Think Before You Sleep #ableist #dunning-kruger

I stand by my statement on Autism being a fake disability. Unless you have Rain Man autism, you aren't disabled. Down Syndrome is a real disability. Tourettes is a real disability. Cerebral Palsy is a real disability. Autism, Dyslexia, and ADHD are like the type 2 diabetes of mental disorders. You can remove the negatives of them with changes in behavior. You cannot do that with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, or Tourettes.

Quite honestly, I am tired of everyone on the internet diagnosing themselves with crippling, incurable autism simple because they are little lacking in social skills and because they have social anxiety. Get over it. Most of you would be cured with a little meditation and 6 months of leaving your house 1-2 times a week. I had a family member who would constantly blame other people for her problems and say that she couldn't get ahead in life because she had crippling ADHD. To which I would say, "You don't have ADHD, you're just crazy. Put real effort into managing your negative behaviors and the problems you are experiencing will go away." If you have Dyslexia then read "The Dyslexic Advantage." You aren't stupid, your brain is better at different things than other people and and worse at things that people are normally good at. Dyslexia is also a common indicator of successful people. Even with things like Schizophrenia. You'd be surprised at how many people with that have it because they are drug addicts. Not because they actually have the disease.

I'm tired of all the complaining from people. Stop diagnosing yourself as hopeless because you watched a YouTube video that said you are neurodivergent if you don't like certain smells. This is ridiculous and you're ruining your lives because you don't want to make simple changes and discipline yourself over time.



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