We flew close to the Grand Canyon on the way for my speaking engagements in California. As I looked down on these great erosional features I said, "Long time and little bit of water? No! Lot of water and little bit of time."
Wow, Ken. You really are stuck in a rut.
American religion is at 21% “none”, and rising , mostly at the expense of Christianity. You aren’t just a scammer. You are a failed scammer. A relic of a bygone era. Depending on what “the movement” is, your movement is either dead, or it has moved on without you.
Ken Ham reminds us that, while populations evolve, individuals do not.
...and in even less time, the BS that is fundieism erodes the brain.
If the Church of England accepts scientific fact, what's your excuse Hammy...?!
The classical Greeks already knew that it is constant dripping that wears the stone. That one “canyon” that formed quickly after a flood you liars like to cite was in fresh flood sediment, not many layers of rock and very small, and in any case does not prove that all canyons formed that way, and even then, any particular geological feature just give one lower bound of Earth’s age, and indeed generally must be considerably younger than Earth itself, meaning that a young Grand Canyon would still not make the Earth itself young.
Of course, “Flood Geology” does nothing but assert that each and every geological feature was formed by the Deluge because something vaguely similar was observed at a much smaller scale in a local flood - because obviously, simply increasing the volume of water would simply result in the same, just on a much larger scale, right? Obviously, we can’t actually read the article, let alone the actual paper, because we may find out that the mechanism would not be applicable to a catastrophic global flooding! -, with no attempt to explain why we find feature X in place A, feature Y in place B, etc. It has zero predictive power, because the one and only actual purpose of Creation “Science” is to explain away the many ways in which Young Earth creationism has already been falsified.
Meanwhile, prospectors successfully use models based on Deep Time geology to find natural ressources.
Possible Trump version: “We flew close enough to make out the White House on the way for my speaking engagements in DC. As I looked down on that great presidential building
I said, "A majority of legitimate voters that favored Joe Biden? No! A lot of illegals casting Biden votes that should have been thrown out and plenty of mail-in Trump votes ‘accidentally’ lost."”
Gilgamesh was the real flood story, Ken, it was plagiarised in the more recent Genesis. Just like you're a shonk, who shouldn't return home.
I don’t remember all of what he said exactly, but I remember AronRa had a video that rebutted that exact point, probably in response to Ken himself, lol
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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