Any adult who encourages transgenderism in children is a child predator, bar none.
An adult who was encouraged by another adult: both more than just discouraged LGBT rights.
Josh Buggar. Jim Boob Buggar.
More than just your 'Opinion' is barred, Candarse.
Dana Cow Scene: “Transgenderism, homosexuality, whatever else, they’re all just alternate terms for PEDOPHILIA. Anyone who doesn’t want to start their own Leave It To Beaver - style family is a child predator, bar none.”
As Moose here is so happy to remind you hypocrites over and over again(*), you right-wing “Christian” fundies are in NO POSITION to accuse anyone of being a child predator when you consistently refuse to condemn the monsters that are known as the Duggars. Spit
(*)Don’t ever stop, Moose.
Cute, you just called my parents child predators. You are right now very fucking lucky, that you live where you live, had this been Canada, I’d already be filing a suit and a complaint. Either stick to your schtick about parental rights being absolute or at the very least shut the fuck up, people who support actual pedophiles and rapists DO NOT get to call others “child predators” for being in support of their child against your social dogmas, you piece of human trash.
@Chloe #108477
Honestly, I think they truly believe that acknowledging reality actually is child abuse.
Here are the things I've recently seen fundies call child abuse:
- having them wear a mask during a pandemic
- teaching them accurate history that doesn't glorify white people
- teaching them sex ed or anything about how their bodies work
- allowing them to express their own personalities versus being whatever the parent wants them to be.
I think fundies would be happy if they could just officially own their children and treat them as property.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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