Brian Kilmeade #crackpot #wingnut #pratt
Brian Kilmeade Drops Epic Rant on Masks in Schools: ‘Kids Are Going to Grow Up and Sue Everybody’
Don’t you think a kid wants to be heard or hear from a teacher? How many times do you have to say excuse me, ‘what did you say, I can’t hear you,’ so they don’t bother talking. How many conversations have not happened because they have been wearing the mask over their face?
[Masks] really do not prevent anything but stopping this virus. It stops the flu, does not stop the virus, paper masks don’t and N95 do. You want to put them in the N95 mask it protects the kid. Yourself in the mask protects the person across from you in theory and perhaps you.
When you look at the stats and realize everything we have done, the lockdown, shutdowns, the mandates, it has affected death rate .02% […]
And it also found out natural immunity matters. Everyone had Omicron it seems. Now guess what, America basically has natural immunity, much higher than the 72% than is in the New York Times every single day. What I’m trying to say is not only is this theater, these kids are going to grow up and sue everybody.
They should sue all their parents, all their teachers and just for the record, I’m taping this. If you are a next-generationer, we have been calling for the end to this and this is, by the way, the fact that the Biden administration is not acting in all these blue states are is one of the most significant stories through this pandemic and today while sitting here over the last 45 minutes, Maryland is saying le’s go, let’s call, let’s end masking. Nevada a couple hours ago.
I texted my daughters, both in college, and said ‘do you have to wear a mask,’ but it wasn’t clear. Yeah, they have to wear a mask. In New York, an N95 in class, including class gym among youngsters, all young teens, young 20s, you cannot get on campus without double vaxxed and a booster. Think about the abuse.