight or queer, male or female, normal or a freak.

No one is born homosexual because God doesn't make mistakes. It's the same ole bogus coat-hanger-abortion-in-the-alley scenario, grasping for extreme situations to justify the norm. The truth is that people, whether righteous or wicked, do the things they do because that's what they wanted to do, and then they look for excuses to rationalize the decisions they just made.

It's not a mere coincidence that homosexuality is on the rise in the United States, following decades of rampant sexual immorality, after decades of legalized murderous abortion, which all started in the 1960's with demonic women's liberation which taught women to rebel against male authority, strip naked in public, become whores and abandon all sense of loyalty to family, commitment in marriage and fear of a holy God that punishes sin. Romans 1:24-32 warns that homosexuality is a morally reprehensible evil that always brings the judgment of God. Don't be the Devil's fool by disobeying the Bible.

It all follows the 501c3 licensing of churches, which has prohibited preachers from taking a stand against the criminals which have hi-jacked our country's federal government. God cannot be licensed! Today's churches have been bought off, spiritually castrated, and are following the Devil into perdition. Thank God for the handful of pastors who are still on-fire-for-God, preaching against sin because they are walking with a righteous God.

The world errantly thinks that God-fearing preaches simply preach against the things they don't like; but they fail to see the holiness of God which we know in the Spirit, which the ungodly world doesn't want. I don't preach against sin because it's just my opinion, or because that's how I was raised, or because it's my particular religion; but rather, because I have seen a holy God, and the more I walk (abide) with Him in His Word, and because the Spirit of Christ lives (abides) in me, the more I am compelled to live for Him. My entire website is not rooted solely in my hatred of sin; but rather, in my personal relationship with a righteous God which produces a hatred for sin.

The satanic Southern Baptist Convention, which comprises 37% of the satanic Freemason religion, are slowly embracing the homosexual agenda for the sake of maintaining church membership. I wouldn't give you a dime for the hellish Southern Baptist Cult. What a pathetic joke! Homosexuality is a wicked sin.

God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Homosexuals are sick people, spiritually and mentally and physically sick. Homosexuality is not normal, not acceptable and should be illegal, as is taught in God's holy Word. Homosexuality is synonymous with every form of wickedness, particular idolatry. God's curse is upon America for our nation's tolerance of wickedness, our nation's love for filthy television, and our nation's shameful apostasy in churches today. Woe unto America!

I guarantee you that women who approve of abortion (i.e., murder) also see no problem with women wearing pants. It's more than coincidence in a nation where most women scoff and laugh at the notion of women dressing modestly, that 53,000,000 of those same women have murdered their own children through abortion.

Satan's Crowd Knows What's Wrong With Pants On Women

If you don't want to listen to the Bible, then maybe you'll listen to a secular singer as proof from the unsaved world why pants on women are sin. The following lyrics are from the worldly Hip Hip artist, Chingy, from his 2006 album Hoodstar; the song title is Dem Jeans:

Chingy - Dem Jeans Lyrics:

How the he** did you get all of that in dem jeans
How da how da he** did you get all of that in dem jeans
'cause your waist so little and your a** it like wo
'cause your waist so little and your a** it like wo

Back it up a bit
Yeah that's it
'cause I can see your thong
Caramel skin tone...

Let me help you with dem jeans
Baby lay down

Da** Girl
How'd you get all that in
Dem Jeans
Dem Jeans
How'd you get all that in Dem
Da** Girl
How'd you get all that
(Is you talkin to me?)
Yeah you
I bet you had to jump up and down
Just to put 'em on
Bet you had to wiggle it around
Just to put 'em on
Bet you had to lay back on the bed
Just to zip 'em up
Am I right?
(You right)
Baby that's what's up

Now Now Now
When walkin' girl
And you make it swirl
Its hard for me not to look ...

[ Lyrics found on http://www.metrolyrics.com ]

Hope you ain't up in here with your man ma
I love it when you wiggle it Shake it
Drop it and do your little dance ma
True Religion, 7's...

When you walk away it make me wanna rub it...

Da** Girl
How'd you get all that in
Dem Jeans
Dem Jeans
How'd you get all that in Dem...

I bet you had to jump up and down
Just to put 'em on
Bet you had to wiggle it around
Just to put 'em on
Bet you had to lay back on the bed
Just to zip 'em up
Am I right?
(You right)
Baby that's whets up

I don't mean to be rude but I like
The way you move
Got your boy in the mood...

let it show it,
like them curves
make that thing talk when you walk
I'm slurring ma words...

man you working wit a lot.
Only a rebellious woman, who deliberately disobeys the Word of God, would wear pants. It is clear from these unsaved singers why women should not wear pants. Pants on women are adulterous in nature, and cause men to lust and sin. Jesus made this clear in Matthew 5:28, "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

Women who wear pants deliberately cause men to lust, and commit the sin of adultery. It is this spirit of fornication which has caused tens-of-millions of unwanted pregnancies in the United States, and 48,000,000 abortions in America. Rock-n-Roll, Big Band, and the roaring 20's are much to blame. Along with these swingy types of music came dancing, one of the biggest sins of all. Billy Sunday was right to preach against dancing, and by the way... ALL dancing is dirty dancing unless it's between a husband and wife in the privacy of their home.

“But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” —Jesus Christ, Matthew 5:28

The average person today scoffs at the idea that Rock-n-Roll, Satanism, and immoral sex go hand-in-hand, but they certainly do. When Rock-n-Roll came to America, so did pants on women become mainstream. Naturally, feminism, witchcraft, abortion, and homosexuality came as well. Rock-n-Roll is straight from the pits of Hell. ALL rock-n-roll women wear pants. Sexual immorality is a driving theme in rock. Listen to quotes from the rockers themselves...

"Sex is where its at in music... and I like it." (Johnny Bristol)

"I’ve always thought that the main ingredients in rock are sex, really good stage shows and really sassy music, Sex and sass, I think that’s where it’s at." (Debbie Harry, lead singer with Blondie)

"I'm in rock music for the sex and narcotics." (Glenn Frey of 'The Eagles')

"Rock 'n' roll is 99% sex." (John Oates)

"Everyone takes it for granted that rock and roll is synonymous with sex."
(Chris Stein, lead guitarist with 'Blondie.')

"Rock music is sex. The beat matches the body rhythms."
(Frank Zappa, superstar of 'Mothers of Invention' fame.)

What more evidence do you need? You are accountable to God ladies for the way you dress, the men you cause to lust, and the sins/crimes they commit as a result.

It is no coincidence that Hollywood has been putting nudity in their films as much as possible since the 1930's. Even in the 1966 film titled, “THE BIBLE: IN THE BEGINNING,” a 19-year-old Swedish woman (played by Ulla Bergryd) appears totally butt naked, showing everything. She plays Eve in the film. The film was accepted by the churches simply because it was produced as a religious film.

In the 1995 movie “Joseph,” starring Ben Kingsley as Potiphar, the breast teat of Joseph's wife Asenath (played by Valeria Cavalli) is plainly visible as she leaves the bathing tub; and the breast teats of the woman who plays Potiphar's wife (played by Lesley Ann Warren) are clearly visible through her transparent clothing. These are so-called Christian films produced by the cesspool of iniquity of Hollywood. Godless, Christ-rejecting, pedophile, Jews own and control Hollywood, and God's judgment is upon them all. It is this evil group of perverts who have shaped America's moral standards since the 1930's, and look at the mess were in today! If you're not angry, you're watching too much television!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesusisprecious.org

To show you proof that the Godless mainstream newsmedia is controlled, watch for yourself as dozens of media outlets repeat the exact same thing. This is important to understand folks because you are being manipulated. The public is being indoctrinated, often deceived, even led to accept illegitimate wars and send out your children to die on the battlefield. WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! Please read, WHAT HAST THOU DONE AMERICA?

The newsmedia is Zionist (elite Jew) controlled. I know a lot of Christians don't want to believe that, but it's true nonetheless. Most Christians would be shocked to know that President Obama is a bisexual (See DIE AMERICA DIE by Pastor Texe Marrs). It's time for Christians to stop thinking like childlike people.

David J. Stewart #fundie google.com.au

The coming Antichrist will be Jewish (not regarding the God of his fathers, nor any other god) and he will also be a queer homosexual. Daniel 11:37, “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.” Tel Aviv, Israel was voted in 2011 as the “World's Best Gay City.” The gay Antichrist will be the counterfeit messiah which the Judaizer Jews are waiting to come. The counterfeit nation of gay Israel today will receive the gay man of sin.

The queer Antichrist will proclaim to be God from the temple in Jerusalem (Daniel 9:27; 2nd Thessalonians 2:4). Revelation 13:15 foretells that the False Prophet (a second beast) will make an IMAGE of the Beast (the Antichrist), causing the IMAGE to kill anyone who refuses to worship it. Revelation 13:15, “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” It is not a coincidence that we've witnessed a tattoo craze in American culture in recent years. This is all preparatory steps to receiving the Mark of the Beast.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The Jews are definitely not the innocent victims of history (as commonly portrayed by history books), but are guilty of mass murder themselves, just as are the people of Japan, China and the U.S. History is filled with much lies, the average person is completely brainwashed concerning history.

I am NOT anti-Jewish, but it is clear that the evils behind the new World Order are Jews, more specifically elite Jewish bankers. It is not a matter of being Jewish or not, it it a matter of evil power-hungry monsters wanting to destroy America as a means to an end...a New World Order.

Was there a holocaust? Yes, it was horrible, Jewish Communist leaders Lenin and Trotsky murdered an estimated 66 million innocent People (mostly Christians) under the Bolshevik totalitarian system. Not one person has ever been arrested or held accountable for all the tens-of-millions of people murdered, in the face of irrefutable testimonies and evidence. Why is the news media so silent? Is it because the news media is predominantly Jewish owned and controlled? You decide.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Some people claim that the Jews are behind the Illuminati. Others claim that the Catholic Church is behind the Illuminati. Some claim that Mormons are behind the Illuminati. Many people claim that the Illuminati is a Freemasonry conspiracy. It is important not to identify any one group as behind responsible for the Illuminati. The goal of the Illuminati is a global government, aka, a New World Order. The truth is that each of these groups play a distinct role in Satan's plot to control the world. They each have their part in the New World Order.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

I shudder to think when Sarah Silverman dies how awful she's going to suffer. Silverman is Jewish and openly blasphemes the name of Jesus often, just as many Christ-rejecting Jews do today. Jon Stewart (real name: Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz) recently referred to Christ's nativity scene as “the Virgin Manger.” No one hates Jesus as much as Christ-rejecting Jews; and no one loves Jesus as much as truly born-again Jews. I believe that. It was Nicodemus, a born-again Jew (and Joseph of Arimathaea), who loved Jesus and prepared the body of our precious Lord for burial and then buried Him in a tomb.

ABC TV debuted a new sitcom on March 4, 2012 called GCB (Good Christian Bitches). Every Hollywood movie today blasphemes the name of Jesus. Sexual suggestiveness in every movie is synonymous with Jewish-owned Hollywood.

Do you think God has missed any of this filth and blasphemy? These God-haters, sodomites and blasphemers are reserved for the lowest (hottest) parts of Hell. Conan O'Brien is Irish, but he is paid to blaspheme Christ by the Jewish-owned networks. Conan O' Brian brags that he is going to Hell when he dies!

All those lost without Christ will be cast body and soul into Hell forever and ever. Did you know that God casts one's “body” into Hell too? Matthew 10:28, “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” It would seem likely that God must provide some type of body that can withstand the intense heat of a furnace, burning day and night, where the smoke ascendeth up forever and ever.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

The Jews crucified their own Messiah, telling Pilate to let the innocent blood being shed fall upon their own children (Matthew 27:25). Judaism is a satanic religion, rooted in Kabbalistic mysticism. Kabala is the basis for the demonic phallic-worshipping sex cults of Freemasonry and Mormonism. The Talmud is evil, which teaches that Jesus is the bastard offspring of a Roman solider who brutally raped Mary. This is what most Jews follow today, and dumb Christian evangelicals sinfully worship the present counterfeit nation of Israel, as they do unsaved Christ-blaspheming Jews. It's called Zionism, and it's of the Devil. Galatians 3:26-29 teaches that there is neither Jew nor Gentile in Christ, we are all one. Every unsaved Jew who rejects Jesus as their Messiah will mercilessly burn in Hell forever and ever and ever without hope. It is their own choice. Jesus cannot deny Himself. The Lord is patiently waiting for all to repent and come to Him to be saved (2nd Peter 3:9; John 3:16).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

By the way, Allah is a mythic character who doesn't exist in reality. There is no living, breathing, conscious God called Allah. Allah is nothing more than the fictitious imagination of a lone, ludicrous, brute, nutcase named Muhammad in the 7th century AD.

In Islam, if you study their religion closely, you must sacrifice... you must pray... you must give... you must follow strict cleansing laws in the Hadith (one of Islam's so-called holy books). If you embrace the religion of Islam, you are expected to follow its teachings. The main requirement is to reject Jesus as the Christ, and to despise Jews and Christians. Some Muslims may argue the point, but read the Quran for yourself and you'll feel the hateful demonic spirit against Jews and Christians. I've read the Quran, and let me tell you, it is one of the most biased and hateful pieces of literature on the planet. I even read where one of Noah's sons refused to get on the ark and drowned. Yeah, right! Read the Quran, it's in there! But I warn you, the Quran is BORING!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I am not anti-Semite in any way. However, I am 100% against the false doctrine of religious Zionism. America does not belong to the Jews, it belongs to the citizens of the United States. Tragically, prominent Jews have usurped control over America's newsmedia, Hollywood, The White House, Congress, the Central Bank, and just about everything else too. It's because certain occult Jews in key positions of power and influence control the money and government. Anyone who has followed Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton during their campaign trail, has witnessed them both worship the Jewish elite and Israel in an effort to get elected. It's disgusting. God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11).

There's not a more immoral group in America than the creeps who own and operate Hollywood (or should we call it... Holly-WEIRD)? There's something very suspicious going on when the names of hundreds of Hollywood actors are changed to HIDE THEIR TRUE IDENTITY. Even a brief sincere study of Freemasonry will quickly reveal it's roots in the Jewish Kaballah and ancient occult mysticism. This group is commonly referred to informally as "The Illuminati" today.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The origin of the AIDS virus is uncertain, but there have been widespread allegations that it was developed at an American biological weapons laboratory by genetic modifications of based SIV, a virus found naturally in monkeys. The man who "discovered" HIV personally testified as an expert witness for the defense, claiming that the gang members were all innocent. Expanding on the Israeli connection, conspiracy theorists have noted that, as a demographic group, Jews are naturally resistant to AIDS for medical reasons, and circumcision is known to confer a high level of immunity.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Evolution is being taught in all our Public Schools, deliberately rejecting and depriving children of the knowledge of God. Children are no longer educated; but rather, indoctrinated in public schools. America is NOT LISTENING TO GOD! We have deliberately rejected the knowledge of God, just as Hosea 4:6 teaches. Americans are wicked more than foolish. Americans are wicked more than ignorant. It is our nation's love for sin that has caused us to be foolish, ignorant and complacent. First and foremost, Americans are sinful and wicked.

The Old Testament Jews were destroyed for lack of knowledge, knowledge which they openly refused to have. They chose to remain ignorant. They didn't want to hear the truth. Nothing has changed in thousands of years. People don't want the truth nowadays. People are willfully ignorant of the truth. Most people reject knowledge.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I'm actually wondering if Steven Spielberg has ever made any movies that don't use God's name in vain—Independence Day, Jurassic Park, Deep Impact, Jaws... all curse in God's name. It's Hollywood's insignia, to blaspheme the God of the Bible and desecrate the Person of Jesus Christ, and no wonder, because Hollywood is predominantly Jewish and they HATE Jesus Christ. When I went for surgery in July of this year, I was staying in Hollywood. I saw the big “Hollywood” sign against the mountains. I also saw Jewish temples all over the place. I love Jewish people, and I am NOT anti-Semite, God forbid; but most Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah. This is why Hollywood produces blasphemous movies like SAVED, starring the ever so shameful Mandy Moore.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The Israeli government is godless, "awarding Aish a coveted piece of land" so they can teach millions of Jews why they SHOULDN'T believe in Jesus! Monstrous! Evil! Wicked! Vile! Many Jews today spit on Jesus Christ, and would crucify Him all over again if they had the opportunity! The religious Jewish leaders of today are as Pharisaical and hypocritical as they were 2000 years ago. And yet John Hagee is promising us prosperity if we give money to these Christ-Rejecters. No sir, you are apostate! And the Jews have the audacity to get mad at Mel Gibson's The Passion of Christ for bringing further light to the fact that they MURDERED THEIR MESSIAH!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Gay Jews and Hollywood

Jewish rabbis and intellectuals are into homosexuality in a big way. James Klugman, British Communist Party leader; U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer; wealthy socialist Victor Rothschild; and British economist John Maynard Keynes come to mind. The ADL, ACLU, and Southern Poverty Law Center are Jewish organizations noted both for their antichrist liberal views and the perverted sexual orientation of some of their leaders.

Jewish rabbis are frequently in the news, with charges of child molestation highlighted. Meanwhile, Jews virtually run the entire inter-national porn industry. Even Jerusalem World Report, a prominent Jewish publication, has admitted that the kingpins of the "ecstasy" drug trade are Jews based in Israel.

Michael Eisner, a Jew and head of Disney Corporation, is actively pushing the gay agenda, as are most other Hollywood moguls—almost all of whom are Jewish. Sodomite Tom Schumaker was chosen by Disney to be executive producer of the kids movie, The Lion King. Homosexual singer Elton John was chosen to do the music score for the movie. Schumaker brags that Disney is actively recruiting homosexuals and that already, "There are a lot of gay people at every level" in the company.

Hollywood has long been much more gay than traditional America has known. The Christ-hating Jews that run the movie industry have always gotten their kicks from secretly pushing homosexual actors and actresses into leading roles as "romantic" leads. Katherine Hepburn was a lesbian deceptively dressed up as a lover of men like Spencer Tracy. Lesbian actress Marlene Dietrich pranced about in male suits with pants and yet the movie audiences were led to believe she was "All Woman." Male stars like comedian Danny Kaye and British actor Laurence Olivier were lovers, and comedian Jack Benny was queer as a three-dollar bill.

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