All of you probably already know about all the cons of Diversity so I will Start with the Pros that most of you most likely dont know.
There have been many studies in fields like if you get rid of a bug in a eco system a New issue would arise if you get rid of that bug as you see as bad.
Same goes for Humans.
Why Are Whites so Weak in Their own nations But Are Much Stronger In Places Like South Africa, Rhodesia (Defunct) Or Even The American South or Central California (Stockton > Bakersfield) But If you Notice the Most cucked of the White race are in area's that are mostly White Such As, Britain, New England, Australia, Nordic Nations, Western Europe.
Excluded Places are Eastern European nations and Middle American Nations Like Dakota, Montana, Wyoming. Because Climate or History made them strong
If you get rid the Boogie Man aka Black man or LatiNO's that the whites would start fighting one another and would try to make new issues.
Humans cant stand having issues ironically but its just nature so if you get rid of Issues new ones most likely new ones would arrise.
Like I said if you get rid of Jews the Manlet, inbred White people would collective and make a Cult like freemasonry and Zionism. But without different names. That would arise. Just takes time.
These are the Pros of Diversity. Now lets get into the CONS!
The Cons include Violence and conflict and Political disturbances and a Divided nation.
Personally I am for a Segregated Yet Unified Nation. But Most of the time A Diverse nation will Have a ton of Inner conflict. Even Segregated ones. Jiggaboo will see whites and chinks with their high Work ethic and with their nice cars and would get Jealous and Not Improve the conditions of their town no matter how much white man boosts them.
If you Let black people vote for their own things get sloppy. Only way for a black nation to have Fancy stuff is if a top 1% IQ black man takes Over or a White guy Rules over.
But if you Let black people vote they will vote in a Guy Like Robert Mugabe and fuck everything up.