Marie DiMauro #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia

BUT...the catch in the WOKE MOVEMENT Everyone isn't welcome... The regular white male that identifies as a white straight male is not welcome. This movement teaches white boy children it's a sin to be male and straight and they should be ashamed. WOKE is turning out to be a feminist movement...if you look into what is coming out. Teaching children as young as six where children just want to fit in that "being trans is different" is indoctrination not inclusion. All kids seek to stand out and be different that is where it is wrong. So that sign unfortunately is only up to increase an indoctrination agenda.... again WOKE bringing kids into big people fights like a bad divorce...that is why she is being made to take it down.

(Submitter’s note: The sign in question is a school banner with holding hands of different skin tones and reading “everyone is welcome here”).



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