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Americans and UK need to stop using government definition to define "rape", "pedophilia" or whatever other bullshit "crimes"

Take for example this article. In this article this man who went to see a prostitute was jailed because "She said: ‘Hogben went beyond what was consented to by removing the protection, which the complainant will say was a condition of intercourse." Take notice that she said "consented". The rape law in UK is based on consent so that would fit the definition of "rape". However, here's the problem with using government to define acts:

If you use government's definition of rape then you're admitting you're an NPC who can't think for himself because whatever the government says... THAT IS RIGHT. If the government decides to change the definition of rape to "rape is coercion therefore violence or threats with a weapon" then the man above would not be a rapist. If the government decides to change the definition of free speech to "anything is free speech EXCEPT doubting Holocaust"... then doubting Holocaust is not free speech. If having sex with women below the age of consent (16 in UK) is pedophilia... then if the age of consent gets changed to age 5, having sex with 5-year-old girls/boys is not pedophilia!

The logical fallacies and NPC faggotry that normies wallow in is too much.

Rape is unwanted sex with an short/ugly male. Because sex with a tall, handsome male is always desired the foid will never be raped. If a prostitute is fucking an unattractive man, she's still being raped because it's unwanted, she just takes money for it. It's a transaction. Once the man exceeds the limits society has put on him (removing the condom and crossing the line as a short, unattractive man) it gets called R-A-P-E! You bet your ass that she wouldn't cry rape if the man was a tall chad.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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