Prior to modernity, unemployed people were considered useless. Feudal minor nobles would typically conscript them into levies and send them marching off to some conflict armed with their farm implements. There was no vital security interest necessary for the minor feudal nobles to send these people off. This was a eugenics program; the nobles wanted to offload any proportion of their population that couldn’t get something useful done.
But the political class in both of our major political parties caters to this mob. The cucked civnats tell us kids like Tiffany France’s son must not be left behind. The Leftists turn them into secular saints. Demotism is like that. The rulers feed them, fan them, and hope they stay content to just sit on the front stoop drinking their juice down in the hood.
Demotism is rule by those who fear what happens when this sullen, perpetually aggrieved mob stops being content drinking the juice. Then, the most evil, the cleverest, and the most debased get to use them for something. If there’s a pointless beef you need to have settled, then Tiffany France’s son is out there on the streets somewhere. It’s not like he’s working as a stock broker, and he’s got not much else going on for the next three years.
There are people in positions of power who find this misbegotten and already ruined young man useful to keep around on a subsistence level of pointless existence. They are a part of why our nation is going to Hell instead Mars or The Moon these days. The ninth century feudal dedge Lords were perhaps more morally decent than our Great Society when they rounded up all the people like Tiffany France’s son and sent them off on Crusades. Syria was a popular destination.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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