RE: TIM wants a female TSA agent to touch his man parts
This is something male allies could help with. Some big burly dude should always be available behind the scenes to put on a wig and makeup and say he is a "transwoman" when he comes out to do the pat down with his big old man hands. And get righteously angry if the man larping as a woman objects. Lol.
So, a trans woman tells a story of an uncomfortable incident where she did absolutely nothing wrong… and a TERF laughs, making an incredibly low-effort mocking ‘joke’. Other TERFs in the thread either do likewise, or engage in the usual “TIM wants to harrass Real Women™, cries oppression when he can’t get his way” spiel.
These are our ‘heroes’, ladies and gentlemen and enbies of class. These are the great, supremely empathetic and just defenders of womankind! So much better than those evil transes, like the one we can see in the image above. [maximum /s]
Right, right, that’s a step forward. Hiring someone for the sole purpose of intentionally making someone uncomfortable because we disapprove of their attempts at self-expression.
We should also have some black woman with multiple piercings, to search anyone wearing a confederate emblem in the line. With a taser.
A few other stereotypes could be employed and deployed, just to make everyone’s joyful experience in airport security that much more judgmental and humiliating. Because ‘land of the free’ only applies to those we approve of.
Regarding the incident these TERFs are responding to: It's bullshit that they feel it necessary to pat a trans woman down before flying just because the bullshit invasive body scans detect a penis between her legs. I bet they don't do this every time a cisgender man walks through one of their bullshit scanners. What someone has between their legs is nobody else's fucking business, and if her penis is suspicious so is every man's penis, or else it's just gender-based discrimination.
@Spacewyrm #105852
so from what I read, those scanners have a male mode (would not tag a penis but would tag breasts) and a female mode (would tag a penis but would not tag breasts), and the TSA-agent chooses which mode based on whether the person scanned looks like a man or a woman (and in this case the TSA-agent went with the female mode). So a pre-op trans woman is screwed either way.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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