I wonder why mocking always targets Christianity and Republicans? Is there something wrong with the people who do it? A mental illness or something?
1. It doesn't. But in a larger majority Christian country with the ties to Christianity/Dominionist Republic Party, there is good reason to mock it.
2. You seem to be focused on the US, where the Republican Party and various flavors of Christianity have a massive influence on the lives of the populous. Why wouldn't they talk about something that affects them?
3. Look at the arguments. If the mocking is because of something in the groups that is silly/hypocritical (like the religion that asks for the followers to feed the poor being greedy types who hate helping others or a religion/party combo that is "anti-immorality but constantly is caught supporting rapists, pedophiles, and getting caught engaging in homosexuality) it's an issue with the groups, not those pointing it out.
…so why isn’t anyone mocking Jimmy Carter?
You’ve got to have something wrong if you can’t see that, OP.
@shy #214388
Real humor tests the envelope. Shakes up your world view. It should make you rethink your assumptions. “Wonder what my dog named me?” and Ernie Kovacs’ sight-gags. It causes tension and we laugh to relieve the tension.
But too much of the world itself shatters assumptions. Reality causes tensions. Conservatives turn to ‘humor’ that reinforces their world view. “You’re right, minorities cause crime. Aheh heh heh.” They laugh because the joke relieves tension, not causes it. They’re fine, it’s the liberals that are fucked. Hee. And Hee again.
So, a BUSINESS makes a BUSINESS decision to stop printing certain books they own the right to. A reading-supporting organization also chooses not to promote certain titles in their reading program A YEAR LATER. The right suddenly notices that certain titles are not in print after they’re not included in a readership program and SCREAMS, without basis, that the LEFT is out to cancel Dr. Seuss.
Why would we NOT mock the choreographers of this performance-anguish? The people that SCREAM about cancel culture, and cancel the Dixie Chicks, Miller Light, Adidas, CRT, diversity, equal opportunity employment, transgender care, books mentioning historical slavery, and so on.
You pompous, self-victimizing, lying hypocrites are made fun of because you deserve it.
I wonder why mocking always targets Christianity and Republicans?
Well, I think mocking (I’d call it satire maybe) often targets Christianity because it’s kind of the biggest target, ain’t it? It’s by far the biggest religion in the “western world.” Something that’s that big of an institution and a cultural force will inevitably be mocked or satirized or lampooned, or whatever you wanna call it. And as for Republicans always being the ones mocked, it’s kinda the same thing, I think. And of course, that goes back and forth. I’m old enough to remember people making jokes about the Democrats not having anybody worth voting for for President. (I was born in ‘77, so there were Republican Presidents from the time that I knew what a President was until I was a few months shy of 16 years old!)
If you lot didn't raise your head above the parapet the way you do, there wouldn't be so many people who want to verbally shoot it off. People mock and satirise things because they feel oppressed, and don't want to be.
If you don't laugh, you will go mad. That's not just a bogus diagnosis for someone you don't like.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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