An Angry Patriot #wingnut #transphobia #racist #quack #conspiracy

And here’s why she’s so dangerous: Because Comrade Harris is all for:

• Cutting off the penises of young boys so they can’t make babies when they’re older, and can’t grow one back no matter how many penis enlargement surgeries they do.

• Slicing off the breasts of young girls so they can’t breast feed the babies they can’t make because they had their ovaries and uteruses taken out.
• Promoting Gender Dysphoria diagnoses like there’s no tomorrow so that the kids can be quickly put on puberty blockers and other powerful body- and mind-altering pharmaceutical drugs with extremely detrimental side effects.

• Putting tampon machines in the boys’ bathrooms and locker rooms so they can deal with their drug-induced menstruation.
• Pushing for the legalization of recreational marijuana in every state even after states like Oregon and Colorado have shown it to be an unmitigated disaster.

• Keeping the borders wide open so that waves of illegal alien invasions can unlawfully come in as they steal billions upon billions taxpayer dollars since they are criminals who have violated US Immigration Laws. Of course, many of the alien criminal gangs are stealing from US citizens 24/7 in all 50 states.
• Approving the hundreds of billions of dollars of aid given to the warmongering and unelected Ukraine president who is hellbent on genociding every last Christian Slavic Ukrainian male.
• Hard selling the extremely dangerous and weaponized Covid clotshots, cancershots and killshots, even for the administration of those lethal jabs for babies 6 months and older. Whether the intention was full-scale genocide or just an Extinction Level Event remains to be seen.
• Selecting a VPOTUS who is clearly a criminal pedophile in light of the bombshell testimony provided by two victimized high schoolers who have recently gone public. Harris has even expressed a very strong sympathy towards pedophilia going so far as to suggest it should not be classified a crime.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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