CMV When parents murder a disabled child it is justifiable homicide
It differs from other forms of homicide in that, due to certain circumstances, the homicide is justified as preventing greater harm to innocents.
Families with disabled children suffer from poverty and stress. The parents are often forced to give up their careers to care for the disabled child.
The stress on the family due to a disabled child often results in suicides of the caregivers,
Social supports don't reduce this stress but only spread it out to more people.
Raising disabled children's causes a great deal of stress,
EDIT: My view could be changed if it was shown that these parents are a danger to the community.
Look after a disabled child then, OP.
How can you change the world - certainly of one other person - when you’re not prepared to do what you’re criticising others who can’t …?!
Like I say: Look after a disabled child.
In Soviet Reddit view changed is your own when you can’t, won’t or daren’t do so yourself.
That’s not because of the disabled child, you slimy, stinking piece of garbage. It’s because of capitalism and ableism. Our society views any member who is different or might need more help as a burden when it’s actually a society’s job to take care of all of it’s citizens.
Yes, these parents are a danger to the community but you’ll likely never be convinced because you don’t see us PWD as members of the community but we are.
Also, that article you mention does NOT support your view but I’m guessing you didn’t read it and weren’t intending anyone else to either. You probably don’t even know that Disability Scoop is a pro-disability rights publication.
For example, here’s a passage from the article that says something very different from what you claim it does:
“I’ve seen articles explicitly ask the reader to ‘put themselves in the shoes’ of the non-disabled murderer, but I’ve never seen an article ask readers to imagine what it’s like to be a disabled person murdered by someone you love and trust, like your parent,” said Zoe Gross, a member of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, who is behind the effort, which is also being backed by the National Council of Independent Living and the Autism Society, among other groups.
But you wouldn’t want to mention that …
”Families with disabled children suffer from poverty and stress. The parents are often forced to give up their careers to care for the disabled child.”
Um, do any parent with any children NOT suffer from fucking stress? My youngest (of three) is thirty and he’s been sober for the last 62 days.
Do you have any way to measure stress and apply a limit? HOW MUCH stress constitutes justifiable homicide?
Can this argument be applied to abortion? If the thought of changing diapers for a couple of year causes you stress, should YOU or a Judge decide how much stress is too much?
Does this apply to college? If my kid is too dumb to make it into med school, am i stressed enough to kill him? How can you tell?
How about race? If my white daughter has a poster of Denzel Washington in her bedroom and at age 9 declares a desire to marry someone ‘just like Denzel’ when she grows up, will the stress that’ll cause the family justify shooting her? Or do i have to wait until she introduces me to her fiance?
Studies show that the more older brothers someone has, the more likely he’ll turn out gay. This stresses me right the fuck out. Can i shoot my third son the day he’s born?
I really wonder if OP supports abortion, and if he doesn’t, if he uses the argument that the woman should ‘take responsibility for her actions’?
I doubt it, of course. Simply because NO human being could be so two-faced as to apply that to the woman, but worry that the father might lose his career for a disabled child.
“EDIT: My view could be changed if it was shown that these parents are a danger to the community.”
Dude, the child you say the CAN MURDER is part of the community. You’ve shot your own stance in the foot, you fucking idiot.
How disabled does a child have to be for these terrible repercussions?
My mother's cousin was born with grand mal epilepsy years before medication was invented to control it.
My own cousin became deaf before kindergarten.
Another was born with Down's Syndrome.
Another cousin's grandson has autism, but does well in school and plays Little League.
Which one of these children would have been a justifiable homicide?
Parents are unqualified to take such a decision. This also doesn't sound like last resort medical euthanasia. If you aren't actively starving society of health care and economic security, the "burden" is questionable. This says a lot about your abusive ideology. And as others have noted, it's just like Nazi policy. It also sounds like pseudoscientific eugenism. If inheritable diseases was the concern, instead of increasing genetic diversity or addressing it with preventative measures and gene therapy, you'd be culling people "deemed undesirable". Do you also hypocritically claim to be "pro-life"?
#psycho well deserved.
@Yutolia #208653
Ah. So, as a sociopath, he’s not a contributing member of our society. We should be able to kill him.
“But your honor! He literally laid down the rules to justify his murder.”
@Sasha #208715
We’d need the internet.
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The transformer attached to his chair is about the size of a railroad boxcar.
It’s at 9:23 because that’s when the Space Station will be overhead, to see how well the chair lights up.
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