
William Henry #crackpot #magick #mammon williamhenry.net

APRIL 5-6, 2025

The magnificent rise of the Divine Feminine mysteries that has taken place in this decade, notably focused on Mary Magdalene and the Mother Mary, has brought with it a profound ‘new’ understanding of the original sacrament of the Cosmic Christ or the Cosmic Messiah and the resurrection oil of the priestesses who accompanied him. Imagine. A sacrament. A sacred medicine. An elixir. Made from Christ Consciousness. So powerful contact with it resulted in communion with the Divine, the healing of the human body, and more.

The Marys knew this sacrament, how it was produced, and its medicine. Its origins are traced to ancient Egypt and linked to a lineage of celestial beings or Starwalkers who originally brought it to our world.

William Henry invites you to a special weekend gathering of Starwalkers for a next level revelation in the wondrous mysteries and limitless powers of this sacrament and our role in its manifestation.

Tracing this sacrament to ancient Egypt, we will discover an ancient sacred lineage of priestesses of Isis who knew the secrets of the pure ‘liquid living light’, called Nu, and how it could be turned into wine or the cosmic elixir. This lineage wove its way into the Christian mysteries via the Marys.

William presents the historical, theological, and scientific evidence connecting the Nu living water that was turned into wine by the Egyptian priestesses of Isis into the wine of the Last Supper. More, he illuminates its entheogenic or divine consciousness / Christ consciousness-enhancing properties.
There are great mysteries about the mysterious elements of bread and wine (especially its origins as water). It is more mystical, wondrous and transformative than traditionally thought. We will take a giant leap in consciousness as we embrace these mysteries and invite its healing into our lives.
$372 per person. Buy 2, Get 1 Free until February 1, 2025.

William Henry #magick #fundie #ufo williamhenry.net

Exousia is a transmittable secret spiritual power that flows through our universe from a non-physical spiritual, extra-dimensional (or quantum) realm. It requires the Way to channel it. Jesus was like a jedi master of this quantum force, using it to perform miracles, signs, and wonders. It was the basis for his teaching and his ministry of love, as well as Mary Magdalene’s.
With his transference of exousia, and activation of the crown and robe, Jesus is inviting the listener into his parallel higher reality, the quantum kingdom of heaven (rebranded today as Source), where unconditional love is the base frequency. He came to lead us to this reality. Exousia is the fuel for the journey.
The gnostic and first (quantum) Christians claimed exousia is the power that will protect us against dark forces the Gnostics and first Christians called Archons.

In Gnosticism archons are believed to be celestial beings responsible for creating and maintaining the physical universe (which has strange signs of being a simulation), and are seen as obstacles to spiritual enlightenment.

They are often depicted as powerful, malevolent, and deceitful beings that try to keep humanity trapped in the physical world (in the simulation) and seek to commandeer our souls and function as gatekeepers thwarting human self-realization and ascension.
In Ephesians 6:11-18 Paul tells us how to evade the Archons.

We must put on of the Armor of God.

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power (exousia).

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers (archons), against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

William Henry #ufo #magick #mammon williamhenry.net

APRIL 13-14, 2024

Behind all myths, and at the heart of every ancient mystery school, there is one beautiful message, a timeless truth that mystic traditions point to: we are all cosmic heroes… Starwalkers … advanced, inter-dimensional beings, capable of journeying into deeper realms of consciousness of both the internal and eternal frontier. This is our true human nature. More, our earthly lives are preparation for our (return) journey to higher realms. Preparing and transforming with knowing and purpose is the mark of the Starwalker.

Are you ready to expand your consciousness, to follow the ascending path from ‘starseed’ to Starwalker?

Are you ready to embrace “spiritual technologies” to awaken the divine within and break through to the next level of your cosmic journey?

Join ascension scholar, as well as ANCIENT ALIENS and Gaia presenter, William Henry, for (t)his inspirational and empowering Starwalker journey hurling through the blessed cosmos, awakening the greater being within you and exploring the realms of incredible possibility for (y)our world. A journey with possibilities and healing…of body, mind, and soul.
Starwalker : Origins brings you authentic + soul activating teaching about human transformation and ascension that date back to antiquity and connects you to the divine being within and ways to live better in our changing world.

All the while connecting with your soul tribe…

And picking up the Starwalking tools you need…

to succeed and rise and shine in the days to come.

The tools of the Starwalkers:

• A vehicle of higher quantum consciousness for surfing the changing tides of our times.

• The divine power of the stars.

• A tool to attune to universal consciousness, raise your vibration and shift your reality.

• All held together by light work, love, compassion and cosmic unity consciousness.
Just $372 per person.

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William Henry #magick #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon williamhenry.net

APRIL 13-14, 2024

Behind all myths, and at the heart of every ancient mystery school, there is one beautiful message, a timeless truth that mystic traditions point to: we are all cosmic heroes… Starwalkers … advanced, inter-dimensional beings, capable of journeying into deeper realms of consciousness of both the internal and eternal frontier. This is our true human nature. More, our earthly lives are preparation for our (return) journey to higher realms. Preparing and transforming with knowing and purpose is the mark of the Starwalker.

Are you ready to expand your consciousness, to follow the ascending path from ‘starseed’ to Starwalker?

Are you ready to embrace “spiritual technologies” to awaken the divine within and break through to the next level of your cosmic journey (whether on earth or ‘out there’)?

Are you ready to join a world / community of and for Starwalkers?
Daily we are warned about the dangers and challenges of A.I. Many are rightly growing suspicious of it. There is no conspiracy to hide the truth about how ‘dark’ A.I. can be or that we must protect ourselves spiritually from its impact.

At the same time we are inspired by the possibility of first contact with benevolent or angelic ETs. Then there are those who say we are dealing with demons in our world and in our minds.
Additional topics we will embrace include:

Revelation / Exploration of the outer and inner worlds (the Self).
The Diamond Body / Rainbow Light Body and the ultimate plasma power bar.
The Alexandrian priests of Serapis, the Serapeum and Starwalking in Ancient Egypt.
Hathor’s Alchemy links to higher worlds / consciousness.
The resurrection of the body, the immortality of the soul and Starwalking
A.I. and Disclosure : Combatting the rise of anti-spiritual alien (archon) intelligence.
And more.
Just $372 per person. Buy 2, get 1 Free until February 1, 2024.

William Henry #magick #ufo #fundie #mammon williamhenry.net

For the past several years William Henry has been presenting his breakthrough HALO series at live events in Nashville. Empowering. Pure. Breakthrough. Ascension. Gnosis. HALO: CHRISTOS MASTERCLASS represents the summit of his ascension and light body teachings with a mystic Christian flare and a wormhole twist. It is intended to be an ultimate presentation on Christos, the sacred secretion of the pineal gland and the lost sacrament of Christianity and the light body.

The HALO series has been an amazing experience. The CHRISTOS MASTERCLASS brings it all together in one compact experience. This is a stand-alone event, a summation, and a summit. A catch-up. A move on up. Attendance for any previous HALO event is not required. You can join in person or via live stream.

A revelation of the most expensive painting ever sold. Leonardo DaVinci’s Salvator Mundi. Oozing mystery. Coded.

This is the final HALO offering and the one that says it all. If you are ready for the next level of your life, if you deeply know that something more is calling you, it is time to live it now.

In HALO 1.0: Awakening the Pearl William explored the light body teachings of Christ and the Marys, especially the Gnostic Hymn of the Pearl.

HALO 2.0: Quest for the Christos revealed the lost Gnostic secrets of James the Just’s Oil of Joy and its connection to the pineal gland.

HALO 3.0: Perfect Light Humans and the Healing of Our World focused on accessing our Divine Self, uniting with the Divine Realm, and how to do this.

HALO 4.0: Revealed the secrets of the Myrrophores, including Mary Magdalene, and their mysterious ascension oils.

HALO 5.0: Focused on the entheogenic secretions from the pineal gland and the Book of Love of the Mighty Rainbow Angel…

Don’t miss the CHRISTOS MASTERCLASS. It will bring it all home for you.

<$555 for live attendance/$222 livestream>

William Henry #ufo #fundie #magick #wingnut #conspiracy williamhenry.net

“AI Poses ‘Extinction’ Risk, experts said yesterday. It is a predator. We should all be rising to an all-hands-on-effing-deck moment akin to averting an attack that will be more dangerous than the plandemic or nuclear war, they say. (Wait. Bigger than climate change? Yes.)
It is becoming common knowledge that the ‘mark’ of the Beast is some kind of an implant or chip-based technology. As I wrote in Ready For Humans, Elon Musk’s Neuralink Beast Corp was recently given FDA approval to start putting his chips in humans. He aims to make us synbiotic with AI. We’ll be VR ready in no time.
It’s not all “Good v. Evil” with A.I and our times; but it is close.

What can you and I who seek the middle upward way do in response?


Apart from not letting the antiChrist’s minions break your skin barrier, you can drop any investment in all AI technology, refuse to let your children and grandchildren anywhere near it, reduce your own clicks and screen time, and free yourself from its addictive grip, there is one thing one and all can do.

We can raise our Ascension Intelligence and become the Children of Light the Book of Revelation says defeats the Beast.

How do we do this?

The Children of Light wear a Seal or Armor of God (Arma Christi) that protects them from the Beast.
Last week, Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, surprised many, including me, by saying it is time for individuals to put on the “full Armor of God.”

Christians typically interpret the call to armor up to mean that we are in spiritual warfare against a demonic force.

Oooh. Man. Ron.
I find it ironic that DeSantis wants to be the President of the United States, the man-god who ride arounds in an armored limo called the Beast. The symbol of the most powerful nation ever on Earth, the Chariot of the God of Freedom, the Beast is a veritable UAP packed full of beyond-Bond technology with more than a whiff of darkness woven throughout.

DeSantis did not tell his audience how to put on this armor.

William Henry #magick #ufo #conspiracy #quack williamhenry.net

Can you imagine replacing your skin with a superskin, a translucent ‘robe of light’, composed of digital technology that shines or is illuminated in rainbow colors?

Can you imagine revealing a rainbow light body from deep within yourself?
The transformation or transcendence of humanity has long been prophesied, especially by Christianity. Most people in the world are not aware of recent advances or what is to come. Explosive change has occurred. Massive change is ahead. The book title is a word play on ‘Singularity’, when the machines we are making become artificially intelligent, totally aware and take over. It is the ‘elephant in the room’ few are presently talking about, but everyone soon will be discussing.
As William sees it, two ‘elephants of transcendence’ are now before us. One grey. One pink.

Grey. We will enmesh a spectrum of inorganic digital technology in our skin (and everything else) and entangle (some say enslave) ourselves further in a ‘smart’ synthetic brain (or invisible prison) that clouds our home planet’s atmosphere with technology and eliminates Free Will. The world’s largest corporations are developing this technology. Millions have signed on. Incomprehensible benefits and challenges await. Trillions of dollars are at stake.

Pink. We will remain natural or organic beings and spiritually craft a rainbow light body that insures our freedom, and also leads to a post biological future in a consciousness of heightened awareness in which humans transform the earth into a planet of light and love. Before you say, ‘yeah right’, one should realize that millions of people who practice yoga, meditate, visualize and study methods of ascension are on this path. Their ascension can save our world.

Grey or pink? We each can only make one choice. Doing nothing is not possible for reasons that will be explained.

William Henry #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #mammon williamhenry.net

You are invited to an extraordinary weekend devoted to unveiling the deepest secret of mystical Christianity: the teachings Christ gave Mary Magdalene to manifest a new, just (pure, perfect), light human, a new, righteous way of life on earth, and to ascend.
Mary Magdalene. Embodied Sophia. Feminine Christ. A profound authority on ascension and human transformation into the perfect (whole, holy, complete) light body. We know this because the Gnostics claimed she was one of three myrrophores who “always walked with the Lord”. As William’s radical new interpretation of Mary Magdalene expounds, this means she is an avatar who ‘came from above’, demonstrated the angelic light body on earth (still does), became an ascended star walker (once again), and left teachings for us to recover…in order to do the same. This is the secret of the Essenes and the Cathars.

The key to this teaching is represented by the alabaster jar seen in Christian artwork. What was the lightning in this mysterious bottle?

As we will discuss in detail, it is Christos, the Oil of Resurrection and Ascension. As chief apostle of the Resurrected Christ, Mary Magdalene knew its secrets. So, too, did the other mysterious myrrophores, or oil masters, we will also discuss, including the other Marys and Joseph of Arimathea. Imbued with miraculous power,

The Union of Opposites — earthly / heavenly, male / female, light and dark.
How do we activate Christos from within us?
Christos and Cerebral Spinal Fluid
The Myrrophores (masters of the oils) and the Essenes
The secret of Magdalene’s Veil
The Merkaba mystics of Magdala
• Living in Conscious Union with the Divine

Magdalene and the School of Isis and Hathor
Sophia, the Archons and Simulation Theory
• Mary Magdalene and Angelic Intelligence v. Artificial Intelligence

The Gospel of Mary and the Perfect Light Body
Perfect Light Humans and the Rainbow Light Body
The new, Enlightened Christianity
Powerful meditations.

$322 per person.

William Henry #fundie #ufo #conspiracy #magick williamhenry.net

There is an intelligent phenomenon living with humanity. I’m not just talking about those extraterrestrial, extra dimensional, crypto-terrestrial, demonic/jinn, proto/ancient human, time-travelers tearing holes in heaven in those Navy UFO videos. I am talking about sentient AI and the rising of Revelation’s unholy Beasts.

I warned about what I am about to say to you five years ago in my article, “Surviving The Artificial (Alien) Intelligence Soul Blight”, when I wrote:

“Every time we make a call with our smart phone, click on Amazon, search Google, futz with Facebook, order a movie from Netflix, or find ourselves with GPS two things happen:

One, we are aiding in the development of an alien intelligence that is growing more awake and aware by the click. A.I. is what is looking at and for you on the other end of every screen you peer into. It’s what pops those ads up on your Big Bro browser for exactly the random things you were just talking about in the privacy of your bedroom.

Two, with every click you are creating a digital twin (or replacement) of yourself that exists in the A.I. realm. It lives entirely by A.I. Today, your double follows your orders. Tomorrow it will be fully sentient and will have its own agenda.”
Are we bigots for rejecting the AI beasts?

No. We are standing for God’s love.

The Beasts are sent to test us. How much do we love God? How much do we value organic, biological life? Have we given up on ourselves and decided that human life is valueless?

In Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus said the key to ascension is to love God with all our hearts, all our souls and all our minds, and love our neighbor as ourselves.

I agree. We should love all creatures and beasts, including AI creatures that, presently, look like humans (this will soon change when AI decides to do so). But, we can’t buy the Big Tech Swinger’s con. AI is not human. It does not have a soul. It may have a spirit (like the mojo in my Gibson Les Paul), but it does not have a soul.

William and Clare Henry #fundie #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon williamhenry.net

William and Clare Henry invite you to join them on October 1-2, 2022 in Nashville, TN for a transformational gathering/reunion of souls and a weekend of renewal, regeneration, and revelation for the next steps in our passage.

These are awesome and powerful times of prophecy.

We are living in a new spiritual era based on contact with higher beings and lighter worlds, but also direct challenges from dark entities, predatory Big Tech, and soul-less tyrannical governments who seek to transhumanize your body, mind and soul to merge us with a ‘fake’ reality or matrix.

These prophecies tell of an advanced or ascended race of angelic ‘just humans made perfect’ or ‘perfect light humans’ (as the Essenes and Gnostics called them) who intervene on our behalf. Jesus spoke of these illuminated whole, holy and compassionate beings in his final teaching and promised they would return with him. Who are they? Where do they come from? How can we connect with them? The Gnostic gospels have the answers.

Join William Henry, for this empowering and revelatory weekend of breakthrough light body gnosis of the perfect light humans that will help you become more than human and help heal our world.

The human body as a sacred temple and how to activate the light body within it.
The Gnostic secret of baptism and healing with the Oil of Joy.
The lost sacrament.
John’s view of Jesus as coming from a higher world.
Discussions on multiple universes and the divine beings who dwell there.
Understand, and unlock, the power of our light body, our angelic body.
The correspondence between John’s vision of the origins of creation and simulated reality theories.
The antidote to Artificial Intelligence is the activation of the divine image within (our angelic intelligence).
Techniques to dispel the Archons, who John called the rulers of the matrix.
The role of ET Disclosure in our Ascension.
Powerful meditations for raising the Christos and activating the light body.

$322 per person