Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #ufo #conspiracy

The autumn campaign in the secret battle for the planet earth has begun early with the execution of YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, the mysterious illnesses of Anthony Fauci and the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. A lot more is happening behind the scenes as well. This is heading for some sort of very dramatic climax in November, Secret Space Force sources promised at a white hat meeting on August 25th. For reasons of operational security, we cannot comment on what is expected in November other than to say it is about a lot more than the US Presidential Selection.

Let us start with Wojcicki. The official story is she died of lung cancer at the age of 56. However, CIA sources say she was executed for censoring the truth about vaccine mass murder on YouTube (your correspondent is among many who were banned for reporting the truth about the vaccines and Covid). Before execution she was questioned about the whereabouts of top Satanist and Google co-founder Sergey Brin, the sources say.
In any case, last night we got a call from an Asian secret society source who said Fauci “committed suicide” by stuffing toilet paper down his throat. We have not been able to independently confirm this information but, if true, it would represent poetic justice considering what has been coming out of his mouth. No official announcement of his death has been made.
The Russians also contacted French dissidents after Durov’s arrest to try use it as an excuse to mount an attempt to overthrow the French government “in the name of free speech.” The French warn that an “international group of actors will attack French infrastructure in the last week of August.”

The French also speculate that since President Emmanuelle Macron is a member of the French branch of the Rothschild family, “maybe they have no choice but to play ball with the Russians because they have lost so many of their members.” Here is a recent picture of him with his uncle who he pretends is his wife.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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