wristlet2 #psycho #sexist blackpill.club

What would you do to women if there could be no repercussions?

Imagine if you could take a foid home, lock her up, and do whatever you wanted to her with no consequences. For example in a remote house or something.

Beside the obvious r4pe, I'd definitely hold them accountable for everything they make us go through. Women play the victim because the media and tech companies say they're oppressed, but they literally can't be oppressed if the system is defending them. The system (media, government and corporations) can't oppress and defend them at the same time. We're the ones whom society actually treats like garbage, and, obviously, by definition, no one cares and we're also gaslighted about it.

I'd start with a feminist foid from my job, who is the cousin of a manager, and I get bullied and blamed for things that are her fault while she is praised :honk: as well as my neighbor, who lives with a chad, and I've wanted to r4pe for a while now :thumbsup:

I'd of course start with those two and hold them accountable for the way incels are treated in soyciety. I'd torture the former with all the torture methods I've been reading about in some books on negro slavery I found online, and r4pe the latter over and over, trying to make both of them suffer as much as possible. Then go for random foids and do the same to them :gulag:

Women are naturally evil, they feel nothing for average/short/ethnic men but absolute contempt, and deserve to get r4ped, as they're not entitled to having control over their bodies.

All this in minecraft btw :cia:



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