The Vaulted Earth #fundie #conspiracy #magick #wingnut #racist
YAHUAH, YAHUSHA, Moshe, all the Prophets, all the Hebrews, and all the translators taught and preached that the earth is a stationary, plane, set on 4 corners with pillars, enclosed by a glass firmament, within which the sun, moon, and stars were all placed inside of, on day four of creation, just as the Scriptures maintain from Genesis to Revelation.
So do the Scriptures teach Gnosticism, Kabbalahism, and Luciferianism . . Because that is exactly what the Big-Bang, Heliocentric, spinning Globe earth cosmology is. Apotheosis and Enochian Mysticism.
For thousands of years, concepts such as the idea of traveling through portals, dimensional doors, gateways through the stars, etc., were confined to the realm of divination and sorcery… Yet today such concepts are considered a logical extension and achievable goal of modern physics, and Copernican cosmology… Constantly reinforced by NASA and Hollywood…
Why would YAHUAH create such an infinite and chaotic universe that could only be eventually discovered by the technological advances of humanistic agendas and Occult organizations…???
The entire Luciferian dream of ascension, of apotheosis, of man becoming god, is embedded within the very fabric of Copernican cosmology…
Their synthesis has worked perfectly. The One World Religion is everyone unknowingly worshiping the Feathered Serpent, while under the delusion of that through this, they are destroying the New World Order who (they do not know) worships the same.
This is their Hegelian Dialectic perfected.