NEIOH via Family of Taygeta #ufo #magick #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy

We Understand That This Message Will Not Be Received By Those With An Agenda To Destroy Humanity. We Communicate Truth And Will Meet You Where You Are In Understanding. It Doesn’t Matter Where You Live On Planet Earth As This Teaching Of A Dark Agenda Will Be Relevant To All Souls In Form. This Agenda Might Seem Political But In Truth It Is Spiritual Warfare. These Are The Last Days In Your Current Density.
The Agenda Of The Dark Forces Is Fueled By The Evil Intent Of Oppisheklio And Pidkozox. The Demonic Realm Is Real. If You Believe In Purity, Power And The Creative Force Of All That Is Good, Then Understand The Counterpart Is Real And Active. Scriptures Speak Of The Rapture, The Tribulation And Any Number Of Names Of God As Noted In All Parts Of The World. These Are The Dark Moments Of Prophecy. The Rapture Is A Picture Of The Grand Shift That Will Be.
The Cabal Reaches Far And Wide Among Nations. The Agenda Of Darkness Is A Web Of Deceit.
The Agenda Of Darkness Parades As Freedom And Yet This Liberal Agenda Is Destroying Lives. They Wish To Destroy Your Children By S*********g Them In Their Innocence. The Sacred Soul Chooses Their Gender And Many Precious Children Are Being Victimized With S****l Images, Videos And Suggestions That They Might Just Be The Opposite Gender. Parents Are Being Left Out Of Any Decisions As Laws Are Passed To Give Schools The Authority Over The Lives Of Children.
Immigrants Are Souls That Have Become Front And Center In Discussions And Conflict. Open Borders Have Caused Greater T*********g Of Humans And Drugs. These People Should Never Be Allowed To Enter Regions To Vote, Take Jobs And Housing From Citizens Or Sleep In The Streets. This Is Not To Say That They Are Not Worthy Of Assistance. But For Countries That Have Strived To Have Freedom And Make Decisions With Voting And Everyday Life, Illegal Immigration Is Wrong. It Has Never Been An Issue For Citizenship, But Chaos And Voting Is The Agenda At Hand.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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